All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2488: 3rd generation

"Oh, Yingjie, you are quite willing to contact me, how about it? Is the work going well?" There was a hearty laughter on the phone.

"Hey, you go to the villages every day. If you are comfortable in the newspaper, when you come to Yiwu for an interview, you have to tell me in advance, I will treat you well!" Li Weidong and Qiu Yingjie returned to Zhejiang from Beijing together The working college students were assigned to work in Zhejiang Daily.

"What's the matter with you, there are some old stubborns on it, you want to do something, they just can't do it, that doesn't work, they have a headache!" It seems that there is no one in the office over there, and this one started to complain about colleagues.

"It's all the same. Two days ago, someone scolded me for speculation. I just helped the farms in the county contact some private feed. Can this be considered speculation?" Qiu Yingjie continued his words.

"Even the Eight Great Kings of Wenzhou are going to be released. What kind of speculation are you." These college cadres are of similar origin, and they are not very popular with veteran cadres, so the exchanges with each other are very cordial. Li Weidong also revealed to him a little. Some of the above rumors, "Judging from the current situation, the next step is to further relax the policy, you can rest assured!"

"Or you are well-informed as reporters. Now I can sleep peacefully! By the way, if I write an article on this subject, can you post it?" Qiu Yingjie said Business.

"Your writing is very clear to me. What you write must be good articles. Now the daily newspapers are very short of articles in this area, especially your articles that analyze the current situation as a grassroots cadre. I can help you pass it to the general manager. Editor, as for whether to post it depends on the editor’s consideration, I think the hope is still relatively big!" Li Weidong said readily, "You can send me a registered letter after you have written it, and I will deliver it to you when I receive it. !"

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yingjie received the letter, went to the cafeteria to have a meal, and returned to the dormitory. Then he reviewed the article word by word, deleted and revised it, and finally copied it onto the manuscript paper neatly and stuffed it into an envelope. Second Sent to the provincial capital early in the morning.

After a few days, Deputy County Magistrate Jin came to the office as usual. The secretary had already made tea for him and organized the newspaper. Deputy Magistrate Jin took a cup of tea and took a sip. The temperature was just right for him. Nodded in satisfaction, and was about to pick up the newspaper to browse, the secretary reminded in a low voice, "Leader, today there is an article in the second edition of the provincial newspaper, you'd better read it."

Ok? Deputy County Magistrate Jin gave him a dissatisfied look. What newspaper do I use to arrange for you? Seeing the tangled expression on the secretary's face, he picked up the provincial newspaper and flipped it to the second page.

"Puff!" As soon as I saw the author of the title, the tea from Deputy County Magistrate Jin's mouth spurted out, and it said, "Speculation or normal commodity circulation?" "Author: Qiu Yingjie!

"Go against him! The speculative thing is reported to the provincial newspaper, this is for fear that the province doesn't know that he was speculating in Yiwu?" Deputy County Magistrate Jin patted the table and cursed, and he gradually calmed down after a few words. , Why does the provincial newspaper publish such an article? Has the wind changed again? And why is Qiu Yingjie's article eligible to appear in the provincial newspaper? Who else is behind him?

Chen Sanjin sat on the cold bench, Qiu Yingjie's article appeared in the provincial newspaper, and Deputy County Magistrate Jin also temporarily calmed down. He did not have to trouble Qiu Yingjie anymore, and now he can finally try to flex his muscles.

"Feather, if it weren't for you this time, I would really have to wait for Secretary Xie to come back! It's fine now, and colleagues from the unit I want to do are willing to cooperate. It feels completely different from when I first came here. This is all your credit!" Qiu Yingjie understood that if Shen Long hadn't helped him out, he might have been suspended.

After experiencing this event, he should have grown up, right? Shen Long refused to take credit, "With your ability, even without me, this matter can be resolved. Besides, what is our relationship? What are you talking about!"

"Next, I plan to continue to promote the construction of the Huqingmen Small Commodity Market. Now all the stalls use canvas canopies. In rainy weather, although the goods on the stalls are not exposed to the goods, it is difficult for the guests to come in. After all, who wants to buy things in the rain? And even if they buy it, they are not lucky to go out. What if they are damaged by the rain?" After thanking him, Qiu Yingjie ambitiously discussed work with Shen Long.

"Moreover, the Huqingmen market can no longer accommodate so many merchants. The scale of the market has to be expanded. If it expands as it is now, it will still be affected by the climate; you did not tell me last time that there is a kind of steel frame. The glass tile roof mode can build tall glass tile sheds, and then put all the stalls in the tile sheds, so that even if it rains, it will not affect the customers to visit the market! What's the matter, please tell me !" Qiu Yingjie asked.

In the future, the small commodity market will be moved from Huqingmen to Taizu Hall. It will expand from more than 200 stalls to 2,000. There are more than 10,000 customers who come to trade every day. The industry and commerce department has to repeatedly expand the stalls until it has expanded to 2,847. In short supply; given this situation, the small commodity market moved again after just over a year.

As Qiu Yingjie envisioned, the scale of the railway station’s moon-shaped reinforced concrete scaffolds was expanded to more than 4,000 booths, and the sales exceeded 100 million yuan in the first year of completion.

"The good things of the glass tile shed, let me show you a picture!" Shen Long took a pen and paper and sketched After a while, he drew out a sketch and introduced this architectural form to Qiu Yingjie according to the picture. The benefits of "...... Good light transmittance, even indoors, no need to turn on the lights during the day, not only saves electricity, but also reduces the possibility of fire...convenient construction, even if the building is forty to fifty thousand square meters, Can be completed in ten months..."

"Good thing, if the small vendors from Huqingmen can be moved here, more people will definitely be attracted?" Qiu Yingjie's eyes lit up.

"It's a good thing, but it's not something we can afford now! You can figure out how much so much reinforced glass cost, even if it goes according to the plan, Yiwu can't afford it; and the merchants in Yiwu and The passenger flow can't meet the demand!" It's easy to get rid of if you step too far. Now there are only a few hundred merchants, so you need such a big stall.

"So we should find a more spacious place first, continue to adopt the current model, and when the number of merchants and passenger flow have accumulated to a certain extent, and rely on rent and tax to save enough start-up capital, then consider the issue of the glass roof market!" This is the third-generation commodity market.

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