Alien Lord

Chapter 1827: Win 1


The five elders were also exhausted at this time, and the spiritual power in Dantian was almost consumed. However, in the face of // temptation// confusion, they couldn't help but chase, otherwise once the other party escaped, they would later become tangled. There is no burial place for the five people.

Besides, they believe that their peers will arrive soon.

At this moment, when Lin Ze stopped suddenly, all five were full of doubts.

"What does this guy want to do to stop now? Is it to prepare to kill a few of us first?" In an instant, countless thoughts appeared in the minds of the five people. Afterwards, each of them tried their best to defend. Fang Linze came over.

It's just that now the five guys are too late to defend, because Lin Ze has reached his destination.

When he arrived at the place, where would Lin Ze treat him with these five old guys? His right hand stretched up like the sky, the cold light flashed in his eyes, his hair moved with the wind, and the corner of his body was beaten by the wind. Ringing.

After that, Xuan Ming Sword, which had not been used before, appeared beside Lin Ze, with a gleam of cold light flashing on the body of the sword.

Soon, blue sword awns appeared on the Xuanming sword beside him. As soon as these sword awns appeared, the surrounding air immediately became cold, as if from autumn to winter. A few traces of frost began to appear on the plants within a few meters.

Lin Ze is practicing "Xuanyin True Explanation", which is a kind of Yin attribute method. The temper of Xuanyin is extremely cold. It is one of Linze's other killer skills besides the attack of consciousness.

Now that the five guys have sufficient defense against the attack of the consciousness, and now they have no effect, Lin Ze simply uses Xuanyin Zhenqi to deal with these guys.

Moreover, Lin Ze’s use of Xuanyin True Qi has another advantage, that is, the freezing effect of Xuanyin True Qi, which can obviously limit the mobility of these five old guys and slow down their speed. In this way, They can't escape after that.

Of course, if Xuanyin Zhenqi wants to exert its extreme freezing ability, it is not without its shortcomings. Lin Ze experimented a few times in the bottom fourteen valleys inside Jiji Mountain, and he soon found out, When the gas of Xuanyin turns into frozen gas, the consumption of Xuanyin's gas is extremely great. Every time it is used, it will consume one point of Xuanyin's gas. Able to use a dozen times.

However, this is enough for Lin Ze, at least he can guarantee that the five old guys in front of him can never escape.

The Xuanyin Qi around Lin Ze appeared, and the five old guys on the opposite side all changed their faces. When they were in the same period of foundation, they clearly felt the power of Xuanyin Qi around Lin Ze. Wanting to escape from here, just before they took action, Lin Ze’s right hand was directly swung down. Then, the ice cold sword on the Xuan Ming sword quickly turned into a icy cold sword gas, with Lin Ze’s The sword tactics turned into icy flashes of lightning and killed them directly.

Lin Ze’s ice cold sword spirit is extremely fast, and the power of the ice cold spirit contained in it is really very strong. No, under the influence of these ice cold sword spirits, even the mountain breeze that has just been blowing around At this moment, it also slowed down, just like it was frozen, the speed was several times slower, but the power of these mountain winds has been strengthened a lot, now they are under the influence of the cold air, Like an ice knife, the ice cold sword spirit exhibited by Lin Zeshi was quickly merged towards the five old guys.

"We were fooled!" By this time, the five old guys knew immediately that they were fooled.

Just looking at the sword power Lin Ze is now showing, he can understand that Lin Ze has been fleeing before, as if he was afraid of being overtaken and killed by him. In fact, he pretended to be. He just wanted to lure them to Somewhere, like this remote place far away from Wanmo City, then, pick them up here.

If they are near Wanmo City, their motives will soon be discovered by those warriors near Wanmo City. When the time comes, a bad one will become a prey for others. So, for safety, this guy Will lure them to this place far away from the city of Ten Thousand Demons, and then die.

"Let's go!" The five old guys were on the spot and didn't want to think about it. Without any hesitation in the middle, they immediately scattered around and wanted to escape this dangerous place.

However, it is still a little late for them to realize this. Lin Ze’s sword qi speed was lightning, and dozens of cold sword qi speeds suddenly increased. At an incredible angle, he first hit the elder who was injured many times. Above the feet.


"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!!"

"Boom!" Fifteen or six icy sword qi instantly hit the elder's feet, and the powerful sword qi was blocked by several layers of body protection in his body. Unfortunately, the elder himself Has been seriously injured, so the power of the body protection qi has dropped a bit, and the ice power contained in the ice sword qi is just the nemesis of the body gangqi and the like, for a short time. Inside, these icy air froze the body protection of the elder into pieces of ice.

Afterwards, after encountering several attacks of ice and sword gas, the layers of body shield gas on the elder, like ice cubes, were instantly broken.

"Hiss!! It's so cold!" The body protection gang gas was just broken, the extremely cold ice gas instantly invaded the elder's body, and the originally very active spiritual power was instantly greatly affected by the operation. The speed has been directly slowed down a dozen times.

He hadn't waited for him to do anything, and the remaining ice sword qi had hit him.


"Puff puff!!"

In the blink of an eye, the elder of the Haunted Sect had no time to scream, the whole body instantly turned into a piece of ice blue, and then the whole person was frozen and could not move.

This is the first Elder Ghost Sect who was taken down by Lin Ze. In addition, the cold sword spirits were also killed towards the other Elder Ghost Sect. Seeing that they would catch up with another one who was previously attacked by Lin Ze Elder Hades, the devastating devastator, but at this moment, suddenly the sound of gusts of wind and thunder came from afar, followed by seven or eight Changhongs breaking through the sky.

Lin Ze's complexion changed, and he grabbed his right hand first to capture the frozen Elder Zongzong Elder. The Xuan Ming Sword that flew out and attacked was immediately taken back into the body. After that, Lin Ze said nothing with the frozen one Elder Ghost Ghost Sect turned around and ran.

This time, he used twelve points of spiritual power to escape in desperation.

While walking away, Lin Ze's heart was silently thinking, the attack just now consumed one-sixth of his Dantian spiritual power, and, because it was the first time that Lin Ze used such a cold mysterious shadow Qi, some small meridians in the body could not bear it, and suffered some minor injuries.

Now I don’t have much impression of Lin Ze, but if I continue this way, the damage to the Lin Ze meridians will not be small by that time. Judging from the current tolerance of the Lin Ze meridians, Lin Ze can still use up to three times like the previous ones. Ice sword gas attack.

Although the power of Frost Sword Qi is strong, Lin Ze’s body is not yet familiar with the cold air of Xuanyin Qi. This is like a rootless tree. Before he completely adapts to Xuanyin Qi, Lin Ze uses it every time. The ice sword qi is more harmful to the meridians in the body.

If at ordinary times, Lin Ze had enough time to heal, but now there are more than a dozen base-building strongmen chasing and killing behind him, Lin Ze really does not have this time to heal meridian injuries.

Moreover, once the time of the dead battle is reached, the situation is even more different.

If the battle is over quickly, it would be nice to say that Lin Ze can heal meridian injuries quickly, but once caught in a protracted war, the meridian injuries will be several times higher than in the past.

Therefore, Lin Ze still needs to be careful when using the ice sword gas, otherwise, the consequences are really dangerous.

However, for Lin Ze, who has countless killer skills, Frost Sword Qi can't be used. He has other killer skills to clean up the guys behind.

Moreover, to be honest, there are more than a dozen foundation periods, which is enough for Lin Ze.

If it really needs more, it is not good news for Lin Ze.

After all, it takes a lot of time to plant a puppet imprint for a strong man in the foundation period. If there are only a dozen or so, it is better to say that before Lin Ze left Wanmo he can still finish it for them This task of planting puppet imprints, but once the number reaches thirty, Lin Ze cannot do it.

In addition, if the Ghost Sect really loses more than 30 strong foundations, then this matter can't be concealed, and the Ghost Sect will also be crazy. By then, can Lin Ze be able to stay within the limited time Walking out of the Magic Mountain is a problem.

Moreover, this is also very unfavorable for Lin Ze's plan to lay some nails in the Wanmo Mountain in the future.

The Ghost Sect knew that these people had disappeared and were captured by someone. If you said that these people would appear again, the Ghost Sect would have no response? !

I believe that when the ghost ghost Zong immediately dispatched elite manpower, captured these former doormen, and then severely tortured the reasons for this.

In this way, Lin Ze's plan failed completely.

Therefore, Lin Ze can win a certain number of Wraith Sect gatekeepers, but this number must be limited, as well as the time limit. Otherwise, once the Wraith Sect is noticed, Lin Ze's plan will not be realized.


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