Alien Lord

Chapter 1900: Sky Tribulation (3)

Huang Hui and Wang Chen saw this, and their eyes showed some surprises. The shape of this dragon shield looks like a shield-type magic weapon, and its level is not low. It is obviously a magic weapon used by humans. So how does this dragon dragon beast understand the protective means that only such human warriors have?

"Is it..." The two looked at each other, and there was already a trace of suspicion in their eyes...

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a thunder inside the robbery cloud, and then a thunder of light in the dark clouds, with a "click", was directly chopped down to the top of the dragon king below the space.

The robbery was white and bright, and with a very hot breath, it was just cracked down. The surrounding air seemed to be cooked, and there were extremely obvious ripples.

"His, so much thunder, even the air has been cooked!" Lin Ze hiding in the void world saw this phenomenon, and there was a slap in his mouth.

He had been aware of the danger of crossing the robbery before, but after really seeing the power of robbery, Lin Ze realized that he still underestimated the power of robbery.

Not to mention the power of the lightning that is more than one meter thick. The high temperature that can roast the air alone can already be seen.

Anyway, Lin Ze was confident that if he went to pick up this thunderstorm, it might not last even a second.

Thunder Tribulation finally came. In an instant, the whole sky was illuminated. Under the power of Thunder Tribulation, everything seemed so pale and weak.

This robbery that fell from the sky instantly struck the dragon shield below. The power of the thunder-robbing was so amazing. Only the sound of "Boom!" was heard. The powerful power directly blasted the thick Dragon Flame Shield into small pieces. After that, it completely exploded and exposed the following The figure of the Dragon King of Space.


Immediately afterwards, another light-red robbery with the same power as before fell from the sky and blasted directly towards the exposed space dragon king.

The space dragon king seems to know that this thunderstorm will come, he has already prepared for it, and, with a big mouth, he spit out a fiery red dragon blaze. The volume of mine robbing.

"Woo!!" Long Yan rushed to the sky with a loud whine. This was already the space dragon's most powerful blow, and it instantly collided with the robbery from the sky.


The red dragon flame beam actually blocked the second mine robbery. The powerful mine robbers were directly scattered, and the scattered mine robbers played a more powerful destructive power.

All the creatures within ten miles of the surrounding area, including those wild beasts hiding a dozen meters below the ground, also turned into gray fly in the fragments of these mines.

Seeing that the aftermath of mere thunder was so powerful, Lin Ze’s mouth was hidden in the void world, and he couldn’t close for a while.

Huang Hui and Wang Chen also took the initiative to retreat five miles at this time, but their faces still had a bit of heartache.

The following is the aphrodisiac garden of their family alliance. This blow directly counted as destroying about 5 percent of the aphrodisiac garden. Such huge losses made the two heartbroken.

However, now that there are Jiaolong, so the two of them are heartache, but they will not go up to stop Jiaolong.

Compared with the following losses, the benefits of capturing Jiaolong are significantly greater.

"Boom Boom Boom!!!" Next, it was similar to the five Dao of Thunder, one after another, but they were all blocked by Longyan, the Space Dragon King.

"Goodong!!" A few times, I felt that my own spiritual power had dried up. The Space Dragon King seized the time and swallowed a bottle of Millennium Yuzhi Spirit Liquid.

In the blink of an eye, the space dragon, the king of space that had already been languishing before, was immediately restored to the previous lively look.

"Huh, that should be the Millennium Yuzhi Lingye!" said Huang Hui, who was far away, with a trace of uncertainty in his mouth.

It was a full bottle, and judging from the fact that the space dragon dragon king immediately recovered the previous spiritual consumption, it is obvious that there are a lot of millennium jade zhi spirit liquid in it.

Thousand-year-old Yuzhi Spiritual Liquid, but even he wanted it, but a treasure that hasn't been available for a long time, but now he was drank by this dragon like a bottle of water. For a time, Huang Hui wondered if he was dreaming. a feeling of.

"Well, it's millennium Yuzhi Lingye!" When talking about this, Wang Chen's face became serious, and his eyes kept sweeping around, as if looking for something.

"Boom!" The thunder in the sky can't care whether the spirit fluid of the millennium Yuzhi is below, countless thunders continue to split from the cloud, and stand together with the dragon's dragon in the space below.

Although the space dragon dragon king can use the millennium Yuzhi juice to quickly restore the consumption of spiritual power, but the consumption of spirit, he can't recover instantly.

In this way, as the power of the thunderbolt becomes stronger and stronger, the power of the destructive power contained therein also becomes stronger and stronger. Gradually, the eyes of the space dragon dragon lose their previous bright luster, and even a trace of fatigue can be seen in Here.

After continuing to catch three thunders, the Space Dragon King can no longer support it.

It first swallowed the holy medicine that had been prepared for a long time, and then forced the last blow to directly smash the thunder that has changed to one and five meters in thickness.

"Boom!" Another huge explosion sounded, and the thunderstorm was crushed again. The surrounding twenty-mile range also suffered the disaster of extinguishment again, and the land was filled with the smell of destruction.

However, even if this is the case, the small sky-tribulation in the sky is not over, and the dark clouds in the sky have no meaning to disperse.


Another more powerful thunder robbery once again fell from the sky, directly slashing to the already insane space dragon king below.

Seeing this, Huang Hui and Wang Chen's looks changed slightly.

In the cultivation world, monsters are not like martial arts, and they know how to make magical weapons to fight against Heavenly Tribulation. ,

When they went through the Heavenly Tribulation, the Nine Floors and the Nine are all relying on their own power to confront the Heavenly Tribulation.

However, in the end, the number of monsters that can successfully survive the Heaven Tribulation by their own strength is very small.

The odds are not even 5%.

Now it seems that the dragon in front of him seems to have no other means to block the thunder in the sky, so all the rest depends on God's will.

Oh, you said Huang Hui shot to help block the thunder in the sky.

Ha ha, you are really telling jokes.

If Huang Hui casts a spell to help him resist the sky-tribulation, he can naturally save this dragon monster.

However, we don't want Wang Ji, Wang Chen is staring at the side, preparing to take this dragon dragon beast.

Once his strength is consumed in the battle against the Heavenly Tribulation, do you say that this golden dragon of the Dragon King will still have his share?

Finally, if it is the most important point, it is that the Heavenly Tribulation cannot easily interfere.

A little bit of Heavenly Tribulation felt that someone below was interfering. At that moment, the power of Heavenly Tribulation would increase tenfold or even more directly.

It's like what you need to spend is a general catastrophe, but if someone intervenes, it will immediately become a three-nine catastrophe, which is a huge catastrophe.

This is why many people who go through the robbery will choose a secret place to go through the robbery, and there will be guardians of the elders around them. In fact, they do this in order to avoid that they will have enemies before the robbery. To interfere.

In the practice world, there are people who are willing to stab themselves, but also want to remove the emperor.

If someone completely disregarded their own safety, rushed directly into his thunder and forced to intervene in his torture, then this person is certainly mortal, but, correspondingly, the person who robbed will also be mortal.

Therefore, if Huang Hui intervenes, it will not work at all.

Of course, there is no absolute thing in the world. Some powerful people can still interfere with the Heavenly Tribulation.

For example, if there is a strong person in the **** stage to intervene in the Heavenly Tribulation in the Jindan period, then there is absolutely no problem.

Because no matter how strong the Heavenly Tribulation is, it is just a little Heavenly Tribulation for the Jindan cultivators. No matter how strong such a Heavenly Tribulation is, it will not hurt the masters of the God of Soul. Therefore, if they interfere, it is not difficult .

It's just that the average person wouldn't do this, because the Heaven Tribulation is not only a test for this cultivator, but also a reward for him.

Don’t look at the power of destruction in the Heavenly Tribulation, but in fact, these destruction forces have unparalleled new vitality. When the Heavenly Tribulation disperses, these vitality will be fed back to you, not only to enhance your Strength, and can strengthen your ////// body from top to bottom, and finally, some of the dark injuries caused by previous cultivation will also be healed.

It can be said that crossing the sky is a bitter and sweet!

And if outsiders intervene at this time ~ ~ then the final benefits you get will be greatly discounted.

For example, when you are at work, your boss handed you a task. This task is actually not difficult. As long as you do it with your heart, you will be able to complete it quickly, but as a result, you completed it with the help of others. And in the end, this matter was also known to your boss. When you said it, what impression would you have in your boss's heart.

Even if the boss didn't say much, the corresponding reward was issued, but this reward is absolutely not as rich as before. The most important thing is that you left a very bad impression in the boss's heart.

In addition, Lin Ze can actually shoot.

With the seed of the plane in hand, let's not say that there is a small sky-tribulation, even if it is a big sky-tribulation like Sanjiu Sky Tribulation, Lin Ze can block it.

Of course, the consequence of this is that the world of Plane Seed World, which has already developed to tens of thousands of kilometers, will directly disappear by half.

Because, this half of the power is used by Plane Seeds to resist the Heaven Tribulation.

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