All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1804: Head to head

At night, Fahai came to the West Lake and knocked on the temple door of Lingyin Temple again. "Amitabha, please also report to Brother Xin, and say that Fashan from Jinshan Temple is here!"

The monk who opened the door hesitated, "Please also ask Master Fahai to forgive me, my abbot is not in the monastery now." The monk did not swear words, but Master Xin was really absent, and they hurried away when they saw Fahai coming from afar.

"Oh? Dare to ask Brother Xin to go there? When will you come back? Can the poor monk wait in the temple to wait for the order?" Fa Hai asked again.

"The abbot has gone out of the city. I heard that I plan to go to the Huanzhu Temple in Shaoxing for a few days. I don't know when I will come back! As for the pending orders, it is also unfortunate that the monastery in the temple is already full; the master may wish to go to Jingci Temple to ask Let ’s go! ”In order to hide him, Master Jianxin simply went to Shaoxing, and by the way, he could persuade Shaoxing ’s midwife to study at Lingyin Temple.

After waiting for Fahai's reply, the monk closed the temple door and ate a closed door soup for Fahai. But he was not angry with Fahai. When did he get this kind of treatment since he became successful in his practice? When he arrived at the monastery, wasn't the abbot in the temple greeted him personally and treated him as a guest of honor?

But he could not directly smash the door, nor could he break in to see if the Master Mage was really not in the temple, and whether the monk's house in Lingyin Temple was really full.

In desperation, he could only go to Jingci Temple according to what the monks said, but at the gate of Jingci Temple, Fahai encountered the same situation. The monk said that the abbot of Jingci Temple went to Jiaxing Juehai Temple. It will not entertain when it is full.

Then I went to Fajing Temple again, but I did not think that the abbot of Jing Temple also went out. It is said that I went to Zhenru Temple in Chun'an County, and then the monk's house in the temple had no free space.

Do all the temple abbots in Quanqiantang go out today? But even if they go out, the monk's house will not be full? Fahai was speechless; as a result, he turned around the West Lake for a whole circle, and only Shangtianzhu Temple was willing to take him in. However, the abbot of Shangtianzhu Temple also had a black line on his face, and he seemed very dissatisfied with Fahai, just The reason why he was valued by Guanyin Bodhisattva was that he did not turn away Fahai.

Can you not be angry? The temples in Gongqiantang of Quanqiantang have all benefited. Only the Tianzhu Temple has fallen down. How will incense be mixed in the future? Just wait to starve!

And more importantly, among the many incarnations of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, there is one called Guanzi Guanyin, which can bless the infertile people and give birth to children safely. , Contributed countless incense wishes to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But now, Bai Suzhen has created a forceps that allows the mother to give birth to the child safely, but does not allow the Guanyin Bodhisattva to participate in this matter, but this will shake the foundation of the Guanyin Bodhisattva. There is also this function.

In the words of Western Fantasy, it is that this priesthood of Guanyin Bodhisattva is about to be deprived of danger. In this case, can the abbot of Tianzhu Temple not be nervous? How could Fahai have a good face?

I stayed in Shangtianzhu Temple for one night, and Fahai went out without breakfast for the next morning. He secretly came to Baohetang to spy. I saw that Baohetang was packed with Qiantang ’s mothers. From their conversation, Fahai learned that they had received the dream of Lord Chenghuang last night and asked them to follow Bai Suzhen to learn how to use forceps.

Outside the Baohe Church, there are temples, monks, priests, monks, nuns, and nuns in Qiantang ’s major palaces. When any midwives came out of the Baohe Church, they quickly greeted them and invited these midwives from their home sites to receive birth clamp .

In such a scenario, I am afraid I can't even do it? Bai Suzhen will not be used at that time, can these temple festivals, monks, priests, aunts, and nuns look good to me? And even if Bai Suzhen is a monster, is it useless? Can I alone say that so many people fail? Fahai is increasingly desperate.

While he was hesitating, he saw Shen Long coming out of Baohe Hall. Fahai thought about it and quietly followed behind Shen Long. He seemed to want to see him go there; Fahai thought Bai Suzhen had been there for 1,700 years. After practicing hard in the Qingcheng Mountains, I certainly do not understand these doorways. These methods must have been conceived by the person in front of me who helped Bai Suzhen.

In this case, as long as he can win him, Bai Suzhen will become helpless and helpless, and then it will be much easier to deal with her; I have to admit that Fahai's guess is still very accurate, but accurate does not mean useful.

Shen Long left Baohe Church, and went straight out of the city. Fahai continued to follow him. When Shen Long flew out of the city and flew into the mountains, Fahai also quickly followed.

Arriving in a barren mountain, Shen Long lowered his head and looked behind him shouting, "Fa Hai, come out!"

After being seen through the trail, Fahai had no choice but to appear in shape and landed opposite Shen Long. "Amitabha, poor monk has seen Lord Xu!"

"Okay, don't say that these are useless, you just say, how can you leave Qiantang, and stop harassing me and my lady from now on!" Shen Long said impatiently.

"Xu Donor's remarks are ridiculous, and she-men's different paths are days. Xu-donor's move is contrary to God's will!" Fa Haidao said.

"Oh, who's the rule? Why don't I know? And I'm a Taoist, but you can't control it; and don't your Buddhists pay attention to the equality of all living beings? Peacock can be a big king ~ ~ Monkey If I can fight against Buddha, why can't I be with my lady? "Shen Long came up with various examples to refute.

"I think it's still because you didn't let go of the disgusting thoughts? Fahai, if you can't let go of it, you can't build a positive result!" Shen Long said again.

Fahai heard this, and was it really true? But the thought of Bai Suzhen biting herself in the past, and her stealing her relics, causing her to practice for hundreds of years, Fahai's anger suddenly **** doubt.

"You're afraid that my lady has stolen your relics, and it's hurt you more to practice for hundreds of years? But you don't think about it. If this relic hit is yours, how could it be stolen by my lady? ? "

"Okay, I am too lazy to care about you so much. If you promise not to harass me again, I will help you make up for hundreds of years of cultivation!" Shen Long took out the jade bottle with fairy water. It would be better if we could solve this without fighting.

However, it is not afraid to fight Shen Long, "If you don't agree, then we can only see the real trick under your hands! Which one of these two paths do you choose!"

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