Alien Lord

Chapter 1703: God

"Well, it's not right, how could it be called the title of King, this name is not the body......" Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in the mind of Baidu Mojun, he sounded that the name of King is actually before him, There is a name that only the noumenon has, and now he is called the devil.

Now the title of God appears, there is only one reason.

"Isn't he dead!" A shadow flashed in the heart of Baidu Mojun.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud voice in the mouth of the mysterious creature. This sound was obviously not from the previous mysterious creature, but belonged to another person.

I saw that the mysterious creature opened its mouth wide and spit out a long core. Surprisingly, a basketball-sized sarcoma grew above the back half of the core.

This sarcoma is connected to the core, and the two are closely and seamlessly, as if it were grown on it, it is impossible to see that this is actually parasitic, and with the appearance of this sarcoma, it suddenly appeared from the middle. Split, the entire tumor turned outwards, and suddenly the contents inside, this is a living head!

This head doesn't look very disgusting, but it also has a feeling of clear eyes and a beautiful look, just like a scholar who is just a scholar, but his eyes are full of evil spirits, staring coldly at the Baidu Demon King, and spit out one by one in his mouth. Complex and difficult formulas.

These mantras immediately turned into ten circular apertures, and instantly fell outside the bodies of ten people. As for the poisonous demon king, the means of identifying and detonating completely lost its effect.

The Baidu Demon turned back sharply, staring at the head of the core, his face gloomy, and slowly said: "It seems that there were still fishes in the past, I thought you were dead, I couldn't think of you. There is still a hidden identity in his own spirit beast. Compared with the past, you can survive because of this beast!!"

The cranial cracked mouth opened a slight smile, and then his eyes showed extremely vicious resentment, and his voice was full of hatred. He said to the Baidu Mojun word by word: "Beast, I let you guard me to heal, but, You directly gave birth to evil intentions, and when I was seriously injured, I swallowed me directly, thus replacing me and becoming the ontology, but what you did not expect was that I had already prepared for the worst and secretly hid the ontology. A part of the soul is on the spirit beast, you were replacing me proudly at that time, and did not carefully check the situation around you. This is the biggest mistake you have made in your life. Today, this mistake will be completely wiped out, whether it is inside Memory inheritance, or you, will be ours!"

The Baidu Mojun waved the Baidu streamer in his hand, his eyes were cold, and there was a hint of ridiculous sarcasm in the corner of his mouth. He said plainly: "First of all these people's mutiny, and then there are other things in the mouth of the beast, you have prepared so Over the years, it will not be just these two tricks, what other tricks, take my pleasure to take it out now, otherwise, hehe..."

With that, his eyes seemed to glance at Lin Ze, who was outside the battlefield far away, and the dozens of demonized warriors who were left on the spot by the scene before him.

After hearing the words of Baidu Mojun, the head tightly connected to Xinzi sneered and said, "You will know later!"

Saying that, he didn't know how to communicate with the mysterious creature. Suddenly, the body of this mysterious creature suddenly moved, throwing a huge body crazy from the inheritance space, and under the circumstance, it was directly a hundred poisonous devil. As a central point, a huge snake array is set up.

And within this snake formation, it is the black dragon transformed by the Baidu streamers, and the irregular pattern blocked by dozens of feet.

As a result, the Baidu Mojun looks like it can be said to be surrounded by groups.

However, even in the face of such a dangerous situation, the eyes of the Baidu Demon King surrounded by the regiment are still so calm, as if the danger in front of him does not even exist, even Lin Ze saw him in the corner of his mouth. A slight sneering smile.

"It seems that this one hundred poisonous devil has a back hand!" Lin Ze thought secretly.

The implementation of the above is indeed the same. I saw that the Baidu Mojun’s right hand was facing several Baidu streamers in front of him, which was a few decisions. A hum, a purple electric light spit out of the Baidu streamer’s flag streamer, Immediately after, is the second, the third ...., countless purple thunderbolts immediately appeared in front of Baidu Mojun.

At this time, the venomous color appeared on Baidu Mojun's face. Now he is in the right hand, and countless purple thunderbolts are in front of him. Then, he hasn't waited for other people to respond. Baidu Mojun's right hand is like that. Waving,'Boom....', a huge thunder sound sounded, and then, the black clouds above the Baidu streamers and the endless purple thunder were intertwined, and they suddenly waved to the sides.

Suddenly, the irregular pattern that trapped him immediately shook, and his whole body was directly surrounded by endless purple lightning, and soon there were signs of collapse.

Baidu Mojun's eyes flashed, his hands were empty, and the Baidu streamer and the purple thunderbolt shuddered, like two meteors, and they suddenly hit the edges of the surrounding patterns.

The powerful attack force left the elders to let them out of eleven, and four of them were directly spitting blood, and their bodies were shaking for a while, and their hands were almost unable to control the law.

At the moment of the crisis, the mysterious creature outside stood suddenly in the body, followed by a bulge at the top of its head, and then, a man with scales all over his body suddenly emerged from the bulge Drilled out, his eyes had snake-like pupils, and there was a burst of inhuman breath around his body.

After this person appeared, there was a roar of tsunami in his mouth, which was extremely sharp, and turned into an invisible sonic sword from all directions, sharply piercing the poisonous demon king surrounded by the most central point.

At this moment, the elder of the eleven, he was dignified, and his forehead was sweaty. At this time, the irregular figure formed by the eleven of him was reluctantly maintained by his ten people, every time he was shaking They will make them feel shocked, and some blood will flow from the corner of his mouth. At this time, he looked directly back at Lin Ze and sighed in a hurry: "Xiaoyou, please block!"

Lin Ze looked somber. He stared at the Baidu Demon King. At the first time the old man shot, Lin Ze kept observing this person. From beginning to end, this person's eyes were calm and unscathed, even if the body appeared afterwards Doppelganger, he was just as calm.

Hearing the old man's words at this moment, Lin Ze's body moved suddenly and rushed towards the old man.

The old man saw the look on his face as if he was just about to speak, and suddenly saw Lin Ze's direction of advance suddenly fold, flashing away from the side, and hurried towards the mysterious creature next to him.

Lin Ze didn't care about the life and death of others. Among these people, whether they were the Baidu Demon King or the old men, they were not the righteous people. Once they got out of their traps, countless people outside would die because of it. Lin Ze never wanted to see this Things happened by his men, let alone want to be the fuse of all this.

Of course, Lin Ze will not die, because the best state is that they have been stalemate in this way. In this way, after the seal in the spar space is completely restored, these demons will be sealed again. .

For Lin Ze, his goal is only one. That is the stone pillar behind the mysterious creature in front of him. The secret inside the very special stone pillar is what he cares about most.

In fact, from the beginning, he did not intend to carry out the so-called seal. For such things, Lin Ze thought that he did not have that strength and did not want to participate in the muddy water.

The old man looked here, his expression suddenly became very gloomy, he hummed, his hands were placed on his chest, his forefinger and thumb touched together to form a diamond pattern, and then he whispered in his mouth: "My life is a magic weapon. soul!"

At the same time, at the moment when his words just fell down, Lin Ze's right hand suddenly tore in front of him, and suddenly a space crack appeared in front of him. Immediately after he was extremely fast, he quickly rushed into the blink of an eye~www. The man standing on the mysterious creature suddenly looked back at where Lin Ze disappeared, a strange color appeared on his face, and he secretly said in his heart: "This..., it's impossible ..."

At the same time, as Lin Ze previously thought, at the moment he entered the space crack, he stored the natal rituals, spirit stones, and three storage bags of the invisible exorcism card on his chest, which flashed at the same time. .

It's just that these flickers turned dim immediately after he entered the space crack, as if blocked by a layer of invisible force.

In fact, Lin Ze knew in his heart that with the mind of the old man and others, it is naturally impossible to give things to himself in vain, and he will secretly leave some hands and feet in order to use them at any time, or secretly calculate Lin Ze at any time to indirectly control Lin. Ze effect.

So after getting these items, Lin Ze has been cautious, and finally, after experimenting, he finally decided to use the space power in the space crack to block the manipulation of the old man’s consciousness. Then, after some time, , Directly put these treasures into the world of plane seeds, so that the old people can steal chickens without losing a handful of rice.

Sure enough, at the moment when Lin Ze's body entered a crack in space, the old man and others immediately changed their complexion, apparently realizing that their own consciousness had been completely blocked.

At this time, the poison in the corner of Baidu Mojun's mouth was stronger. He drank a low voice in his mouth, and his right index finger swept like that in the void. A buzzing sound suddenly appeared in his aperture, which suddenly appeared in him. In front of him, the range of the aperture continues to spread towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, his right hand did not stop, continuously drawing countless similar apertures, and with his right hand's command, he pushed towards the surrounding mighty.

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