Alien Lord

Chapter 1922: mission complete

"Everyone, here is at least half an hour away from the next hole. Are you really sure that you can get there before the ghost-faced bat group catches up to 10,000 meters?"

"........In my opinion, it is absolutely impossible for us to escape there in such a short time, everyone, don’t forget, for the terrain here, those ghost-faced bats are more than us Has an advantage!!!"

Everyone heard that there was a chill in their hearts. If it was in peacetime, they were no strangers to this road, and they could naturally arrive within this time. However, there are countless ghost-faced bats behind them now chasing and killing them. If they are caught in the group of ghost-faced bats, then no one will be able to escape from the sky.

After all, under the desperate rush, the heart panicked, and then it was common to unknowingly turn the road, but if it really did, then they were caught up by countless ghost-faced bats, then they The ending is definitely not good.

"Brother, what do you say?" A middle-aged warrior with a surname Lin asked urgently.

The warrior of the surname Zhou pointed in the direction of the squawks of ghost-faced bat groups and said, "We need a little more than half the time from the fastest exit outside, and we don't know if there will be other people in the middle. Ghost-faced bats joined in, so going out is actually more dead than living, but what if we go inside?",

There was a confident look on the face of the warrior Zhou: "Actually, our life is there. Now you go, or don't you go?"

When everyone first started, his face was slightly stunned, but after a little thought, everyone immediately understood.

It seems that the road to the inside is dangerous, but this is actually the safest place now.

There are indeed a lot of ghost-faced bats in front of this road, but in fact, there are so many ghost-faced bats inside, they need to kill it, they can escape into another road, and that road leads to It leads to the outside and the road is not long.

However, if they choose another path, as they said above, life and death are unpredictable.

With their strength, if they work together, then before exhaustion, they should be able to kill a way out of these ordinary groups of ghost-faced bats.

The most is to lose some manpower, but there is absolutely no danger that the whole army will be annihilated.

Thinking of this, everyone quickly made a choice in their hearts.

"Okay, according to Brother Zhou/Uncle, you will go this way!" A warrior on the left side of the foundation period snorted and pulled out his portable magical instrument. There was a bright light, fluctuating.

After making a decision, these people finally calmed down. Although their strength was uneven, at least they had at least master-level cultivation practices, and they all belonged to the elite disciples in the five families, and they were also the descendants. Each person has at least one high-level black soldier, or low-level magic weapon, and several of them are wearing relatively precious body armor.

Such strength, if you want to be in front of those leader-level ghost-faced bats, it is indeed impossible to walk for a few rounds, but if they face only ordinary-level ghost-faced bat groups, then they will kill in and out of them. A few back and forth is not difficult.

Here, they had just set up the battle and saw the darkness blooming in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, countless ‘buzzing’ sounds followed, and everyone knew that those ghost-faced bat groups had been killed.

At the forefront are a few cultivators of strength during the foundation period. The next moment, they first meet the ambush of countless ghost-faced bats.

"Chigging Chigging............!!!" The squad of ghost-faced bats screamed, and then madly killed these warriors.

"Everyone be careful, the ghost-faced bat group has arrived!!" one of the frontmost surnamed Zhou Jianji period warriors shouted, and at the same time, a bright light flashed on the knife-shaped magic weapon in his hand, followed by countless knives The gang flooded the entire cave, and then, the dozen or so ghost-faced bats that were killed first were torn to pieces directly by these knives.

However, this is only the case, and those ghost-faced bats directly blocked the knife-knot that consumed most of their strength and killed them.

"Everyone be careful, these ghost-faced bats are extremely defensive and must be killed!!" Seeing his strongest blow, he was only able to kill a dozen ghost-faced bats. Win reminds others behind.

"Understood!!!" Soon, other people's answers came from behind.

With the reminder of the former warrior of the surnamed Zhou, the latter warriors used their full force when attacking, but even so, in the face of these amazingly amazing ghost-faced bats, this group of people still fought Very fortunate.

Those practitioners whose strength is in the foundation period are okay. Other strengths are only those of the Grand Master level, and they are really in danger now.

Although the strength of these ghost-faced bats is not very strong, the general is the eighth or nineth layer of the acquired day, or occasionally there are several innate levels, but their defensive power is really too strong, a full blow at the Grand Master level It is also only capable of killing one of them. The remaining strength is at most to leave a wound on the body of the next one, but it is impossible to kill it again.

In addition, the ghost-faced bat is also a type of bat, so it also has the ability to locate the sound, and this ability has evolved into a ability to locate the warrior gang gas attack on the ghost-faced bat.

Therefore, when fighting with ghost-faced bats, if the attack speed of the gang gas is slower, they will not be able to hit them at all. Instead, they have already been prepared. Once your attack is missed and the flaws are exposed, these ghost-faced bats will Will seize the opportunity and give you a hard blow.

The most terrible thing is that the IQ of these ghost-faced bats is really not low, they actually know how to cooperate with each other and entice the enemy.

Several of these ghost-faced bats use their own speed to attack the warrior. The other ghost-faced bats are secretly prepared, and use the positioning ability to identify the timing of the warrior’s gas attack and the flaws in his body at that time. When attracted by the decoy ghost-faced bats, the other ghost-faced bats attacked the flaws of the warrior from the blind spot of his sight...

Things like this are constantly appearing on the battlefield, making these family disciples have a headache. By now, seven family disciples have died under the strategy of ghost-faced bats.

"Be careful, don't be careless. These ghost-faced bats have a high IQ. You can treat them as your biggest enemies. Don't think they are just because they are animals. Be careful!" The first uncle Zhou surnamed found the cunning of the ghost-faced bat, he quickly reminded him.

The number of people they came in this time was as many as fifty, which seems to be quite a lot, but they can’t help but lose seven of these things at once. If they come back so many times after such things, they will not Is the regiment gone?

"Yes, everyone should be careful, these ghost-faced bats have a high IQ!" The leading cultivator of the foundation period also said that he now sees that these ghost-faced bats have a very high IQ.

"Help the disciples around you during the foundation period. All the disciples below the foundation period will gather in the center to attack those ghost-faced bats with a long-range attack. Don't go to melee!" Let those low-level disciples come to the middle and stop giving heads to those cunning ghost-faced bats.

Melee, these ghost-faced bats most want to see, because their number is really too much, even if you killed a dozen ghost-faced bats in melee, but your true go is also exhausted, take Going down, you have to let other ghost-faced bats dispose.

"Yes!!" After listening to these words, the very difficult low-level family disciples insisted on using the strongest force to push back the ghost-faced bats around them, and then flew into the safe area that had just been established. After inside, they were all relieved.

Everyone glanced at each other, and they saw happiness in the depths of each other's eyes.

"Don't stare silly, output remotely with all your strength!" Uncle Zhou's anger resounded again. This was after he saw those people entering the safe area, but after some slackness, he burst into screams.

" Uncle Shi!!" Everyone's face changed a lot, and he answered with a loud voice, outputting with full strength.

"It's not stupid, how did you make the most correct choice!" Lin Ze nodded in the dark after seeing the front of those people stabilized.

He guided these ghost-faced bats, but not to let them kill these people. He just used these people’s mouths to convey the great power and threat of the ghost mask bat group to outsiders, so that Zhou Da could take responsibility for them. Was dropped to the lowest.

Therefore, after seeing that these people were fighting in chaos and losing a considerable amount of manpower quickly, Lin Ze was also very anxious. For a moment, he wanted to come out to help these people fight.

Fortunately, someone soon reflected and commanded the battle correctly, and the situation on the front was also developing in the direction Lin Ze wanted to see, which made Lin Ze relieved.

"I believe that after this experience, the very powerful things of the ghost-faced bat group here will be spread out. By the time, Zhou Da they will definitely be left behind. After all, no one likes to do something like this. Do it!" Lin Ze laughed at the bottom of his heart. His purpose is now achieved.

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