Alien Lord

Chapter 3234: rebuke

Ye Gu had already woke up and was put in a ring of imprisonment. He originally felt the shame of this life. When Lin Ze regarded him as a "goods", he was even more furious: "Asshole..." He was about to scream. The forest rushed over.

"Fool, you don't feel ashamed, don't you get me back!" Seeing this, He Ziyan screamed, and Ye Gu shivered. He is not afraid of Ye Ming, nor the high priest, but he is afraid of He Ziyan alone.

As for Ye Luo's side, it was even worse. As soon as he came out and saw He Ziyan, he honestly knelt down and waited.

So, now hearing Ye Gu being preached by He Ziyan, I was gloating in my heart for a while.

Hearing this angry shout in He Ziyan’s mouth, Ye Gu, who had just walked out, knelt on the ground with a thump, and knelt under He Ziyan’s soft sedan. After climbing up, he still kneeled. When he came to He Ziyan, She wanted to lower her head to kiss the upper of He Ziyan, shaking her mouth and said, "The King..."

But He Ziyan didn't want to listen to this guy at all. She was'insulted' by Lin Ze just because of this guy, so when she saw Ye Gu came to her feet, she lifted her foot without even thinking about it. With the life of "Boom!", He Ziyan kicked Ye Gu with one foot.

Ye Gu flew directly more than 30 meters, and then fell heavily on the beach in the distance.

Not waiting for Ye Gu to take shelter here, He Ziyan on the soft collapse has already arrived, and she moved her hands backwards. Among the 64 sea people who carried the sedan chair, some of them quickly took down the leather whip on the waist and handed it up. . It's just that after He Ziyan glanced at the leather whip in her hand, she just lost it.

Suddenly, the other person in the guard sighed secretly, and looked at Ye Gu who was kneeling on the ground with an apologetic look, and then quickly held out a bone whip made from the spine of a nine-headed flood. He Ziyan was directly caught in her hand, and she was hitting her head and face in the light of Ye Gu who was kneeling on the ground.

Facing He Ziyan's whip, Ye Gu did not dare to dodge, kneeling on the ground and letting He Ziyan teach herself. This is a bone whip made from the vertebrae of the nine-headed flood, with extraordinary power. It is not, but Ye Gu is bleeding out of his head in an instant, extremely miserable.

The other Yeluo was kneeling next to him. He didn't dare to raise his head at all, but just by listening to Yegu's voice, Yeluo knew what Yegu was facing right now, so Yeluo on one side was shaking all over. Sift the chaff.

After fully flogging Ye Gu's sixty whips, He Ziyan stopped her hand, and looked at Ye Gu, who was covered in blood, and the anger in her heart also disappeared. Then she asked: "Ye Gu, can you Know why I want to beat you?"

Ye Gu directly kowtow: "Know, the king beat Yegu because I was ashamed of our tribe! Lord, you continue to fight, Yegu is a sinner, even if you are beaten to death by the king like this, it is Ye The ancient deserves it!"

"Fart! It's okay to live well!" He Ziyan scolded without hesitation: "Yegu, do you think you came here to find a thousand-year-old iron, after refining the magic weapon, we can get it back Ancient Shenquan?"

Ye Gu's face was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and then said in a melancholy tone: "My lord, isn't it?"

Ye Gu's eyes were full of confusion now, and He Ziyan's question made him wonder what to do.

"Yes, Ye Gu, it's really not like this!" He Ziyan said unceremoniously: "How many sea clan heroes have come here from the depths of the fierce sea through the ages, but how many people can bring back the thousand-year-old iron? Yegu, you are the third warrior of the tribe, and Yeluo, you are the fifth warrior. You two can be said to be the two most powerful pillars of our Yasha tribe. If you die here, the tribe’s combat power must be Greatly damaged.

Our tribe is already precarious now. If you lose the two of you, it will be even more powerless to resist the enemy's attack. Therefore, Yegu, Yeluo, your death is not a matter of you alone, but a major matter of the entire tribe. You are so irresponsible now that is the reason why I just whipped you! "

"Ah... King..." Ye Gu was directly said to be blinded. He really didn't think so much. In his heart, he only thought that if he could bring back the Millennium God Iron, that tribe would be able to get the Ancient God Spring. , That's why I came here with Ye Luo. He Ziyan was cursed for a while, and he was speechless. After a long while, he prostrated again: "Please punish the king!"

He Ziyan had already beaten him violently before, and the anger in his heart was almost out. Besides, what can happen now? She sighed helplessly, threw the bone whip away, and the sea clan quickly picked it up and put it away.

At this time, He Ziyan had returned to her previous noble posture. She put her sleeves back on the soft sedan, and after a pause, she said in a helpless tone: "Well, since we are here this time, we will try to find Look, I hope God bless my Yasha tribe so that we won't return empty-handed."

After speaking, He Ziyan looked at Ye Luo and Ye Gu without angrily and reprimanded: "You two fools, you both brought me crimes and meritorious services!"

"Yes, King!" Upon hearing these words, the two replied with surprise on their faces.

Ye Gu even forgot the pain on his body. For him, as long as he was forgiven by He Ziyan, the pain would not matter to him.

Lin Ze and others hiding in the forest are also full of doubts: Gu Shenquan? Thousand-year iron? What it is? However, no matter what these things are, just by relying on the name and the attitude of the sea people outside, it can be seen that these things are precious.

Lin Ze never had too many treasures, so he was a little eager to try.

However, before getting these treasures, Lin Ze had to figure out what the so-called ancient **** spring and thousand-year **** iron were.

Soon, Lin Ze got some related news from the fire dragon king Lin Fu.

Ancient Shenquan, look at the name and you will know that it is related to the ancient gods. It is a kind of spiritual spring passed down from the ancient times. It is said to be a kind of spiritual spring that was transformed from the orifice of the ancient god. The effect is hundreds of times that of the spiritual spring. Treasures.

As for the thousand-year iron, it can be seen from the name that it is actually a kind of spiritual material, a very high-end spiritual material.

In fact, the same is true. Thousand-year sacred iron is said to be a kind of spiritual material made from the bones of absolute god-level powerhouses in ancient times. It is extremely hard, and because it is transformed from the corpses of ancient god-level powerhouses, these thousand-year sacred iron Inside, there are also some power patterns of this ancient god-level strong man. Once you get such a thousand-year-old **** iron, if you transport it well, you may also get some power inheritance from this ancient strong man, inheritance of the technique...

Afterwards, the fire dragon king Lin Fu came up with this sentence: "Master, if we want to return to Chu Kingdom here through the endless ocean, these sea people may be able to help. The sea people are originally ethnic groups living in the sea. The ocean is very familiar, and perhaps this safe channel is connected to Chu State. In addition, the high priest in the Sea Clan has a mysterious inheritance, the soul of psychic, cultivated to the extreme is said to be able to predict the future."

After Lin Ze listened, his heart suddenly moved. His eyes were staring at the sea races outside who were slowly retreating to think about the ship, and his eyes were thoughtful...

"Looking like this, I will pay more attention to these people in the future!" Lin Ze thought secretly in his heart. After that, Lin Zhu directly released thousands of killer bees and secretly monitored He Ziyan and the crowd.

With these Killer Bees here, Lin Ze doesn't need to do other things. Killer Bees will transmit all the situation on He Ziyan's side to the plane seed world.

After finishing all this, Lin Ze didn't delay any more. He looked at the Shenzhou of the King, which was not far away, and called Huang Quan and the others. Soon, the group returned to the place where the Shenzhou of the King had fallen.

The King’s Shenzhou is still in a crashed state. After Lin Ze returned hundreds of blue-horned cows were discharged immediately, and then together, they lifted the crashed King’s Shenzhou from the beach. After it came out, it was carefully transported to the depths of the dense forest and began to be repaired. Lin Ze did this for two reasons. One was to stay away from those sea races to avoid accidents.

The other is because the tide on the beach is not small. In a day, most of the time here is submerged by sea water, so it is not suitable for repairing the King’s Shenzhou.

The strength of the hundreds of blue cows is quite large, so soon the King's Shenzhou was pulled into the forest. After arriving here, Song Qingxiu and others immediately began to repair the King's Shenzhou.

At night, the large ships belonging to the marine clan on the beach heard the endless roar of the marine clan. These sounds sounded wild and unrestrained, with a primitive and savage charm.

Huang Quan listened to these wild voices coming from a distance from time to time, with some eager expressions on his face. At this time, Zhou Yong, who was sitting next to him, looked at Huang Quan and looked at the expression in Huang Quan’s eyes. With a trace of nostalgia, Zhou Yong shook his head. He knew that Huang Quan had started to ring in his clan before.

You must know that Huang Quan itself is a barbarian, or the patriarch of the barbarian. To the people of Chu, Yan and other countries, the barbarian is actually not the same as the Hai clan. They are all the same reckless, wild and unrestrained. , Savage, in the end, the same is not seen.

The barbarians often hold bonfire dances, where everyone gathers around the bonfire, dancing, singing, drinking, and eating barbecue. It is quite happy.

As a barbarian, Huang Quan naturally remembered his previous life in the tribe after seeing the situation on the Hai Clan.


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