All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1421: Who is he?

"What's the matter with you? Why did you smash someone's door?" Haizao hurried over and tried to stop Song Siming. This is not your old classmate's room, and people are busy, what are you doing?

"Get away from me!" Song Siming pulled the seaweed apart and continued to smash the door. He never thought that when he and Xiaosan were cheating, his daughter was doing the same thing next door. Tingting she was just Children!

"Oh, my dad! This is my dad's voice!" Song Tingting in the room suddenly panicked when she heard the voice. Although she was not the first time to do such a thing, who can think of her own father Found it?

"Hurry up and run." She quickly got off Shen Long and wore her clothes in a hurry. She couldn't panic. Why is it so clever today?

"Your dad? He came out to play with your mother?" Shen Long asked quickly while dressing, "Aren't you saying that your mother is at home? Who is the woman next door?"

"Lying trough, my dad has a junior?" Song Tingting suddenly woke up and froze. This news hit her a lot; because of the busy work of Song Siming, the relationship between father and daughter has not been very good. , But Tingting Song never thought his father would be derailed.

"Ting Ting, open the door! Open the door for me!" Song Siming is not aware of this now. He is full of worries about his daughter now. It is the pigs of that family who raised me hard. The Chinese cabbage is arched?

"He was so kind to say me, I want to see what kind of goblin!" Song Tingting's heart filled with resentment, get up and get dressed and ready to go out and talk to Song Siming to come out one or two, I came out to play Not very suitable, but I am single, your children are so old, what are you doing with my mother on your back?

"Tingting, that's your dad, you should pay attention to it." At this time, Shen Long had already put on his clothes and said Song Tingting.

"This is my family's business, don't worry!" Song Tingting glanced back. "The downstairs seems to be a lawn, and the second floor is not high. Hurry up and go back, I will call you again!" No outsiders can be present at this time I used to worry about being caught by my own father, but now I do n’t want others to see the ruined things in my home.

"Are you okay?" Shen Long took Song Tingting's hand and refused to let go, looking concerned, "Will I still stay? If your dad can hit you, I can stop it."

"Dare he? I dare to call my mom when he dares!" Song Tingting took out her mobile phone, found her mother's phone number, and was ready to call at any time. "Hurry up!"

"Okay, I'm really embarrassed to be here!" Shen Long felt almost ready, and stepped forward to hug Song Tingting. "I drove out and waited. You can call me anytime and I will pick you up again."

Song Tingting nodded and she was definitely not allowed to stay in Tongxiang when something like this happened. After a while, she was forbidden to really use his car. Anyway, she said that she would not want to take Song Siming ’s car anymore. Surely Tingting had been in his car, Song Tingting felt sick for a while.

Shen Long opened the window, jumped from the second floor, fell silently on the lawn, then ran quickly to the parking lot, started his own car and rushed out, turned out of the hotel, and parked the car in a secluded Place, quickly hide his body, quietly returned to the second floor of the hotel, he also plans to take a good look at it.

At this time, Song Tingting just opened the door. Song Siming saw that her daughter's face was not only half guilty and uneasy. Instead, she was angry. She suddenly froze and opened her mouth. She wanted to directly question and worried about hurting her daughter. , So he stretched his neck to look into the room, and said dry words from his mouth, "Tingting, why are you in Tongxiang?"

"Are you so kind to ask? If I happened to come, would you know that you have a little three? You let go, I went to see your little goblin!" Song Tingting squeezed away from him, and then at a glance Saw Guo Haizao.

broken! How did I forget this? As soon as Song Siming was dark, he almost fainted. He thought about his daughter, but forgot that what he had done was not honourable. He still took Xiaosaner.

"Ting Ting, you listen to me explain! You listen to me explain!" This offensive and defensive situation suddenly changed, and replaced with Song Siming worrying about his own affairs being exposed. If his wife knew that it was enough?

"It's you? Doesn't it look like that?" Song Tingting came to Guo Haizao in two steps and looked up and down. Guo Haizao's eyes were full of fear. She never expected to meet Song Siming's daughter, and Still in this situation, she lowered her head and dared not touch Song Tingting's eyes, but wished the ground suddenly cracked a seam so she could get in.

"Take a man as a small third! Bitch!" Song Tingting grabbed Guo Haizao's hair and slaps it, and then pumped it up. She can't forgive this woman who destroys her family!

"Tingting!" She wanted to smoke again. At this time, Song Siming finally came over and stopped Song Tingting. "Tingting, you calm down!" He squeezed between the two people and gave Seaweed a look ~ www. ~ Let her leave quickly.

"Dad, you hurt me!" In a hurry, Song Siming was a bit too hard, so that Song Tingting's wrists began to redden, and coupled with the sadness of seeing his father to find Xiaosan, Song Tingting cried out.

Guo Haizao over there also shed tears of grievances. I was even scolded for being cheap, but I was scolded for being the daughter of a man who hooked up with me. She was really speechless about this and she could only cover her face and stumble After going out, the room was definitely not back, she could only escape downstairs.

In the room opposite, Song Siming ’s classmate Lao Qu had already heard the movement outside and was lying on the cat ’s eyes watching the lively scene. Hey, I did n’t expect to see such a big show. It was really wonderful.

"What's the matter? Would you like me to see it?" Lao Qu's Xiao San'er is now also clawed, but unfortunately the cat's eyes were blocked by Lao Qu, she couldn't see anything. "Or, we Go out and persuade? "Her eyes turned and she had an idea.

"No, no, how can we blend this kind of thing? If we go out, then we will have an enmity with him! You continue to shout and speak louder to the outsiders." Song Siming thought we knew nothing, or I ’m busy, although I ’m covering my ears and stealing the bell, it ’s better than doing nothing.

At this time, Song Siming pulled Song Tingting back to the sofa in his room and asked, "Tingting, who is he?"


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