All Heavens: Countless me, join the chat group

Chapter 280 All good things must come to an end!

Chapter 280 - All good things must come to an end!

"Master, it's really a Western zombie!"

When everyone saw the zombie, all their doubts disappeared.

I didn't expect that the foreign vampires who died in their native land would also become zombies?

Uncle Jiu silently remembered this matter and decided to have a good chat with his fellow apprentices after returning.

After all, they traveled all over the country, and they might meet in the future, so they had better be careful.

It's just a little uncomfortable that they have to use Western methods to exorcise demons in the future?

Doesn't this increase the difficulty of exorcism?

"Daoyou, how to deal with Western zombies?"

Uncle Jiu collected his mind and didn't continue to care about those things.

He looked at Bai Ye and asked hurriedly.

The zombies appeared directly after discovering the living people.

His eyes also fell on Bai Ye and others.

He was originally sleeping.

Since someone came to disturb his rest.

In addition, he had just been resurrected not long ago.

His desire for blood also reached its peak.

So when a living person appeared, he couldn't wait to appear.

"Use holy water, I have holy water!"

"This is a zombie!"

Uncle Jiu sneered at what Father Wu said.

What a joke!

You actually want to use holy water to deal with zombies? !

"Don't be ridiculous, Taoist Bai Ye seemed to have said that he could transform, right?"

Although Father Wu always felt that they were talking nonsense before.

He even thought for a while that there were no zombies in his church.

But he still listened to all the words completely.

This zombie is a Western zombie.

So you must also need holy water to deal with Western zombies, right? !

"Then this is ours!"

Uncle Jiu was anxious.

How can you use this to exorcise demons!

Yellow Talisman!

"Don't be so troublesome, in fact, these zombies have one thing in common."

Seeing that the two seemed to be arguing about this matter.

Bai Ye reminded them helplessly.

In fact, exorcism does not mean that you have to rely on some means.

Some means are common to both sides.

"For example?!"

"Fire and thunder."


Okay, okay.

The universal exorcist method in the exorcist world has finally been found.

It turns out that only these two things are needed.

Whether you are from the East or the West, you will die.

A fire will directly shatter your dream of being a vampire duke!

The zombies actually know that they are exorcists.

He is also intelligent.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that the other party did not understand his characteristics.

As long as he can use the transformation form properly, it is not impossible to kill all the people here.

But the other party directly came with a fire.

The zombies were directly unable to do anything.

It's boring!

Lost the resurrection match!

"Daoyou, you are right. All evil creatures are afraid of these two things!"

Uncle Jiu was numb.

Looking at the zombies that had been burned to ashes, he couldn't say anything for a while.

He understood one thing.

He should have learned thunder and fire methods well at the beginning.

Now he doesn't have to use such means to exorcise a demon.

Having said that, this thing is still a bit difficult. It depends on talent to some extent. It is not something that you can learn just because you want to learn it.

"Maybe you can use cannons to fight zombies in the future."

When technology develops later, a zombie can't stand the little boy.

Even if it's not a little boy, missiles can't stand it.

You said that it has developed to the modern era, and the weapons of technology are naturally better than those of immortal cultivators.

Because these can be mass-produced.

All fears come from insufficient firepower.

In fact, immortal cultivators may not be able to beat technology in the later stages.

After all, who knows what level technology can develop to?

"Cannons to fight zombies? That's impossible."

It's not like Awei hasn't seen cannons before.

That thing can fight zombies?

"Who knows?"

Bai Ye didn't explain. In fact, there are cannons to fight zombies in the zombie reversal.

But Bai Ye didn't explain too much about this matter.

After all, people may not believe it even if you say it.

"This zombie is burned to death, but the church cannot be opened here."

The zombies have been solved.

But the feng shui problem has not been solved.

If this church is to be opened.

Then this tragedy will also be reincarnated.

The one who finally turned into a zombie might be Father Wu.


Father Wu also began to pay attention to this problem.

The previous priest died and turned into this kind of blood-sucking monster. It is impossible to say that he is not afraid.

All those who practice Taoism or have faith.

Do not want to become zombies after death.

This is a shame to their faith in life.

"Because of Feng Shui, this place is extremely bad Feng Shui, and everyone here will die!"

The location of the church itself is not good.

When the church was built later, this pattern was brought to the extreme.

That's why Bai Ye wanted to remind Father Wu.

Although this priest is stubborn, he is not guilty of death.

Besides, he opened this church, and more people died.

Come here to spread faith, and there will definitely be people coming into the church.

"Can it be changed?"

"It will take a long time."

Uncle Jiu took over the conversation at this time.

Changing Feng Shui is a very troublesome thing.

So he also suggested that Father Wu move out quickly.

"I see."

Father Wu lowered his head and said somewhat dejectedly.

Although he didn't want to leave just like that.

But the facts told Father Wu that he had to leave.

He originally came here to spread his faith, but several of the priests who came with him died.

The spread of faith failed, and instead there were vampire zombies in the church.

Although he was very reluctant, Father Wu also knew that closing the church was inevitable.

The notice was sent down and the other priests were asked to pack their things and prepare to leave.

After the mayor learned that the church was about to close, he was about to jump!

I finally managed to get people to reopen the church, but the church is about to be closed?

Even Tu Long, who has been cooperating with him, will now be captured and taken back to Maoshan.

Thinking about it like this, why does he feel that something is wrong?

"Dad, why not wait until they leave before reopening? Can't we still find other priests?!"

David said nonchalantly.

Father Wu is gone, can't Father Li or Father Wang come?

There are many priests.

So, there is no need to worry at all, besides, haven’t we all said recently that we should avoid the limelight?

If they don't take action now, wouldn't it be the best way to avoid the limelight?

"What about slaying the dragon? Who will slay the dragon instead?"

David said it lightly.

But now there is another problem.

That means Dragon Slayer is gone.

They had always cooperated with Dragon Slayer before.

So this business is doing very well.

David spent all his money studying abroad here.

How much money can the mayor have?

Little did he know that the church was closed and it didn't matter that the priest was gone.

But without Dragon Slaying, they would be out of luck.

"You should be able to find it if you look for it. We can just find someone to take over this method of slaying a dragon."

David felt that it was not impossible to find someone to replace him.

Isn't it just to find a living person to pretend to be a walking corpse?

Until the twists and turns inside.

Then you can create a dragon slayer by yourself?

Why the dragon slayer will not be discovered.

Because no one wants to come into contact with the walking dead, not even officers and soldiers.

So this thing is not irreplaceable at all.

"By the way, didn't we want more shares before? Dragon Slaying is definitely not willing, but the new guy we are looking for is totally fine!"

David suddenly thought of the issue of division.

They originally wanted to get more.

Isn't it a good time? !

"Okay, okay, your idea is so great!"

When the mayor thought about it, he suddenly felt that it was really the case.

The death of the co-author Slaying the Dragon doesn't seem to be a particularly bad thing for them.

"Then let's hibernate for a while and wait until those people leave!"

The mayor has also thought about it.

Just wait until they leave.

It doesn’t seem to be all bad anyway!

"Master, you said before that the mayor is also doing this kind of thing, should we just leave like this?"

Ren Tingting asked with some confusion.

Although the problem in Jiuquan Town has been temporarily solved.

But there is still a problem facing us.

That is, the problem of the mayor and the mayor's son David has not been resolved.

"These are not our business."

"Are we just going to let them go?"

Ren Tingting said angrily.

Should we just watch the other party escape responsibility?

She looked at Bai Ye in confusion, obviously Bai Ye could solve it, right?

But why.

"We can't take action, but we can let the commander-in-chief take action. Let's not interfere in this matter."

Bai Ye didn't want to intervene because if he did, he would have to kill the other person.

If a cultivator kills people at will, it will have a great impact.

So Bai Ye is not ready to take action.

Didn't you save Dalong last time?

This time he would just return the favor.

"Yes, we can tell the commander-in-chief to get rid of the mayor!"

Awei has long been unhappy with that David.

He actually wanted to covet his cousin Tingting before.

I was originally thinking that Bai Ye had forgotten something.

Now it seems that Bai Ye has taken everything into account.

"Fellow Taoist is really thoughtful. We can take a look when the time comes. If they really do that, we can just let the commander handle it according to law!"

Uncle Jiu nodded, which seemed to agree with what Bai Ye was going to do next.

After all, it's not easy for them to intervene directly.

But Bai Ye's solution circumvents this very well.

At that time, as long as the commander goes over to check and if there is a problem, then just follow the law.

In fact, there is no need to worry about this thing anymore.

The dragon slayer has been caught. In fact, they all know whether the mayor and his son are involved.

"Master, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have questioned it just now."

Ren Tingting lowered her head in embarrassment.

She originally thought about why Bai Ye didn't do this.

Now it seems that I have thought too much.

Co-writing White Night was planned from the beginning.

I just didn’t tell myself.

"Actually, sometimes you don't have to be so rigid when doing things. It's good to be flexible. There are some things that are inconvenient for us to do, but if we really encounter danger, you have to take action, you know?"

Bai Ye didn't blame Ren Tingting.

Now Ren Tingting's thoughts are still stuck in the past and have not changed.

It is generally better for practitioners not to participate in these things.

If you kill people at will, what is the difference between that and evil?

Even if the person you are killing is a bad person.

But this is still killing, and it is easy to be tainted with cause and effect, unless the bad guys are people who commit crimes by burning, killing, looting, and so on, just like horse thieves.

If you deal with these people, there won't be any problem.

But for people like the mayor and his son, they don't have such serious crimes as horse thieves.

But it must be solved.

But you can't do it yourself.

At the same time, Bai Ye also taught him again, don't dare to fight against ordinary people when you are in danger.

"Yes, master, I understand!"

Ren Tingting nodded seriously and then wrote down the matter.

At the same time, I was silently thinking that I must study well with Bai Ye.

There is still a lot to learn.

"Fellow Taoist, let's say goodbye here!"

Uncle Jiu looked at Bai Ye. He happened to be taking Ah Wei to Maoshan.

Although Awei became a disciple, he did not have a record of going to Maoshan.

So in fact, the previous Ah Wei had always been a registered disciple.

After observing for a while, Uncle Jiu also felt that Ah Wei was okay.

Although he sometimes cheats and cheats, his nature is not bad, so he should accept this disciple.

There is also Tulong himself who needs to be taken back.

So I won’t follow Bai Ye back to Renjia Town.

The three disciples are here. Let's go back to Maoshan.

We have to discuss the Dao Sect Competition soon.

"Old ghost, then I won't follow you to Maoshan, I still have a job of driving away corpses!"

After Mom finished speaking, he immediately cupped his hands towards Bai Ye and said, "Fellow Taoist, I, Mom, have not been very convincing in my life. You are one of them. I didn't formally thank you for what happened last time. I would like to take advantage of this time to say goodbye." , I just said it directly.

In addition, I have also learned a lot from my Taoist friends during this period. Exorcising corpses is my old profession. I don’t need the help of my Taoist friends anymore, and I don’t want to disturb my Taoist friends. Therefore, we are destined to meet again in the green mountains and green waters! "

There is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever.

Originally, his career had suffered a setback recently, so he stayed with Uncle Jiu for a while.

Although not very willing to admit it.

But Mamadi really felt that this period was his happiest time.

But he also has his own things to do, and so does Bai Ye.

They can't stay together forever.

"Then I'll take my leave."

Bai Ye nodded, and the three of them didn't feel much reluctant to leave.

After all, there is still a chance to meet.

But Wencai and Awei seemed to have lost their souls at this moment.

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this trip to develop a relationship with Ren Tingting.

But who could have imagined that time passes so quickly.

I didn't expect to be separated again.



So disgusting.

Bai Ye looked at the sky and took a deep breath, then exhaled.

I always feel like I'm getting goosebumps.

"If you two don't want to leave, you can follow Taoist Bai Ye."

Uncle Jiu smiled coldly and looked at the two of them.

Now he just wants to press down the heads of these two people.

I just said Awei is okay.

As a result, she acted like a little daughter again? !

Isn't it? !

ωωω★ Tтkд n★ ¢ Ο

A woman was treated like this by you? !

Alas, my lotus sister.

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