Alien Lord

Chapter 1949: Longwei

"Patriarch, now is not the time to think about those things, you should first look at the situation around you." Big Elder said anxiously.

"Huh?!" Huang Quan looked at the situation around him. At this moment, his heart shook because he saw the strong fighting spirit in the eyes of the barbarian soldiers around him disappearing rapidly, and, in In the eyes of the part of the tribe, he saw fear and surrender.

"No good, great things are not good!" Huang Quan's heart was also a little panicked, this time when he looked at Lin Ze and Jiao Long in the sky again, his heart was slowly helpless.

Barbarians are indeed strong in fighting will. No matter how powerful their enemies are, they will fight forward bravely, but barbarians also have corresponding weaknesses, that is their faith.

Living on a perilous wilderness that is full of danger, all the barbarians believe in the heart of the powerful spirit beast. The more powerful the spirit beast, the more the beast believes.

Because they believe that as long as they can believe in this powerful spirit beast, then they can obtain the refuge of this powerful spirit beast, and then survive on the dangerous and satisfying wasteland.

The dragon and the Jiaolong have always been the most powerful spirit beasts in all people's hearts, so for the barbarians, their hearts are extremely believe in Jiaolong /// Admiration.

The most important thing is that the barbarian's body has more or less some blood of the spirit beast. Now facing the dragon power of the top strong dragon in the spirit beast, the blood of the spirit beast in the barbarian body comes to the superior after feeling After the coercion, the combat power decreased sharply, and the strength of many barbarian soldiers was reduced by three to half.

This greatly reduced the strength, for their tribes, the damage is really too great. ,

It can be said that there is no real war yet, just two golden dragons of the Jindan period directly destroyed the three-tiered combat power of their tribe.

"Alas, this time I finally understood why the Family Alliance would attack our tribes with all their strength. It turned out to be because of the two golden dragons!" At this time, the elders understood why the Family Alliance would attack them all. Because, the family alliance has a dragon that suppresses their strength.

If the elder is in that position, he will make such a decision.

"Great Elder, what should I do now?" Facing this situation, even Huang Quan had no idea for a while.

"No way, Long Wei's suppression of our blood is natural, and we can't change it if we want to change it, so now we can only fight dead!" The elder said firmly.

In fact, there is still a way now, that is, to hit those two golden dragons, but it is enough to think about this matter. If you really want to implement it, it is definitely a fool.

Regardless of the Huang Dan and other Jindan strong men above, as well as the mysterious and powerful beast master, the heart clearly knows the importance of Jiaolong, so guarding the safety of Jiaolong is definitely their first consideration.

In addition, the fighting power of the Jindan period Jiaolong is also a strong explosive. Anyway, the big elders set themselves up. Even if he and Huang Quan join forces, they will not be a set of dragons.

Now there are two in the sky, and Zhou Da and they are staring at each other in general, so they take the initiative to attack Jiaolong, just looking for their own way.

The elders believe that once they really decide to launch a full-scale attack on Jiaolong, Zhou Da they will definitely release water, or even actively push away, let them pass.

Later, when they were fighting with Jiaolong, they directly cut off their retreat, and then cooperated with two Jiaolong to suppress them.

So, attacking Jiaolong is really a dead end!

Huang Quan also clearly understood this, so he didn't put forward this idea from beginning to end.

"Okay, since things have reached this point, let those people see, our barbarians are powerful, fight, fight!" Huang Quan flew directly to the front of the stone temple, shouting loudly at all barbarian soldiers.

"Fighting, fighting!" With Huang Quan's personal inspiration, the fighting will in the heart of the barbarian soldiers became strong again, and his mouth continued to roar.........


Lin Ze's eyes swept down at this time, and now the barbarian tribe in his eyes could be said to have been a conquered sect, and lost those powerful new spirit stone cannons, and now he has to face their strong side Firepower, he does not think that this time the barbarian tribe can escape.

Not only Lin Ze, Zhou Da, they also think so.

Like Zhou Da, he completely ignored the service of Huang Quan below. He told the people around him lightly: "The time has been delayed long enough, attack!"


The family disciples around them agreed, and then all the giant beasts of the foundation period sank together.

First of all, the wild giant bear opened his mouth fiercely, with a roar, a powerful beastmaster roaring shell spewed out of his mouth, and bombarded the barbarian's mountain array defensive cover fiercely.

Then the other spirit beasts in the foundation period also fired together, a silver-white half-moon cut, and a lightning that is 100 meters long and the thickness of the thighs, a poisonous mist that is extremely toxic, and the frost, snow and rain transformed by countless spiritual forces. In the long river of stars, various gang attacks attacked indiscriminately.

"Booming..." Faced with the full attack of so many spirit beasts in the base period, the barbarian's mountain protection array seemed to be in jeopardy!

At this time, Huang Quan sighed: "Everyone is steady, don't panic!"

With Huang Quan’s order, there were some more than three hundred barbarian tribes who did not know what to do before, plus big elders and others, together injecting true energy into the formations around them, Huang Quan centered himself Scheduling, finally stabilized the Hushan formation.

Although at this moment, the entire valley was shaken by the continuous gas attack outside, but it was finally broken without being attacked by the first round of attack.

Seeing this, Lin Ze also had some surprises on his face: "Hehehe, the power of this barbarian's mountain guard is really good, they were actually guarded."

"Then I'll put more effort on it!" After that, Lin Ze stomped gently, the dragon under his head roared loudly, his tail flicked, and slammed into the big mountain guard.

The defensive cover in the formation was opened to the maximum, and the huge tail of the Jiaolong also rushed up fiercely. With a loud bang, the mountain protection array swayed violently, and the powerful impact force directly made the blood of more than ten barbarian disciples on the spot. , Suffered a serious internal injury.

The prepared barbarian disciples immediately replaced them, and once again maintained the security of the mountain protection array.

At this time, the King of Space Dragon was also ready to attack. The golden horn on top of his head was violently facing the sky, and a light appeared on the thread of the golden horn surface, continuously circling and rising, condensing into one on the nine days. The golden thunder cloud of the size of Tuanmu was immediately followed by a thunderous golden thunder.

"Be careful!!" Huang Quan yelled, and then input spiritual force to the formation force. Suddenly, a strong light erupted from the large mountain protection array, and he greeted the golden lightning fiercely.


The two strong sides collided, shaking the mountain for a while.

After the collision, the light of Hushan's Great Array quickly dimmed, and the other Golden Dragon, the dragon, took the opportunity to kill it again.

Later, the other twenty head-building spirit beasts also swarmed up, attacked by various gangles, and poured down.

In the Spirit Beast Garden behind the Barbarian Valley, the three elders have been staring at the battle picture above, and seeing the situation so urgent, he is also anxious to jump straight and walk around in the Spirit Beast Garden.

He really wanted to go out to fight, but he knew very well that he would not only get the best results if he attacked now, but he would also fight for the only one of their clan.

But he is the three elders of the tribe. As the three elders of the tribe, shouldn't he stand up when the tribe is most dangerous?

But now he can't do anything here because of Huang Quan's orders. It's hard to say how uncomfortable it is in his heart.

Behind him, hundreds of wild beasts in the tribal spirit beast park all had a silver ring on their necks.

Their tribe has no way to tame the beasts to tame the wild beasts, so they can only rely on this ring of beast control to control the beasts.

Seriously, Huang Quan's tribe would choose to settle in Tianyuan Mountain and settle in this valley. There is a reason for the wild beasts in this valley.

At the beginning of the establishment here, the ancestors of Huang Quan inadvertently discovered this valley and found that there were a lot of wild beasts living there, and the resources were extremely rich, so they decided to establish a tribe here, and soon established This spirit beast park.

Until now, the number of tamed spirits has exceeded 700.

The minimum strength of more than 700 is the 8th or 9th layer of the day after tomorrow. A considerable part of it is a congenital barbarian army. It is definitely a powerful Such a powerful barbarian army, used in rushing to kill The above is the most suitable. If it is used in singles, it is a waste. Therefore, even if the three elders would like to kill with the barbarian army now, but without Huang Quan’s order, he still has to endure here. .

In addition, the three elders also knew that Huang Quan had another intention to hide him here.

That is, once the battle is really irreversible, and failure is inevitable, he uses this powerful barbarian army to kill a blood for their tribes and let some tribes break out to avoid the final army. Annihilated.

Any tribe here is an elite in their tribe, and it is fortunate for their tribe to escape any one.

In addition, people need to bring out the news here, so as not to send people here from the tribes continuously, otherwise, if the tribes from the back keep coming, it would be more loss.

After comprehending Huang Quan's intentions, even if the three elders were reluctant in their hearts, they had to endure it, because he was the last hope of their tribe here, and he could not take risks.

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