All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2197: Draw

"Although Wakanda has the Zhenjin mine granted by the Leopard God, the quantity of Zhenjin is limited. Except for a few special circumstances, we have no plan to sell Zhenjin abroad!" Lip Pan said, shaking his head.

In the history of Wakanda, it is not that there is no sale of Zhenjin. Although Wakanda is closed, because the land area is too small, relying solely on domestic production cannot meet all the needs of the people, not to mention the princes like Techara. In order to study abroad, their intelligence systems must be active all over the world, which necessitates transactions with foreign countries in exchange for sufficient funds.

There is a part of Zhenjin in the shield of Captain America. This is the result of Wakanda's previous trade with foreign countries, and this is not the only experience of Wakanda exporting Jinjin to foreign countries.

Zhenjin is very hard, and its special molecular structure makes it almost indestructible, because its molecules are relatively stationary, making it hardly conduct heat and kinetic energy. This feature allows it to absorb heat, energy and kinetic energy; and at low temperatures , Zhenjin can merge with some mysterious element and transform into genuine Edman alloy.

Marvel World has a lot of Edman alloys, which is naturally a credit to Wakanda. Of course, there is more than one Wakanda place on the earth. When the meteorite that brought the gold fell to the earth Divided into two pieces, one fell to the African continent, creating Wakanda, the other fell to the South Pole, forming another mysterious area, and some Zhenjin flowed from the South Pole, while the Wakanda seem to still I don't know the news.

"No, no, I think you misunderstood what I meant. I wasn't planning to export Zhenjin!" Hey, why do you all have such advanced technology, still thinking of selling natural resources in your mind? Even after China has undergone preliminary development, it has strictly regulated the export of rare earths. Do you not have the idea of ​​exporting scientific and technological products?

"I know that although Wakanda has always kept mysterious to the outside world, he has always maintained a focus on foreign countries, so have you ever noticed the war in New York four years ago?" Shen Long suddenly turned around and talked about another The topic, "I don't know how do you think about the technology level of the Chitarians? And the existence of Rocky?"

Ordinary Wakanda people will not care about what happened abroad, but these elites are not included. The lip disc man frowned and replied, "Our intelligence department collected some weapons and aircraft of the Zitari people and sent them back to Wakanda. Kanda conducted research. Although their technical level is blunt and rough, they have to admit that they do have many leading places!"

"This incident has attracted the attention of the former king, your uncle Techaka, so after some research, the council of tribal elders and His Majesty decided to strengthen the contact between Vakanda and the outside world, but I did not expect this plan just In the beginning, His Majesty the King was unfortunately killed!" The arrival of the Chitarians made the Varkanda realize that their days of favoritism are over.

Their technology is certainly advanced on the earth, but it is nothing to look at the entire universe. The arrival of the Chitarians woke them from their dreams. They can not care about the attacks of other countries on the earth, but the aliens come What can we do to conquer the earth? Whether it is the war technology of the Zittari people or the mysterious power of the Asgard people, they worry them.

"Wakanda is very small and the universe is huge. I have been in the United States for so many years, and I have come into contact with some unknown information, especially after the outbreak of civil unrest in S.H.I.E.D., many confidential information was leaked out. It seems that Wakanda’s good life cannot last for a long time. There are still many forces in the universe that are already staring at the earth. These forces cannot be resisted solely by Wakanda."

"And, on Earth alone, there have been a lot of forces that can threaten the existence of Wakanda, such as mutants, such as the underwater world, such as those superheroes!" In the Marvel comics, Wakanda was the king of the sea. Nama was flooded with water and suffered huge losses in the conflict with the mutants.

"Since Ulysses Crow can find Wakanda, then Wakanda is no secret to these special characters! Under such circumstances, continue to close Wakanda and hope that they will not see us It’s impossible, so my uncle and King Tchaca’s idea of ​​strengthening and external contact is correct.” After a long circle, Shen Long went back to the topic.

This is not Shen Long’s idle work. In many cases, especially in the political field, a bright reason is necessary. If Shen Long comes up, he will strengthen exchanges with foreign countries and output more products. , Will surely attract opposition from the conservatives.

But he has now moved out of the reason for Wakanda’s survival crisis, and the plan that the old king has just launched, which made them difficult to refuse. Hey, don’t look at Wakanda’s technological opportunities, but their political struggle experience is still It's not enough to see, if this is put into the real world, it is estimated that the lip disc man can't even match the deputy county head?

So in front of Shen Long, the big man who had been a leader, the lip tray guy couldn't hold it, "Your Majesty, your idea is very But what can we export other than Zhenjin?"

"We have many times more technological achievements than the outside world, and we can easily find a breakthrough just by investigating the outside world's technology market a little bit!" Shen Long operated his own Jimo Yuzhu and showed the outside phone and computer to the Lip Man Waiting for IT products, "These things are far behind our Kyomo Yuzhu. The annual sales volume of mobile phones alone has reached more than one billion units, with total sales exceeding trillions of dollars!"

"Think about it, if we push our Kimo from beads to the outside world, they will be crazy about it. This will definitely bring huge profits to Wakanda. I don't know if your merchant tribe has this ability! "Shen Long throws the bait, and as long as the Lip Man agrees, his merchant tribe will be greatly developed.

This is Hong Guoguo's co-op, and it is not for the lip disciple to refuse. After all, this is not his business, but the interests of the entire merchant tribe. If he refuses, maybe the merchant tribe will immediately change to a leader.

"But...but can this kind of thing be accepted by the outside world?" He can only use this method to delay.

"You can ask the agent that Techara brought back! You can also ask Naqiya, she has more contact with the outside world." Shen Long smiled.

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