Alien Lord

Chapter 1947: Full attack

"You don't worry about the people below, because you are not convinced in your heart, at the last moment, directly destroy the secret method of making warships?" Huang Hui smiled and looked at Huang Zhen around him. Those little ideas.

"This, this..." Hearing Huang Hui asking, Huang Zhen really didn't know how to answer.

He is very clear that, with the character of the barbarians, they will definitely die with them after they are forced into desperation. Don’t say that they can get the secret method of refining the warship. Can they get some useful loot? question mark.

Huang Zhen had promised Lin Ze before to give him the secret method of making warships. If he lost it now, how would he explain to Lin Ze after that? (Huang Zhen didn't know that Lin Ze had already got it)

In addition, the secret method of making warships is also the main purpose of his visit this time. If this purpose fails in the end, he will not feel bad after going back.

"This, Uncle Shi, what do you say?" Huang Zhen had no choice but to ask Huang Hui on the side.

"It's very simple, let them use all their strength, and then we defeat them head-on. Only in this way can we really destroy the fighting will of these barbarians. Afterwards, they will surrender to us by relying on the barbarians' custom. Where can they destroy the secret method of manufacturing warships." Huang Hui said with a smile.

"Uncle Shi said, then do what you said Uncle Shi." Huang Zhen thought for a moment, and found that the solution really has this, so, only obedience.

"I know you are worried about the unexpected situation in the following battle. Rest assured, even if the strength of the barbarian tribe below is beyond our imagination, we still have another hand to prepare, we don't have to worry about these things at all." After finishing, Huang Hui Lin Ze looked back.

Huang Zhen thought of this too and smiled slightly: "Uncle Shi, what you said is very true."

In the valley on the ground, at this time, countless barbarians ran continuously, one by one coming out of the house.

Under the orders of the chiefs, they were constantly assembled, and even some strong female barbarians were gathered and distributed weapons.

Huang Quan kept patrolling the entire tribe, and when he arrived at the barracks, he shouted directly: "Second Elder, how is the army prepared?"

Seeing the arrival of Huang Quan, the barbarian soldiers in the barracks snapped in unison: "See the patriarch!"

"Well!" Huang Quan returned the salute, then looked at the elder second again.

The second elder smiled confidently, and then pointed at the army around him: "Patriarch, all the troops have been assembled, and you can fight at any time. I believe that our children will definitely hit the enemy hard. !"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!!!" A cry of killing followed, and the barbarian army showed a strong fighting will.

Seeing these soldiers with strong fighting will in front of him, Huang Quanxin was relieved.

With such a powerful army, what else is he terrible.

"Very well, this time you are the elder of the second elder." Huang Quan first praised him, and then he said to the elder elder, "the elder elder. I believe you also know the importance of Da Yue Luo Shen gun, this Once you lead a hundred teams over there to assist Song Yu and guard our big sunset cannon."

"Yes, patriarch!!" Soon, the second elder took a hundred teams of horses and ran towards the sunset.

At this time, Huang Quan once again said to the three elders around him: "The three elders, you take people to the Spirit Beast Park, and control all the spirit beasts with the beast ring to form a barbarian army, ready to be ready to attack."

"Yes, patriarch!"

The three elders took orders, and quickly took a team of spirit beasts deep in the valley.

Seeing all the arrangements made, Huang Quan let out a long sigh of relief. Now he has used all the available power of the entire tribe. Facing the strong enemy, he naturally increased his confidence.

In addition, in the storage bag, Huang Quan also prepared another magic pill, the same as the one he just swallowed.

These two magic pills were obtained from an extremely dangerous dense environment in his early years. The medicine of the medicine is overbearing and weird. It can improve his cultivation to a level in the short term, but how long can the effect last? What is the final side effect, he now knows nothing.

The number of immortals is too small, he dare not try it easily.

However, according to some remaining records, these two potions are absolutely powerful.

He will leave these two elixirs, and he just thought about it just in case, but if he really uses it, he really hasn't thought about it.

However, what he didn't expect was that he actually really used them one day.

In addition to this panacea, Huang Quan also prepared another killer, that is, a jade symbol in the storage bag.

This jade charm is small and exquisite, and the spirit pattern on it is carved by a method of hollowing and carving which is rarely used by the cultivators in the practice world. Among each spirit pattern, no, it should be It is said that the inner part of each spirit pattern is actually composed of other, extremely complex, even dozens of more fine spirit patterns, and the middle is brightened from time to time, it seems to be related to something.

This jade amulet was originally under the personal control of the tribal elders. When he just ordered it, the elders directly stuffed it into his hands.

This is the last card of their tribe!

Because this jade charm is actually a control organ. In front of the gate of the barbarian tribe camp, there are two stone beasts. This is actually not a decorative stone beast, but a real spirit beast.

Among these two stone beasts, each is sealed with a powerful ancient monster beast soul. This jade amulet can release these two monster beast souls from the seal to drive their opponents, but such a powerful combat power It can only be used once. Once released, the spirit of the monster will return to reincarnation after the war, and it is difficult to restrain.

This is the most powerful card of their tribe. It can be seen that the tribe of Huang Quan still has some heritage.

In the sky, the time for Yixiang was quickly passed. At this time, Huang Hui's eyes moved, and he said lightly to Huang Zhen around him: "Time is up, let's do it!"

He had issued a warning to Huang Quan before, and now that the time had passed, Huang Hui even waved down without asking.

Behind him, Huang Zhen quickly conveyed the order to attack with all his strength. In an instant, a large number of children of the Family Alliance slammed toward the following barbarian tribes: "Kill!"

With this killing, the disciples of the Family Alliance not only did not press down, but flew upwards more than ten meters uniformly, and then these disciples of the Family Alliance divided into 16 groups, divided into 20 groups, of which 15 Outside, with one person inside, these fifteen people did not attack, so they guarded the man in the middle firmly, and the cultivation of the man in the middle was obviously slightly higher than those around him.

Afterwards, the people in the middle were neatly arranged, each taking out a beast-controlling spirit ring, which looked colorful, with wolf heads, bear heads, tiger heads, etc., and then shouted neatly, hard I broke my finger!

The blood was dripping, and the heads of the wild beasts that looked like ornaments on the ring of the beast spirit suddenly seemed to be alive, and they flew directly out of the **** of the ring of beast spirits, and turned into a powerful powerful illusion. The beast spirit, after roaring into the sky, all returned to the ring of controlling beast spirits under the call of those people.

After that, all the wild beast patterns were really alive, and all the beast mouths were opened, and they swallowed the blood of these people!

After swallowing nine drops of the blood of these martial artists, a roar of trembling sounds sounded in the ring of controlling beasts. The sound waves spread in a ring, forming a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye directly in the void air. Things gradually.

"Hi!" At the next moment, in front of these people, a beam of light shining on the ring of the Beast Spirit shone ten meters in front of them. After that, a door to the void was opened, followed by a terrible head The giant beast appeared slowly from there to the gate of the void, the huge body directly submerged the sixteen around!

Soon, a barbarian giant bear tens of meters high, a bloodthirsty barbarian wolf seven to eight meters long, and a scorpion-tailed tiger like a hill, and a blue giant rhinoceros surrounded by countless thunder and lightning...

Twenty giant beasts appeared out of thin air above the barbarian valley. UU read books www.www. After, a terrible force that seems to come from the oldest and deepest part of the barren, like mountains and mountains, weighed heavily on the hearts of all the barbarians below!

At this time, Song Yu and they were also in the gun position where the Yue Shen Shen Cannon was located. They clearly saw this dramatic change above their heads, saw these powerful beasts, and were still confident in Song Yu's mouth before. With a sigh: "Twenty heads of spirit beasts, hehe, the family alliance is really strong, and suddenly it can take out so many powerful beasts. Sure enough, such a family alliance can't be underestimated. what!"

The second elder on one side also responded at this time: "Indeed, we were really too little to look at the family alliance. After several victories, we thought that the family alliance was just like this, but we all forgot that every member of the family alliance A family has been passed down for thousands of years. Where can it be for a family that has been passed on for so long? Now this is the consequence of underestimating the family alliance!"

"Alas......." Song Yu was speechless. Although it was said to be a consequence, this consequence was too great.

"I don't know how many people can survive after this war!" Song Yu thought secretly.

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