Alien Lord

Chapter 1865: Got hooked!

Think about it, what would be the first thought after a warrior on land came into the water?

Of course, looking for a place to stay, such as a boat, or a piece of wood, or if there is ice, it is not bad.

Now on the lake, there are obviously no other landing objects like boats, but because of an earlier attack, a 100-meter-sized ice surface appeared on the lake.

At this time, Lin Ze chose to enlarge and thicken the ice surface, which was very convincing.

Not to mention that these aquatic savage beasts with general IQ, I believe that even other cultivators, after seeing this, there will be no extra thoughts in their hearts.

In this way, Lin Ze consumed a lot of energy because of the expansion of the ice surface, which is extremely normal. At this time, is it not the best opportunity to launch an offensive.

The only thing to worry about now is whether the following aquatic savage beasts are so smart.

If they don’t even have the IQ to think about it, then Lin Ze’s pretend to be as good as possible is to work in vain.

Fortunately, the IQ of the following aquatic savage beasts is still above the pass line, or the IQ of the dozens of them is still passing, so after seeing Lin Ze consumes a lot of spiritual power The aquatic savage beasts hidden in the shadows couldn't bear it any more, and they all came to Lin Ze with red eyes.

"Very good, I was finally fooled!" In the sensory force, I clearly saw the pictures of these aquatic wild beasts killing.

"Goodong!! Goodong!!" A few times, half a bottle of millennium Yuzhi juice was swallowed by Lin Ze. In a blink of an eye, the nearly dried Dantian that was previously consumed was once again full of living spiritual power.

However, Lin Ze did not reveal that his own spiritual power had recovered, but instead kept pushing out sweat beads, and his mouth was also breathing heavily, as if it was very expensive.

Seeing this, the aquatic savage beasts below were even more surprised in their eyes. They did not think much, and launched an attack directly on Lin Ze on the ice.

"Not good, there is danger..." Lin Ze seemed to have found the danger on the ice, shouting extremely panic on his face, and then his body jumped as if he was about to fly away.

Lin Ze's action to escape was like igniting an explosive barrel, which immediately attracted countless angry roars under the water.

"Roar roar roar..."

The roar of countless wild beasts is endless, and listening to the sound, they are quickly rushing towards Lin Ze.

Before Lin Ze struck dozens of their companions in a single stroke, he looked at the ice with a beaming face. This time hasn't passed long, regardless of whether it is a wild beast on land or an aquatic wild beast. How could the most vengeful creature forget him.

What's more, Lin Ze's body is even more crazy........

So, after feeling the signs that Lin Ze wanted to escape, all the aquatic beasts under the water became crazy at this time, and only Lin Ze was left in his mind. Where would he think about it? Not a problem.


The ice surface of more than ten meters thick was killed by seconds under the strong attack of countless aquatic brute beasts. The solid ice surface is now just like a piece of paper and easily broken through. Then, countless aquatic brute beasts at this time Turned into terrestrial wild beasts, one by one on the ice, directly to the Lin Ze who was about to escape.

"Oh, it's really a group of powerful aquatic beasts!" Qu Jingwen exclaimed after seeing the appearance of these aquatic beasts.

Before, they thought that these aquatic wild beasts should be similar to fish. Now it seems that they are still guessing wrong.

Yes, these aquatic beasts generally look like fish, their bodies are similar to fish, and their bodies are covered with scales, but they still have some parts, which are slightly different from the fish.

Like their heads, they should have looked like fish heads, but now they look like a snake head, and there are two feet more than one meter long, the size of a baby's arm, on the head. In addition, on the belly of the fish body So far, the four legs are vaguely visible, but now it looks more like a tattoo.

The tail is not like the tail of a fish, because there are some blue hairs on the tail.

The appearance of these aquatic savage beasts is really weird, but Lin Ze had a very familiar feeling in his heart, as if he had seen something similar before.

"Qu Jingwen, don't you think the appearance of these aquatic beasts is familiar, as if you have seen them before?" Lin Ze asked directly.

"Yeah, Master, I also have a familiar feeling, but I can't remember where I have seen it." Qu Jingwen thought hard, recalling all the wild beasts he had seen before and wanted to take it find out.

"Okay, don't have a headache anymore. Now that they have all come out. If you want to find out what their alcohol is, grab some of them and you will know." Lin Ze said with a smile.

This time he wasn’t drilling any horns. These wild beasts are in front of him. To find out why they look so familiar, I can just catch some questions and ask if I know them. At the same time, I can also ask Why did these wild beasts attack him and Gu Xiyao.

Until now, Lin Ze's heart is very strange. Why did these aquatic beasts attack themselves? After all, they didn't provoke them, but they still suffered their attacks. If the reason is not clear, Lin Zefan will eat Not bad.

"The master said that this time it was a difference between his subordinates!" Qu Jingwen said with a trace of shame, this time he went to the trap first.

"Haha, come on, I want to let you know how powerful I am!" Lin Ze's eyes sparkled, he laughed aloud, his hands were slightly wrong, Xuan Ming sword drew a circle around him, and there was no light on the sword body. The exhaustion of brutality.

After that, Lin Ze directly greeted the wild beasts running from afar, he greeted forward without fear...

Xuan Ming Sword was in front, Lin Ze's right hand moved slightly, and a slightly golden golden sword suddenly lit up.

At this time, the spiritual power in Lin Ze's body was running at a high speed, and he had reached the limit in an instant. A large amount of sternness poured into the Xuan Ming sword in front of him without reservation.

"Buzz!" With the infusion of a large amount of spiritual power, the pattern on the Xuanming sword was lit up a little bit, and soon, around the body of the sword, it was clearly gathered hundreds Thousands of small sword qi.

Seriously, this is Lin Ze’s first unreserved effort to urge all the power of Xuanming Sword. With all spiritual power as the driving force, the power of Xuanming Sword was released at this moment.

In the void, there was a cold breath. The temperature within a few hundred meters around Linze even began to decrease rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the temperature dropped directly by more than ten degrees, and the frost began to be in the air. Appear inside.

The icy sword gas around Xuanming sword's body became more and more intense, and even Lin Ze's entire body was completely covered behind, and Lin Ze's figure could no longer be seen.

This is the power of the top-grade flying sword. All the power of the Xuanming sword was completely inspired by the full spiritual power of the great consummation stage of Lin Ze's foundation period, so it showed its infinite power with impunity.

Although the number of wild beasts coming from afar is numerous and dense, it looks like there is no margin, but after they feel the unparalleled murderousness released from the Xuanming sword, they move forward The impact of the movement suddenly lags behind.

Although the wild beasts are not afraid of death, they are also attracted to something by Lin Ze, but they are always creatures. As long as they are creatures, they will be afraid in their hearts.

Faced with this almost irresistible power, their hearts naturally raised an indescribable great fear.

Correspondingly, those aquatic savage beasts who are at the forefront and who can most clearly feel the endless danger in the front, their speed drops.

Oh, you said these aquatic beasts are now on the ice, how do they fight and how to run?

Ha ha, this is really difficult for these aquatic beasts.

Even in nature, there are some ordinary fish that can walk on land for a considerable distance and time.

For example, jumping fish, that is, squid fish, can leave the water, and can survive well. They spend a lot of time in their lives without spending time in the water, climbing onto tree trunks or branches. They use the ventral fins as suction cups to grab trees and crawl upward with their pectoral fins.

This is not a nonsense, but in the south, such fish are really common. In the home of the pedestrian, there are such fish.

There are many kinds of similar fishes in the world, so I will not mention them one by one here.

Even these ordinary fish can leave the water to live on the land for a long time. You said that these powerful aquatic savages cannot live on the land? ! Can't you run fast on land? !

Obviously, this is impossible.

Besides, this is a large lake with plenty of water spirits. Even with the water spirits here, these aquatic savage beasts can fight on land for a short time, which is not difficult to imagine.

Lin Ze's heart is really shocked and happy.

He did not expect that Xuan Ming Sword could explode with such a mighty power under his full urging, which naturally surprised him.

However, a glance at the barbarian beasts in front of him made him feel anxious.

This time he took the initiative to lure these aquatic beasts out, just to find out why these beasts attacked him.

If these aquatic savage beasts are so scared that they dare not step forward, or even turn around and run away, what should Lin Ze do?

It is impossible to really go into the water. If that is the case, Lin Ze believes that he will definitely be overwhelmed by endless aquatic beasts.

As soon as he thought of being drowned by countless aquatic wild beasts, Lin Ze directly shivered.

"No, can I continue this way? I don't want to be directly overwhelmed by countless aquatic wild beasts." Lin Ze thought secretly.

"Since you can't come, let me go!"

Between the thoughts and electricity, Lin Ze yelled in his mouth, stepped under his feet, and the wild beasts stagnating in front of him like a wind were killed.

The hidden escape technique interlaced, and Lin Ze had already arrived among the wild beasts in a few ups and downs.

This time, the barbarian group did not retreat anymore, and their eyes turned red to Lin Ze.

Although Lin Ze's heart is a bit strange, but this is not in the middle of his mind, so Lin Ze next commanded the Xuan Ming sword in his hand with no fancy, and killed him.

Xuan Ming Sword is worthy of the name of the top-grade flying sword. The beautiful sword body immediately followed Lin Ze's command and brought up a fierce sword spirit, scraping it in all directions.

At the same time, the icy breath on the sword body became stronger and stronger, and the powerful ice force instantly covered all the areas within a few hundred meters. The air was also slower at this moment. As if it could be frozen at any time.

This time, the following aquatic wild beasts are frightened, out of biological survival, or instinctive instinct, they try to avoid the ice sword. But Lin Ze's quick shot at this time is indescribable.

"咻咻咻!!" Xuan Ming sword passed, left a phantom in the void, and then the air of ice still radiated out, the entire space seems to be the blue Xuan Ming sword Sword shadow is occupied.

This is actually a trick in Xuan Ming Sword's tactics, specifically used to deal with group attacks. Once this trick of swordsmanship is the body is full of swords and shadows, and it is difficult to get into it with splashing water.

Although Lin Ze had mastered this trick long ago, he never used it in actual combat.

Because the spiritual power consumed by this trick is really too great, even his current state of foundation perfection can not withstand this crazy consumption.

In addition, the power of this trick is really very powerful, if there is no suitable object, use it, it is really a knife to kill chickens.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

One after another, the sound of sword energy hits continuously, and at this time, all the wild beasts within thirty meters of Lin Ze's body could not escape this endless horror attack of sword energy.

As long as he was slightly touched by Lin Ze’s Xuanming Sword, the barbarian would send a scream of sorrow. After that, its body and bones were scattered like paper paste.

Whether it is the tip of the sword, the body of the sword, the back, or the seemingly harmless white mist around the body of the ice, it has become a weapon with great destructive power at this moment, which is really a blocker. There is no one-in-one.

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