Alien Lord

Chapter 1870: Flayer (1)

Under the beast king's flutter, there was a fearless momentum of unsuccessfulness, and the sharp teeth and scarlet tongue instantly bite into the throat of the figure that fell into the lake.

"Ooooooo" As soon as he bit into his mouth, the Beastmaster felt something was wrong, because, instead of tasting the sweet blood of the enemy in his mouth, his teeth seemed to bite into the pain of steel.

With the sound of "clang!", there was a sound of metal impact in the mouth of the beastmaster.

"Aoao Aoao!" the Beastmaster screamed, and a lot of blood spewed out of his mouth.

The collision just now broke the teeth in Beastmaster's mouth, and the thing in his mouth also attacked Beastmaster's mouth at this time.

"Boom!" A gang of gas attacked continuously from the hands of the war puppet inside the mouth of the beast king, all of which hit the softest part in the mouth of the beast king.

A gang of gas attacked, tearing a huge wound on it, and then, countless blood spewed out of the wound like a fountain.

Beastmaster was instantly hit!

"Oh, want to ambush me?! Now you can taste the bitterness!" Lin Ze's figure appeared at this time, so he stood in the air ten meters away from the beast king, smiling and looked at the beast king below howling .

In fact, when the Beastmaster disappeared into the lake, Lin Ze's sense of force had already found this Beastmaster.

Yes, compared to other ordinary aquatic savage beasts, the Beastmaster is indeed the strongest in hiding traces, or mimicry, but don’t forget that the Beastmaster has already played with Lin Ze several times before, it Lin Ze's sword breath was already on his body.

At this time, if the Beastmaster went to mimic hiding, then in Lin Ze's induction, it was as bright as the light in the night.

It's like saying that a thief stole a newest fruit mobile phone. When the owner didn't respond, he got into the crowd and escaped, constantly changing the position and clothes on the body, trying to get rid of tracking.

However, he has forgotten that the current mobile phones are all located, so as long as he has not been able to remove the positioning on the mobile phone, no matter how he disguise and how to avoid the sky-eye camera on the street, his traces have long been known. In the hands of the police.

Things like this, I believe everyone can see it when they read some news about the rule of law.

The remaining sword breath that was hit by Lin Ze Jian Qi on the Beastmaster is the best positioning device, so its trail has long been under Lin Ze's grasp.

It just happened that Lin Ze also wanted to win this beast king as soon as possible, because the dangerous instinct in his heart did not decrease with the appearance of these aquatic beasts, even, as time passed, Signs of stronger coming.

By this time, Lin Ze knew that the real danger was not from these aquatic wild beasts, but from somewhere behind him.

There, an unknown master is tracking himself.

Now the beastmaster wants to attack himself from the water, then he can just take the countermeasure and give the beastmaster a ruthless one.

After that, things became simple. Lin Ze pretended to look like he could not find the Beastmaster, but secretly began to arrange the Yin Beastmaster.

When the Beastmaster's sneak attack arrived, Lin Ze also quickly took out the war puppet, and left his own breath on his body, so as not to feel something wrong with the Beastmaster below.

Later, on the war puppet, the beastmaster who was enchanted by Lin Ze's breath, swallowed the war puppet into his mouth without thinking.

What happened after that, as already mentioned above, the mouth of the Beastmaster was hit hard by Lin Ze’s war puppets.

If you are sick, you will die!

Lin Ze would not stop there. When the Beastmaster was heavily hit by his war puppet, most of the Beastmaster's mind was dealing with the war puppet in his mouth, Lin Ze above also launched.

The spiritual power in Lin Ze's body is running at a high speed, and countless spiritual powers are madly input into his legs. His legs suddenly become unreal.

With the sound of "fur..." Lin Ze's figure disappeared completely in place with the launch of hermitage.

With a cry, when Lin Ze appeared again, Lin Ze was already on the side of the beast king, and the distance from the beast king here was the distance of one palm.

And at this time, the Beastmaster finally passed away, and it turned its spiritual power into a chain of chains. It first locked the war puppet that was constantly in its mouth. Afterwards, it blessed the teeth of the spiritual power and took a fierce bite. Bit the body of the war puppet, and with one click, the war puppet was directly bitten into scum by the mouth of the beast king.

However, before he was too happy, the Beastmaster immediately noticed something was wrong, and a twelve-level alarm sounded directly in his mind.

At this time, the corner of the Beastmaster's eyes also found the trace of Lin Ze around him. Seeing that Lin Ze was already close, the Beastmaster's heart was terrified.

It twisted his body desperately, wanting to change direction, so as to escape Lin Ze's attack.

However, time is too late, and he hasn't waited for the Beastmaster to make a real response. A fierce sound of breaking the air is already ringing around him, and then a blue sword shadow penetrates its body fiercely.

"Aoao Aoao!" the Beastmaster screamed, and a sharp pain spread quickly to every corner of the body. Immediately afterwards, he felt that there were countless purple thunderbolts in the sea, and he was constantly conscious of it. The sea was raging, these purple lightnings swept its knowledge of the sea, and later it was woven into a giant network of lightning, slowly sealing its knowledge of the sea.

Gradually, the Beastmaster was like a mantra. The powerful and incomparable power was quickly disappearing. Within half a minute, the Beastmaster was motionless, falling like a stone into the depths of the water.

"Shut up!" Lin Ze wouldn't have just passed such a powerful aquatic savage beast king, and after it passed out, he was directly taken into the plane seed world.


The ordinary aquatic savage beasts in the distance saw that the beast king was defeated. They could no longer bear this huge fear in their hearts. They all turned around and broke the ice surface underneath, and slammed into the water. Instantly disappeared deep in the lake.

Lin Ze looked back at the movement of their escape. There was infinite pride in his chest. He laughed aloud, and his heart was really refreshing.

However, just a moment later, he gathered his laughter and quickly turned into a flash of lightning again, killing the past.

Because if he didn't kill the past, those aquatic savage beasts would have run away. At that time, how did he collect enough aquatic savage beasts?

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooinginginging high-level swords

After half an hour, Lin Ze finally stopped, and it was not that Lin Ze did not want to continue to capture, but now, there was only Lin Ze left on the ice. As for the other aquatic savage beasts, they were either dead or all Hidden to the deepest part of the lake.

There are thousands of meters deep, of course Lin Ze will not go down to catch these aquatic barbarians.

Besides, in this period of time, Lin Ze captures no less than 100 kinds of aquatic savage beasts, and the number is more than 10,000. These numbers are enough. After that, let them proliferate in his plane seed world!

"Well, it's really a leak in the house. Even though it rains at night, I can't imagine there will be these things to join in the fun." Lin Ze frowned, and there were countless dense creatures in his senses. This is a large group of flying magic wolves. One of the most ferocious barbarian tribes in Wanmo Mountain.

Like the wolves above the prairie, the flying magic wolf is also a group action, and once it appears, it is calculated in tens of thousands. The flying magic wolf group now appearing in Lin Ze’s induction is smaller, but the number is more than five. thousand.

"It should have been the **** smell here, so these flying demon wolves will come here." Lin Ze's face was a little nervous.

"Now I have attracted this group of flying devil wolves. If it lasts for a long time, it will attract." Thinking of this, Lin Ze was not delaying. He flew directly to Gu Xiyao by himself, and was about to leave with Gu Xiyao. .

As for the corpses of the wild beasts above the ice surface, Lin Ze also did not intend to ask for it. The most important thing now is to leave this vortex, otherwise, once delayed here for a long time, there will be a steady stream of things behind successor.

Now it is seven or eight thousand flying demon wolves, maybe the next time they will be tens of thousands of flying devil wolves, and the next time, the coming may be more powerful, really when that time, Lin Ze is in trouble Too.

"Li Xuan, how is it, are you injured?" Seeing Lin Ze around him with blood, Gu Xiyao was really like a wife, asked with a frightened face, the kind of worry in his eyes, and sadness The look is not fake at all, it is definitely the most authentic.

"Xiyao, you can rest assured that these blood are the blood of those wild beasts, I am not injured, you see!" After that, Lin Ze waved his right hand, the blood on his body disappeared.

Although he still had a strong **** smell on his body, he did not have any wounds.

"That's good, that's good, in this case, I'm relieved!"

Gu Xiyao relaxed, and the expression on his face eased.

"However, Lixuan, your strength is really strong. I just saw that there are seventy or eighty thousand wild beasts below. Not only did you kill them, you didn't even hurt yourself. Your strength is believed to be early. They surpassed my master, hee hee, now I am not worried at all, and even then, even if my master comes to me, I believe she will be helpless in the end!" Gu Xiyao grinned.

Qianmo streamer is still in her hands, with the status of Qianmo streamer in Xuanyin demon road, Gu Xiyao believes that there will be people of Xuanyin demon road to come to him in the future, the most likely is her master.

Before that, Gu Xiyao was a little worried. After all, her master was also a master in the later period of the Supreme Grandmaster. If it is not good, it will really cause a war.

However, now Lin Ze's strength is obviously far beyond her master, then this battle can not be fought.

This is like saying that you are a millionaire and faced with a multi-millionaire, you still feel a little dissatisfied in your heart, and you would like to compare with him and compare it, but if you are facing the richest man in the country, Or when you are the richest man in the world, will you still have a contest in your heart? !

Believe that at that time, you can be weak, even if it is good.

Now it is the same with Xuanyin Demon Road. If Lin Ze’s strength is only slightly stronger, Xuanyin Demon Road will definitely not give up, and will continue to find ways to deal with Lin Ze and Gu Xiyao in order to recapture the Thousand Demon streamers.

However, if the strength of the two sides is very different, it would be a hundred guts for Xuanyin Demon Dao, they would not dare to provoke Lin Ze.

Looking at the strength that Lin Ze has shown, it is obviously more than Xuanyin Demon Road. In this way, maybe Xuanyin Demon Road will not dare to come back to find his own troubles, and even want to make good friends, To fight for a strong foreign aid to Xuanyin Demon Road.

There are no eternal allies between countries, only eternal interests!

This sentence is not only applicable between countries, but even within the sect, it is extremely applicable.

For Xuanyin Demon Road, Thousand Demon streamers are very important, but if it is possible to make a powerful sect, and a strong sect in the foundation period of a sect, the Xuanyin Demon Road What about being happy? !

As for saying that the Thousand Demon streamers are an unimaginable magical Hehe, the Thousand Demon streamers have been in the hands of the Xuanyin demon for tens of thousands of years, but for these tens of thousands of years, Has Xuanyin Magic Road expanded its strength with Thousand Demon streamers? Have you become the self-sect door you touched with Qianmoban?

The answer is obvious. Until now, Xuanyin Demon Road is still tossing in the small pool of Chu Kingdom. Therefore, in fact, Qianmo Stream is not unavailable to Xuanyin Demon Road.

Xuanyin Demon Road wants to get back the Thousand Demon streamers. First of all, Thousand Demon Dome is a symbol of the Xuanyin Demon Road, a symbol above the spirit.

It seems that when an outsider mentions the Thousand Demon streamers, the first thing that comes to mind is the Xuanyin Demon Road, which is equivalent to promoting the prestige of the Xuanyin Demon Road.

Secondly, it is the strength of Qianmoban.

However, this strength, Xuanyin Demon Road has experienced tens of thousands of years before and after, and it has never been tasted once. In tens of thousands of years, Qianmo Stream has played some roles at the first and strongest strength. Afterwards, after the power accumulation in the Thousand Devil's Hats was consumed, it remained as the mascot in the treasure house of Xuanyin Demon Road.

Therefore, Qianmo streamer is really not as important as Xuanyin Demon Road.

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