Alien Lord

Chapter 1788: Radical method

Although the sibling relationship between the wild beasts is not as intimate as humans, it pays attention to the kinship between them, but these three blood moon wolves have been promoted to the Supreme Master, they have already opened a certain Wise.

And, all the way, they are all united together, so the relationship between them is extremely close.

Now the boss was killed by Gu Xiyao, how could the other two blood moon wolves let Gu Xiyao so easily.

Therefore, they seemed to have gone before. In fact, they were lurking in secret, preparing to find a suitable opportunity to attack Gu Xiyao.

Afterwards, Gu Xiyao took the lead. The most deterrent war puppet around her was destroyed by Yang Han's self-detonation. In other words, she lost the most powerful blood moon wolf and could deter their killer.

After feeling that the dangerous breath of Gu Xiyao had dissipated for most of them, the Blood Moon Wolf secretly pursued Gu Xiyao without even thinking about it.

However, what they did not expect was that the road of revenge they embarked on this time would be so dangerous that even they themselves would be buried in it.

I believe that if these blood moon wolves can predict the future development at this time, they will definitely not go to kill Gu Xiyao.

Unfortunately, they did not know at all, so they finally set foot on this path of no return.

Wei Bo and Jiang Chengxing are even simpler. Gu Xiyao hides himself very well, but when the blood moon wolf chases Gu Xiyao, he does not think about hiding his tracks.

And Gu Xiyao is really good at hiding traces. The ordinary warriors, like Wei Bo, can't find her escape direction, but for the blood moon wolf with extremely sensitive sense of smell, it is like a bright light in the night. The same conspicuous.

In this way, the blood moon wolf chased Gu Xiyao, and Wei Bo and his party chased the blood moon wolf, and then the three parties met directly near the valley.

The blood moon wolf and Gu Xiyao met first. The speed and latent ability of the blood moon wolf were indeed great. He quickly found Gu Xiyao and surrounded her.

Because Gu Xiyao had thousands of demon streamers in hand, he soon discovered that he was surrounded by the blood moon wolves.

However, she is not worried about this period.

If before, the power of her thousand demon streamers hadn't increased. Facing this group of blood moon wolves, Gu Xiyao's heart would really raise a trace of fear.

However, the power of the Thousand Devils in her hand has been increased several times, so she already has enough power and confidence to deal with these blood moon wolves.

Just as the battle between the two sides was about to hit, Jiang Chengxing and his party appeared in front of them.

Afterwards, it goes without saying that in the face of Jiang Chengxing's absolute strength, Gu Xiyao and the Blood Moon Wolf temporarily abandoned their hatred and turned to form an alliance to deal with Jiang Chengxing.

It is a pity that the two belong to different races after all, and lack basic trust between each other. Especially when the danger is coming, an extremely obvious crack inevitably appears in the relationship of the allies between the two parties. The relationship of allies is already in name only.

"Surrender? Ha ha, Jiang Chengxing, are you dreaming or not awakening? I surrendered to you, and you said it." Gu Xiyao said disdainfully.

Surrender, it is impossible to surrender in this life, let alone face a Jiang Chengxing who hates her heart.

Yes, Gu Xiyao's heart is only disgusted with Jiang Chengxing, even if his background is strong, it is the same.

As long as she thinks that Jiang Chengxing has been with some rotten zombies, when cultivating, she absorbs those corpses, yin and dead air into her body. As long as she thinks of these, Gu Xiyao's heart is full of nausea. .

Therefore, in the past, even if Jiang Chengxing tried to please her, Gu Xiyao respected him.

"Gu Xiyao, you..." Gu Xiyao's extremely straightforward words hurt Jiang Chengxing.

He is not a fool, and his IQ can be considered. Nowhere can he see Gu Xiyao's disgust from his bones in his eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay, you Gu Xiyao are all here. You still look at me like this, hum, Gu Xiyao, do you think I won't kill you?" Jiang Chengxing was cold He looked at Gu Xiyao and said.

Before, he wanted to talk to Gu Xiyao and let her take the initiative to surrender. In this way, he will treat her well in the future, but Gu Xiyao's unabashed disgust in his eyes completely angered him.

Now in Jiang Chengxing's heart, where else could Gu Guyao's thoughts be taken care of? The only thought was to capture Gu Xiyao and treat her as a slave.

"Dead hand? Just you?!" Gu Xiyao's eyes were still full of contempt.

"You're looking for death!" Jiang Chengxing's anger was completely lighted. He took a step forward, and as soon as he rushed to Gu Xiyao, showed her his manly manner.

However, at this time, Cao Yuan around him grabbed Jiang Chengxing: "Chengxing, don't be fooled. She is angering you, letting you pass, and then capturing you, and a thief to capture the king first."

"It's a pity!!" Seeing this, Gu Xiyao secretly uttered a pity.

Indeed, as Cao Yuan said, Gu Xiyao had always clearly expressed his disdain for Jiang Chengxing, and he was angered by Jiang Chengxing, which led him to take the initiative to attack her, and then grab the thief to capture the king first.

It is a pity that Jiang is still old and spicy, and her plan was directly seen by Cao Yuan, thus preventing Jiang Chengxing's urge.

".........." Jiang Chengxing was astonished when he saw the disappointed look on Gu Xiyao's face.

Even now, he has received Gu Xiyao's calculation, so to speak, from the beginning, Gu Xiyao used him as a pawn.

The thought of clearly gaining the absolute upper hand on his side, but stupidly became a chess piece played with by Gu Xiyao. Jiang Chengxing's anger burst out like a volcanic eruption.

"Uncle Master, I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her!!!" Jiang Chengxing looked at Gu Xiyao with red eyes and growled.

At this moment, there is nothing in the bottom of his heart that cherishes Xiangxiyu, only Gu Guyao is killed to wash the humiliating heart he has just received.

"Destroy me? Ha ha, soon, you will find that maybe you will die first." Gu Xiyao still said to Jiang Chengxing and others with the disdainful tone before.

Hearing this sentence, Wei Bo's heart was awkward, as if he felt that he seemed to have overlooked something, and still ignored an extremely fatal thing.

Thinking of this, Wei Bo's eyes turned and asked Gu Xiyao directly: "Gu Xiyao, what do you mean? Or, are you just doing something to slow down?"

"Slowing down strategy?! Ha ha, you just think I'm doing the slowing down strategy!" Gu Xiyao said indifferently, and then shut his mouth shut, fully responding to the attack of the zombie puppets around him.

"Uncle Wei Shi, what nonsense he told her, just kill her." Jiang Chengxing red eyes, looked at Gu Xiyao murderous Ling Ran.

"Chengxing, don't be restless!" Wei Bo shook his head and stopped Jiang Chengxing.

"Gu Xiyao, surrender, I assure you, as long as you hand over the thousand demon streamers, I can let you leave safely, how?" Wei Bo said with a smile on his face, his eyes full of sincerity, as if he was indeed Will do the same.

However, the opposite Gu Xiyao's heart was white with disdain, and he didn't believe in Wei Bo's promise.

Even, even if Wei Bo swears with his heart, Gu Xiyao will not believe him.

Because Gu Xiyao knew that Wei Bo actually said that, just playing a word game.

He said earlier that as long as Gu Xiyao handed over a thousand demon streamers, he could safely leave Gu Xiyao away.

Indeed, Wei Bo can abide by Gu Xiyao's agreement, and after she surrendered the Thousand Demon let her go, but, don't forget, Wei Bo also has Cao Yuan and other The zombie puppet is here. At that time, Gu Xiyao really wants to surrender the thousand demon streamers, and Cao Yuan will immediately capture Gu Xiyao.

As for whether Wei Bo was fouled, hehe, I asked you directly: I did not shoot, my brother, and his men, I did, according to the previous agreement, did not shoot you what!

Believe this sentence down, Gu Xiyao will be ignorant at that time.

Gu Xiyao has seen this kind of text trap many times, and she has played with it several times before.

"Wei Bo, you think I am a three-year-old kid, so easy to be fooled?!" Gu Xiyao looked at Wei Bodao as if you thought I was a three-year-old kid.

Wei Bo didn't care about it at all. He knew long ago that he couldn't cheat Gu Xiyao. He would still do that before, just in case of thinking.

"Oh, it's a clever little guy." Wei Bo smiled and exclaimed: "But, you can also see that this time you are in disaster, the so-called time-conscious person is Junjie, you want to be a stupid person What about being a good man?"

"I don't want to do both, because I still have a better way to get out." Gu Xiyao said confidently, and looked at Wei Bo with a trace of pity.

"Is there really something I overlooked?" Seeing the pitying eyes in Gu Xiyao's eyes, Wei Bo couldn't help but think about it. Was there something he ignored.

"I can't think of it, hee hee...., if I were yours, leave now, otherwise, it won't take long for you to protect yourself." Gu Xiyao said with a smile, his face full of victory. .

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