Alien Lord

Chapter 1743: Real secret

"Gu Shimei, Gu Shimei..."

Just as the atmosphere between Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao became more and more enchanting, a shout came from a distance.

"Oh, here you come, I'm gone!" Lin Ze sighed and was about to leave here. He didn't want to meet the people of Xuanyin Demon Road now.

One is that he did not like the behavior of Xuanyin Demon Dao very much. Once encountered, Lin Ze was afraid that he would directly destroy this guy.

The other is that the person who came here is obviously a young man. If he is with Gu Xiyao again, he will definitely cause some trouble.

Lin Ze itself didn't care about this trouble, but he also had to consider whether Gu Xiyao was in front of him.

Now Gu Xiyao obviously has to go back to the sect gate. If he really got the most weighty person, it would be very bad for her.

Oh, you said Lin Ze can now take Gu Xiyao away. Anyway, Lin Ze is very strong now.

Ha ha, you are talking about lightness, but if you really want to do this, Lin Ze can't really make up her mind.

Lin Ze itself can't care about the threat of Xuanyin Demon Road, but once it really angers Xuanyin Demon Road, then if Xuanyin Demon Road deals with Lin Ze and his relatives in Kyoto, what can Lin Ze do? !

Xuanyin Modao is also a top-notch sect how to say it. With strong strength, Lin Ze really cannot guarantee the safety of his men and loved ones.

Because once the Xuanyin Demon Road is started, it will not only be the Xuanyin Devil Road, but it, its allies, and those in Kyoto who have already started against Lin Ze.

Like the seven princes, there are Chengying Tower and even Confucianism.

Facing so many enemies, what should Lin Ze do? !

Besides, the most important point is that the marriage of Lin Ze and Sharman is close at hand. This time it will be held immediately after participating in the Xingyue Canyon Trading Conference. At this time, he will go back with Gu Xiyao. , Why not.

Although Shaman would not say anything, she certainly would not feel comfortable in her heart.

Lin Zexin’s feelings for Shaman are much stronger than those for Gu Xiyao, so he doesn’t want to make Shaman, who is about to marry himself, uncomfortable. Therefore, he cannot naturally take care now Yao went back.

If he really did, it would be no different from a negative person.

"Brother Li, I........., where will I go to find you in the future?" Gu Xiyao hurriedly shouted that she was about to leave Lin Ze and asked this question she had long wanted to ask. .

"Huangsha Town!" Lin Ze's figure quickly disappeared into the crowd, but in the end, he still left these three words in Gu Xiyao's ear.

"Huangsha Town!!!" Gu Xiyao repeated these three words in his heart, as if he wanted to engrave them in his heart, his eyes looked at the direction of Lin Ze's departure for a long time, and his heart was slow Slow down.

"Sister, you are here!" Soon, a young man came to Gu Xiyao's side. Said with joy.

"Well, what's the matter?" Gu Xiyao turned around, and her face immediately became completely the same as before. At this time, her face was cold and cold. Where did she face the little woman like Lin Ze who was ashamed before? Demeanor.

"Oh,......, the master is looking for you!" The young warrior panicked in his heart and quickly explained.

"What's going on here? Did anyone provoke her?" The young man's heart was filled with question marks.

"Well, lead the way!" Gu Xiyao's heart was indeed full of anger, so she didn't even want to say a word to the same fellow in front of her.

As for why so many people came to her, Gu Xiyao knew very well that it was not for the thousand demon streamers in her hands.

Thousand Demon streamers are the biggest secret of Xuanyin Demon Dao entering the secret realm this time. As for the others, it is just a cover-up.

At this point, someone will say that the Thousand Demon streamers are only a level-level mysterious soldier, and it is far worse than the magic weapon. Why does the Xuanyin Demon Tao pay such attention?

Willingness is actually very simple, that is, the Thousand Demon streamers now seem to be just a ground-level soldier, but its true identity is not only a ground-level soldier, not even a magic weapon. .

Thousand Demon streamers, Thousand Devil streamers, as the name suggests, this is a flag streamer that can hold at least one thousand demon souls, and now there is only one Dark Warcraft demon left above, so the only strength shown is the ground level black soldiers It doesn't seem that the strength is important.

However, once the state of the previous thousand demon souls is restored, hehe, I believe that the power of this thousand demon streamers will be understood without explanation.

A Dark Warcraft's Demon Soul can enable the Thousand Demon streamers to exert their supreme grandmaster-level strength. If you say that all the Devil Souls in it are restored, how strong can the Thousand Devil streamers play?

Anyway, according to the oral tradition between generations of Xuanyin Demon Sect Masters, after the power of one thousand demons has recovered one hundred demons, the power can play the strength of the foundation period, and after the restoration of five hundred, it can be used. The strength of Jindan period.

After recovering 500, you can exert the power of Jindan period. How strong is the power of the Thousand Demon streamers after your complete recovery? !

Of course, the restoration of Thousand Devils is not that simple. To restore its power, it requires a lot of magic souls, and the minimum strength is not able to resist the Supreme Grandmaster level.

In addition, after restoring the fighting power of the foundation period, you have to use the magic soul of the foundation period level. After the Jindan period, you need the magic soul of the Jindan period strength.

Such conditions are really extremely demanding, and it is really difficult and difficult to achieve them.

No, it has been tens of thousands of years for Xuanyin Demon Dao to obtain this Thousand Demon Magic Tool, but Thousand Demon Horde is still the most inferior low-level mysterious soldier.

It wants to revert to the most powerful period of the magic weapon level. I believe that with the strength of Xuanyin Demon Road, it is absolutely impossible.

Of course, it does not mean that in this tens of thousands of years, Xuanyin Demon Dao has done nothing at all, but Xuanyin Demon Dao still does something.

Before the four or five thousand years, the strength of the Thousand Demon Jindan period has been restored. However, after the Zongmen War, the endless beast tide, and the opening of 100,000 mountains, the strength of the Xuanyin Demon Road was greatly consumed. .

Xuanyin Demon Road itself suffered more than a dozen times to destroy the door. In the end, it was all out of this thousand demon streamers that it would defeat the enemy.

However, in so many battles, the demon soul in the Thousand Demon Streams has been consumed a lot, and now there is only one demon soul in Dark Warcraft.

Even in a war that was a thousand years ago, the sect of the Xuanyin Demon Accident had not yet had time to pass down the secrets of the Thousand Demon streamers and died directly. After more than a thousand years, after losing this secret, Thousand Thousand Years The demon soul consumed in the demon streamer has not been replenished. Therefore, the Qianmo streamer, which is not very powerful, will eventually be taken down by a core disciple and taken into the secret realm, and finally lost in the secret realm.

Although the current strength of Qianmo streamer is not very good, but the top characters such as the master in Xuanyin Demon Road still know the secret of Qianmo streamer, where will they allow Qianmo streamer to be lost in this way, so this time it will be sent out A large number of people came to find the Thousand Demon streamers in the mysterious realm.

These secrets, even if Gu Xiyao is not clear, in her heart, she always thought that the Thousand Demon streamers are a prefecture-level mysterious soldier. Where is clear, such deep secrets will be hidden inside.

However, I believe that even if Gu Xiyao knows, she will not easily give up the Qianmo streamer.

After all, it’s a treasure like this, which the cultivator doesn’t want.


In a corner at the northwestern end of the valley, Yang Han stood with a cold face on his face, his eyes constantly looking into the valley with a trace of anxiety.

Every time a gatekeeper of the Blood Demon Gate came back, there was a trace of anticipation on his face, but soon this anticipation disappeared, replaced by a more cold look.

Half an hour later, all the doorman children of the Blood Demon Gate that Yang Han sent out to look for his grandchildren are However, each one came back alone, and did not see his grandson Yang Xinyu at all trace.

"Have you all searched the whole valley?" Yang Han asked calmly, his tone still seemingly calm.

However, in front of him, dozens of disciples from the Blood Demon Gate were covered with sweat beads on their foreheads, and their faces were extremely pale. They did not dare to return, and all nodded directly, indicating that they had all found them. pass.

"Hehe..." Yang Han laughed directly, just how the laughter was heard and how infiltrated, just like the laughter from hell.

"Xinyu, my grandson!" Yang Han felt very sad in his heart.

Half an hour ago, when he still didn't see his grandson to gather at the meeting point, Yang Han actually knew that Yang Xinyu must have been in an accident.

It was just that he couldn't accept such a huge blow for a while, or that there was a hint of luck in Xin, so he sent all the disciples under him to look for his grandson Yang Xinyu.

At that time, Yang Han's heart was filled with children who were sent out with the intention of'maybe his grandson was seriously injured and could not move.

But, in the end, he still smashed his delusion.

After so much time to search carefully, there is still no trace of his grandson Yang Xinyu, that is to say, his grandson Yang Xinyu fell into the dense realm.

Yang Xinyu is Yang Han's favorite and the grandson with the strongest qualifications. He has great expectations for this grandson, but now he has fallen directly into the secret realm. This blow is really great for Yang Han.

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