Alien Lord

Chapter 1835: Threaten

The killing of Ma Wan was inadvertently obtained by Ma Feng during a treasure hunt. After obtaining it, he immediately sacrificed it as a treasure to protect himself. I was afraid that others would know it and kept it as his biggest killer. In preparation, when preparing for a future crisis in life and death, use this to make a comeback.

However, the requirement to open this order is extremely strict, and it must be at the cost of the life of a cultivator with a strength above the base period to be able to inspire this mortal killing order.

Once energized, all the demon cultivators in the whole Demon Mountain, especially the strongest ones, will know this news for the first time.

In addition, if the wanted person is killed, the killed person can get the whole body of the murdered person, and the strength can directly rise to a new level.

It can be said that as long as it is a strong person in the foundation period, it can definitely be promoted to the Jindan period, the Jindan period, the direct spiritual element infant period.

Of course, there are still flaws in it, that is, the strong man who is promoted accordingly, and the strength will continue to stay in this state afterwards, and there is no possibility of promotion.

Ma Feng is well aware of this shortcoming, so it is not that when it is incomparable, he will not use the Wan Mozhu killing order. After all, this is his final guarantee for the advanced Jindan period, and even the infant period.

It can be said that the Wanmo Slaughter Order is definitely a top treasure in the cultivation world.

It is precisely because of the strange effect of this order that all cultivators in Wanmo Mountain, whether they are acquired warriors or warriors in the Golden Pill Period, will often try their best to kill the wanted people. , It is precisely because of the special effect of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, so that anyone who gets the token, almost no one will open the token in person, but find a less powerful cultivator and find one who can directly kill in seconds Cultivator, make it open.

As for the wanted object, just find someone around you, you can easily get a higher level of strength, then Ma Feng thought this way before.

As a result, the number of this token is getting smaller and smaller. Until now, the number of Wanmo's death order in Wanmo Mountain is probably more than 20 yuan.

Ma Feng's intention at the bottom of his heart is also the same. He plans to use it when he sprints Yuan's infancy, so that the value of this token can be used to the maximum.

However, now he is facing a life-and-death crisis. It can be said that it is time for him to use it. Therefore, he was ruthless and took out the token and stopped, waiting for Lin Ze to come after him.

Seriously, Ma Feng felt extremely regretful at this moment. He hadn't used this killing order.

Although he used the words before, he can only become a golden powerhouse in the early days, but it is much better than the meat on other people's cutting boards.

"Ah, if I knew that there would be today, I would have used this Wanmo Slaughter Order, alas..." Thinking of this, Ma Feng's mouth sighed in succession.

However, after making up his mind to deal with Lin Ze with the Ten Thousand Devil Order, Ma Feng felt relieved because he knew that he should be safe.

Because, for those who are wanted by this order, as long as they are still within the sphere of influence of Wanmo Mountain, few people can live for ten days. On the contrary, if they are safe within ten days, then they can get rid of the Wanmo killing order , And the benefits of the Ten Thousand Devil Order can be directly applied to him and promoted to a level.

Of course, you can also refuse, but for such ‘good things’, as far as Ma Feng knows, none of them have appeared.

Seeing the other party approaching, Ma Feng held Wanmo's death order, and shouted restrainedly from afar: "That person, you stop first, you can recognize this token in my hand, tell you, this is Wanmo Mountain The treasure in it, the Wanmozhu killing order, I have ritualized this token, and the soul has been incorporated into it. If you kill me, you will be wanted by the Wanmozhu killing order. Today's fault lies with us, but you have already I have killed more than a dozen elders of the Hades and Sects, and now I am the only one left. Why do you have to kill them again? I can assure you here that I will never say anything about today’s things, even, If you can let me go, I can take it as a referral, let you be like me, and become the inner elder of my ghost, how do you see it!"

Lin Ze stopped and glanced over the token in his hand, but his mental power instantly entered the world of Plane Seeds, and asked Ding Yuan about the Wan Mo killing order.

"Hiss, I can't think of Ma Feng's body with a ten thousand magic killing order!" Ding Yuan took a breath in his mouth after hearing the four words of the ten thousand magic killing order.

Ding Yuan was the most cooperative before, and after seeing the magic of Lin Ze’s plane seed world, he cooperated and let Lin Ze plant him a puppet mark. Therefore, he is now Lin Ze’s subordinate Too.

"Master, this mortal killing order is..." Soon, Ding Yuan explained to Lin Ze the details of the mortal killing order, and made a few words about what he knew of the mortal killing order. The pros and cons were told one by one, with a slight tone of tension, and the token was quite daunting in the conversation, and, at the last moment, he strongly recommended that Lin Ze take the Ma Mo killing order from Ma Feng.

After all, the Ten Thousand Magical Killing Order is really a treasure. As long as you get it, the future benefits are really great.

However, when Lin Ze listened to the evil of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, that is, he could only stay on the breakthrough level, Lin Ze was not interested in this Wan Mo Zhu killing order.

There are plane seeds in the future. Lin Ze in the future, let alone the infancy period, the golden fairy level is his limit. Where will this **** killing order that is not harmful for a small infancy period be used? .

It's just that although Lin Ze itself can't look down on this Wan Mo Zhu kill order, but indeed, as Ding Yuan said, this Wan Mo Zhu kill order is a rare treasure, even if Lin Ze will not use it It was, but, after getting it, Lin Ze carefully explored the manufacturing method of the Wanmo Slaughter Order, and then made something similar, which was also excellent.

In the future, Lin Ze's countless people will need such things at that time, and they can also sell a lot on the market.

Lin Ze believes that no cultivator can refuse the special effect of the Ten Thousand Devil Killing Order, especially for those who have no possibility of advancement in their lifetime, I believe they are absolutely willing to pay one for the Ten Thousand Devil Killing Order. Sky-high price.

Thinking of this, when Lin Ze looked at Ma Wan's death order, his entire eyes were red and red.

After seeing the change in Lin Ze's eyes, Ma Feng was really relieved.

Seriously, at this time, Ma Feng was really afraid that Lin Ze didn’t recognize the token. In case he didn’t, then the other party would have no doubt how to say it. If the other party would be suspicious, it would be true if he killed himself without faith. It is self-defeating.

Now that Lin Ze's eyes show such a look, it is clear that Lin Ze knows the effect of this killing order.

In this case, Ma Feng didn't believe it. Someone knew that the evil order of the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Order could kill him directly.

At this time, his heart was truly relieved, and his face was big and small, saying to Lin Ze: "Senior, what do you think of my proposal? Really, we will definitely welcome the arrival of the senior ghost, then. Seniors, you can get what you need."

In order to be able to persuade Lin Ze to join the Hades and Ghosts, Ma Feng is also out of the word and promises everything.

In fact, Ma Feng cannot do so.

Don't forget, this time Ma Feng, they lost a dozen elders and a dozen elders in the foundation period in Lin Ze's hands. This is really a big loss for the Hades.

Faced with such a huge loss, even if Ma Feng returned to the Zongmen, he would be severely punished, ranging from being deprived of the status of the elders of the inner door, and more importantly, imprisoned for decades.

After enjoying the taste of rights, Ma Feng could not bear losing his rights, so he had to remedy.

Like bringing back a Golden Power for Zongmen directly, not only will he be able to recover this time's loss, but he will also be greatly rewarded by Zongmen, so Ma Feng will persuade Lin like this Ze joins the Ghost Sect.

"Join the Ghost Sect?! Haha, a little Ghost Sect, what's the matter!" Lin Ze said disdainfully, and looked down on the Ghost Sect in his words.

Hearing Lin Ze's disdainful answer, Ma Feng was anxious in his heart, but now the situation was stronger than people, Ma Feng did not dare to talk nonsense.

However, in order to avoid Lin Ze's anger to him, Ma Feng still reminded Lin Ze first: "You can't do it alone. If you really kill me, then I will die, but you can't be better. Wan Mo Zhu kill Once the order is excited, you will be wanted by the Wanmo killing, the entire Wanmo Mountain will be your enemy, then you must be in trouble and your strength is strong, but In the face of the chasing and killing of the entire Wanmo Mountain cultivation world, if your strength is stronger, if there is a dead end, so how can we get along peacefully this time?"

Lin Ze didn't look at Ma Feng's threats at all. He didn't look at Ma Feng at all. Ding Yuan in the world of spiritual power and plane seeds discussed: "Are you sure, this Ma Feng will not commit suicide?" "

Ding Yuan in the world of Plane Seeds wanted to force it and nodded directly to answer.

After hearing Ding Yuan's extremely affirmative answer, Lin Ze felt relieved.

Seriously, this time he was really threatened by Ma Feng.

Although he is not afraid of any Wanmo killing order, if he really wants to be hunted down by the entire Wanmo Mountain practice world, then Lin Ze can only hide in the plane seed world and wait until ten days before coming out.

However, in this way, he will miss the trading conference of Xingyue Canyon, so he really hesitated before, whether he let Ma Feng go.


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