Alien Lord

Chapter 1911: suspicion

"Yeah, we can't continue this way, we have to find a way to go out and talk." Lin Guang also agreed, he now realizes that something is wrong.

The strength of the three of them is very strong. However, he did not expect that Huang Hui's strength would become so powerful. Just now he played with Huang Hui three times, each time, he was in an absolute disadvantage.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Xu An and Zhou Da beside him at that time, maybe now he has been taken down by Huang Hui.

However, even so, he was stabbed three times by Huang Hui’s natal flying sword, leaving three deep wounds. The most terrible thing is that the blood mist here has the effect of preventing the wound from healing, so he The wound is still bleeding, and his face is paler than before.

Zhou Da is already struggling to ride a tiger. He can't think of Huang Hui's strength. If he knew that Huang Hui's strength had become so powerful, why would he be such an early bird?

However, this is already the case now, and he doesn't want to be this early bird.

"The two brothers said that we still have to leave this strange place first, and after we go outside, we will discuss it for a long time." Zhou Da was able to achieve his current strength, and he is also a person who can afford to let go, he knows well now The best way is to get out of this blood mist layer first.

Therefore, after hearing both Lin Guang and Xu An saying this, he also agreed, not caring about what he did, but actually slapping himself in the face.

"Well, then we break through!" Xu An's consumption is the biggest, so he directly took the lead and broke out.

"Ji-Ji-Ji...... Now I want to break through again, it's too late!" Huang Hui's sarcastic laughter came from the blood mist.

Chigging! !

As soon as Huang Hui's voice fell, Zhou Da rang his countless ghost-faced bats around them. Afterwards, a black ghost-faced bat directly surrounded the three of them.

"Jing Tao palms!!" Zhou Da once again took out his own masterpiece Jing Tao palms.

However, as a blood mist, it used up a lot before, and now the power of Jing Tao exhibited by Zhou Dashi is only half of the beginning.

In addition, in the middle of the ghost-faced bat, Huang Hui's natal flying sword appeared from time to time. Therefore, the victory achieved by Zhou Da's Jing Tao palm was only one-fifth of the previous one.

"Dead!" Suddenly, a huge blood hand appeared in the blood mist, and a palm hit the back of Lin Guang, who was already injured.

"Be careful behind!" Xu An just saw this, he quickly reminded loudly.

It is a pity that he reminded him that it was too late. Although Lin Guang reacted, he also turned all his spiritual power to his back for the first time, but this huge blood palm was still directly printed on Lin Guang’s back. Back.

"Click!" Lin Guang's body protection gas was broken directly. After that, his whole person was shot like a cannonball and flew out, disappearing into the blood mist in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Lin!!" Xu An and Lin Guang had the best relationship. Now that Lin Guang was blown away by the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but worry for a while. He stepped out involuntarily in the direction of Lin Guangfei's going out.

"Don't be distracted, be careful of being broken by each." Zhou Da on the side quickly reminded.

It was just too late in time. After Xu An chased 100 meters in the direction of Lin Guang's disappearance, countless ghost-faced bats were inserted directly between Zhou Da and Xu An, completely separating the two.

Even if the two attacked with all their strength in the middle, they wanted to get through the obstacles of their home. However, under the full force of Huang Hui, Fate Flying Sword, and countless ghost-faced bats, the two were gradually separated. Very Almost lost the trace of the other party.

"This Huang Hui is really amazing, actually knowing to divide it!" Lin Ze, who had been staring at Zhou Da and the others inside, couldn't help but reveal a little surprise on his face.

Originally, he thought that Huang Hui had little reason after he was enchanted, but, as he now sees, Huang Hui is not only very rational, but also seems to be more cunning than before.

If it was in his previous style, it must be hard against Zhou Da now, where would they be separated first, and then one by one.

"Wang Chen, it seems that we have to go in, otherwise, we really have to wait for Huang Hui to clean up the three guys inside. By then, if we want to clean up Huang Hui, the difficulty will increase a lot." Lin Ze said Wang Chen said.

The snipe fighting for the fisherman's profit is a good sentence. However, the corresponding situation still depends on the final development of the matter. Don't do things in accordance with the meaning of this sentence.

As is the case now, if according to the previous sentence, Lin Ze should wait until Huang Hui has packed up Zhou Da and then go in and clean up Huang Hui, because this will consume Huang Hui's strength more.

However, actually Lin Ze would spend more effort if he did so.

Because, once Huang Hui cleaned up Zhou Da, they would be empty-handed. At this time, when Lin Ze entered, he had to face Huang Hui's full strength.

And if Lin Ze goes in now, then Huang Hui needs to be distracted to deal with Zhou Da and the three of them, so the strength that can be used on Lin Ze's side is greatly reduced.

And, Zhou Da, after realizing Lin Ze's entry, they will also help Lin Ze to hold down a considerable part of Huang Hui's strength.

Their strength is now greatly reduced, and if they want to escape from here, they can't rely on themselves alone. Only with Lin Ze's strength can they escape this dangerous place.

Therefore, it is impossible for Zhou Da to directly get out after seeing Lin Ze coming in, because now the remaining strength of them can't do this at all.

If you want to get out, you have to rely on Lin Ze, or consume a lot of Huang Hui's strength with Lin Ze. After Huang Hui's strength drops greatly, they can safely get out.

Therefore, once Lin Ze enters the war circle, Zhou Da will definitely try their best to contain Huang Hui. They are both helping Lin Ze and saving themselves!

That is to say, if Lin Ze enters now, he only needs to deal with a quarter, or less powerful Huang Hui, so now is definitely the best opportunity to deal with Huang Hui.

After this time, if Lin Ze wants to deal with Huang Hui again, he will spend a lot of energy.

"Yes, master!" Wang Chen led the order, and soon fell into the blood mist.

"It's disgusting, why are these two disgusting guys coming in now, shouldn't they be watching movies outside?" There was no human appearance at all, a flash of anger flashed in the scarlet eyes of Huang Hui, who was almost like a demon. He couldn't think that Lin Ze had killed them since this time.

This directly undermined Huang Hui's plan to first clean up Zhou Da and then to clean up Lin Ze.

"However, that's fine, I'll clean up all of you together!" Huang Hui grinned at the corner of his mouth, and then divided the ghost-faced bat to Lin Ze and Wang Chen.


The louder cries rang loudly, and then, more ghost-faced bats rushed out of the blood mist, staring at them, all of them were terrifying vampire beasts.

However, Zhou Da was not surprised at this time, he shouted and said, "Come well! Look at the palm!"

When his fists were wrong, his palms flicked out, and the palm of his hand was like a money, not a shot. Every time he punched, there was a light blue light in front of him. . These light blue rays contain a strong power of water properties, and all the ghost-faced bats involved in these three blue rays have their own lives.

Zhou Da will attack with all his strength, precisely because he knows that Lin Ze and Wang Chen have also entered the blood mist.

Just like Lin Ze imagined, Zhou Da knew very well that he only depended on his own power, and now he can't kill the haze. If he wants to get away safely, he has to use Lin Ze's power, so he will do his best. Shooting, in order to do his best, contain Huang Hui.

Lin Ze’s induction has been staring at them, seeing that his heart is moving slightly, and he already has another idea in his heart.

When he shot first before this week, it was somewhat convergent. Although the ordinary ghost-faced bats were also slashed to the ground, there is absolutely no such destructive trend.

But I don't know whether he was stimulated by the arrival of reinforcements or other reasons at the moment, so he was very powerful when he first shot, as if he was not willing to kill all the ghost-faced bats in this place.

Combining Wang Chen and Lin Ze's Zhou Da's person and the previous toe-up attitude, Lin Ze moved in his heart, and was still approaching Zhou Da's footsteps, backing slightly. .

However, soon, countless ghost-faced bats also stabbed Lin Ze, uttered a chirp, and surrounded Lin Ze in a blink of an eye.

Lin Ze did not panic, he quietly took out the Xuan Ming sword. Afterwards, his wrist turned over, and Xuanming sword tactic appeared again in Lin Ze's hands. Between his slight jitters, the sword light had been transformed into countless tiny, gravel-like stars of light.

Once the Xuanming Sword Skills were exhibited, the surrounding space suddenly seemed to be flooded with endless ice. Although it can't be compared with Zhou Da's Jingtao in terms of power, it is more than enough to deal with these ordinary ghost-faced bats.

A large number of ghost-faced bats came to his side, but when they encountered the sword light or the icy air around him, they suddenly fell down. Some of them had a small sand like a sand on the top of each fallen ghost-faced bat. The grainy red dots, some others, turned into Bing Tuo Tuo and fell to the ground, and then was sincerely given by Lin Ze's sword qi aftermath. //Bing//Powder, spilled on the ground.

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