Alien Lord

Chapter 3269: 1 hit

Latest website: Facing such a situation, the previous calculations of the ancient clan have failed by more than half. The only advantage is that the ancient clan has more troops.

The strengths and weaknesses of the two sides offset each other in this way. The front has been at a stalemate, and no one can do anything about it.

Ye Gu is still so powerful, Mr. Ma Dang is extremely fierce, and there is almost no one under him.

On the contrary, Ye Yu, known as the second warrior of the tribe, didn't know why, or because of previous failures, the whole person was completely lost in spirit. When fighting, he could only cling to Ye Gu and be a shadow warrior.

Lin Ze didn't have time to think more, he was determined to stand at the head of the city and not walk around, facing the battlefield below.

In the distance, behind the ancient clan, there are still soldiers rushing out of the woods continuously. One of the generals of the ancient clan, seeing Lin Ze standing up like a target on the city’s head from a distance, his face is directly ridiculed. Smile, then he took a javelin from behind and threw it out.

"Woo...!!!" The moment the javelin left his palm, he burst out a heavy whine, grabbing his body, because the speed was too fast, so it formed a fire directly in the air .

During the flight, this illusory fire light became stronger and stronger, and finally even with this spear as the core, a long fire dragon was spawned, and it threw its teeth and claws toward Lin Ze!

"Be careful, sir!" Because He Ziyan was at the highest point, she could see clearly, she hurriedly exclaimed to remind Lin Ze. Because Lin Ze now seemed to have not seen the fire dragon attack at all, still standing still on the spot.

But what was terrible was that this fire dragon came whizzing as fast as lightning. From He Ziyan's view, Huang Quan and others behind Lin Ze didn't have time to come forward to "rescue" him, so He Ziyan was very worried.

"Om!" There was a strange sound, just when He Ziyan was afraid that Lin Ze would be attacked, Lin Ze raised his hand slightly, and the Thunder Fist used the air to easily capture the fire dragon. The fire dragon roared and struggled, but to no avail.

The general of the ancient clan who released this attack was surprised when he saw this.

You know, he is the third absolute strongest among the ten strongest of the ancient clan, and in order to get rid of this obviously important person, he made this blow with all his strength, even using the natal spell "Fire Dragon Howl" "The power is so powerful that it is definitely no less than the full attack of the late Jindan powerhouse. Such an attack would not be easy for him to deal with.

But now, his attack was eased by the guy on the top of the city who looked silly, as if there was no defense. He just blocked the gap with one hand, which made him feel inside. Very shocked.

However, this strong man of the ancient clan is not that easy to be hit. The previous attack has no effect, so he will do it again.

Therefore, in the next second, this person directly slapped his feet on the ground, and his thick and wide feet plunged into the ground. The natal spells that he had prepared for a long time urged him with all his strength, facing Lin in the air. Ze transports again!

"Boom!!" This time the strong of the ancient clan can be said to have used the strength of eating // milk //. Therefore, the power of the fire dragon attack he is now displaying suddenly increased five or six times. It turned into a flame and struck towards Lin Ze. In the blink of an eye, a monstrous flame was set off, trying to swallow Lin Ze.

Lin Ze's expression on this side is still indifferent, as if the monstrous fire dragon in front of him does not exist, but his right hand makes a thunder fist, and then he twists slightly, suddenly, the ancient clan under the city wall The general's face changed drastically, because he suddenly discovered that his natal spells had completely lost control, and he couldn't control it at all!

What's more terrible is that the fire dragon suddenly turned its head and reflected back at an even faster speed. The speed was so fast that even he had no time to guard, so he was hit directly by this fire dragon.

"Puff--Boom!" The fire dragon's power is indeed very strong. It easily penetrated the protective gas of this ancient clan general, and then shot through his body. The remaining fire dragon directly penetrated into his body. , The next moment, with the sound of an explosion, his body burst into pieces. The surrounding rocks are burning, splashing and falling, everywhere!

Lin Ze's face was still so indifferent, as if the move just now was a very ordinary one, and he didn't see the miserable end of the ancient clan general at all.

However, as more and more soldiers of the ancient clan came out of the forest, Lin Ze's brows couldn't help but frowned. He thought about it, and soon, a brilliant silver light rose behind him, six golden cores. Grade-level spirit stone cannons emerged behind Lin Ze with the whistling sound. All the cannons were aimed at the forest behind the ancient clan, according to the message from the killer bee that Lin Ze had arranged before. , There are at least four to five thousand Gu clan fighters there. If they kill them, they will be really dangerous.

"Boom!" Lin Ze didn't keep his hands, the six Golden Core level spirit stone cannons next to him fired directly, and the hot light directly pierced the thickest darkness before dawn, and it seemed as if a round of sun suddenly appeared on the ground. As the light gradually dissipated, I saw the entire forest, as well as the two or three thousand warriors of the ancient clan who were inside, all disappeared without a trace.

The eyes of the remaining three or four thousand ancient warriors were stunned, and their forward posture remained stalemate in place, not daring to move.

To be honest, in the hundreds of years of battle between the ancient clan and the Yasha clan, there has never been such a terrible magic weapon. It was just an attack, and easily killed four or five hundred powerful Bewitching clan fighters. Let them fly away in ashes.

Seeing this, the enemy and the enemy became silent for an instant, and even the sword that was about to pierce the enemy's chest was solidified at this instant.

He Ziyan's drumsticks stopped in mid-air, looking stupidly at Lin Ze who was showing his power below, especially the six huge Jindan-level spirit stone cannons beside him.

These six Golden Core level spirit stone cannons, in He Ziyan’s eyes, represent the call of death. They are now quietly placed next to Lin Ze. The smoke on the muzzle has not yet dissipated, but it is extremely powerful. , Directly shocked the two races!

For a while, the battlefield was quite quiet, and even the sound of blood dripping on the ground was clearly audible.

Ye Gu’s feet were on the chest of an ancient warrior, one hand was pressing on the opponent’s head, and the heavy axe in the other hand was raised high, ready to be cut off. He had already used this This extremely violent attack method killed more than 60 or 70 soldiers of the ancient clan.

Although his current combat effectiveness is still fierce, compared to Lin Ze's current attack, he is directly speechless.

To say it again, Ye Gu's heart is actually very proud, especially when he is on the battlefield, he thinks that his combat effectiveness is definitely stronger than that of the human races like Lin Ze, so although he was singled out before, he He was tortured and choked, but his fighting spirit was still burning and never extinguished.

Think about it, Ye Gu, with his own power, killed 60 or 70 Gu clan fighters in less than ten minutes, and most of them were elite fighters. Who doesn't have such a record? proud? !

But no amount of pride. After facing the power of Lin Ze's attack just now, all the pride in his heart became a joke.

It took him ten minutes to kill sixty or seventy soldiers of the ancient clan, but on Lin Ze's side, he just waved his hand easily and killed him instantly.

A warrior of two or three thousand ancient clan. It is already obvious who is strong and who is weak.

Facing this quiet and excessive battlefield, Lin Ze didn't seem to notice the shock he had caused. He lowered his head and twisted his eyebrows slightly: "Something's not quite right..."

...... With the full blow of the six Jindan-level spirit stone cannons, the fighting will of the ancient clan below can be said to be completely destroyed. Their eyes are blank, as if they don’t know what to do next, and Yasha The tribe side will not let go of this good opportunity. A large number of Yasha tribe soldiers rushed down from the two wing peaks and surrounded all the troops of the ancient clan that had been frightened. After Fan did not resist strongly, the remaining 20,000 fighters of the ancient clan became prisoners of the Yasha tribe.

Also, one attack directly wiped out two to three thousand people, and they only needed ten such attacks at most. Therefore, the remaining soldiers of the ancient clan directly lost their will to fight.

If there is a chance to escape, UU reading or if there is a chance to resist it, the warriors of the ancient clan will not surrender in this simple way, but from the power of Lin Ze’s just attack, Looking at it in a relaxed manner, it is absolutely very simple for Lin Ze to destroy these people, so the Gu family simply surrendered.

Of course, at this time, almost everyone understood that the two or thirty thousand warriors of the Gu clan finally chose to surrender, not because of how powerful the Yasha tribe was, but the figure standing on the top of the city!

Every warrior of the ancient clan can feel the tremendous pressure brought by the figure. Even if they fight with the Yasha tribe next, they will be absent-minded, always want to take a look at the figure, always worrying about what will happen.

Especially that powerful blow, no one of the ancient warriors wanted to face it.

With a single blow, nothing was left. The soldiers of the ancient clan were already terrified in their hearts and couldn't fight at all, so Suo lost his weapon and caught it.

"I don't know what, I feel something is a bit wrong." Lin Ze said to He Ziyan as he watched the Gu clan warriors who were rushed into the canyon.

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