All-around center

Chapter 713 Three Marcelos cannot guard against one Marcelo (please subscribe for the next update!)

Real Madrid hotel.

Casillas and Van der Vaart were chatting in the room.

Van der Vaart spent most of the first half of the season recuperating from injury, and was not immediately selected for the squad after his return.

Pellegrini was really unwilling to use the Dutchman, which made Van der Vaart helpless.

When Florentino purged the Dutch gang, Van der Vaart kept a fluke in his heart and believed that he could still play for Real Madrid. Even if he is not reused now, he can still use his game performance to get the tactical status he deserves. .

But now it seems that it may really be time to transfer and leave.

“It feels like the team has become unfamiliar!”

Van der Vaart said with a smile.

Casillas shrugged: "There are many new players coming. We are reshaping the lineup, and there will inevitably be many changes."

Van der Vaart nodded, still feeling a little desolate in his heart.

"Have you thought about it?"

Casillas asked suddenly.

Van der Vaart grinned; "It hasn't been decided yet, though."

Just when he wanted to continue talking, a strange scream suddenly came from the corridor outside the door.

Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ——

what sound!

Van der Vaart and Casillas looked at each other.

The entire first floor is contracted by Real Madrid and there will be no one else.

The two stood up and walked out almost at the same time.

As soon as they opened the door, they saw Alonso and Guti opening the door opposite, followed by others.

They looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw the room at the end of the corridor open, and strange screams came from somewhere.

Not long after, a figure stumbled out of the room.

Su Ke suddenly braked and ran around the corner, holding the phone tightly in his hand.

Behind him, Ramos was wrapped in a bath towel and furiously pursued him.

"Stop it! Bastard!"

"I won't stop until I'm sick!"


Everyone looked at each other, what are you doing?

Just when Ramos was about to catch Su Ke, Su Ke suddenly dwarfed his body, turned on the spot with his left foot as the axis, and at the same time stretched out his hand to pull off Ramos' bath towel and ran in the opposite direction.

Wow! ! ! ! ! ! ————

Wow! ! ! ! !

Exclaims, applause, and strange screams suddenly came one after another.

Seeing Ramos's whole face turned red and his butt naked, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Ramos couldn't care less about this, they were all teammates anyway.


Ramos roared angrily and frantically chased Suk again.

Because the corridor was too narrow, Suk was pushed into the corner by Ramos and dragged into the room in full view of everyone.

The door slammed shut, and not long after, Su Ke's screams were heard.

The entire corridor was silent. The Real Madrid players looked at each other for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha! Oh my god! Ramos is chasing Su Ke with his bare butt!"

"What happened? I'm curious, what did Suk do?"

"This is so funny. It's the first time I've seen Ramos look so embarrassed."

Everyone laughed loudly.

Casillas was also dumbfounded.

But as captain, he walked to Ramos' room.

When he opened the door, he saw Suk curled up on the sofa, peeking at Ramos from time to time.

Ramos was so angry that he was shaking. He wanted to beat him but couldn't, so he could only stare at Su Ke.

Seeing Casillas walking in, Suk immediately complained.

"Captain, take care of him."

Ramos said angrily: "Hand over your phone."

"You can't check my privacy!"

"Damn it! You secretly filmed me taking a shower, do you really think I can't find it?"

"Fart! I'm sick and secretly filmed you taking a shower. I'm not interested in men."

"Hand over your phone!"

"I don't!"

"Do you want to hand it over or not?"

"Kill me if you can!"

Ramos really doesn’t dare!

Seeing how this guy was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Ramos had a headache.

How on earth could there be such a bastard!

Casillas looked at the confrontation between the two and couldn't help but sigh:

"Suk, give me your phone, don't do such childish things. And Ramos, tomorrow is the game, you can't."

Ramos pointed at Suker: "Just now, I grabbed his phone, but I couldn't delete the photos. But I saw it."

Ramos looked weird and said, "So you like to sleep naked!"

Casillas was stunned.

The next second, his whole face turned red.

Su Ke saw that something was wrong with the situation and said quickly, "Captain, please listen to my explanation."

In the end, Casillas and Ramos failed to punish Suker effectively or beat him up.

They could only urge the coaching staff to let Su Ke stay in a separate room.

In order to prevent more Real Madrid players from being harmed by Suker in the future and having some indecent photos taken, they can only use this method.

Casillas returned to the room, rubbing his eyebrows and feeling a little headache.

Van der Vaart on the side smiled and said; "The atmosphere is good!"

"Isn't that good?" Casillas shook his head and smiled bitterly; "I didn't expect that Suk would be such a person."

Van der Vaart shrugged; "But it's better than being dead."

"Think about the atmosphere we had in the past. Everyone was a star. They maintained their own identities and couldn't let go of their figures. I felt that there was always a gap in the communication process. It was not a real team." Van der Vaart said with a smile; "Occasionally we joke and fight. It’s nice to have some fun, you see, the overall atmosphere has become a lot more relaxed.”

Casillas sighed.

On the other side, Suk came to the individually assigned room.

Suk was packing his luggage while thinking about what happened just now.

The relationship between Suker and Ramos has become very close.

For this reason, it’s okay to make these jokes. Ramos looked very angry, but he actually found it funny on the inside.

If Ramos really couldn't stand it, he wouldn't even cater to Suker.

Su Ke would not do such a thing.

If you want to win, the atmosphere within the team is crucial.

Suker believes that Real Madrid's previous locker room atmosphere was too lifeless and completely devoid of vitality.

Marcelo is a live treasure, but he currently does not have enough say, so he cannot show an active atmosphere.

Suk also took over the job.

Of course, this is also part of it, and the other part is that Suk really wants to trick Ramos.

Ramos looks too serious, and this kind of person is boring.

It’s fun to tease!

As for the issue of anger, Su Ke didn't feel it at all.

"Let's go have dinner!"

Ramos put on his clothes and took the initiative to find Suk.

Suk also got up and walked out of the room.

We had a simple dinner in the hotel restaurant, and in the evening, everyone held a tactical meeting in the hotel conference room.

Pellegrini stressed the importance of the second half of the season.

The first half of the season is a completely different model from the second half of the season.

In the first half of the season, the league has just begun, and each team's tasks are more of running in, trial and error, etc., so mistakes can be tolerated to make adjustments.

But the second half of the season is different, there is no room for trial and error.

The league will continue until the end of May, and the brutal battle for points will begin in March.

The teams in the championship zone will fight extremely fiercely.

Teams in the relegation zone will also try their best to get out of trouble.

Mid-table teams also need to make specific plans.

Therefore, the games in the second half of the season will be more difficult and the intensity will increase a lot.

Take Osasuna as an example. In this game, Suker believes that the team playing at home is at least aiming for a draw.

They won't hand over three points easily.

But no matter what, Real Madrid cannot fail.

This season, there may not be enough fighting capacity in the Champions League, but in the league, Real Madrid still has to fight for the championship.

After all, last season, Real Madrid lost all three.

They lost to Barcelona in the Champions League, League, and Copa del Rey.

It has not been fully adjusted yet, but we still have to work hard to get it.

The next day, Real Madrid players arrived in vehicles at the El Sadar Stadium, Osasuna's home ground.

Sadar Stadium is located in the eastern part of the city, far away from the city and cannot even be called a suburb.

A straight main road extends all the way to the stadium, and there are almost no buildings around it except for the Sadar Stadium.

Viewed from above, the stadium is surrounded by lawns and farmland. It is far away from the urban area and the transportation is not convenient.

There is no subway, so fans have to take buses to get to the stadium.

Of course, there are also many fans who drive cars to watch the game. Because there is no parking lot, the open space on both sides of the road has been temporarily developed to form a temporary parking lot on the loess floor.

This is the general situation of the middle and lower reaches of La Liga.

Although it is a team in the five major leagues, there is a fundamental gap with those wealthy teams.

The Sadar Stadium has only 15,000 seats, but the fans are very enthusiastic. Perhaps because of the match against Real Madrid, 20,000 fans poured into the entire stadium.

The on-site DJ was loudly announcing the pre-match news, which caused the stadium to cheer one after another.

After Su Ke and others completed their warm-up, they returned to the locker room again.

Along the way, Osasuna's players also looked at Suker warily.

This is the player they need to focus on in this game.

Not long after, players from both sides stood in the tunnel.

The game is about to begin.

The starting lineups of both sides are as follows:

Osasuna (4-3-3):

Goalkeeper: Ricardo.

Defenders: Azpilicueta, Roversio, Franho, Monreal.

Midfielder: Juanfran, Punyar, Nekonan.

Forwards: Aranda, Kamnath, Pandiani.

Real Madrid (4-3-3):

Goalkeeper: Casillas.

Defenders: Arbeloa, Garay, Ramos, Marcelo.

Midfielder: Alonso, Diarra, Guti.

Forward: Higuain, Raul, Suker.

"After the winter break, La Liga resumes again. Osasuna will face Real Madrid in the first game of the second half of the season. This is a very important game for them."

"Azpilicueta will be under a lot of pressure in this game. As a full-back, he needs to meet Suker's impact on the wing."

"It's a very difficult thing for any full-back to do, but Azpilicueta has done well at Osasuna and we can expect a lot from him."

"His partner at full-back is Monreal."

The on-site commentator introduced the home team eloquently.

Suker also looked at Osasuna's lineup.

There are many talents!

At this time, Azpilicueta and Monreal had just debuted and were not well-known.

But in the future, they will all join the Premier League's powerful teams.

Azpilicueta will become the backbone of Chelsea's defense in the future.

And Monreal will also contribute his own strength when Arsenal is at its weakest.

These are extremely talented players.

After all, going from a low-level league to the five major leagues is a hurdle.

Transferring from an ordinary team in the five major leagues to a powerful team is also a hurdle.

Azpilicueta is very nervous. After all, no full-back is immune to this nervous state of mind when facing Suker.

But he also knows that excessive fear is the most unacceptable emotion in the game.

Moreover, Osasuna is currently in the relegation zone and they cannot afford any more bad performances.

In the past, Osasuna would break out of the relegation zone every time. This time, he believed they could do the same. No matter who the opponent was, they could not stop them from relegation.

What's more, they had previously tied with Barcelona at home, and they had reasonably restricted Messi. For this reason, they also had a certain degree of confidence in restricting Suker.

Players from both sides assemble in their respective halves.

The official game will soon begin, and the entire stadium becomes quiet.

Suker and Raul stood in the center circle waiting for the kick-off.

Suk turned his head to look at the opposite half from time to time, looking at the opponent's shortcomings.

Don't think too much, these guys are all staring at him, Suk is used to all this.

"They should be ready and thinking about how to restrict you." Raul reminded.

Raul has decided to leave. He has begun to contact other teams and will leave on a free transfer at the end of this season.

But before that, he was still a player of Real Madrid and the captain here. He had the responsibility and obligation to lead the team to victory.

Among them, Su Ke is the key.

Suk turned his head and smiled: "I look forward to their performance."

Suk's face was still full of confidence.

Looking at Suk's appearance, Raul couldn't help but recall his past self. That young self probably looked like this.


The sharp whistle sounded and the game began.

The second half of the 2009/2010 La Liga season has officially begun.

Real Madrid took the lead and Suker suddenly rushed to the wing.

But after he reached the back line, he turned to look at Azpilicueta.

Sure enough, this guy has started to get closer.

Juanfran is a defender, but in this game he plays as a defensive midfielder and stands to the right. Obviously, this is to better restrict Suker.

However, when limiting himself to only investing the defensive power of two people, Suker didn't understand whether Osasuna's head coach was too complacent, or whether he was too confident in his players.

After a simple observation, Su Ke slowly began to retreat to respond.

Azpilicueta followed until Suker retreated deep and Juanfran took over the defense.

Guti received Diarra's pass and passed it to Suker along the wing.

Suker retreated while observing Juanfran's position. There was no room for breakthrough, and Azpilicueta was also very forward.

If Suker breaks through, he will run headlong into Azpilicueta.

Suk returned the ball with a kick, turned around and began to swim towards the rib area.

Seeing Suker's movement, Marcelo's eyes lit up as a full-back.

Suker ran towards the rib area, and the wide wing became Marcelo's runway.

Suker's position is close to the center, which also attracts Osasuna's midfield defensive force.

Even Azpilicueta is positioned inward.


Diarra again tried to pass the ball to Suker.

Suk leaned back suddenly and resisted Juanfran with his body.

At the same time, Su Ke moved his right foot outward and moved the ball to the wing.

Marcelo made a straight forward pass from the wing.

Seeing Marcelo receiving the ball, Suker immediately moved forward along the rib area, and at the same time he looked towards Azpilicueta.

Azpilicueta also saw this scene, and also saw Suk's eyes.

Su Ke's eyes seemed to be saying: Follow me or restrict Marcelo?

Azpilicueta gritted his teeth and rushed towards Marcelo. It was impossible for him to give up the wing.

At the same time, Juanfran also abandoned Suker and immediately rushed towards Marcelo.

Su Ke was slightly surprised.

It turns out that Osasuna's tactic is to cut off its own passing channels!

But Su Ke was in no hurry.

If it were someone else, that would be fine.

But among full-backs, Marcelo is definitely a top-end talent with excellent dribbling ability.

Three Marcelos cannot guard against one Marcelo. This is no joke.

Marcelo was holding the ball on the wing. When he looked up, he saw Azpilicueta.

Also saw Juanfran.

A siege net was about to appear, and a pass back was the safest choice at this time, but Marcelo did not do so.

He moved the ball laterally and pretended to break inwards.

Seeing Marcelo's move, Juanfran immediately took a step forward.

This step created a gap between Juanfran and Azpilicueta.

This gap was used accurately by Marcelo, who dunked his foot and stuffed the ball along the gap.

The ball went out between the two of them.


Azpilicueta's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

Exclamations suddenly erupted from the scene.

I saw Su Ke suddenly thrust forward diagonally, rushing towards the landing point of the ball, and after catching the ball, he started to hit the bottom.


Azpilicueta couldn't retreat in time, so he could only yell at his teammates to remind him.

But Suker was at the baseline and had already started to pass the ball.

The ball crossed the middle and fell towards the back point.

There, Higuain continued to advance, pushed gently against the falling ball, and completed the goal.

Just 11 minutes into the game, Real Madrid scored

Suker assisted Higuain to open the scoring.


"Higuain! Stable shooting performance, Suker's pass is just right, but we should pay more attention to Marcelo's pass. This pass ripped open Osasuna's defense and helped Suker create a favorable The timing of the attack allowed Real Madrid to score!”

"Real Madrid's full-back tactics are becoming more and more skillful now!"

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