Alien Lord

Chapter 1976: Surrender

"Holy Lady?" Lin Ze looked at the young girl, who was at most 17 or 18 years old, with a trace of surprise on her face.

Something like the Virgin, Lin Ze was here before, or seen on TV, movies, this is the first time I really saw the real thing.

"Are you a barbarian tribe?" Lin Ze asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Yes, I am the tribe's saint, what do you want?" After seeing the curious look on Lin Ze's face, the barbarian saint asked with a trace of anxiety in her heart.

I don’t know anything. Seeing the curious look on Lin Ze’s face, the barbarian saint felt a chill in the whole person, as if something bad was about to appear.

"It's really a saint, huh, huh." Lin Ze smiled, with a feeling of being inside.

However, it is not here now, so Lin Ze said quickly: "Retreat, you are not our opponent."

The strength of the barbarian saint in front of him is the realm of the guru at most. Their current strength from Lin Ze is not a little bit worse than that. They stand in front of them, and they have no effect at all.

"No, if you want to hurt the elders, you have to pass this level first." The barbarian saint shouted firmly, and walked forward a few steps, staring straight at Lin Ze, then vowed to die The expression is extremely firm.

"Yun'er, step back, you are now in front of them, it really doesn't do much."

The white-haired elder who sat in the first seat put down the black iron halberd that was cut in two in his hand, and he sighed.

Although they are not injured so badly, they have not yet reached the stage where they need tribal saints to block the enemy.

Moreover, how to say is also the saint of their tribe, as long as they do not fall, the elders will not allow the saint to be hurt first.

The sage of the barbarian saint, Yuner, was swollen, but for the elders, the words of her grandfather, she did not dare to obey, and then she retreated unwillingly.

"I am Lu Wanlin, the elder of the wild demon tribe. Your Excellency is the one in the family alliance? It seems that he has not appeared before." The white-haired elder Lu Wanlin looked at Lin Ze, staring at him deadly, with a dignified look.

Because this is the person in front of him, not only to cut off his black iron halberd, but also, there are two golden dragon dragons, and, relying on these two dragons, broke their tribe.

As a tribal elder, he has seen countless strong men, but there are really not many people who can achieve such strong men as Lin Ze.

In addition, even if it is an enemy, the barbarian elders also want to know what was born of this strong man who defeated their clan.

For such a strong man, even if he is the biggest enemy who defeats their tribe, as a tribal elder, he still has great respect for Lin Ze.

"Oh, I’m not a member of the Family Alliance. I’m a foreigner, but I just came to Sancai Valley recently, and I cultivated with the five elders in it, and I heard that your tribe has a secret craft of warships. I want to borrow this manufacture. After reading the mystery, I wonder if the elders can borrow the secret method of making warships?" Lin Ze said with a smile, and directly stated the main purpose of his coming here this time.

There are too many outsiders here, so, like the huge spirit stone mine, Lin Ze is not going to speak on the front, so as not to leak the news.

As for whether the elders are still threatening, huh, huh, the four tribal elders in this stone temple, maybe they still have this certain strength, such strength, for the general foundation strong, maybe It is quite amazing, but their strength is really no threat to Lin Ze now.

In addition, the most powerful weapon of the Great Elder, the Xuantie Shen Halberd, was struck by Lin Ze into two quarters. They did not have the means of attack in front of Lin Ze, so Lin Ze was not worried about these elders. Threat.

At this point, the elders of these barbarian tribes also knew well, so before, they just attacked and saw that they were easily resolved by Lin Ze, and even lost the black iron **** halberd, they did not shoot again. Then, let Lin Ze and his entourage enter the Stone Temple.

"The secret method of manufacturing warships? Yes, our tribe can surrender this thing, but how can we teach you?" The big elders did not refuse to agree to hand over the secret method of manufacturing warships. The matter has reached the present stage, this manufacture The secret method of flying a warship, even if the elders want to hide it, will not work.

Don’t forget that the five warships, warships, and hundreds of refining divisions that were still being built have all disappeared, so the secret method of making warships has long since been leaked. .

Maybe these secret aristocratic alliances haven’t been collected yet, so they will only ask for them. In this case, this secret can also be used as a condition for exchange, or else, until the aristocratic alliance from the captured tribal refining master’s mouth After getting the detailed secrets for making warships inside, it is useless for their clan to hide the secrets for making, and it will lose an excellent exchange condition.

"Very well, it seems that the barbarian is not so unreasonable!" Lin Ze nodded, the elders' interest was contrary to Lin Ze's expectations.

In Lin Ze’s heart, or from the news about the barbarian tribes that Lin Ze had previously received, it can be seen that many barbarian tribes have a very hostile attitude towards the Chu State and surrounding countries and will not make peace with these countries at all. .

Therefore, before Lin Ze was still worried about whether the barbarian would die hard, but now, looking at the situation where the elders are so good to speak, the barbarian tribe is not that hardened.

"Of course we are reasonable, on the contrary, you family is the most unreasonable existence." Even in the absolute disadvantage, the elder's words are not very polite, and it is the most unreasonable to say that the family is the most unreasonable.

Hearing this, Lin Ze felt a little embarrassed and touched his nose. He agreed with the elders.

From the intelligence collected by Lin Ze, family, sect, or some other powerful forces are really unreasonable. They all take power as the criterion. Whoever has the strongest power is justified.

"Oh, these things are not for consideration. You should first hand over the secret method of making warships!" Lin Ze said nothing more and asked the elders to hand over the secret method of making warships.

"Hey, here you are!" The elder snorted coldly and threw a storage bag beside him directly to Lin Ze.

"Great elder."

"Big Brother..."


Seeing that the elders really handed over the secret method of making warships, the group of people behind him suddenly anxiously shouted.

"Silence, I am still the elder elder, and now it is not your turn to speak." The elder elder said with a cold face.

"" Seeing the elder elder put his face down, the group of people behind suddenly dared not say anything more, but when he looked at Lin Ze and his group, he was full of anger.

They are not fools, they know why the elder elders surrendered the secret method of making warships. The elder elders did this only to protect the safety of the tribes and protect them.

It’s just, I know that I know, but, just watching the tribe’s most precious secret method taken away by the enemy of the Family Alliance, I feel a little unwilling in my heart.

After seeing the other barbarians being forcibly suppressed by the elders, Lin Ze smiled and directly handed the storage bag thrown by the elders to the surrounding Huang Hui, saying, "Huang Hui, look, the things inside are not true?"

Seeing Lin Ze actually handing over the storage bag to Huang Hui on one side, a trace of loss flashed in the eyes of the elder elder.

Before, he would hand over the storage bag to Lin Ze instead of Huang Hui, the commander of the Family Alliance. In fact, he had a little idea in his heart.

When I heard that Lin Ze was not a member of the Family Alliance, an idea flashed in the mind of the elder: could he transfer the relationship between Lin Ze and the Family Alliance?

Lin Ze came back to attack their tribes, I believe it was because of the interests of //leading//tempting, now if he gives him more benefits, will it be possible for some cracks in the relationship between the two sides.

As long as there is a crack in the relationship between the two sides, then the elders will have countless ways to tear this crack, and finally let the two sides turn their faces directly.

However, it is a pity that Lin Ze actually handed over the storage bag to Huang Hui directly, which directly cut off all the calculations behind the elder elder, and made him feel depressed for a while.

Soon, Huang Hui checked the storage bag.

"Brother Lin, there are all the secret ways to make warships, and there is no shortage of them." Huang Hui said to Lin Ze with a smile, but This is just the surface. In the dark, Huang Hui passed on Lin Ze, he has destroyed the secret method of manufacturing warships in the storage bag and other improved secret methods, and the rest is the first-level secret method of manufacturing warships.

This time the Family Alliance will attack the barbarian tribes. One of the reasons is to obtain the secret method of making warships. Therefore, Lin Ze’s handing over this secret method is a 100% thing. Otherwise, it will cause another war.

Lin Ze has already taken a look at the family alliance. Huang Hui and they are internal. This family alliance will be Lin Ze sooner or later, so where will Lin fight the family alliance?

However, not going to war does not mean that Lin Ze will not secretly do things.

The barbarian tribes have made countless improvements to the secret method of manufacturing warships, and even developed the secret method of manufacturing warships. These secret methods Linze did not want to obtain from the family alliance.


The reason is actually very simple, that is, Lin Ze is afraid that these secret manufacturing methods will leak out.

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