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Chapter 278 A combination of Chinese and Western zombies. Father, it seems you have been kneeling fo

Chapter 278 - A zombie that combines Chinese and Western styles, Father, you seem to have been kneeling for a long time!


Uncle Jiu didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Ah Wei this time.

Anyway, Ah Wei didn't listen to a word of his own words.


Then there are only three canes to break up your daydream!

Uncle Jiu whipped the cane he had just picked on Awei's body.

That pain.

Ah Wei screamed and screamed.

"Master, I won't say anything anymore!"

I saw that Uncle Jiu was serious this time.

Ah Wei didn't care about anything else at this time. He was dodging the cane that Uncle Jiu was hitting and begging for mercy.

If he didn't beg for mercy, Ah Wei felt that he was almost close to death.

Seeing Ah Wei's behavior, the literary talent on the side also looked at him with a gloating attitude.

He finally figured out that there was nothing wrong with honest people. Although he couldn't speak, at least he wouldn't get beaten up.

"Is this a matter of not telling?!"

When Uncle Jiu heard Ah Wei say this, he couldn't help but strengthen his hands a little more.

In Uncle Jiu's opinion, this is not a question of whether to tell or not.

It’s a question of whether to do it or not.

Awei's mind was not on cultivating the Taoism at all. Did he just forget what he kept saying when he first became a disciple? !

It's so embarrassing.

Of my two disciples, one is thinking about women in his heart, and the other is always talking about women.

Is there nothing else we can do besides being a woman? ?

"Brother Dao, let's forget it. In fact, I feel that Awei is just talking."

Bai Ye said something to Ah Wei.

Complaints are complaints.

But from Bai Ye's point of view, Awei was just getting high most of the time.

He himself hadn't taken much action, so there was absolutely no need for Uncle Jiu to be so excited.

After Bai Ye spoke to him, Uncle Jiu's hand did slow down a bit, which almost made Ah Wei cry out of emotion.


Taoist priest Bai Ye is his savior.

From now on, if Bai Ye lets himself go east, he will never go west!

"Hey, fellow Taoist, you have also seen how naughty my disciples are."

Uncle Jiu sighed, why would he want to do such a thing?

If only a few of his disciples were like Bai Ye's disciples, it would save him a lot of worry.

Uncle Jiu burned high incense.

"Disciples' stubbornness can be corrected slowly. There is no need to do it all at once. Brother Dao is just too anxious. After all, Ah Wei has just entered the Taoist sect not long ago. Boys themselves will think more than girls."

Bai Ye still comforted Uncle Jiu.

A Wei who started practicing Taoism had a bad intention.

In other words, Ren Tingting has also become a Taoist, so there is a high probability that Ah Wei will never have any interaction with Ren Tingting if he does not practice Taoism.

So with this idea.

Of course Ah Wei took advantage of his shamelessness and directly became Uncle Jiu's apprentice.

At first, Ah Wei's target was still Bai Ye, but Bai Ye didn't want to accept it.

Therefore, the first purpose of Awei's Taoism is actually to pick up girls.

Wencai also had no talent for cultivation, but it was after Qiu Sheng realized that he had lost his way.

Now I am also focusing on cultivating the Tao.

At least it doesn't mean that all disciples are the kind of people who can't hold up a wall with mud.

"Okay, fellow Taoist, what you said makes sense."

Uncle Jiu followed Bai Ye's words and went on.

After all, if I continue to struggle, I won't be able to get off the stage in the future.

In fact, Uncle Jiu just felt that Awei's mind was about women, and he needed to be taught this.

At the same time, there is also the issue of face, and he has the best face.

But don’t think you won’t be able to get off the stage by then.

After hearing what Uncle Jiu said, Ah Wei couldn't help but feel relieved.

I was afraid that Uncle Jiu would keep pursuing this matter.

It's fine now.

It was finally over, and Ah Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking cautiously in front of Uncle Jiu, Ah Wei said a little aggrievedly: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely not be like this again in the future."

Ah Wei actually just likes to think about it.

"It's not that I won't let you do this, I just think you should focus on your cultivation instead of focusing on picking up girls. I'm doing this for your own good too. You can't control women!"

Uncle Jiu doesn’t want to see several of his disciples ruined by women!

They really couldn't grasp it. Uncle Jiu could tell at a glance that there were no peach blossoms in their lives. Even if they did, they were rotten peach blossoms.

"Master is right!"

Awei echoed again and again. In fact, he didn't know.

Ah Wei himself has a cousin, but that cousin is too far removed from Ren Tingting.

He actually thought very simply.

If Ren Tingting doesn't work here, then in the end she will have to take the other cousin's route.

But Awei didn't dare to show it at this time.

My performance today is indeed a bit lacking.

On the way, Awei stopped saying these nonsense words.

All the way to Jiuquan Town.

In fact, it is relatively close to Renjia Town.

Regarding their arrival, the people in the town looked at the group of them with curiosity.

A group of Taoist priests are here? !

"Awei go and ask where the church is."

Here, Ah Wei is the most suitable, and he likes it very much.

After asking about the location of the church, the group immediately walked towards the church.

The church has been opened, which is different from the plot of the movie.

According to previous inquiries, a priest has been killed.

"This gloomy air, there must be zombies inside!"

Uncle Jiu looked at the church in front of him with a serious face. During the day, this church seemed to be very decent.

But it was gloomy here, and it was certain that there were definitely zombies.

"Let's go in!"

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu couldn't wait to lift his legs and walk into the church.

Now he also knew that if it was not solved in the morning, it would probably be more troublesome at night.

In the church.

Father Wu was sitting in the church with a sad face.

He originally wanted to reopen the church and spread faith here.

But what he didn't expect was that this start was also very unfavorable.

After the church was reopened, many people had died.

This also made Father Wu seriously doubt whether something he didn't expect had happened.

He didn't believe in the so-called zombies.

But the recent few people were all bitten to death, and the body of one person had disappeared.

Coupled with the rumors of the surrounding villagers, Father Wu seriously doubted whether there was really an evil creature.

Regardless of whether there was an evil creature or not, the church was affected now.

"All these corpses must be burned, otherwise they will become vampire zombies!"

Just as Father Wu was thinking, a voice in his ear broke his thoughts.

He raised his head and looked at the group of people who came without notice. He was a little confused. This was inside the church. How did they get in?

And he started to check the corpses on his own. Father Wu quickly stood up and prepared to stop Uncle Jiu's next move.

He couldn't let Uncle Jiu do whatever he wanted here!

"They are already dead. I am praying for them. Please don't..."

"If prayer is useful, then how could they be bitten to death by zombies? If you don't get rid of his body now, he will become a zombie later!"

Uncle Jiu checked the corpse gas on the body, but he was a little confused.

There are three corpses here, but only one of them has corpse poison, and the other two don't have it at all.

But it gave Uncle Jiu an inexplicable feeling.


Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu turned his head and looked at Bai Ye, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

He didn't quite understand, and didn't know if Bai Ye understood.

"They were bitten to death by two different zombies."

One of them had corpse qi, and the other two were not without corpse qi, but Uncle Jiu didn't notice it.

"Bitten to death by two different zombies?!"

Uncle Jiu's eyes flashed with a strangeness, he actually didn't understand what Bai Ye meant by this sentence.

Four zombies? !

But even the descendants of the four zombies, didn't they also show the effect of zombies in the end?

"No, one is our Chinese zombie, and the other is a Western vampire.

Do you remember the previous church legend? At the beginning, a priest died here, and was stabbed to death by a cross struck by lightning on a rainy night.

After his death, he became a zombie, and also possessed the characteristics of a Western vampire, so he should be able to switch between these two forms.

In the case of Western zombies, they are not afraid of Chinese Taoism, and in the case of Chinese zombies, they are not afraid of Western garlic holy water. Then the other two should have been bitten to death by Western zombies, and they may not become vampires later."

If Bai Ye remembered correctly, to become a vampire, it is not necessarily possible to become one even if bitten to death, right?

There should be a first embrace?

Bai Ye didn't know much about this matter.

But he told Uncle Jiu what he knew, although it was difficult to explain how he knew it.

But he also reminded Uncle Jiu that if he encountered such a zombie in the future, he should not be at a loss as to how to deal with it.

"So magical?!"

Mama replied in surprise. He had been traveling all over the country for so many years, and this was the first time he heard of such a thing.

It can actually combine Chinese and Western culture? !

Zombies are so troublesome?

"Is this amazing? Didn't you see Nintendo before?"

If you compare this zombie to Nintendo, it is definitely not comparable.

It is troublesome, but in fact it is very weak. As long as you know the characteristics of the other party, it will be killed by Uncle Jiu and Father Wu together.

Nintendo is the most troublesome. If Uncle Jiu hadn't taken advantage of the right time, I'm afraid it would not be solved by him.

"That's right."

When he thought that Nintendo was caused by him, he was a little embarrassed.

His granddaughter is still here.

"My grandfather turned to ashes"

"My grandfather too"

After Ren Zhuzhu finished speaking, Ren Tingting also added that their grandfathers were turned to ashes by Bai Ye.

"What are you talking about!!"

Compared with others.

Father Wu was also a little confused at this time.

He knew that vampires were very popular in the West and were also feared by people there.

He also knew about zombies.

But this is already a new era, why are there still people who are so superstitious!

"Fellow Daoist, please explain it to him."

Bai Ye didn't want to say anything to Father Wu. This guy wouldn't believe this unless he saw the zombies.

So instead of talking for a long time and the other party still doesn't believe it, it's better to just say nothing.

Uncle Jiu likes to preach, so it's better to leave it to Uncle Jiu.

But unfortunately, Uncle Jiu talked for a long time, but in the end the other party still stubbornly believed that they were telling lies.

"Daoyou, did you know it a long time ago?!"

Uncle Jiu was numb.

He didn't react when Bai Ye asked him to talk about this just now.

Now Uncle Jiu knows that Bai Ye did it on purpose!

He should have seen that Father Wu would not believe this at all.

That's why he asked him to tell Father Wu this.

It turns out that he talked for a long time before, but people didn't listen at all!

"These fake foreign devils believe in a new set of things, and they can't stand up after kneeling down."

Bai Ye shrugged and didn't deny this.

After kneeling for a long time, they will not be willing to believe what they see.

Bai Ye is naturally too lazy to explain so much.

"Well, what should we do?!"

Uncle Jiu also knew that this was intentional by Bai Ye.

But knowing is knowing, but now there is a thorny problem in front of them.

This priest Wu is determined not to believe what they say.

"Just burn it!"

Mama said irritably, she has never seen such a stubborn person.

If he is not a Taoist priest.

Today, I will wait for Father Wu to be bitten to death by zombies.

"What is burned?"

"Tu Long?!"

A voice sounded behind him, and Uncle Jiu turned around and saw Tu Long and a few others walking slowly towards him.

Taoist Tu Long is Uncle Jiu's junior brother, who went down the mountain to drive corpses a long time ago.

Uncle Jiu was a little excited to see Taoist Tu Long here.

"Senior Brother!?"

Compared with Uncle Jiu's excitement, Tu Long felt a little guilty at this time.

There are actually two senior brothers here, Mama and Lin Jiu.

If he was a normal Taoist priest, he would of course be happy. After all, the brothers have not seen each other for more than ten years, and Tu Long is actually happy to meet again.

But at this moment, he was also frightened by another thing.

Although he has always been in the name of driving corpses, Tulong is very clear about what he is doing.

Once Uncle Jiu and the others know about it, he will not only be expelled from Maoshan Sect, but also his cultivation will be abolished.

He may not be so scared at first.

But after knowing the things in Teng Teng Town, Tulong also knew that he was definitely not Uncle Jiu's opponent.

Once Uncle Jiu found out, he would be finished.

Today he came here with the mayor and the mayor's son David to discuss some things.

Over the years, Tulong has been using living people to transport powder, and the mayor's family helped.

This time, the mayor also approved the opening of the church for the convenience of transportation, that is, to facilitate Tulong.

Several of his disciples are still in this church, and he will leave with these people tonight.

But he didn't expect to meet Uncle Jiu here, and he didn't really want to cause trouble.

But now it seems a little unlikely

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