Alien Lord

Chapter 3273: Asura Heart Pill

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For He Ziyan, these things are not as important as Lin Zelai, who can provide a large number of armor-breaking talisman. If Lin Ze really took away all the treasures, He Ziyan would not say anything.

She even wanted Lin Ze to do this, because in this way, Lin Ze would have to owe He Ziyan a favor, and then ask Lin Ze for the armor-breaking talisman, or other powerful talisman, magic weapon, etc., Lin Ze Ze is not good how to refuse.

"Mr. Lin, do you want these? If you like it, even take it all!" He Ziyan said quite generously.

"No, these are enough. How can you say that the ancient clan was also beaten by you, the patriarch. I have these enough!"

Lin Ze was not fooled, but took away his part. Although the armor-breaking talisman is nothing to Lin Ze's side, but even so, Lin Ze wouldn't give He Ziyan too much. As the saying goes, people who are not my race will have different hearts!

He Ziyan belongs to the Yasha tribe, and Lin Ze belongs to the human race. Now the human race is at a disadvantage here. Lin Ze will not continue to grow the Yasha tribe until the future threatens the safety of other human races.

There was a pity in He Ziyan's heart, but after seeing the determination in Lin Ze's eyes, she knew that this could only be the case.

After that, He Ziyan thought for a while and said, "Mr. Lin, I still have a question here, that is, I searched all the places of the entire Gu clan before, and even tortured their patriarch and other important people, but In the end, he could not find the remaining **** silver of the ancient clan.

I have specifically interrogated it. In fact, there are only less than 10,000 weapons of the ancient clan that have been strengthened with God's Silver. Compared with their rumors, this amount is far from the same. "

Most of Lin Ze's thoughts at this time were in the treasures he had just obtained, so he said casually: "Could it be that the ancient clan deliberately exaggerated the harvest back then to deter you Yasha tribe?"

This is not impossible, after all, soldiers are not tired of fraud!

"No, the ancient clan carried the huge piece of **** silver back under the public with great fanfare at the time. At that time, many people in our clan saw it. It shouldn't be a fake."

He Ziyan said: "Furthermore, our Yasha tribe is very sensitive to the silver of the gods. Whether it is true or false, it does not need to be close. As long as the distance is about 100 meters, the true and false of the silver of the gods can be determined. Therefore, I can confirm that the **** silver of the ancient clan is real!"

Hearing this, Lin Ze's face was slightly startled, and he felt a trace of invisible pressure.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Ze put down the treasure in his hand, his face turned serious and said, "Patriarch He, if things are really like that, I'm afraid you will have some trouble afterwards.

Since the amount of God's silver is wrong, it means that a considerable part of God's silver has been sent out by the Gu clan, and it is definitely not easy for the Gu family to send out most of the God's silver. Maybe it is the background of the ancient clan! "

Background is also a kind of strength. It is straightforward. In many cases, background is actually the most important.

The ancient clan is just a small tribe. It is lucky to get such a large piece of **** silver. Under normal circumstances, how can a small tribe hold such a large piece of **** silver? Before Lin Ze actually felt He had always been a little puzzled, but he couldn't figure it out for a while, and now he understood that the Gu clan had a strong background.

Before, He Ziyan only found a small part of the silver of the gods, and most of the silver of the gods was gone. In Lin Ze's view, it should be the background behind the ancient clan that took away most of the silver of the gods. Said, now the Yasha tribe has another mysterious enemy.

After hearing Lin Ze's words, He Ziyan's face also turned pale. She also could not think that after the annihilation of the Gu clan, the trouble not only did not disappear, but was even greater.

"Then we should..." He Ziyan said halfway, and did not go on. She knew that this matter could not be solved by herself, so after pondering for a while, she finally sighed helplessly: "Well, I will go to Hailong tomorrow. The tribe, anyway, we have defeated the ancient clan, and within a few hundred kilometers, there are no other threats. Therefore, it is useless to leave so much silver of the gods. It is guilty!"

Lin Ze nodded, wise for He Ziyan's choice. In such a situation, it is worthwhile to trade some unused **** silver for shelter!

As for Lin Ze himself, the silver of the gods in his hand can't be used up, there is really no need for the idea of ​​the silver of the gods of the Yasha tribe.

After solving the trouble in He Ziyan's heart, Lin Ze pointed directly to the treasures on the ground and said with a smile: "The matter is solved, then I will go back first!"

He Ziyan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay!"

After that, He Ziyan still sent Lin Ze out very enthusiastically. Seeing her enthusiasm, if Lin Ze returned directly, I believe He Ziyan would definitely welcome Lin Ze.

... Lin Ze did not stay overnight with her because of He Ziyan's enthusiasm. He directly took the treasures back to his house, immediately released the formation plate to seal the entire room, and then directly entered the plane of seed world.

Lin Ze would come back in such a hurry because he found a rather inconspicuous treasure among the treasures of the ancient clan.

It seems that this thing is quite ordinary, that is, a statue of four or five feet tall. The appearance of the statue is similar to that of Shura. It has three heads and six arms, and each hand holds a magic weapon.

The **** image looks quite ordinary, that is, a third-rank or so, and the material is actually ordinary, it is carved from some kind of spiritual material in the ocean.

After seeing this idol, most people would not pay much attention to it, but Lin Ze did not. He carefully turned the idol around, then took out a knife and hung up the oil paint on the surface of the idol. After that, Song Qingxiu stepped forward and fought for a few more battles. The magic trick has lifted some mysterious seals on the statue.

At this time, Lin Ze saw that there was a gap behind the idol, he smiled, and with the interest of hunting for treasure, he carefully pried it open with a knife.

Sure enough, inside the idol was a hidden grid with a seal blessed by the ancient spirit patterns of the seven-fold Asura clan.

Naturally, these methods could not trouble Song Qingxiu and others beside Lin Ze. They easily broke the seal. After Lin Ze opened the secret compartment, he found that there were only six pieces that looked quite old, but still exuded a dark red color. Round beads.

At first glance, this bead should give people the impression that it is an inner pill, but even the inner pill of the three-eyed turtle that Lin Ze waited for before was worse than the round bead in front of him.

The spirit on the inner alchemy of the Three God Turtles is already strong enough, but now facing these beads, it is like the moon facing the sun, and it is directly compared.

. The only advantage is that the inner alchemy of the three-eyed turtle is full of spiritual energy, but these beads do not have any spiritual fluctuations. It seems that these beads are like ordinary ocean pearls.

"Qingxiu, Lin Fu, do you know what these are?" Lin Ze couldn't see the identity of these round beads, and directly asked Song Qingxiu who was beside him.

"Master, I can't see it either!" Song Qingxiu didn't recognize these round beads either.

"Master, these things should be Xiu Luo Xin Dan!" Fire Dragon King Lin Fu recognized it.

After all, they have lived for thousands of years before, and there is also the inheritance of the dragon clan, so many things can't help the dragon king Lin Fu.

"Xu Luo Xindan? Lin Fu, what is this!" Lin Ze continued to ask.

Soon, Lin Ze understood from the explanation of the Fire Dragon King Lin Fu, what exactly the six Asura Heart Pills in front of him were and what their use was.

According to the fire dragon king Lin Fu, the Shura clan is actually different from most sea clan. Although the sea clan is not the sea savage beast, they actually inherited some special surnames of the sea savage beast, as if they have cultivated to a certain level. , You can still cultivate the inner alchemy.

Things like their natal spells are also sealed in the inner alchemy, which is similar to many marine wild beasts.

As for the Asura clan, perhaps it is God's compensation for the ugly male surname in their race that can directly scare people to death. Therefore, the Asura clan's men are born with inner alchemy. When the power is enough, their natal spells are naturally born in the Therefore, the natal spells of the Shura clan are called "Heaven Heart Art", and their hearts are also called Shura Heart Pills.

"The level of these Asura Heart Pills seems to be very high, otherwise they wouldn't be kept so tightly in this idol." Fire Dragon King Lin Fu said at last.

Lin Ze was also very curious about this so-called Asura Heart Pill, so he directly took out one of the Asura Heart Pills and injected it with a little spiritual energy. Suddenly, there was a strong response from the Asura Heart Pill, which was originally silent. .

A stream of blood red and gloomy light rushed out violently, and the strength was so strong that even Lin Ze was caught off guard, he was knocked out all of a sudden, and slammed into the defensive formation on the wall of the secret room!

To be honest, if it weren't for the plane seed world, Lin Ze's world, just like this, Lin Ze could be seriously injured.

Of course, Lin Ze is not hurt at all now.

The Asura Heart Pill also fell directly to the ground. Lin Ze wiped away the dirt on his body. Although he was knocked into the air before, he was full of ecstasy, because the Asura Heart Pill burst out of strength. In an instant, Lin Ze clearly saw three golden silk awns swimming above the core of the Asura Heart Pill!

Maybe other people would not care much if they saw these things, but Lin Ze, who had already experienced their power before, knew these things and knew their preciousness.

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