Alien Lord

Chapter 1862: Great lake

You should know that as a goddess, the odor problem of the mouth is also an extremely important issue. The temperature of the mouth will not treat you differently because you are a goddess. Should it smell or smell?

Why is there a bad smell in the mouth, a large part of the reason is that often eat meat.

Meat is the best nutrient base for bacteria reproduction. Once you eat too much meat, you will leave a lot of meat debris in the gaps of your teeth, resulting in a large number of bacteria breeding in your teeth and mouth, resulting in bad breath.

As a warrior, you have a huge belly. If you want to eat enough, you have to eat a lot of meat. This matter, even a goddess such as Gu Xiyao can't be an exception.

Eating a lot of meat, in the era without toothbrush and toothpaste, it will inevitably lead to frequent bad breath problems. Although Gu Xiyao often eats some fresh breath fruits afterwards to refresh the breath, but the effect is not very good.

In the first ten minutes or so, there may be some effects, but as time goes by, this effect will soon be lost. The breath in the mouth is still very smelly when it should be smelly.

It can be said that every previous Gu Xiyao had a headache for this problem.

However, it is different now. With toothpaste and toothbrush, the problem of bad breath will no longer trouble Gu Xiyao. As a goddess fan, she can be more veritable, and she no longer has to keep her mouth closed to prevent herself The bad breath scared others.

In addition to this toothpaste and toothbrush, the toilet paper in the bathroom made Gu Xiyao's tears burst into tears.

Yes, you read it right. After enjoying the feeling of using toilet paper to go to the toilet, Gu Xiyao did have tears in his eyes.


The reason is simple, that is, since then, she no longer has to worry about the bad buttocks, or that some things are on her hands.

Gu Xiyao is a goddess. This is an undeniable thing. If she appears on the earth, it will definitely cause a huge commotion. However, even the goddess, she also has to eat grains of grains, and people have three rushes.

There are three anxious people. In feudal society, even a goddess is similar to an ordinary person. Most of the time, that thing cannot be cleaned. So, before, no, it should be said that before this day, at that time, it was a pity The last time Yao wanted to mention it.

Of course, Gu Xiyao is much better now than before. After all, as a congenital strongman, use innate ganglion to control that thing to wipe, at least no longer will be contaminated with those yellow things on your hands, so, It is much better than before.

However, no matter how good, there will still be something left on the buttocks, where it can be wiped clean like using toilet paper.

No, after listening to Lin Ze for the first time about the use of toilet paper and experiencing the benefits of toilet paper, Gu Xiyao has decided that she will not leave this toilet paper in her life, and she will buy a whole one afterwards. The toilet paper in the storage bag, from now on, such things as toilets will disappear forever in her mind.

Gu Xiyao, after enjoying modern daily necessities, directly became a loyal person of these modern daily necessities. If you do not let her use it later, Gu Xiyao will definitely go crazy.

"Li Xuan, do you still have these things around you?" Gu Xiyao asked Lin Ze with big eyes, and now she looked like a pet dog who asked the owner to eat something. That's cute.

"Ah, rest assured, I have around me." Lin Ze understood the feeling after first contact with modern daily necessities. Therefore, he directly took out a dozen sets of modern daily necessities from the storage bag around him and gave them to Gu Xiyao.

"Well, thank you Lixuan!" Gu Xiyao took the dozen sets of daily necessities, and then boldly kissed Lin Ze's face directly.

It can be seen that she really loved these modern daily necessities, and even gave up her identity as a lady.

"Oh, it's really shameful!" Gu Xiyao's face suddenly turned red as evening glow after he kissed Lin Ze, and his entire face was flushed. Then he fled directly into the bedroom with a loud clatter , Shut the bedroom door shut, making Lin Ze outside crying and laughing.

After another half an hour, Gu Xiyao was flushed, and he dared not see Lin Ze coming out of the bedroom.

Lin Ze looked at Gu Xiyao's blushing face in front of her, and the pretty face was full of the girl's shy taste. She squeezed her lower lip and stared at the ground shyly. , A light breeze blew, and brought up a few silky hair between her hair, it looked so beautiful and moving.

"Let's go, Xi Yao, we should start..." Lin Ze said with a soft voice that forced his inner impulse.

Gu Xiyao's head shook slightly, looked up at Lin Ze, still a trace of shyness in his eyes, and then turned to look at the bedroom behind her that brought her infinite warmth. After a long time, she whispered: "Li Xuan, we really Is it leaving now? Can't I rest here for a few more days?"

Gu Xiyao really can't talk about this cave house, because this is the first time she feels where her home is, and now she has to leave in such a short time, her heart is very uncomfortable.

Lin Ze understood Gu Xiyao's current mood. He came directly to Gu Xiyao, looked at Gu Xiyao firmly, and said solemnly in his mouth: "Xiyao, this is not a real home, I will take you back to our real home !"

Seeing Lin Ze’s sincere look, Gu Xiyao chuckled lightly, but the laughter was full of peace of mind and endless joy. Afterwards, she looked at the cave house that brought her home again. The next moment, After standing upright and tidying up his clothes, he said to Lin Ze: "Li Xuan, you are right, this is not a real home, let's go home!"

After speaking, for the first time Gu Xiyao took the initiative to extend his hand into Lin Ze’s right hand and gently held it. An unprecedented sense of satisfaction rose in her heart.

"The place where you are is my home!" Gu Xiyao said secretly.

"Okay, let's go home now!" Lin Ze smiled and took Gu Xiyao's hand, took her out of the cave, and headed toward the house.

Looking at Lin Ze around, Gu Xiyao's eyes flashed through the scenes of the past few years. From the beginning of cultivation, he was finally promoted to the innate period, and became the most powerful and promising master of the younger generation. Thousand demon streamers lost in the Xuanyin secret realm, and asked to enter the Xuanyin secret realm, then met Lin Ze, and he had a battle with him, the two separated, and finally because of the thousand demon streamers, and Zongmen After turning his face, he was even chased by countless powerful men. At the juncture of the life and death crisis, Lin Ze suddenly appeared and successfully took her along the way to blaze a trail of blood.

Especially when Lin Ze first appeared, a weak woman at that time had to face dozens of martial arts warriors who were more powerful than her own. Zongmen, at the time, realized that he was no longer able to escape, and when he was about to cut off his heart, Lin Ze suddenly appeared, and with great strength, directly let the other party's scattered escape.

This violent back-and-forth change, even if she felt a bit overwhelmed for a while.

Afterwards, because he was exhausted, he almost fell over, but he was finally held in his arms.

Gu Xiyao can't forget it until now, the feeling of peace and warmth in Lin Zehuai at that time.

"Relax, everything is here with me, you are safe! I will help you get revenge!" This sentence has been echoing in Gu Xiyao's ear, and every time he thinks of this sentence, Gu Xiyao's heart will appear complex and complicated. Color, pretty face reddish, it is difficult to forget this sentence, and how it felt at that time.

I recalled this many times along the way, sometimes Gu Xiyao was quite puzzled, why he was so touched at that time, and why after that, he would fall down on him, even if there were other women in his family. And don't care.

Every time I think of this, Gu Xiyao feels a little bit hatred for being too weak, but, in the end, as Lin Ze took her along the way, she was always protecting her safety. Lin Ze’s previous statement It was like a lot of gold, deeply pressed on her heart.

"Relax, everything is me..." Gu Xiyao murmured to her heart, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, she took a deep breath and chuckled softly: "When others pursue people, like those who pursued me before, all I was invited to see some wind and snow, the sunrise and the like, but he just brought me here to kill people..."

When thinking of this, Gu Xiyao wanted to laugh.

However, immediately afterward, she sighed quietly and said to herself: "I have done too many bad things in the past over the years. Although he never asked me these things, I believe that his heart is definitely clear, just, Because I cared about me and worried that I couldn’t think about it, I didn’t ask. Perhaps, he didn’t have the romance of those other people, nor the glory of others, but with him, my heart was more at ease and more at ease, so. ..."

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyao's mouth showed a very sweet smile.

Maybe Lin Ze is not romantic, but she doesn't care, because she knows clearly that Lin Ze is really in her heart, as long as there is this, she is enough!

"Xiyao, what's wrong with you? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Lin Ze noticed that Gu Xiyao around him was a little abnormal and asked with concern, and quickly took out a pink fox fur coat from the storage bag Draped over her.

Don't look at it's more than ten o'clock in the morning, but the high-speed flight is really cold in autumn and winter.

Gu Xiyao put the overcoat cage on his body, the heart was warmer, and then smiled to Lin Ze softly: "Thank you Lixuan, I'm fine, let's...go..."

With a hint of ruddy on her face, she voluntarily leaned herself against Lin Ze's shoulder for the first time and whispered again: "Come on... let's go home..."

Lin Ze smiled, left arm around Gu Xiyao's waist, his body immediately took off, the blue Xuanming sword opened in front, the two instantly disappeared from the sky.

.................................................. .........

Three hours later, Lin Ze had been taking Gu Xiyao all the way fast. Xuan Ming Sword opened the way. Those wild beasts in the forest of Wanmo Mountain, after feeling the fierceness of the sword qi, had to avoid it, so, When Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao went all the way, they did not encounter any obstacles.

There are wild beasts everywhere in Wanmo Mountain. Lin Ze doesn't need to see it at all. Just by feeling the abnormal breath in the forest, you can know how many wild beasts there are.

However, as long as they don't come to disturb Lin Ze, Lin Ze will not actively capture them now.

One is that there is Gu Xiyao next to Lin Ze, so it would be a bit not good to catch the barbarian below.

The other one is because of the death order.

I don't know how it happened. Although Lin Ze was confident that he had deceived the guys in Wanmo City, there was still a shadow in his heart, as if he would meet a big enemy in the future.

Therefore, Lin Ze would never stop because of these little beasts, he wanted to leave Wanmo Mountain as soon as possible.

Yes, he is not afraid of the enemy coming, but Gu Xiyao is around, and he really doesn't want to take any more risks.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, Lin Ze would be too late to regret it.

Finally, the trading conference of Xingyue Canyon is about to start. Lin Zeke does not have the time of the United States and continues to waste here.

In this way, Lin Ze has maintained a high speed. For the following wild beasts, they are turning a blind But, sometimes Lin Ze doesn’t want to find someone else’s trouble. .

No, this day when Lin Ze had just turned over a large mountain and came to a huge lake, there was a trace of accidents here.

Gu Xiyao's eyes widened when he saw this rare lake in Wanmo Mountain.

Seriously, such a big lake, Gu Xiyao has seen a lot before, and even bigger than the big lake here, she has seen it, and a considerable part of it, she also went to visit in person, but, I don’t know if it is What happened, this big lake seemed to Gu Xiyao more strongly.

Gu Xiyao is surrounded by Lin Ze’s gang gas shield, and the surrounding wind pressure cannot enter it. Therefore, Gu Xiyao can look at the surrounding scenery with peace of mind and come to the big lake. All of them are deep blue lake water, among which there are fish and beasts that have been rare in the past.

Over the past few days, Gu Xiyao has seen several such lakes. Every time, when he first came to the lake, Gu Xiyao was very nervous. He was afraid that the beasts below would attack them.

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