Alien Lord

Chapter 3207: Ling Jue

Most people will stop after more than an hour.

They certainly don't think that they are not impatient, because they think in their hearts that after they have experimented for so long, this "Huangji Tianshu" hasn't reacted at all, and that there must be something wrong with them.

Or in other words, the spirit judgments I got were actually fake or something, otherwise, how long has passed since this Emperor Ji Tianshu still didn't react at all, so by this time, most people gave up.

As everyone knows, this is actually a test for them, whether they really have this patience, whether they have the willpower, and whether they can persist.

Only those who have passed the test can truly obtain the Emperor Heaven Book. This is like a test of the throne. If you want to ascend to the throne, you have to go through countless tests of the emperor above. Only by passing these tests of the emperor can you ascend to the throne.

Of course, there is one exception. That is the destined person mentioned earlier.

As long as you are a predestined person in the heavenly book, then you don't need these laws and tests at all, and the heavenly book will directly recognize you as the master.

However, such a thing is rare, and it takes tens of millions to appear.

With such a low probability, Lin Ze wouldn't think about it anymore, so he honestly played ninety-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one Dao Lingjue to open this emperor heaven book.

"Om!", a colorful light flashed on the top of the Huangji Heavenly Book. Lin Ze knew that the time had come when he saw it. He suddenly yelled, "Nine-Nine Return to One, Heavenly Book Revealed!!"

The Heavenly Book of Emperors carved out of white jade shook with Lin Ze’s rebuke, and seemed to be alive, like a woman in a boudoir, after being seen through It seemed a little uncomfortable, and slowly the colorful jade-colored brilliance on the top of the Emperor Heaven Book faded.

Immediately afterwards, a group of yellowish-brown light suddenly appeared in the innermost part. At the beginning, it was only the size of rice grains. In the end, the stones slowly condensed and grew larger and larger. Finally, in front of Lin Ze, a tower of ten feet high appeared Jade board.

This huge jade slab looks very weird. It is roughly a cube. There is no specific content on it. It looks like a blank jade slab. But if you look closely, you will find that, In fact, this jade board looks more like a huge book. On the right side, there are rows of very clear, book-like things, just stacked on top of each other.

Except that I can't open it now, it is completely a huge, unimaginable book. This huge jade board book, the whole directly facing outwards, Lin Ze did not hesitate, and once again played the Nine Dao Ling Jue.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed on the jade board book. In the next moment, the jade board book was really opened like a computer. The light flickered constantly, and the pages of the book that seemed to be closed before began to open one by one at this time.

Each page of these books is full of linguistic texts, with different sizes. The texts on the pages seem to be clearly visible at first glance, but if you really want to look carefully, you will find that you can't see clearly at all.

In the spirit texts above, it seems to be sealed. You can only know that there is something in it, but you just can't see it.

Lin Ze knew in his heart that this was actually a prohibition in Shi Tianshu. If you want to see the spiritual text inside it, you must first untie the prohibition on the spiritual text, otherwise, you can't see it.

However, Lin Ze didn't have any thoughts to pay attention to the prohibition on Lingwen, because the jade board books were still changing, and the yellow light on it was still getting bigger and brighter.

Looking at the bright yellow light that preceded the jade board books, Lin Ze suddenly understood why this "Huang Ji Tian Shu" was called the "Huang Ji Tian Shu". Not only because of the extremely high level of this heavenly book, but also because of the yellow light.

As the yellow light on the top of the book flickered not short, every spiritual text on the page of the book was constantly rising, falling, and changing. When the old linguistics are retracted, new linguistics are born, and the cycle repeats endlessly.

This is the true face of "Huang Ji Tian Shu". The previous jade slips, which looked like ordinary ones, were actually just an illusion of the celestial script, and the illusions were automatically changed in response to the understanding of the "celestial script" in the minds of those cultivators.

It's just that this kind of illusion ability is very strong, even if it is the ancestor of the Yuan Ying period, it can't be seen, otherwise, the Yuan Ying ancestor like Zhou Yuan will miss this "Huang Ji Tian Shu".

Of course, these details of the heavenly book are simple for the Fire Dragon King. Of course, Lin Ze, the master, also knows it. Faced with such a situation, Huangji Tianshu naturally has no need to pretend, nor can it be pretended.

No, Lin Ze decided his mind and "Huang Ji Tian Shu" was not obediently revealed.

As the spirits that Lin Ze entered continued to work, the spirits on the pages of the heavenly book rose and fell, and it lasted for nearly two minutes. In the end, one of the spirits was not too big or small. The more people came out, came to Lin Ze to make money.

At this time, the spiritual text that had been sealed before began to gradually become clear. Lin Ze didn't hesitate to read it with his heart. This time Lin Ze could indeed see clearly.

The Lingwen still seemed to have a sense of haziness. Upon closer inspection, it revealed a trace of the power of esoteric rules. Lin Ze just looked at it, and soon felt a sense of understanding. It rushed to his heart, but he was about to see clearly when he saw it, but the inscription was negligent and turned into a yellow haze.

Lin Ze was very anxious in his heart, and quickly reached out and tried to grasp the spiritual text that was about to be atomized, but when there was time, the spiritual text was directly atomized. Just when Lin Ze was full of disappointment, the Lingwen Institute The transformed light mist condensed into a bunch of light, and it poured straight into his eyebrows.

With a loud noise of "Boom!" Lin Ze felt a thunder in his mind. After the thunder, countless lights and shadows flashed continuously in his sea of ​​consciousness. Lin Ze I want to see clearly, but those lights and shadows seem to be all kinds of peculiar pictures that are meaningless, and then become a trace of power rules with obscure meaning.

Lin Ze felt that there was even stronger power as if the stone was hidden in these pictures.

But when Lin Ze wanted to figure it out, there was no way. Just like these words and pictures can only be understood and cannot be explained.

Lin Ze finally recovered his calm at this time. He no longer insisted, because he knew that these things were actually transformed by the spiritual writing before.

Lin Ze quickly guessed that perhaps this is the true intention of the book.

After that, Lin Ze sat still and carefully studied these things in the sea of ​​consciousness. It didn't take long before Lin Ze was completely immersed in it.

Time passed for a long time, Lin Ze felt that he had understood the true meaning of this power rule, but before he was happy, he suddenly felt a burst of thoughts coming from all over his body. The pain caused him to scream directly.

Soon, something that shocked Lin Ze appeared, because he felt that as the pain in his body increased, his whole body was actually continuously breaking down and decomposing.

When Lin Ze just wanted to do something, suddenly there was a sense of enlightenment in his heart, and he understood why he made such a change in his voice.

It turns out that the law of power displayed by the spiritual text of the heavenly book seems simple, but it is incomparably profound. The power in it is no longer what Lin Ze can grasp at the current level of the Golden Elixir, and wants to be truly To master this power rule, he must at least be in the realm of Yuanying stage. Now once he recognizes in advance and grasps it, this power is too It is directly related to Lin Ze's own power realm. Conflicts.

Knowing this, Lin Ze immediately stopped running his true energy and turned to use his mental power. Compared with the cultivation base of True Qi only in the Golden Core period, Lin Ze's spiritual strength cultivation has reached the mid-Yuan Ying stage, this state is enough to master this power law.

Sure enough, after Lin Ze switched to mental power, the pain before him disappeared instantly, and under the action of a mysterious power law, Lin Ze felt that his spiritual power had broken through again.

After feeling this sign, how could Lin Ze delay, and urge his mental power to run rapidly, vainly using this mysterious power law to help his spiritual power cultivation to break through to the next realm!

Even if the cultivation base does not reach the stage of transforming the gods, it must be advanced to the peak cultivation base of the late Yuan Ying.

Lin Ze’s spiritual power cultivation was originally the peak of the mid-Yuan Ying. He has been practicing Shi Qin for a while. Because of the help of plane seeds on his body, the faster Lin Ze’s cultivation speed will be saved, so this Although Lin Ze was distracted and did many other things for a while, such as talking about love, he wasted a lot of time.

In addition, Lin Ze now has more and more power in his hands, so correspondingly, his cultivation is not as diligent. However, with the help of plane seeds, Lin Ze's mental power has also broken through to the peak state of the middle Yuan Ying. Now, I have almost touched the threshold of Yuanying's later stage.

But although Lin Ze has already touched the threshold of Yuanying's later stage, he only touched it. After all, he has not really broken through this threshold, and such a'threshold', the more difficult it is to reach the back. Span.


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