Alien Lord

Chapter 3287: 3 games

The latest website: "Now let me introduce the way of the game from now on. Let’s talk about the game of this formation first. You and me will each arrange a formation, and then the contestants will enter the opponent's formation. Whoever comes out first wins? , This way is not bad." Tian Tian said looking at Zhou Yuanyuan.

"Well, yes, just use this method to play!" Zhou Yuanyuan nodded in agreement. This game method is fairly fair.

"The second game is the pill test. The pill test is also very simple. We each send an alchemist to refine a poison pill, and then take the other's poison pill and detoxify ourselves. The one who detoxifies first will win. ."

Tian Tian proposed the second way of the game. The way of this game is really dangerous to be honest. This is a poison pill. If you are not careful, or if you don’t have time to chase the antidote, it will really cost you your surname. of.

"Okay, I don't have any opinion!" Zhou Yuanyuan also readily agreed. He didn't fight at all, or asked Lin Ze what they meant. From this, it can be seen that Zhou Yuanyuan doesn't really value the guards around him.

Otherwise, if she values ​​these guards, she should ask their opinions first.

"In the third talisman test, this one is easier to handle. We each send a person here, and then draw a magic talisman, and then bless it on the other party. Then we will find a way to resolve it. The one who can resolve it first will win."

Tian Tian said the way of the third game, which is relatively safe compared to the second game.

Tian Tian just finished talking here. The dozen or so guards behind her looked extremely calm. It seemed that they had already known the content of the three matches before they came, and these people had absolute confidence in the face of Zhou Yuanyuan's guards.

On Zhou Yuanyuan's side, after listening to the three games, especially the second game, all the guards changed colors.

The second game is really too dangerous, one is not good, it is dead, they have not lived enough yet.

Tian Tian said it lightly before, but everyone is not a fool. Who can't hear the danger in it? No matter what kind of competition, a little carelessness is the end of death, especially the second game!

Zhou Yuanyuan’s eyes were filled with anger, she wanted to agree to it, but fortunately Zhou Qing next to her secretly pointed to the guards around her, Zhou Yuanyuan didn’t directly agree, she gritted her teeth and faced Tian Tian. Said: "Wait a while, we need to discuss it first."

Zhou Yuanyuan also saw the look on the faces of the guards behind him, and knew that if he agreed directly, there might be problems. Therefore, it is better to discuss this matter with the guards around him.

It’s great to have some extra money here. It’s not because of the saying that money can make ghosts grind, and then you will pay a sky-high price. I don’t believe that these guards will not be tempted. They will be recruited by themselves. It’s not because of money.

Tian Tian giggled: "No problem, you guys talk about it slowly. If you don't dare to fight, just tell this lady directly. This lady won't embarrass you, a little country girl who came out of the backcountry, giggle... ....."

Zhou Yuanyuan was so angry that he would explode. After that, he stopped talking nonsense, and gathered his own people back to discuss the match.

After everyone got together, Zhou Qing's expression was extremely solemn. She first said, "Miss, this time, you should not agree to it. This Tian Tian obviously came here with preparation. Not prepared yet..."

Zhou Qing's IQ is not low, and it's hard to tell that Tian Tian actually came prepared.

Said it was for fairness, but in Zhou Qing's view, Tian Tian would do it more so as not to waste any strength on her own lady. From this point of view, Tian Tian is quite cunning.

"Zhou Qing, can I not agree to the current situation?!" Zhou Yuanyuan roared in a low voice, with a look of dissatisfaction, Zhou Qing did not dare to say anything.

Zhou Yuanyuan scanned the crowd and said directly: "Everyone, raise soldiers for a long time, and use soldiers for a while, who can play for this lady?"

Everyone was dumb for a while, it was you who watched me and I watched you, but no one took the initiative to stand up.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuanyuan was a little disappointed in her heart, but when the matter reached this point, she couldn't handle it, so she gritted her teeth secretly. She didn't expect these people to work hard for her with a word or two.

"Everyone, whenever you go to war, regardless of victory or defeat, this young lady will have a great gift here. If she can win, this young lady will reward a middle-grade magic weapon, and a defensive magic weapon is also possible, plus one million Lingshi, how about it, everybody, who of you can play?" Zhou Yuanyuan said this cruelly, she was going to use money to impress Lin Ze and the others.

After hearing these words from Zhou Yuanyuan, Zhou Qing was shocked. She hurriedly stepped forward to stop her: "Miss, this must not be done. The middle-grade magic weapon is too precious to be worth paying, let alone defending. The middle-grade magic weapon of, this kind of magic weapon is really invaluable, miss, please think twice! And if the city lord knows about it, the city lord will be unhappy at that time, miss..."

Zhou Qing didn't mention the one million spirit stones that Zhou Yuanyuan finally promised. It can be seen that one million spirit stones is really nothing in her heart.

"Hmph, if this young lady loses this time, even if we lose face in Thousand Star City, we will use three middle-grade magic weapons as a bargaining chip to win this victory. I think it is very worthwhile!" Zhou Yuanyuan is extremely determined! She said that when she saw Zhou Qing still wanting to say something, she gave Zhou Qing a fierce look, and Zhou Qing stopped saying anything.

Judging from Zhou Yuanyuan's current expression, Zhou Qing knew that her young lady had made up her mind, and it would be useless to persuade her, so she just shut up.

It's just a sigh in my heart: Miss really doesn't use magic weapons as magic weapons. Even middle-grade magic weapons can be wholesaled like this. Miss is so...

Not far from the rear, Zhou Ming was hidden in the dark. After seeing this, he secretly sighed in his heart: I also had a young age. When I was young, I did not do a lot of foolish things for feelings like these children!

This young and frivolous, regardless of men and women, nor secular, is still the world of cultivation. However, unlike Zhou Qing's heartache of the middle-grade magic weapons, Zhou Ming didn't care, even he felt that if he could exercise the young lady with three middle-grade magic weapons, it would be quite worth it.

Before Zhou Ziqiang secretly confessed to Zhou Ming, it is best to take this good opportunity to exercise Zhou Yuanyuan, so that her heart will not be so naive and not be influenced by feelings.

Xu Mingxin, in a small area, made his daughter fascinated. As a father, Zhou Ziqiang was already dissatisfied, so it is best to take this opportunity to let Zhou Yuanyuan get rid of that **** Xu Mingxin.

Before, Zhou Ming was still puzzled by what he should do. Now Tian Tian’s sudden appearance directly solved his big problem. Therefore, Zhou Ming was happy to see Tian Tian’s appearance. What if he needs a headache.

Zhou Ming is also an old fox who has lived for hundreds of years. Following Zhou Ziqiang, he has seen too many human feelings and deceitful things.

Regarding his own lady Zhou Yuanyuan and Yongyancheng Xu Mingxin, he and his master Zhou Ziqiang have the same attitude, that is, the gap between the two parties is too large, and there are too many things involved, so this thing is definitely not like Zhou Yuanyuan, these children think so simple.

This time, if Tian Tian could really block his own young lady directly back, he would have saved a lot of rushing to infinite wilderness. To be honest, facing the infinite wildness, Zhou Ming was actually a little shocked in his heart.

After hearing Zhou Yuanyuan’s promise, everyone immediately started talking. At this moment, a funny smile appeared on Lin Ze’s mouth. Then he looked at Xu Liang and said leisurely: "Miss Qixin, before Xu Liangna He was really motivated and passionate, and he didn't put those people in the other side's eyes at all. I think he must be confident, and I think the other people are nothing to do with him!

Therefore, I suggest that Xu Liang go. At this time, it is also the time for him to play. It is the time when he makes contributions for you and becomes famous, and it is also the time to pay for your previous cultivation. Xu Liang, what are you waiting for? I haven't seen the lady who needs you to play now! "

Xu Liang was furious upon hearing this, and gave Lin Ze a fierce look. UU Reading www.uukānshu. com

Don’t look at how Xu Liang looked down on Lin Ze and Yu Jin before, and he didn’t like this. In fact, he still knew himself and knew that it was not Tian Tian’s opponents. So at this time, it was too late for him to hide. What about playing? !

Lin Ze was still not afraid of Xu Liang's eyes threat, but glared back at him: "Huh? Am I wrong? Just now when Xu Liang reprimanded me and Brother Yu Jin, you didn't swear Fang Qiu a bit, the world is invincible. What do you mean? Why are you afraid of others now? With the aura of Xu Liang, you should take the initiative to invite you. Could it be said that Xu Liang, you are also in the nest, bragging with us? Well, when it's really out there, it becomes a soft bag and an egg?"

Lin Ze was rude to Xu Liang, who told him to treat himself like that before, so now Lin Ze took the opportunity to take the opportunity to get a good disgust at Xu Liang.

Xu Liang was indeed disgusted by Lin Ze. Of course, he was more of a guilty conscience. He was not the opponent of the guards around Tian Tian.

"!" In this way, even if Xu Liang was ashamed of being run by Lin Ze, his heart was furious, and the veins on his forehead violently, but he didn't dare to say anything. The answer came out.

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