Alien Lord

Chapter 1929: set off

Lin Ze's refining secrets and corresponding materials, Lin Ze is a must, but, for the conflict between the family alliance and the barbarian warriors, seriously, he has no interest in ignoring it.

Even if possible, Lin Ze will help the tribe of the barbarian.

Here in Sancai Valley, the top five families have placed so many people here because of the threat of barbarians. Once the threat of barbarians disappears, I believe that the top five families will never continue to put so many people here.

Zhou Da, who is the principal of Sancai Valley, is now Lin Ze’s person. That is, Sancai Valley is actually Lin Ze’s site. Then the children of the family on the site are also Lin Ze’s people.

Although Lin Ze has not planted puppet marks for these family children, I believe this matter will be carried out when Lin Zekong takes action.

So, if the family has transferred the manpower here, isn't it taking away Lin Ze's manpower?

Lin Ze would never agree to this matter, so this time, the siege of the barbarian tribe, if possible, Lin Ze would help in secret.

As for how to confess with Huang Zhen, huh, huh, after having the secret recipe for refining the warship, Huang Zhenxin will definitely be satisfied.

Huang Zhen is a wise man. He knows that if he really wipes out all the barbarian tribes, maybe at the beginning, his status will rise rapidly, and he will get countless benefits, but, over time, he must Will face some suppression.

If you think about it, the high-ranking people in the family have spent decades and are unable to encircle this barbarian tribe. Are you saying that they are actually wine bags? !

At the beginning, because Huang Zhen had a high prestige, it was not appropriate to suppress him. However, after a period of time, the impact of this thing gradually disappeared. These senior family members who were beaten hard by Huang Zhen, Will secretly find the trouble of Huang Zhen.

At that time, if the background behind Huang Zhen was solid, this might not happen, but if his background is very general, hehe...

Huang Zhen is still unclear about this matter, and he can't understand it. He is in the game, so he can't see the hidden dangers inside, but Lin Ze believes that as long as he says this to Huang Zhen, I believe that Huang Zhen's IQ can definitely be understood.

Therefore, even if Lin Ze didn't do his best, Huang Zhenxin would not only be unhappy, but would appreciate Lin Ze.

"Oh, Huang Zhen, I'm actually doing it for you!" Lin Ze said with a smile.

Now that he has made up his mind, he will leave this place after obtaining the secret method of making warships that he is interested in from the barbarian tribes, but asking the tedious little things here, he still has a lot of big things to deal with.

The next day, that is, a good time to dispatch troops.

Early in the morning, Huang Zhen came to Lin Ze’s mansion with great sincerity. The people who followed him no longer had the two Lin brothers, but this time he still carried a young strange Huang family around him. Children.

"Brother Lin, this is Huang Yao, our uncle Huang Hui’s most beloved son. He just went out after finishing a secret method. No, I heard that Uncle Lin talked about your name, Brother Lin, so come here specifically to see you Brother Lin, you."

Huang Zhen said to Lin Ze with a smile, and took Huang Yao to see Lin Ze.

Looking at the face in front of him full of inquiry, Huang Yao with a more look, Lin Ze was very clear in his heart, this Huang Yao came to see himself, but not convinced of his strength, so I want to see if I have How strong.

Sure enough, Huang Zhen's words at the next moment illustrate this point.

After Huang Zhen finished speaking, he turned to Huang Yao with a smile and said, "Brother Huang, this is Brother Lin Zelin. You have always boasted of your potential and your cultivation progress is fast, but compared to Brother Lin, you It's still a lot worse. Now that you see Brother Lin, can you be convinced?"

"This, this..." Huang Yao's face was a little reddish. After seeing Lin Ze's strong momentum, there was something unsatisfactory in Huang Yao's heart. Therefore, the next moment he took the initiative to visit Lin Ze : "Have seen Brother Lin below!"

"Oh, it's okay. If I were you, I would have the same mentality. Everyone is young and understands!" Lin Ze said generously.

Not seeing that Huang Yao is Huang Hui's son. After seeing Huang Yao realizing the difference in strength between him and Lin Ze, he immediately came forward to see him and made Lin Ze's impression of him very good.

A person is not afraid of making mistakes. What he is afraid of is that he will not change his mistakes. As long as he knows the mistakes, he should be.

"I don't know which sect you are, Brother Lin, can you actually train young masters like you, Brother Lin?" Huang Yao had no calculations and asked curiously.

"Oh, I am the Yan Huangzong!" Lin Ze said proudly.

Yan Huangzong, the sect that Lin Ze built with his own hands, it's time to take the stage in the cultivation world!

"Yan Huangzong? Brother Huang, have you heard of this sect?" Huang Yao thought about it for a moment, and found that he hadn't heard of it before turning around and asking Huang Zhen around him.

"This... I haven't heard of it yet." After Huang Zhen recalled it in his mind, he also found that he had not heard of this sect.

"Oh, Yan Huang Zong is a hidden sect, so you should have never heard of it." Lin Ze said directly, so these guys would not guess.

"Yin Shizongmen, hiss, Brother Lin, I am really convinced this time!" After hearing that Lin Ze's Yan Huangzong was the Yinshizong door, Huang Yao also took a breath, and said he was convinced.

The hidden world sect gate, don't look at the influence of the strength outside, but as long as the martial arts inside the cultivation world, they all know the power of the hidden world sect gate.

There are countless masters in the cultivation world. It is not difficult to find the masters where these masters are located.

Like the hidden sects of the natural sect appearing before, everyone knows that they are in the Chu Kingdom and are working in the Zhongzhou generation. However, countless practitioners have searched the entire Zhongzhou and can't find the real place of the natural sect.

Even Tai Yizong these top ancestors are the same.

From this, we can see that the strength of the natural sect is at least the strength above the hidden trails. It is really powerful.

Not only the natural sect, but several other hidden sects who have been born, the strength is also quite strong, compared to those top sect, not weak.

These things are all clear to Huang Yao, so he was so surprised when he heard that Lin Huangzong, who was born in Lin Ze, was a hermit.

The name of the hidden world sect is really too loud!

"Brother Lin, I don't know where your sect is now? Can I go and see?" Huang Yao couldn't wait to say.

On the side of the listening, Huang Zhenxin screamed, and such conditions can also be mentioned. The address of the hidden world sect gate can be known to outsiders.

Just when Huang Zhen wanted to yell aloud, a voice rang in their ears.

"Huang Yao, what nonsense are you talking about? There isn't anything you can say here." Huang Hui's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Huang Yao wanted to say something back, but when he saw Huang Hui staring at him, he suddenly became speechless. Afterwards, he looked sadly under Huang Hui's gesture. Pushed behind Huang Hui.

"Senior Huang!" Lin Ze took the initiative to meet. (When outsiders are present, Lin Ze is a junior.)

"Oh, don't be so polite. Since Lin Ze has a golden dragon of Jindan period around you, then we are a generation. You can call it Huang Hui." Huang Hui said with a smile.

"Since this is the case, you and I will call you Brother Huang. It's a bit inappropriate to call your name." Lin Ze also said with a smile.

In this way, the two sides quickly settled on the above problems.

Seeing that they were all ready, Huang Zhen waved and shouted, "Since everyone is here now, let's go!"

After he finished speaking, he led the way and flew in the direction of Tianyuan Mountain.

Soon, Lin Ze threw away their flying swords, and together they turned into streamers and flew to Tianyuan Mountain.

There were a lot of people in this battle. According to Lin Ze’s calculations, there were more than 1,700 people. Most of them were acquired warriors on the eighth and ninth floors, such as the number of warriors in the innate period. Seven or eighty or so.

The number of strong men in the foundation period is about 20, less than 30.

There are five Zhouda strong men in Jindan period, and now with Lin Ze, there are six.

It can be said that this is definitely a strong team, even if Lin Ze watched it, he nodded secretly.

On the way to go, Lin Ze had already discussed with Huang Zhen their next battle plan.

Conquer the barbarian tribes on the Tianyuan Firstly, Zhou Da, Huang Hui, Xu An, Lin Guang, and Wang Chen took action to directly restrain the Jindan masters of the barbarian tribes, while Thalin Ze will not easily shoot.

Unless Zhou Da and others meet an enemy who cannot cope with it, or if an extremely dangerous situation occurs, they will attempt to settle it.

Later, when the real army was engaged, and the barbarians of the Jindan period were pinned down, Lin Ze released the dragon of the Jindan period and used the dragon power to suppress the strength of the barbarian warrior.

Others don’t need Lin Ze to shoot again. It can be said that what Lin Ze needs to do is actually very simple, that is, to release the dragon in Jindan period and let it exert dragon power to oppress the barbarians.

The top masters of the Family League are definitely not inferior to the barbarian tribes, but in terms of the strength of the general disciples, there are still many warriors who are not as good as the barbarian.

The warriors in the barbarians have cultivated their flesh/body strength and defense to the extreme. In the face of these barbarian warriors, the children of the family really don’t have much chance of winning. Therefore, the Jindan period around Lin Ze is needed. The dragon power of Jiaolong came to reduce the combat effectiveness of these barbarian warriors.

... m.

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