Alien Lord

Chapter 1851: Wanmo? !

Soon, this flying sword turned to ashes on Lin Ze's right palm.

At that moment when the flying sword turned to ashes, Lin Ze released his right hand and allowed the ashes to fall to the ground, then stared at the fur that had stood up.

At this time, the furry insects still have the appearance of the previous embarrassment, and the body's momentum is still the momentum of the previous pseudo Jindan period.

Obviously, Qiu Chong was calculating Lin Ze before.

Seeing that Lin Ze was still intact, Qiu Zong's eyes were showing regret, and soon the momentum on his body continued to decline, and the strength of the pseudo-Jindan period could not be maintained. Within a few seconds, It fell directly to the great completion of the foundation period, and the strength continued to decline.

Feeling the rapid passing of his body strength, Qiu Chong's heart was regrettable, but there was no hint of panic on his face, because this change was originally expected by him.

Yes, the previous blow by Qiu Chong, in fact, his last blow.

The token of the Wandang Cave is not a so-called token. It is actually just a flying sword on Qiu Zong, and, in this flying sword, Qiu Zong has inputted all the power to prepare for The move solved Lin Ze.

It is a pity that Lin Ze quickly saw through his strategy, and finally solved his last trick easily.

The failure of the last blow made Qiu Chong thoroughly awakened, realizing the difference in strength between him and Lin Ze, plus that even if he killed Lin Ze, his greatly reduced strength would also be defeated by other warriors. As a result of the killing, Qiu insect's IQ seems to have improved a lot. Recalling his behavior for the purpose of killing the ten thousand monsters, he now feels so stupid.

Yes, the Wan Mo Zhu killing order is indeed precious, but, precisely because of his preciousness, this thing can never be obtained by yourself, otherwise, death will be near.


The reason is actually very simple, that is, I haven't kept that ability.

Wandu Cave is said to be a sect. In fact, it is better to say that it is a miniature sect. The strength is in Wanmo Mountain, which is the lowest level of existence. With such strength, it is necessary to peep even the Jindan period powerhouses. The killing order of Wan Mo is absolutely a behavior to find death.

Yes, you have good luck and got the Wanmo Slave Order, but once you get it, you will find that you don’t even have the opportunity to use the Wanmo Slave Order to increase your strength, and will soon be chased by countless warriors .

Even if you pay a lot of money to use the Wanmozhu command, but as long as you catch and devour you within three days, the Wanmo command will still work.

Therefore, for a warrior like Qiu Chong who does not have a lot of background, he is really looking for his own way.

Before Qiu Chong's heart was blinded by the benefits of the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Order, now after being awakened by Lin Ze, he really found out that what he had done before was really too stupid.

"Alas, it seems that I'm still too stupid, too naive!" Qiu Chong let the strength of his body continue to dissipate, but there was a sincere smile in the corner of his mouth.

"Not only I'm so stupid, too naive, the same is true of the other people!" Qiu Cong looked back at the good plays, waiting for him and Lin Ze to fight a'fighting fisherman', the corners of his mouth exposed to them for the first time A sneer, then, turned into a deep sympathy.

"Ah, they absolutely can't think of it, we people are not just bait, but also the sacrifices!" Qiu Chong chilled in the heart.

After IQ returned to the normal line, Qiu Zong immediately figured out why there are no traces of those powerful sects here.

It stands to reason that it is not far away from Wanmo City. With the distance as far as their Wandu Caves, they have already arrived here. Could the sect gates in the Wanmo City close to you get lost? !

Obviously, this is impossible.

So why have these sects not yet appeared?

The reason for this is that if Qiu Chong’s IQ is still blinded by the mortal killing order, he really can’t think of it. However, now he is awake, he just thinks a little and quickly guesses the reason, An extremely dark, cruel cause.

You know, there are countless treasures in Wanmo Mountain, some of which are treasures, even the golden powers are peeping, but even if such treasures are born, at most, the nearby golden powers will fight for it, no Will involve the entire Wanmo Mountain.

However, why is the Wanmo Mountain now shaking the whole Wanmo Mountain?

The reason is actually very simple, that is, the dearness of the Ten Thousand Devil Order is beyond the imagination of many people.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The preciousness of the order of the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Orders far exceeds Lin Ze’s imagination.

Why is the word "Wanmo" added in front of it? Is it because this is Wanmo Mountain or because this token was made by Wanmo Patriarch?

In fact, these reasons are just superficial reasons. The most important thing is that if you want to truly exert the power of the Ten Thousand Demon Killing Order, you have to sacrifice 10,000 magic powers, at least the power of the congenital level. It can really exert the power of the ten thousand magic kill orders.

Ten thousand demons, in fact, said that it is necessary to sacrifice ten thousand ingenious warriors!

It's just that this true meaning has long been buried in the dust of history with the passage of time. Up to now, the people of Wanmo Mountain have blamed the reason why Wanmo's killing order was named because it is Wan. The reason why the demon ancestor refined these tokens in Wanmo Mountain.

Why the Ten Thousand Demons Slay Order needs to sacrifice 10,000 Demon Congenital Powers, this is because it can constantly absorb and devour the powers of these Demon Powers and refine them until it becomes a very pure Demon gas.

At this time, as long as you absorb this pure magic energy, your strength can be rapidly improved.

If you have a good foundation, the martial arts blood absorbed by the mortal killer is of high quality, and if you have good luck, you may be promoted to the realm of the God of God in an instant.

Yes, the end of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order is not just the infancy period, but the higher level of deification period.

To be honest, the Wanmo ancestor is definitely a generation of arrogance. Although he made the **** killing order of Wanmo, it is extremely bloody, and the cost of use is also great. However, in terms of enhancing strength, it is indeed a treasure.

Of course, it’s not to say that Ten Thousand Devil Ancestors are a good person, who directly raises them to the power of the God of Immortality. He refines the most essential idea of ​​the Ten Thousand Devil Order, but actually wants to build a , An extremely powerful magic road dynasty.

The Wanmo Zhu kill order can quickly improve the strength, but in fact, it has long been used by Wan Mo ancestors, and his means are hidden in it. As long as you use the Wan Mo Zhu kill order to enhance the strength, then You will become his subordinate, obediently obedient, otherwise, those forces in your body will be out of control and then explode to death.

In addition, you directly slaughtered tens of thousands of innate powerhouses. This kind of behavior allows you to have no place in the outside world of cultivation. You can only obediently stay under the command of Wanmo Patriarch and listen to his orders. .

In addition, the warriors who use the Ten Thousand Devil Order to increase their strength can no longer advance their strength in the future, so it also eliminates the consequence that the Ten Thousand Devil Ancestors will eventually be bitten by their men.

It can be said that the killing of Wanmo made this the most proud thing of Wanmo Patriarch.

It is a pity that the ancestors of the Wanmo ancestor didn't expect the news of the Wanmo's killing order to pass through. Immediately, countless powerful men united and it took only half a day to destroy the ancestor of the Wanmo ancestor and his sect.

It is a pity that part of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order is still leaked out. However, the powerful people who participated in the war have concealed the news about the effect of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, which led to the present Wan Mo Mountain The cultivators inside did not understand the true details of the Ten Thousand Devil Order.

This news, even Lin Ze didn't know, anyway, before Handong's thorough study of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order, Lin Ze don't want to know the true details of the Wan Mo Zhu killing order.

Oh, you said the means of the Wanmo ancestors contained in the Wanmo slaying order, huh, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the Wanmo ancestors have also died long ago, do you think these means are still useful? !

As for the current news about the role of the Wanmozhu killing order in Wanmoshan, this is some very little information left before.

However, since these tens of thousands of years, there have been a lot of Wanmo's killing orders, and gradually, some people have discovered some magical places of Wanmo's killing orders.

Qiu Chong had heard of such a rumor before, and it seems to him that it is a credible rumor that the power in the Wanmo Slaughter Order can actually be accumulated. The greater the number, the greater the power it can exert.

Like the previous strong men who were promoted to Yuan infantry, they swallowed the blood of no less than one hundred warriors in the mortal kill order that they swallowed, so they can be promoted to Yuan directly from the early stage of Jindan. The realm of mid-infancy.

Suddenly crossed a big realm, not to mention, but also increased a small realm, it can be said that luck is really good.

In the past, Qiugong only regarded these rumors as rumors, and would not really take these things into heart. However, as this thing continues to ferment, there is no strong man in the powerful sect. Appeared, Qiu Zong immediately thought of this rumor in his mind, and he can now be 100% sure that this rumor is actually true, otherwise, it can't be explained why there are no such top sects here.

"These people don't know that those sects regard us as sacrifices for the order of the Ten Thousand Demons. Alas, this is the sadness of the weak!" Qiu Chong sighed in his heart. When he came here, there was no trace in his heart. Fortunately, but looked at those sad'companions' with a trace of pity.

Qiu Chong didn't explain the reason behind it to those guys behind him, because he knew that even if he said it, there wouldn't be a few people who believed his words, and more people would still think that he They are deceiving them and want to monopolize the killing order, so Qiu Chong has no intention to explain the problem.

"Fortunately, if I cast on this guy, I just took the opportunity to escape this trap!" Think of it here, Qiu Chong's inner resistance to Lin Ze's surrender was even smaller, and he even couldn't wait.

Although the disciples of the Wandu Caves he brought before were extremely weak, they said that they were also the people of the Wandu Caves. They are his disciples who teach, and as the master teaches, he will never sit back and watch. They become sacrifices, so Qiu Chong's heart will have a trace of anticipation for Lin Ze's surrender.

Here, some people may ask, since others already know the order of Wanmo's death, the more samurai warriors are sacrificed, the stronger the power finally exerted. Do they not think of the meaning of the term Wanmo?

To be honest, in the past, many people really thought about it this way, but unfortunately, although the Wanmo annihilation order made by Wanmo Ancestor was amazing, but in the face of the most powerful enemy of time, it Not an opponent.

With the passage of time, the quality of the Wanmo Slave Order will continue to decline.

Perhaps within a few hundred years of the beginning, the quality of the Wanmo Slave Order will not change, but after a thousand years, its quality will inevitably decrease.

From before it was possible to worship ten thousand innate strong men, but now it can only worship nine thousand and eight thousand...

It has been more than a hundred thousand years now, and the quality of the Wanmo Slaughter Order has dropped to a very low Now, the number of warriors it can bear is only a few hundred at most.

In addition, others do not know the specific data here, because, as time goes by, this number will continue to decrease. So, although those sects are secretly using the sacrificial offerings to kill the Ten Thousand Devil Slaughter Orders, When a certain number, such as one hundred, or ninety or so, they will take away the Ten Thousand Orders, and what will happen next is imaginable.

Therefore, none of the top ancestors are simple things. The calculations in their hearts are so deep that they sell you, and you are still grateful to them to help them count the money.

If you dare to underestimate these top sects, maybe there will be nothing for a while, but, after a certain moment, you will know that these top sects are not so good to provoke, once you provoke them, you have to pay An unimaginably huge price.

Lin Ze knew this well, even if he didn't understand it before, but after Qu Jingwen returned, he was also very familiar with Lin Ze, who is here.

Therefore, Lin Ze could not condemn the people in those sects, and he would not be guilty. Once offended, Lin Ze would directly die, so as to avoid endless troubles.

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