Alien Lord

Chapter 3268: Insidious calculation

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Regarding the incoming enemy or something, the warriors of these Yasha tribes are not worried, because there are thousands of tribal fighters on duty on the fortress-warriors who have grown up in the battle have participated this time before. The sneak attack, wouldn't it prevent people from the ancient clan from killing a carbine?

In addition, the thousands of warriors of the Yasha tribe who guarded the city wall before were the first to enter the ancient **** spring.

These thousands of Yasha fighters had been washed in rotation, and they couldn't help it if they hadn't entered the ancient **** spring in a few years.

After washing away the filth from their bodies, and once again feeling the strengthening of their strength by the ancient **** spring, the warriors of the other Yasha tribes did not believe that the ancient clan could break through the defenses on the city wall. They believed that they could definitely hold them.

All the warriors of the Yasha tribe were rushing to the city wall and the mountains on both sides at this time. The patriarch He Ziyan also ran out of the ancient **** spring and met Lin Ze and the others: "Mr. Lin, what's the matter? ?"

"I'm afraid it is the people of the ancient clan who have killed them now!" Lin Ze whispered some of the things inside to He Ziyan, including the Zhu Yuan problem and the problem of poisoning.

After hearing this, He Ziyan cursed with gritted teeth on her face: "Zhu Yuan, this bastard, my Yasha tribe treats him not badly. He dared to join the ancient clan to calculate with us! Well, it's great, as long as today, I He Ziyan must catch his corpse!"

After giving a vent, she glanced at Lin Ze and others, and whispered: "Mr., don't tell me about this matter!"

Wang Ziming didn't understand: "Why? Tell me so everyone can prepare?"

He Ziyan shook her head directly: "What are you going to prepare? We are too late to configure the antidote now, saying it will only mess up the military's mind.

Fortunately, it only loses 30% of the combat power. We still have Sunder Talisman. You may not lose in a desperate battle! "

Everyone thinks about it and feels that what he said is reasonable. Now it is too late to deploy any antidote. The ancient army has already reached the door, so stability is still the most important thing.

After that, Lin Ze and the others didn't say much, and followed He Ziyan to the top of the city.

Because the blood of the wild beasts in the medicine was insufficient, the poisonous name played slowly. When the warriors of the Yasha tribe reacted to something wrong, the battle might be over.

Standing on the head of the city and looking out, the mighty Gu clan warriors hopped up and down in the last darkness before dawn, rushing toward the canyon like a group of fast-moving ghost fires, each of them the most Elite.

Seeing this, He Ziyan didn’t know that the ancient clan was actually prepared for it before, and it would be captured before, in fact, at this time, in order to poison the Yasha tribe, and then use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to directly destroy the Yasha tribe. .

Thinking of this, He Ziyan felt cold in her heart, but she had to admit that the calculations of the ancient clan were indeed powerful.

They directly used the Yasha tribe’s urge to regain the ancient **** spring, pretending that they had not noticed any changes on the Yasha tribe’s side, and even the ancient **** spring did not make any changes, so they let the Yasha tribe’s army take over. Ancient Shenquan, then, the Yasha tribe will naturally lose their vigilance, and enjoy the power of the Ancient Shenquan for the first time, and finally all are poisoned.

It can be said that this calculation of the ancient clan is really insidious and powerful, at least He Ziyan is indeed a hit.

"Hey, I can't think that the ancient clan can come up with such a strategy, this time I really lost!" He Ziyan sighed.

"I don't think it is necessary. If the ancient clan had such a calculation ability, it would have been fighting with your clan for so long?! I must have looked at it for some other reason!" Lin Ze on one side thought wisely.

Although Lin Ze didn't know who came up with this plan, he vaguely felt some breath of Human Race in it.

However, these words of course Lin Ze would not speak with He Ziyan, the patriarch of the Yasha tribe.

What he said is also a human race. It is better not to say too clearly about some things, and at this time, Lin Ze also wants to understand why the amount of brutal beast essence blood in the pill provided by Zhu Yuan is so small that it is only for Yasha The tribe has lost 30% of its combat effectiveness, not all.

"If I think well, this is because I want to hurt both sides!" Lin Ze thought silently.

Ye Gu squinted his eyes slightly, watching the army of the ancient clan coming over the mountains and plains below, and the feeling that a war was about to begin again rose. If it were an ordinary army, facing the impact of a powerful army like the Gu clan, it would inevitably cause that shadow in his heart.

But as a strong man in the Yasha tribe, the fierceness and belligerence in the blood of the Yasha tribe was aroused. There was no trace of fear on Yegu's face. Instead, a powerful fighting passion arose. He pulled out the With a heavy axe, his hands were directly raised high, and then he took a huge wooden drum from the storage ring and placed it high on the top of the city wall. He turned his head and said to the mayu behind him: "Mayu, for me Beat the drum!"

Huh—the huge drum volleyed towards the mayu, but was stopped halfway by a pure white hand. The white and delicate hand of charm leaped into the air, and the drum was spinning, making a mixed sound. Heavy fell in front of He Ziyan.

At this time, He Ziyan couldn't see the charm of the past, only the strong will to fight. He Ziyan pulled out the bone hammer with both hands and said loudly to Ye Gu: "Ye Gu, this time I will beat the drum for you myself!"

"Ah...!" Ye Gu roared, blood boiled all over, and he knelt down with the heavy axe beside him: "Thank you, the king! Ye Gu will never insult his life!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!咚咚!咚咚咚...Every record of the heavy drum sound shocked the hearts of the Yasha tribe warriors. At the highest point of the fortress, a beautiful figure with drums ignited the flames in the hearts of every Yasha tribe warrior.

"Kill—" Ye Gu didn't say much here, and he snarled with a heavy axe, and led the warriors of the Yasha tribe, desperately rushing down the city, and directly slammed into the attacking army of the ancient clan.

"Kill!!" In the blink of an eye, the armies of the Yasha tribe and the Gu clan directly fought together, killing the sky, and the two armies intersected like two torrents. After a loud noise, countless corpses fluttered out, blood. Permeate the surroundings.

In the **** confrontation between the two armies below, Lin Ze and the others are constantly wandering above the city, helping the Yasha tribe to kill some soldiers of the ancient clan who want to "fly" on the wall.

Yes, the Gu clan is worthy of being the same clan as the Yasha tribe. They attacked the city in the same way. They were all transformed into ‘human shells’, but they were directly hit by Lin Ze and others who had been prepared for a long time.

The ancient clan also saw the threat from Lin Ze and the others. Therefore, a large group of elite archers shot directly at Lin Ze and them. But facing such an attack, Lin Ze didn’t even need to take a shot and was blocked by Huang Quan and the others. Up.

Of course, there will also be some fish that slip through the net, flying by Lin Ze’s side from time to time, and even a variety of ancient clan’s natal spells, but Lin Ze doesn’t seem to have seen it. The wall was on the sidelines.

It also seemed that he was not walking on the battlefield at all, and his calmness was as if he were strolling in his courtyard.

But if you look closely, you will find that his eyes are like goshawks, capturing every detail on the battlefield.

This time, the Gu clan’s calculations are indeed very powerful. They are pretending to be defeated. After that, they waited until the Yasha tribe was poisoned and went back, and attacked violently. Looking at the following situation, the Gu clan has invested a huge majority this time. The troops below have exceeded 20,000, and looking at the movement in the forest, the number of troops on the ancient clan is still increasing!

According to this momentum, in the end, it should be 30,000 or 40,000. This is definitely a premeditated attack by the Gu Shan family!

From the time when the ancient **** spring was recaptured by the Yasha tribe, to when the ancient clan attacked the ancient **** spring, there was less than midnight.

Moreover, the preparations of the ancient clan are more perfect than those of the Yasha tribe, so it can be seen that the ancient clan must have known the movement of the Yasha tribe a long time ago, and then they will count, and have been waiting for the Yasha tribe! As for why they want to let Gu Shenquan out again? Let the Yasha tribe easily capture the main points of the ancient **** spring?

Of course, in order to let the people of the Yasha tribe bathe in the ancient sacred spring, after UU read, the poisonous surname attacked. In this way, they can destroy all the power of the Yasha tribe more quickly and easily.

But there are still some reasons for this, that is why the ancient clan don't wait for a while, let the poisonous surnames of the Yasha tribe play all their roles before attacking? Why not put more poison?

There are still many questions that have not been solved. Lin Ze has some speculations in his heart, but no matter how much speculation, it is still a guess, there is still a long way to go to the truth!

The battle after that was just like what He Ziyan said before. Although the strength of the Yasha tribe was still affected by those poisonous surnames, they only lost the third level of combat power, plus there are assassins such as armor-piercing talisman. The advantage in hand and equipment is really obvious.

On the other hand, on the Luogu clan, only about one-fifth of the weapons were strengthened with the silver of the gods. This situation seems to be inconsistent with the fact that He Ziyan said they had found the silver of the gods before. .

Finally, and most importantly, because of He Ziyan’s timely response from the Yasha tribe, Lin Ze and the others were kept secret about the poisoning. Therefore, the fighting morale of the Yasha tribe is quite high. With the blessing of high morale, he once again displayed his ten-tier strength.

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