All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2223: 8 Trigram Palm Cheng Tinghua

"Jing Qi, I'm afraid!" As soon as he returned home, Huang Chun got into Shen Long's arms. Although Shen Long taught her many things from an early age, Huang Chun was only a little girl after all. These days, the church was burned first and then followed Ji Zongbudong hides in Tibet. Only in the arms of her beloved can she settle down for a while.

Shen Long didn't speak, just hugged her tightly, so the two young men hugged like this. Unconsciously, Huang Chun's body began to get hot, and the two couldn't help but rolled together...

"Relax, when this time is over, I will marry you!" After the end, Shen Long hugged Huang Chun and said, what happened to the enemy's daughter? Isn't the big deal just being kicked out of the house?

"Well, I believe you." After so many years, Huang Chun has developed the habit of trusting Shen Long, and then lowered his head and leaned back on his chest.

Two days later, Dadao Wangwu visited Shen Long’s house again. He also received a letter from Bai Wenshi. Under the protection of Yuanshun Escort Bureau, they had arrived in Xi’an safely. After taking care of it, he rented a yard and settled down for a while. Bai Wenshi told Shen Long in his heart that everything should be careful. If it is a last resort, it is still important to save your life. No matter how precious the details are, it is not a matter of life.

"This time it was not Wuye who took the initiative, and I don't know what would happen on the road!" Shen Long thanked the swordsman Wuwu after reading the letter.

"Since eating the bowl of rice in the game of darts, these are all responsibilities, but it's not a shame, but brother Jing Qi, your young age, is so calm when encountering such a big event, it is worthy of Mr. Ji's good student!" Today, the capital is in a panic, but the Baijia Garden has been arranged by Shen Long in a well-organized manner.

"Five Lords have won the prize. What is your arrangement over the dart board?" Shen Long asked. According to the information collected by Bai Ze, Wang Dao will soon die under the muzzle of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

"I have arranged for them to go to Cangzhou's hometown to take refuge. Now those who are still in the darts are all careless. When the foreign devils come, let's not say anything, they are desperately finished with me! Old age, but the bones are still hard, and the kung fu has not fallen. It depends on whether the foreign devil's neck is strong enough." Wang Wu still has the courage to change.

"Then I wish Wuye the flag to win!" Shen Long also left a mark on him, preparing to wait for Wang Wu to take action when he was in crisis and save his life.

"Okay, the letter has been delivered, I won't disturb. In the future, when the devil is gone, if I'm still alive, I will come to you to drink, and then call Mr. Ji together, let's have a happy drink!" Ready to leave.

"Wu Ye, wait a moment!" Shen Long entered the house and took out a box to Wang Wu. "I also want to work with you on the foreign devil, but I still have to look after such a family, I can only use this thing to chat I’m expressing my heart, it’s all a good golden sore medicine prepared by our Baicao Hall, don’t quit.

"Shaodong's kindness and justice, when it comes to this, it wouldn't make sense if I quit again." Wang Wu took the box with both hands, "Then I will kill a few more foreign devils for the Shaodong!"

Two days after the Great Sword King Wu left, the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered the capital. German soldiers, British soldiers, French soldiers, and Japanese soldiers ran around the streets. There were smoke and fire everywhere, and gunfire and crying sounds were all together. Bingkuan they shuddered at the door and kept praying to the gods and gods in the sky, praying that they would bless the peace of these people in Baijia Garden.

"You take good care of your family, no matter who knocks on the door, don't open it." Seeing that the sky was dark, Shen Long excused the news to go out. He was so stubborn to hear these voices, and he planned to go out and kill a few foreign ghosts. Take a breath out of your heart.

"Shaodong's house, it's all messed up outside, you still stay at home!" Bingkuan and others hurriedly stopped. If there was a case, when Grandma Bai came back, wouldn't she pick their skins?

"It doesn't matter, I'm careful. The sound of this wave of foreign devils has passed. I walked along the root of the wall. I quickly evaded if there were any circumstances." Shen Long sent them away in three words and opened the door to the Baijia Garden. The street is now empty. One person, the gates on both sides were locked tightly, and several gunshots sounded from time to time, occasionally accompanied by the wailing of the common people, and the laughter of the foreign demons.

There are the most foreign devils around here? Shen Long let out a bit of domineering searching around, quickly locked in the target, took out a black towel from his arms to cover his nose and mouth, and then moved to the room, and ran forward along the voice of the foreign devil.

When I arrived at the Dongdan Pailou, I saw a German patrol team with a dozen German soldiers teasing a young girl. Shen Longgang was about to move forward, but he saw a man about four or fifty years old stepping forward to stop. The foreign devil swarmed up and surrounded the man. In the center, stepped forward; Shen Long had crushed the tiles and prepared to throw them out to hurt people.

I saw that the man made three moves and two tricks, knocking over a dozen German foreigners on the ground and killing them. Only two or three were frightened and fled; fright, this gossip palm is neat enough, Zhenger Kung Fu of the Eight Classics! By no means was a flower fist embroidering legs, Shen Long couldn't help but applaud the festival.

The man asked the girl to leave quickly, and then he entered a nearby optician shop. Shen Long watched him pack up and prepared to At this time, the German devils who had just escaped had already called for reinforcements The dozens of foreign devils with long spears blocked the alley.

The man then showed off his gossip palms. The gossip gait was flexible and extremely fast. He didn't wait for the foreigners to shoot and approached. He hit the alleys with his palms and instantly hit the alley. Although the man was strong in martial arts, he was after all a flesh and body and could not stop the bullet.

So he wanted to stretch his body, shrink his body, jump up, and jump over the porter. Unexpectedly, the tress on his head was entangled by the house tiles, and he couldn't jump. He wanted to take off and jump again. It was too late. , The devil's muzzle was already aimed at him.

At this moment of moment, Shen Long finally shot, his right hand flicked, and dozens of crushed tiles flew towards the German devil. All these ten guns were emptied.

Without waiting for the smoke to disperse, Shen Long had fallen into the alley, and he pulled his sword from the waist of a virtue official. He saw him as a dragon and a sword like lightning, and suddenly he rushed from the end of the alley to the end of the alley. Behind him, the German devils fell to the ground, and they didn't even have a live mouth!

"Good skill, good swordsmanship!" The man clenched his fists with both hands and solemnly performed a salute, "In the gossip palm Cheng Tinghua, thank you heroes for their life-saving grace!"

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