Alien Lord

Chapter 1969: Goal: Jiaolong!

  'S Huang Hui by this time had already noticed that something was wrong, and immediately hurried to prepare to support Jiaolong.

   Unfortunately, his speed is still a step slower.

   It was at this time that the second attack of the second elder had already begun.

   "Dead!!" The second elder yelled, vigorously inspiring all the power in the body, and his blood was like a fountain. After that, countless lights appeared on the remaining five magic weapons.

  At this time, Jiaolong also noticed these changes around him. Seeing that the light of'familiarity' lit up beside him again, there was also a trace of panic in Jiaolong's eyes.

  The second elder didn't pay attention to this, he immediately inspired the self-detonation array on the magic weapon.

   "Boom Boom Boom!" Five consecutive explosions sounded louder than the previous explosions.

   "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... at the end of this year was, he was killed by a powerful explosive force, killing Jiaolong with endless momentum.

   "Boom Boom Boom!" Although the dragon had already reacted, the huge body could not avoid all the magic weapon fragments at all. This is not the case. Most of the magic weapon fragments hit the dragon.

   "Aoao Aoao!" Jiaolong roared in pain, but it roared again, but the magical fragments still stubbornly drilled deep into its body!

   The powerful strength of the five magic weapons that blew up together is undoubtedly revealed at this moment!

This is the killer skill in the hands of the second elder. His heart is very clear, just relying on his current strength, that is, all the beasts around him have been sacrificed, and don’t want to hurt the Jindan stage dragon, so, in the attack At the moment of the Jindan period Jiaolong, the elders of the second elder had already made the final preparations.

   There is a blessing of a huge spirit stone mine in the tribe, and there are no shortage of magic tools and magic weapons around the second elder.

   And because of his extremely strong combat power and extreme popularity, the magic tools and magic weapons around him are also extremely powerful.

  When the last attack was launched, the elder of the second elder made the decision to use all the magic weapons and magic weapons on his body to explode to kill the golden dragon.

He knows what the consequences of his doing this. These magic weapons and magic weapons can have his soul imprinted. Therefore, once all of them explode, the two elders themselves will also be hit hard. At that time, he is in the enemy formation, and the next meeting will be How is that to be imagined.

  However, for his beloved tribe, in order to win a life for the tribe, the second elder is willing to give everything, even his life!

   has been staring at the second elder to see Song Yu, and seeing this, I felt anxious in my heart.

  He would have suggested the second elder to launch an offensive. He did not want the second elder to die like this, but wanted the second elder to contain the family alliance for a while and prepare him for the final blow.

However, the second elder is now obviously attacking with a mortal heart. Although looking at the current situation, the second elder’s attack is extremely effective. The dragons in the Jindan period have been hit hard by him, which is extremely important for Song Yu’s future plans. advantageous.

  However, if Song Yu knew that the Second Elder would do such a thing, he would never say anything offensive to the Second Elder.

  The two elders were the pillars of their tribe, so sacrificed here, for their tribe, it was absolutely a huge loss.

   In addition, at ordinary times, the second elder is also very good for Song Yu, so now looking at the death of the elder of the second elder, Song Yu is a bit embarrassed.

   "Now only the final blow can be launched as quickly as possible. Perhaps this can save the second elder's life!" Song Yu quickly recovered and began to prepare for his final blow.

  Now to rescue the second elder, with the strength of Song Yu, it simply won't work, so he only depends on the killer he is going to implement.

   To say that Song Yu’s killer is actually very simple, that is, the three big sunset gods.

After several overloading operations before, these three sunset cannons can be said to be useless. If you want to use them again, it will not only be extremely dangerous, but these three sunset cannons will definitely become a ruin afterwards. .

   If it is normal, Song Yu dare not do it. If he really wants to do it, the family rules will let him know how powerful it is.

However, it is now a wartime, and it is still a time of life and death, so at this time, as long as Song Yu can exert the combat effectiveness of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, it is considered that these three Great Sunset Divine Cannons turned into ruins afterwards. It won’t be big, even if he has great success, he will be rewarded.

   Therefore, before Song Yu had been preparing for the final blow, using the final power of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon to make the final blow.

   However, because it is forced to run the Big Sunset God Cannon, the time required and the movement during operation are very large.

  The family alliance has tasted the power of the National Sundown Cannon before. Now if you see the light of the Grand Sunset Cannon again, then Song Yu shouldn’t even want to inspire the Grand Sunset Cannon.

  Before, because of the large mountain array as a block, Song Yu can safely stimulate the big sunset cannon, but now, don’t forget that the army of the family alliance has broken the large mountain array.

   At this time, once the light of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon is on, the army of the Family Alliance will attack immediately. At that time, where will Song Yu still have time to excite the Great Sunset Divine Cannon.

Therefore, in order to play the final blow of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, Song Yu needs a certain amount of time. Before that, he will remind the elder elder that the best time to attack is to let the army around the elder elder help him fight for some time. Allow him to play the final blow of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon.

After his reminder, the second elder was indeed very rich in the results of the attack, but this was the time he used to win Song Yu with his life. For a time, Song Yu was both sad and moved in his heart. At the same time, there are regrets..., the feeling in my heart is extremely complicated...

   "It's only me who can save the second elder now, in order to speed up the speed!" Song Yu yelled at the bottom of his heart, and his hands quickly started to inspire the Great Sunset Divine Cannon.

   "Second Elder, come back!" Huang Quan shouted at this time, wanting to call back Elder Er.

  However, the elders of the second elders did not return, even wielding three axes to force the dozens of rescued family masters around them to retreat, and at the same time shouted, "Come on!"

He just answered a few words, and there were a few beastly roars around him. When he looked back, it turned out that some of the spirit beasts beside him were killed by the masters of the family alliance. Suddenly, the elders blushed and screamed. I rushed up again.

   Huang Quan was also in a hurry at this time. He pushed away the clan who healed him and shouted in his mouth: "It's really a bull!"

   The elders on one side turned their eyes, then turned around and shouted at Elder Er: "Second, it's not good. A large number of family alliance troops have attacked Song Yu and they will not be able to hold on!"

   "What!" The second elder heard the words and rushed back with a roar.

  To tell the truth, the second elder had good luck. When he would turn around and kill back, a considerable part of the army of the family alliance was killing towards the place where Song Yu was.

   When Song Yu inspired the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, the bright light immediately aroused the idea of ​​the Family Alliance. The Family Alliance, who had tasted the Great Sunset Divine Cannon's power before, immediately dispatched a considerable force to attack Song Yu.

It is a pity that the army of the Family Alliance was disbanded by the second elder before. Now, even if they are gathered together, there is only a small part of the staff. With Huang Quan, they are also well aware of this, and they sent a small army around them to block it. Therefore, the family alliance has not yet been able to kill Song Yu.

   It was just right. At this time, the second elders came back with the army of few remaining spirits and beasts, and it even worsened the army of the family alliance.

  Family Alliance team with enemies in the back was immediately defeated.

  At this time, the second elder had also arrived near Song Yu's gun station.

   Seeing that Elder Er returned safely, a smile appeared on Song Yu's face, but now there was no time to say anything. Song Yu said directly to Elder Er, "Second Elder, let it go, in order to fire the gun!!"

   "Jiaolong, die!!"

  Song Yu directly aimed the muzzle of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon to seriously injure the retreating Jiaolong, with a trace of resentment, and instantly photographed with a palm.

  Large sunset magic weapon of large warcraft weapon was excited again!

"Boom!" Three bright poles of light illuminate from the core of the Great Sunset Divine quickly transformed into a powerful spiritual vortex, after which this spiritual vortex It is the bigger and bigger, the face, after a tenth of a second, directly covers the whole sunset sun cannon.

   And at the forefront of the muzzle of the Great Sunset Divine Cannon, a little red light continued to light up, and they were all arranged very neatly.

Finally, the Great Sunset Divine Cannon made a roar, and countless fiery red rays made a long line of light, seemingly slow, in fact, the speed is incredible, and the Jindan period dragon that could not escape in a flash was drowned in a flash. .

   "Great Sunset Cannon!"

   The family alliance army was shocked. They were all rushing towards the barbarian camp. At this time, all the people quickly stopped and panicked to avoid the torrent of stars!

Nearly fifty or sixty warriors from all family alliances couldn't hold back, rushed into it, and their bodies quickly turned into countless pieces under the fire of the sunset sun cannon, and then were cut into smaller pieces... … Turned into a blood mist, and finally, even the blood mist disappeared, leaving only an unpleasant smell...

If you look closely, the fiery red spots are actually tiny suns that are only the size of a slap, but compared to the real sun, it seems that it has not decreased much. Difficult to resist. ...


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