Alien Lord

Chapter 1875: Qingfeng Jianjue

"Master, in fact, you don't have to worry. There are us, there are the eight brothers of Mao's group who have just joined them. It is not difficult to supplement your master's details." Qu Jingwen exhorted.

If you want to add more information, you must have enough knowledge. Now it seems that Lin Ze still has a lot of weaknesses at this point. However, as Lin Ze’s personnel continue to increase, these weaknesses will be resolved sooner or later. of.

"Oh, Qu Jingwen, you still speak!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

After listening to Qu Jingwen's words, Lin Ze felt a lot more relieved in his heart. Then I thought that I had only been here for two years and I had so much gain. If I give myself another ten years, the gain will be It is extremely amazing.

At that time, don't say that there is a lack of background, Lin Ze believes that at that time his background will be solid and unimaginable.

"Qu Jingwen, you talk to me about this aspect of the field." Lin Ze said.

Now that he is already in contact with the field, Lin Ze is ready to understand what the field is.

"Master, this is really embarrassing, we know the field, but, for the details, we really don't understand." Qu Jingwen said helplessly.

He is only the strength of the Grand Master, and the field is the side where the strong people in the Golden Dan period will only start to contact. He is really too far away, too far away, it can be said that there are thousands of miles away, Therefore, he had heard of this matter in the field, but he did not understand the specific information at all.

In a secret like this, every sect is the top secret. Without that strength and level, you can't get in touch with the secret at all.

Qu Jingwen believes that there is information about the field, not to mention that he is an elder, and even the master of the Confucian branch of Chu State does not have this qualification to contact.

This is the case with Qu Jingwen, the elder of the Confucian Confucianism in Chu, and of course others are even worse.

"Forget it, if you don't know, then forget it!" Lin Ze was not disappointed. After all, he is just a low-level cultivator in the early days of congenitality. He is a thousand miles away from the field, so, If you don’t understand, don’t understand!

"However, I still want to know what I will do in the future to bring out this powerful force in the field again. I am talking about my doppelganger." Lin Ze calmed his mind and asked seriously.

The power of the field is really immense, even better than the strong power of the Jindan period. If Lin Ze has not felt a power, then it does not matter, but, I have been exposed to this before A kind of power, and manipulated by himself, he certainly wants to have this ability in his hands as much as possible.

Lin Ze didn't have such expectations for the true self, but the power of avatars is not small, and maybe there is such a hope.

Qu Jingwen pondered a bit, and discussed with others and replied: "Master, it is still possible that you want to master the entry-level domain strength of the previous one again."

"Oh, what's the specific way, hurry up!" Lin Ze's eyes lit up and asked urgently.

"It's very simple, as long as the master can repeat the previous battle scene, reach the battle state at that time, and enter the epiphany again, then you can enter the threshold of the field again and master the strength of some fields." He paused. Knowing that this is extremely difficult, so, then explained: "But rest assured, Master, because Xuan Ming Sword has resonated with your soul in strength, the two can be said to be one, and, except No one but you can unleash the power of this field."

Hearing this, Lin Ze’s eyes suddenly lighted up and said, "You mean, even if I accidentally lose the Xuanming Sword in the future, other warriors can't use it to fight? If I change another one If the flying sword, can it still give off the power of the sword field?"

"It's just that you can't use the power that belongs to the sword domain, but it will not affect some of their basic functions of using the Xuanming sword, like emitting sword gas or something. And if the master changes a flying sword, then You can't touch the power of the sword domain, because the threshold of the sword domain was opened by you and your Xuanming sword. The current Xuanming sword is equivalent to the key above the gate of the sword domain. The key can only be opened." Qu Jingwen explained slowly.

After that, he added another sentence: "Of course, if your master's strength increases greatly afterwards, if you realize the strength of the field yourself, then you can change a flying sword."

Hearing this, Lin Ze shook his head slightly, feeling quite disappointed.

He originally intended to learn the strength of the sword domain, and later used it as a killer.

But now it is known that this ability can only be used to rely on Xuanming Sword. Once he leaves Xuanming Sword, within a short time, he will no longer be able to touch the sword domain.

Moreover, it is extremely demanding to meet its conditions.

This time, he killed a full three hours, and slaughtered nearly ten thousand wild beasts to successfully inspire the primary power of this sword domain, so next time?

Where would he go to find so many wild beasts, and then go to fight for three hours.

As if he had read through his mind, Qu Jingwen's voice rang again: "Master, rest assured, the first time you can stimulate this kind of sword domain, the conditions required are indeed more demanding, but since it has been successfully activated once, Then the next time you want to release the threshold will drop a lot."

Lin Ze's heart moved slightly and asked, "How much has it fallen?"

"It's not clear, but according to the estimates of several of us, if the previous difficulty was one hundred, now there are less than thirty left."

Hearing this number, Lin Ze's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction. Such conditions are similar. If every excitation requires three hours of killing, slaughtering countless wild beasts, then the sword domain has peace. There is no difference.

After a moment of meditation, Lin Ze took out a piece of memory jade from the world of Plane Seeds, which recorded the Xuanming sword tactic.

He just glanced at the Xuanming Sword Skill a little, and after learning the Sword Skill that he can learn later, he sent it aside and continued to take out other Sword Skills and looked at it.

Some of them are high-level and some are low-level. Lin Ze is not letting it go.

If you want to truly understand and need a considerable amount of kendo knowledge to master the sword domain, now Lin Ze starts to learn the things on the kendo, from low to high, step by step learning, I believe that one day he will accumulate enough kendo knowledge .

At that time, the real gate of Jianyu would be opened to him.

While selecting some knowledge of kendo, Lin Ze also selected several middle-grade flying swords as substitutes.

Although Xuanming Sword is superb, this top flying sword is not always applicable.

If it is in Lin Ze’s hands, it is better to say that a strong man in the foundation period is carrying a top flying sword, which is not conspicuous, but if Lin Ze’s real body is just the innate early stage The words he carried with him are quite conspicuous.

In addition, it will bring countless troubles to Lin Ze.

The top powerhouses can clearly see whether the quality of the flying sword in Lin Ze's hands is good or bad.

If only the inferior grade, or even the flying sword of the middle grade stayed with them, those strong men saw it, at most they glanced at it, and would not say anything.

However, if Lin Ze was carrying a top grade, top grade, or even Lingbao flying sword, Lin Ze would be in danger.

A top flying sword, for those top strong, is equal to the top treasure.

Seeing this kind of top-level treasure again, it fell on the hands of a small innate person. What do you think they have in mind?

It's like a three-year-old kid holding gold into the downtown area, you are asking for trouble.

Soon, countless greedy eyes will gather on this child, and at some point in the future, the robbery will happen on the street.

Maybe with Lin Ze’s strength, there will be no problem even if it is a matter of robbing, but that kind of trouble is not.

After all, at the Xingyue Valley Trading Conference, there are countless top warriors. If Lin Ze always needs to repel the peeping of these top strong men on the flying sword around him, then Lin Ze should not go to the trading conference. Too.

Therefore, in order to reduce future troubles, Lin Ze needs to choose a low-level flying sword for himself.

In addition to the peerless weapon Xuan Ming Sword in his hand, there are many common flying swords that Han Dong made.

It is undoubtedly the best choice to use these newly refined low-level flying swords as weapons in Pingyue.

After choosing a low-level flying sword, Lin Ze gently opened the first volume of sword tactics, which described in detail the cultivation process of a sword tactic.

Qingfeng Jianju, this is the name of this sword. You can see from the name of the individual stocks that this sword is not a high-level sword, but those very general swords.

However, this kind of swordsmanship is just right for Lin Ze, a beginner.

Lin Ze was quickly immersed in this breeze sword tactic. According to the above records, this breeze sword tactic is a kind of means to urge the sword light, like the breeze of autumn, full of autumn killings. Powerful swordsmanship.

According to the records in it, Lin Ze looked at his heart, and he couldn't help closing his eyes. The soul inside the sea immediately began to drill in the sea.

After possessing the spiritual power of the Jindan period, Lin Ze’s knowledge of the sea has undergone substantial changes, just like the evolution from a calculator to a computer directly, with countless improvements and benefits.

One of them is that when learning the secrets of the exercises, you can directly substantiate them in the sea of ​​knowledge, and continue to practice in the sea of ​​knowledge, just like the exercise on the computer. This is just this, compared to other martial arts when practicing, Omit a lot of time and energy.

Lin Ze’s current consciousness has been able to summarize all the exercises in the sea of ​​knowledge, and analyze and reorganize it in the sea of ​​knowledge.

In this process, everything became so real and so vivid that Lin Ze had a very thorough understanding of the whole set of exercises.

In addition, in the process of learning, Lin Ze will also give various pre-judgment reminders and drills according to the ever-changing situation in the sea of ​​knowledge, so that Lin Ze can seek the best way to move in a critical situation. , And strength.

In this way, Lin Ze will soon be able to grasp the essence of this exercise.

If this were not the case, even though Lin Ze had obtained a large amount of cultivation skills from Qu Jingwen and others, it would not be possible to master it in such a short time.

At this time, after obtaining this breeze swordsmanship, Lin Ze began to practice directly in the sea of ​​knowledge, decomposing and reorganizing every move in it.

The powerful drill ability similar to the computer class allowed Lin Ze to quickly complete a series of actions, but Lin Ze watched the performance of this breeze swordsmanship, and then did the power of the previous Xuanming sword tactics. After the comparison, there was a trace of disappointment in my heart.

Qingfeng Jianfa, this name sounds very good, there is a sense of beauty in it, and the jade jade's description of the power of this sword tactic is quite good.

However, the results of Lin Ze’s demonstration in Shihai show that although this set of swordsmanship is much more powerful than when he uses other swordsmanship, but compared to the Xuanming sword tactics, it is one in the sky, one On the ground.

Of course, the main reason why Xuanming Sword Skill is so powerful is because he has Xuanming Sword in his hand. If it is replaced with another flying sword, I believe that the power of Xuanming Sword Skill will drop a bit. .

Although it is also a sword, how can it be compared with the power of Xuanming sword skill?

However, even if the power of the two sword tactics is not the same, but if you really want to talk about it, the power of Qingfeng Jianju is ok. Otherwise, where will Xuanyin Master collect it.

Lin Ze was a bit dismissive, just because he had Xuan Ming Sword Skill before.

This is like a car. After you have a million-level car, others will send you a car of 300,000 or 400,000. I believe you will not pay much attention to it.

Moreover, after tasting the power and sweetness of Xuanming Sword Skill, Lin Ze's vision of Sword Skill has also become higher.

This breeze sword tactic that was dreamed of in the eyes of ordinary warriors was not so valued by him.

With a slight sigh, Lin Ze quickly suppressed the criticism in his heart.

Now is not the time for him to be picky, but he needs to strengthen the background of kendo. Therefore, even if he does not look at the breeze sword tactics, but he also needs to understand the kendo inside, so as to strengthen his own kendo.

Without accumulating steps, there is no thousands of miles; without accumulating small streams, there is no river or sea.

Everything must start from the foundation. Once your foundation is unstable, you will taste endless bitter fruits in the future! !

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