Alien Lord

Chapter 1940: Offense (1)

For example, both are 10,000 troops. The 10,000 troops of the barbarians can easily destroy 100,000 troops of the Chu Kingdom, and the 10,000 troops of the Chu Kingdom cannot even be faced with a barbarian army of a thousand men. Say 100% can be destroyed.

For example, the Chu State has been propaganda, and every year it sends a large army to the barren grasslands to encircle and suppress a large number of barbarians. In fact, it is a fake.

Yes, every year in Tiancheng City, troops are indeed sent into the wild grasslands to encircle the barbarian tribes.

However, every time they targeted small barbarian tribes, the number of soldiers in such tribes was at most five or six hundred.

And even so, the attacking Chu army is the most powerful elite army. The strength of each soldier is at least four layers of the day after tomorrow. Moreover, the number of attacking troops is definitely more than three thousand, and they are even dressed. Very good armor.

However, even if this is the case, the loss after the war will not be small, and the battle loss rate will be the same as the barbarian, and sometimes even more.

Many people cannot see such a secret, but for Qu Jingwen, it is not a secret.

"Since these barbarians are so enthusiasm, then I will give them this enthusiasm!" Lin Ze smiled, and then his right hand waved like that.

‘Huh! ! Two sounds, two powerful spirit stone guns appeared on both sides of Lin Ze.

These spirit stone cannons are the new spirit stone cannons that Lin Ze just got from the barbarian tribes, and use the best spirit crystals as the core of the formation method. The specific power Lin Ze has not been really tested. This time is the best opportunity for experimentation.

"The barbarians still have some means. They actually used secrets similar to modern fingerprint locks in the spirit cannons to block them. Seriously, if I had Han Dong, these spirit cannons were really only It can be used as a decoration." Lin Ze said with a smile while looking at the spirit cannons around him.

The blockade on these spirit cannons was discovered when Lin Ze was preparing to experiment with the power of the spirit cannons.

All the spirit stone cannons are engraved with blood veins by the barbarian refining master. Only the blood of the barbarian and the designated blood veins can use these new spirit stone cannons. In this case, even if these new spirit stone cannons are Others took it away, and others couldn't use these new spirit cannons.

Even if someone could lift the bloodline prohibition afterwards, at least for a considerable time after being taken away, these new spirit cannons could not threaten the barbarian army.

It can be said that from these inside, these barbarians are really very cunning.

This is the first time Lin Ze has seen this design.

Lin Ze also agreed with this bloodline forbidden. He equipped him with battle/slightly/sexual weapons and made the same bloodline ban.

Avoid these //warfare/slightly //sexual weapons falling into the hands of the enemy before they are used against him.

"Brother Lin, this is a spirit cannon?" Huang Zhen was beside Lin Ze. After seeing these two spirit cannons, his eyes lit up.

Compared to the Yuanshi artillery they brought, the two spirit stone cannons around Lin Ze not only had twice the muzzle, but also from the formation above, and the middle grade spirit stone over the gun door. It can be seen that the power of the two spirit cannons is absolutely very strong.

"Yeah, this is the new spirit gun, which is several times stronger than the old one." Lin Ze explained with a smile.

Anyway, soon Huang Zhen could see the power of these two new spirit cannons with his own eyes, so Lin Ze did not hide it.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh likes the new spirit spirit guns, the power source was a middle grade spirit stone. Compared with these two new spirit stone guns, the price is very high!" The new-style spirit stone cannon looks like he is not allowed to lie directly on it.

Obviously, Huang Zhen liked these two spirit cannons extremely.

This is just like many men. At the bottom of the heart, they like the weapons to the heart. If they have one, they want another.

Many Chinese people (men) will first try the power of modern firearms when they first come to the United States.

Seriously, if allowed, quite a few people will bring a few modern firearms when they come back.

Guns, this is the romance of men! !

"Price? Ha ha, about 100,000 spirit stones!" In order to avoid frightening Huang Zhen, Lin Ze directly reduced the price by ten times.

"His, 100,000 inferior spirit stones, this price is really expensive!" Huang Zhen was really frightened. Know that the general Yuanshi gun is more than a thousand inferior spirit stones, and now this new style Spirit stone cannon, but need 100,000 spirit stones.

"........." Lin Ze on the side was speechless. The spirit stone he said was top-grade.

However, Lin Ze did not correct Huang Zhen’s misunderstanding. If he did, he would not say that Huang Zhenxiang didn’t believe the price, even if he believed, then he would ask Lin Ze why the price of the new spirit cannon was like this. Gao, how will Lin Ze explain.

He couldn't always tell Huang Zhen that the core of this mental stone cannon was the best spirit crystal, so the price would be so expensive.

I believe that if Lin Ze said something like this, Huang Zhen would also be shocked, but, in the same way, things with the best spirit crystals on his body would also leak out.

Maybe some top-grade spirit stones, no one will play Lin Ze's idea, but once it is a top-grade spirit crystal, as long as it is spread, there will be countless people playing Lin Ze's idea.

Lin Ze already had enough troubles, he didn't want to cause himself any more trouble.

"Brother Lin, can I try this new spirit stone cannon?" Huang Zhen looked at the two new spirit stone cannons in front of him, his eyes full of eagerness to try.

Now Huang Zhen is completely a gun enthusiast. The look of the fire **** cannon can be seen as long as you are not blind.

"Brother Huang, I am really sorry. The two new spirit cannons can be stimulated by the spiritual power of the Yin attribute, and you are..." Lin Ze looked at Huang Zhen with a sorry look. To.

This is just an excuse. The real reason is that once Huang Zhen manipulates any of the two new spirit cannons, he will soon find out that the core of the new spirit cannon is actually made by the best spirit crystal. .

This is absolutely not allowed for Lin Ze who does not want to cause trouble to himself, so Lin Ze only apologizes for the fact that Huang Zhen wants to operate the new spirit cannon.

"Ah, it is so, that is really a pity!" Huang Zhen said with a pity on his face, his heart full of depression.

However, he would not doubt Lin Ze’s words. First of all, he could sense the cold breath above the spirit stone cannon clearly. In addition, it was just a Yuanshi artillery. If he could, he believed that Lin Ze was absolutely not Will refuse his'little' request.

"Then Brother Lin, you can shoot the gun quickly, I really want to see the power of these two spirit stone cannons." Huang Zhen urged Lin Ze anxiously, as a fan of powerful weapons, just let the spirit stone It is the most intolerable thing to stop the artillery without firing it.

At this moment, the identity of Commander Huang Zhenlian was completely forgotten.

"Oh, brother Huang, be careful. The movement of the two spirit cannons is not small." Lin Ze said with a smile, and soon began to input Xuanyin true energy into the two spirit cannons around him.

"Buzz!" The body of the Lingshi Cannon quickly glowed with a light blue light. Then, as if the surrounding air suddenly entered the winter, the ice flowers began to condense on the surrounding ground.

"Woooooooo!" Six consecutive cannon sounds, and then Huang Zhen saw three'cannonballs' flying out of the blink of an eye in the two new spirit cannons beside Lin Ze.

A total of six ice bombs instantly cut through the space and directly hit the three elders who are fighting with Huang Hui.

"Boom!" The three elders, who were being pinned down by Huang Hui, couldn't think of such a rapid ice bomb. He couldn't avoid it at all, and the whole person was hit by these six ice bombs one after another. The explosion sound continued to sound.

"The demon **** changed!!" Suddenly, there were three elders rumbling at the explosion center, and then, a demon totem with full height and no height appeared at the explosion center, just appeared, and the demon pattern on it As if alive, his mouth wide open, and a roar towards the remaining two ice bombs.

"Aoao!" A roar sounded, and a powerful sound wave struck the remaining two ice bombs.

"Boom!" Without any trace of accident, the remaining two ice bombs were directly destroyed by the sonic power emitted by the demon phantom.

"Retreat!!" There was obviously a tired voice. This was the voice of the three elders. Listening to his current weak voice, it was obvious that Lin Ze's raid had directly hit him directly.

"Want to go, how could it be so easy!" Huang Hui's eyes lit up, and he directly entered the Devil's Phantom.

"Boom!" A violent explosion sounded again, and Huang Hui and Demon Mirage fought together.

However, with the order of the three elders to retreat ~ ~ those barbarian masters who were still fighting against Huang Hui began to retreat.

"Boo babble!!" The barbarian masters turned into streamers and flew towards the tribe quickly.

Soon, a shield light illuminated inside the barbarian mountain protection array, and I saw the barbarian masters now appearing in a state of embarrassment, even the most powerful Jindan master three elders, this time also stained with blood The beard of the chin was neatly cut in half, making it easy to imagine that Lin Ze's sudden blow, if a little further back, then maybe the head of the three elders would be separated from the neck!

Others, some are more miserable than the three elders, and even three of them are already face-to-face and must be supported by others before they can act.

These people will be so embarrassed, this is because after seeing the sneak attack and killing of the three undead elders, Lin Ze directly turned the muzzle of the two spirit stone guns to these barbarian masters, and other Lin Guang and others also changed at the same time. Attack direction, and Lin Ze attack these barbarian masters.

Wound his ten fingers, it is better to break one finger!

Set a small goal first, for example, 1 second remember: book guest house

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