Alien Lord

Chapter 1974: Black light

Huang Quan is not stupid here. After seeing Huang Hui off the court, he immediately abandoned Zhou Da and others who were chasing him and turned to escape to the Stone Temple. While running, he also shouted angrily in his mouth.

He shouted like this, the biggest intention was not to publicize this matter, here are all members of the family alliance, he shouted loudly again, this thing can not be publicized.

Therefore, Huang Quan shouted along the way, the real intention was to cause a trace of embarrassment in the heart of the hunter behind him, and then there was some hesitation during the hunt, in this case, Huang Quan The chance of escape is even greater.

It's a pity that Huang Quan's idea is very good, and he escaped quickly, but since Huang Hui was already shot at this time, where else would he care about these things, so, soon, Huang Hui played A huge golden shield shouted and immediately pressed against the head of the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan.

"Ha!" Huang Quan shouted. Although he used his great axe magic weapon to cut off the golden shield above his head, but the shield's defensive power was too strong, Huang Quan's giant axe could not hurt this huge golden shield.

With the sound of "clang!", the giant axe in Huang Quan's hand struck the golden shield above his head, making a loud impact. After that, an invisible vibration wave was generated on the golden shield, and the powerful shock force directly acted on the scar. Above the huge giant axe.

"Click!" Huang Quan's giant axe burst, and countless fragments hit Huang Quan like bullets.

The attack of these fragments left Huang Quan no time to dodge. In desperation, Huang Quan could only harden his scalp. First, he blocked the attack of the fragments of these giant axes, and then directly extended his hands to resist the golden shield on his head.

He used the life-and-death fighting style, although he ran Zhou Da, Lin Guang and others chasing the whole valley, but now it is very ugly in Huang Hui's hands.

Before Huang Hui shot, he had already figured out a way to deal with Huang Quan, plus Huang Hui's strength remained full, and Huang Quan's side had already consumed more than half of his strength. The difference between the two now is too great.

Just like Huang Quan now, he originally wanted to use brute force to push away the golden shield implement on his head.

But Huang Quan's hands only touched the golden shield on his head. He found that the golden shield was as heavy as a mountain, and it was dozens of times heavier than the strongest beast he had killed on the wild grassland.

As the Golden Shield continued to press down, Huang Quan felt that the Golden Shield on his head was getting heavier and heavier. Even if he exhausted all his strength, he couldn't push the Golden Shield at all, but instead died with its heavy weight. Hold down.

Huang Quan did not sit still. Even so, he held the golden shield with both hands and looked from a distance. Now Huang Quan is like a heavy turtle shell on his back, and his mouth is breathing gasping, but Underneath the footsteps, still striding tens of steps away.

Knowing that after walking for nearly two hundred meters, Huang Quan was still unable to resist the huge weight of the golden shield above his head, blushing and red ears, thumped on one knee and could not run.

At this time, Zhou Da, Lin Guang and others had already chased from behind, and Zhou Da wanted to kill Huang Quan with anger.


Huang Hui drank in time and hit a gang of gas, blocking Zhou Da's shot.

Then he took out a rope-like rope-like implement from the storage bag next to him, and sighed and breathed heavily on the ground. Huang Quan, who had no resistance, **** dozens of circles and tied it firmly. After that, the golden shield on Huang Quan's head was recovered.

Faced with the slap of being captured, Huang Quan's mouth was screaming, and his face was full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"Brother Huang, before Huang Quan let the face lose, if you don't cut him, it's hard for me to hate it!" Zhou Da looked at Huang Quan and said with great annoyance.

Before, he suffered a lot on Huang Quan, and the pictures of being chased and killed by Huang Quan have not disappeared for a long time. Now Zhou Da is really annoyed in his heart.

"Zhou Da, why do you have a general knowledge of a barbarian. Huang Quan's identity is unusual, just killed, it is a pity. Not to mention, you forgot what the owner said before, Huang Quan, the barbarian patriarch It is extremely important for the master’s future plans to kill him now."

Zhou Da took a cold look at Zhou Da and said with a hint of reproach.

In Huang Hui's view, if Zhou Da had been able to make a cut before, then there would be such a shameful thing as before, so now Zhou Da fell to the end of the face, he asked for it.

Hearing that Huang Hui had moved Lin Ze out, Zhou Da would not say more at once.

Although he did lose Huang Quan’s face, Lin Ze’s future plan was obviously more important than his face.

In addition, although Lin Ze had never said anything to blame them before, it was believed that the shameful things that had happened before left a bad impression in Lin Ze's heart.

If Zhou Da kills Huang Quan to vent his anger, it will not only destroy Lin Ze’s plan, but also leave a useless impression in Lin Ze’s heart, which is absolutely unacceptable to Zhou Da. .

Therefore, after hearing Huang Hui's words, Zhou Dali stopped speaking, and he didn't want to really leave an unusable impression in Lin Ze's heart.

"Patriarch!!" Seeing that Huang Quan was captured, the barbarian clan in the temple shouted in displeasure. Some others wanted to rush out to rescue Huang Quan, but they were all covered by a yellow mask at the entrance of the temple. Blocked.

"Great elder, quick, start the formation, let us go out to rescue the patriarch!" the leading Song Yu shouted to the great elder.

"Give me back!" The elder didn't say much, his voice sneered coldly, but deep in his eyes, it was full of sorrow.

"Great Elder..." Song Yu shouted again, still a little bit unwilling.

"What's wrong, you haven't listened to the words of the elder elder." The elder elder said directly.

"Dare not!" Song Yu and his party immediately lowered their heads, and dared not look at the angry elder.

"Ah, I know you want to rescue the patriarch, but do you really think that you can save the patriarch when you go out?"

The elders still asked rhetorically, directly making Song Yu speechless.

Before they were in full strength, they were not opponents of the family alliance army. Now when their strength is greatly reduced, they are not even opponents.

If they rush out now, it is almost the same as sending sheep into a wolf mouth. Not only can they not save Huang Quan, but even their own safety cannot be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Song Yu punched the wall next to him, and instantly, blood ran down from his fist.

"Master, we have captured the barbarian patriarch Huang Quan, what shall we do now?"

Huang Hui ignored the three Zhou Da people around him, and was not bound to the curse of Huang Quan, the head of the barbarian patriarch on the ground. Instead, he directly asked Lin Ze on the other side.

"Well, directly escorted to the stone temple in the middle. I believe that with this Huang Quan, the barbarians in the temple should be more calm." Lin Ze answered quickly.

This time, he wanted to take down the barbarian tribe instead of destroying the barbarian tribe, so Lin Ze did not want to die if not necessary.

In other words, Lin Ze wanted to persuade this barbarian tribe.

Perhaps the matter of persuading to surrender was not possible in the past. The barbarians' ambition was still very high.

However, this barbarian tribe has now been hit one after another, and now their tribal chiefs have been captured by Lin Ze. Under such circumstances, they may be more likely to persuade them to surrender.

"Yes, Master!" Huang Hui took the command and quickly strode towards the Stone Temple in the Valley of Faith with Zhou Da, Xu An, Lin Guang and other family alliance masters.

Just approaching the gate of the temple, a scream came from the temple.

"Stop, this is the sanctuary of our demon tribe, no foreigners can enter!"

A deep and majestic voice came from the stone temple.

Hearing this scolding sound, Lin Ze and Huang Hui didn't even hesitate, as if they didn't hear it, they went inside the temple.

Ha ha, both sides have almost **** out, and now, Lin Ze they have an absolute advantage, so, where they have to consider other things, just go straight in.

Anyway, for Lin Ze today, he will never take it without conquering this tribe.

"Whoosh!", a strong wind with a black light burst out of the temple ~ ~ hit the leading Huang Guanghui.

"Humph, carving insect skills!" Huang Hui sneered in the corner of his mouth, throwing the gold shield before him into a golden shield of several feet in size, blocking him.

He is very confident in the power of his golden shield. This medium-quality golden shield is extremely defensive, but it can't be penetrated by anything.

In fact, the same is true. With the sound of "Boom!

Wu Guang did not break the golden shield magic weapon, but its power is also extremely strong, and the powerful impact force directly formed a powerful sound wave, which instantly torn everything around five meters around, even if it was as hard as steel The stones of the temple were all shattered into powder, a breeze blew, and a burst of smoke rose at the gate of the temple.

Not only that, even Huang Hui felt very uncomfortable in the bottom of his heart after a hard block, and the whole person was kicked by this black light and then stepped back two consecutive times. It took ten or so steps to stand firm. There was a pain in his chest and a trace of blood came out of his mouth, but he swallowed it forcibly.

. m.

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