Alien Lord

Chapter 1935: Make a fortune! (2) (Happy New Year!!!)

"It turns out this way. I can't think of these barbarian refining masters. They are also very smart!" Lin Ze sighed, and others also agreed.

Now that everything has been said here, Han Dong also asked Lin Ze to explain the specific role of these superb spirit stones engraved in lines.

"Master, these spirit stones and spirit materials will be placed in the clear, not only to speed up the speed and efficiency of manufacturing warships, but also to prevent people from wanting to do things in secret. Everyone knows that whether it is a top grade spirit stone It’s still very expensive. They put these core things outside instead of being stored in the storage space. It’s because this thing is too expensive, no matter whether it’s handed over to anyone or anyone else. You can rest assured that this matter is the same even for barbarians.

Only like this, all placed outside and everyone staring together, can we guarantee the safety of these spirit stones to the greatest extent, and will not be secretly started. The barbarian’s mind is that, but they are also humans after all, as long as they are humans, there will inevitably be greed in their hearts, and when they are greedy together, then whether you are a barbarian or us, everything is Can do it. Han Dong continued to explain.

Hearing this, especially those following words, Lin Ze and his colleagues nodded in agreement.

Lin Ze knew them very well about the greed of the people.

No matter when he was on the earth or in Huangsha Town, he saw with his own eyes that there were a lot of cases of corruption, corruption, and corruption.

There are even some people who have just made great achievements in the battle with sand thieves. When faced with the lure of wealth, the hand that should not be stretched out was finally stretched out.

Lin Ze remembered very clearly that there was a man in him who was very sorry for him.

His name was Guo Dayu, a person he joined when Lin Ze just came to Huangsha Town and started to build an **** team.

He was very loyal to Lin Ze, and his qualifications for training were not bad. With Lin Ze’s full training, he quickly changed from an ordinary soldier to a hundred households with three floors each day.

In the following wars, such as the siege of **** clothing robbers, the black wind bandits, and the war of the refugees, he participated in it, and several times were at the forefront. After these wars, he mixed up and down. It was full of wounds.

It can be said that Guo Dayu is definitely a warrior of great merit.

In this regard, Lin Ze is also preparing to vigorously train him and prepare to promote him to a thousand households next time.

However, such a war hero eventually fell under the magic of money.

Guo Dayu secretly stolen a considerable amount of loot in the last round of the siege of the refugees. If the value is calculated, there are millions of silver coins. This number is really large, even if it is already enough. death penalty.

When this matter was reported to Lin Ze's desk, he had just signed Guo Dayu's order for the promotion of thousands of households, and was prepared to give it to Guo Dayu when he was celebrating the feast.

Now such a thing appears on Lin Ze's desk, Lin Ze's mood at that time can be imagined.

In the end, Guo Dayu took the initiative to explain everything to Lin Ze, and, after explaining everything, committed suicide.

Seriously, Lin Ze was really heartbroken at the time.

After all, Guo Dayu followed him from the beginning, and his ability was very strong, but in the end, he fell under the magic of money.

Many people like Guo Dayu appeared later, and Lin Ze took it seriously.

The human heart is the most unbearable test. Once you want to test the human heart, you will only get disappointed results in the end! !

After that, Han Dong continued to explain in detail: "Master, the most superb spirit stones, like the twelve superb spirit stones we first saw, should be the core of the magic weapon of the spirit stone cannon on the warship. Perhaps the general spirit stone cannon is enough as long as the primitive stone is used, but when using the spirit stone, especially the best spirit stone, the power of the spirit stone cannon can not only be stronger, but also, the launch speed can also be increased by more than ten times. And, don't worry about Yuan Shi, no, it should be said to be the consumption of Reiki.

In fact, similar to the use of the best spirit stone cannon in the past, it also existed in the eighth place among strategic implements. Even in the ancient times when it competed with countless powerful beasts for living space, it was daunting. Powerful magic weapon. Under normal circumstances, a full equivalent of a shot can instantly annihilate a peak of more than 100 meters! "

"Awesome spirit stone cannon, this barbaric tribe's ambition is really great!" After hearing Han Dong's explanation, Lin Ze also had to be shocked by this barbaric tribe's ambition.

They will refine such powerful spirit cannons, obviously wanting to play in the coming turbulent times.

However, with Lin Ze now, the ambition of this barbarian tribe was directly interrupted.

"The best spirit crystals contained in this second box should be the core of the magic weapon used to attack the enemy's Vulcan artillery. This kind of war weapon can release thousands of auras in one blow. Air bombs are specially used to deal with mass enemies. I just estimated in my heart that, according to the standard of the power of the Thousand Swords that you used before, any one of the power of the gang gas bomb is more than that of the master. The sword power of the Thousand Swords array that you used before is several times more powerful. Under normal circumstances, you can easily kill the warrior of the master level."

"His!" This time it was Qu Jingwen who took a breath.

Don’t look at the fact that Lin Ze is in contact with the strong foundation period, or even the Jindan period. However, this is only because Lin Ze is now stronger, so he will only start to contact the upper level of the cultivation world, but, in In the practice world, in fact, the innate strong man is really normal.

Just like Qu Jingwen, when he first followed Lin Ze, he was just a strong master. During this time, Lin Ze was fully promoted to become a grand master.

Later, if I wanted to be promoted to Supreme Master, there would be no way to do it in two or three years, not to mention the foundation period, Jindan period.

The Qu Jingwen of the previous guru level, in the Confucian branch of the Chu Kingdom, is already the presence of the elders of the outer gate. It can be seen that in the cultivation world, the nine-layer cultivators are only the acquired warriors and the guru The following innate warriors.

Now the Vulcan cannon on the warship can kill a strong master, and it can also send out thousands of power-like gas bombs at once. If such a warship appears, for any As far as a sect is concerned, it is no small threat.

Qu Jingwen believes that even Confucian scholars will have a headache when facing such warships.

Han Dong didn't stay, and he continued to introduce it soon.

"These super spirit crystals at the back. The smallest ones should be the core of the magic weapon of killing gods. Don’t look at the smallest of this magic weapon core. However, the power of killing gods in the war weapon can be great. This is a special creation. It came out to deal with the powerful warcraft weapons of those top masters. Each crossbow on the killing gods can be said to be a high-level weapon. The power is powerful, even if it is the realm of the Supreme Grandmaster, as long as it is If it hits in the front, it’s afraid that it won’t escape.

After saying this, Han Dong's eyes are also shimmering. He had only heard about the killing of the gods before, but now he has seen the core of the gods.

As a great master of formation and master of refining, Han Dong is really irresistible to treasures like God of Killing. He really wants to personally complete the manufacturing of these Gods of Killing.

However, Han Dong was not in a hurry, because he knew that Lin Ze would surely leave it to him afterwards. Who asked him to be the person who knows the best of these things here.

Han Dong said for a long time, but Lin Ze was looking at the babies in front of him at this time. This is not only the best spirit crystal, but also the core of the powerful war weapon.

In the past, a premium spirit crystal was worth hundreds of thousands, and now with the core of the war weapon, the value is definitely more than one million!

One million, this is one million top-grade spirit stones. Now he is really rich, and he is still rich!

Now, he may have been regarded as the first upstart in the cultivation field of the Chu Kingdom. Even if the emperor Yan Hao of the Chu Kingdom, Lin Ze can straighten his waist and claim that "I am richer than you!" !

It’s just a block, Lin Ze’s face smiled bitterly: “The value of these things is very high, but they are all placed on the warships and warships. The most important thing is that you want to put After such warships and warships are built, the future cost will not be too large. In addition, even if it is built, the maintenance cost in the future, then..."

As soon as he thought of these problems, Lin Ze had a headache.

This is the same as those on the earth. In fact, on the earth, many countries still build the carrier fleet, but why only a few countries on the earth have an aircraft carrier fleet?

The reason is actually very simple, that is, the cost of maintaining an aircraft carrier fleet is really too large, too large, and many countries simply cannot afford it.

The cost of an aircraft carrier is relatively high. At present, it is about 8.5 billion yuan to mass-produce a ship in the US.

The cost of an ordinary aircraft carrier is also not too low. Moreover, in the current aircraft carrier fleet, it is necessary to equip the aircraft carrier with missile cruisers, frigates, light frigates, nuclear//submarines, and other various support ships. Investment.

Not to mention that the United States now has an invincible global aircraft carrier fleet, but they also have huge consumption that others cannot afford.

Similar to the Nimitz-class aircraft This is one of the most advanced aircraft carriers in active service of the US Navy. In total, there are nine.

According to relevant data estimates, taking this class of aircraft carrier as an example, if calculated based on 30 years of service, the maintenance cost of each aircraft carrier is 11.1 billion yuan, the purchase and maintenance cost of carrier aircraft is 19.8 billion yuan, missile destroyers, missile cruisers The cost of convoy ships is 6.7 billion yuan, and the cost of oil, water and food is 5.5 billion yuan.

Roughly calculated, the life span cost of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier formation is as high as more than 43 billion yuan. If it is calculated based on an inflation rate of 20%, the final amount needs to be nearly 60 billion yuan, with an average annual cost of more than 2 billion yuan. Mi Yuan, known as the "Golden Swallowing Monster" is no exaggeration.

This is just the consumption of an aircraft carrier fleet, and there are eleven such aircraft carrier fleets in the United States. The annual consumption is obvious.

Such huge consumption can not be afforded by many countries. Like some countries in Europe/Continent, don’t look like they are very rich, but let them maintain an aircraft carrier fleet like the United States. , Their country will soon go bankrupt.

The aircraft carrier fleet is good, but unfortunately, not all countries can afford its huge consumption!

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