All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2262: national hero

"Starlink, you know, China's seaport quarantine power is still in the hands of foreigners. If we can use this meeting to take the seaport quarantine power back, it will be a great good for the country and the nation; In this epidemic, we have proved that we Chinese have the ability to quarantine and control the epidemic, so why should we give this power to foreigners?" This work was also completed by Wu Liande, but not now. It was in 1930, Shen Long felt that this time point could seem to be advanced.

Therefore, the seaport quarantine right, as the name implies, is the power to inspect foreign epidemics in the seaport. This work will be managed by the Customs Inspection and Quarantine Bureau in future. In almost all countries, this power belongs to the country, but in China today, this The power is in the hands of foreigners.

China’s modern seaport quarantine history originated in Shanghai and Xiamen in 1873, at that time in response to the threat of cholera outbreak in Siam and Malaya; in July 1873, the warning of cholera in Bangkok reached Shanghai, and the customs medical officer Alexander-Jia Dr. Misson drafted 4 provisional quarantine regulations and implemented quarantine on all ships coming from Siam.

After confirming the news of the outbreak of cholera in the British Straits colony, Xiamen Customs Medical Officer Dr. Wan Bard also quarantined the ships in the affected ports. Passengers will go through the inspection before entering the inner port.

On July 30, 1874, Shanghai Port revised the provisional quarantine statute and expanded it to 8 articles, which stipulates, "Every designation of an infectious epidemic shall be determined by the customs supervision and consulate; after the infectious epidemic is determined, The Customs will supervise and notify the Customs Bureau of Shipping and Director Wu Song... The quarantine medical officer shall prepare a report to report to the Bureau of Shipping and its officers and consular officers... Anyone who violates this regulation shall be punished by the respective country’s officers ."

As a result, the customs control the quarantine rights of the seaport, and foreign consulates intervened in the quarantine affairs of China's seaports under the pretext of extraterritoriality. Although various quarantine services have been opened successively in various ports in China, most of the quarantine rights are controlled by foreign medical officers.

It must be mentioned that in this period of time, port medical officers are a lucrative fattening, especially in two important immigration ports-Shantou and Xiamen, when they travel to the Philippines, Dutch East India, and French India. Vaccination certificates are necessary documents in the process of China and Straits colonies.

Thousands of immigrants leave the port by steamer every month, and doctors can take $1 from each passenger, and all fees charged by doctors are considered to be part of their compliance fees; therefore, for a person in this position In terms of doctors, the scale of their income is conceivable.

Shen Long used to see advertisements for the "fat shortage" that changed hands in Xiamen and Shantou on the advertising columns of "British Medical Journal" and "The Lancet". The asking price was 5000-6000 pounds, and even installments and one-time payment were allowed. Settlement of two payment methods, this is the pound in the early 20th century.

At this time, one pound is almost equal to seven Kuping two silver, that is to say, the shortage value of a port doctor is as high as 340,000 or two silver, how much is it to buy a Taotai at this time?

Prince Wang Yijie and Minister Natong opened the Qingna company to sell the official Jijue. The price of the official post was clearly marked. A postal department still only needed 300,000 silver. Sheng Xuan got this post when he got 300,000, and a port doctor The price of the official can reach one-tenth of Shang Shu, it is really terrible to think about.

"It's just a matter of collecting money. They are still arbitrarily insulting the Chinese during the quarantine process. They can take the opportunity to extortion and extortion. It can be said that they do nothing. If they can take this opportunity to recover the port's quarantine right, it will be great!" Shen Long gave Wu Liande details Explain the importance of port quarantine rights.

"China must reclaim the port quarantine right. First, it must provide protection for the people to resist the invasion of the epidemic and seek the happiness of the people. Second, it is the most shameful for the Haikou quarantine right to be manipulated by people without special that our country is a sick man in the east. Third, the quarantine costs are corrupted by outsiders; fourth, Haikou quarantine is an important matter for the state. If it is arranged by outsiders, it will be given back to the interests of outsiders, harmful to people's livelihood, and greatly lost the country. It should be recovered immediately. What I haven't seen... Cha Cha still suffers from this humiliation, only my country." Wu Liande quickly summed up the necessity of this behavior.

"This matter is a big thing for those port medical officers, but it is a small thing for embassies of various countries. If it is a big thing, we may not be able to get it back. This kind of little thing may be possible." Shen Long is still very good In reality, things like leasehold rights and mining rights, according to the current situation, do not have to think about it.

However, the most important stakeholders of the port quarantine right are only those port medical officers, "According to the current international standards, the port quarantine right must have the following conditions: one has qualified health personnel, two has qualified sterilizers, and three has There are four rodent control devices, four qualified quarantine and isolation centers, five suitable bacteria research laboratories, six infectious disease hospitals, seven safe running water, and eight infectious disease statistics reports."

"Now there are many doctors who return from studying abroad, familiar with Western medicine, and capable of inspection and quarantine in major ports such as Modu, Xiamen, Guangzhou and so They can take up this responsibility on behalf of foreigners; And our successful control of the epidemic this time also proves this!" Shen Long said.

So Shen Long and Wu Liande drafted the document together, and wrote down the matter in detail and took it to Shi Zhaoji. After Shi Zhaoji considered for a long time, he used the gap between the meetings to negotiate with the ambassadors of various countries. Shen Long and Wu Liande also tried to prove China It does have this strength, and it uses the contradictions among various countries to persuade them.

As a result, when the meeting ended, this matter was really handled by them. Wu Liande took the responsibility of forming China’s own seaport quarantine department, and immediately happily went to raise funds and recruit personnel to prepare for foreigners. Recovering the quarantine right of the harbor, Shen Long also worked with him to formulate the organizational structure, management regulations, etc. of this department, and at the same time selected several young people with outstanding abilities from his school and hospital to help him.

The news came back to the capital, and the imperial court, which was in the midst of the storm, was very excited. Newspapers around the country also wrote a special book on this, saying that this event greatly increased the morale of the Chinese. Therefore, it won the title of Wanjiasheng Buddha in the northeast. After that, Shen Long and Wu Liande had new titles, and many media called him two national heroes.

When the meeting was over, Shen Long's work in the Northeast was finished, and he was ready to return to Beijing.

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