All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2822: The black ship is coming

Counting the time, is this time the same as the last time? The last time Shen Long came to this place with a warship, it was in the world of "Pirates of the Caribbean". At that time, he bombed the port of Nagasaki with the King of the Seven Seas and forced Mrs. Qing to surrender her pirate king token. Er, and now his target is not Madam Kiyoshi, but the Tokugawa Shogunate.

More than a hundred years ago, Ieyasu Tokugawa completely ended the rule of the Toyotomi family at the Osaka Summer Camp. Yukimura Sanada was killed in battle, and the Osaka Army retreated. Ieyasu Tokugawa's interior began to set fire to Osaka Castle, and the whole Osaka was burning. , The Tokugawa soldiers who attacked the gate of the castle climbed the rock into Osaka Castle by hand. The golden gourd horse seal handed down from the Hideyoshi era was actually discarded.

The entire city was turned into a sea of ​​flames. The castle tower built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi was also burned down by the Tokugawa Army. Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Yodohime's mother and son were found in a warehouse by the Tokugawa Army. Hideyori's mother and son were forced to commit suicide. Not spared, the Toyotomi clan fell, and Ieyasu Tokugawa unified Japan.

   The Tokugawa shogunate held the real power of Japan and formed a feudal ruling system consisting of the shogunate and feudal clan, namely the shogunate system. However, there are still some western daimyo who strengthened their own strength through contact with Western merchants and obtained Western weapons.

I don’t know if these things made the Tokugawa family think of the horror of the sixth demon king Oda Nobunaga, so the second-generation general Tokugawa Hidetada took further measures to ban religion, further banned Catholicism, and ordered all foreign ships not to be in the daimyo. Territory trade can only engage in trading activities in Nagasaki and Heido, but Chinese ships are not restricted by this rule.

   At the same time, the controls on the trade of the Zhu Yin ship were strengthened, and the western daimyo was prohibited from owning large ships with a load of 500 shi. The Zhu Yin certificate was only issued to a few high-ranking merchants in Kyoto who were closely related to the general.

Since then, the country has strengthened the strategy of locking the country many times, prohibiting Spanish ships from coming to Japan and cutting off trade with Portugal, forcing British businessmen to withdraw from Japan automatically. Now, after that, North Korea, the Netherlands and Chinese businessmen continue to maintain business contacts with Japan, but Subject to strict control, and can only trade in Nagasaki.

  Because Nagasaki is directly under the shogunate's territory, it is easy to control, and commerce can bring huge benefits to the shogunate. They firmly hold this interest in their own hands and prohibit other daimyo interference.

"Who is the current shogun? It seems to be the ninth-generation general Tokugawa Ieshige, right? This guy's nickname is quite interesting, haha, bedwetting general!" Shen Long couldn't help laughing, the Tokugawa family was seriously ill. Frail, slurred speech, nicknamed the bedwetting general, and also called the urinate public, which is even worse than the fifth-generation general Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's nickname dog general.

   Hey, it’s a pity that I’m over a hundred years late. Otherwise, I'll take Xiao Yanzi with me. Her bluffing temperament might be a good match for the female city lord Zhihu! In addition, the merger of Lien Heng during the Warring States Period was much easier to handle than when the Tokugawa family was dominated, right? But it doesn't matter, in the face of absolute strength, they are all scum.

From a distance, the guards in Osaka Castle saw this huge black battleship, and the entire Osaka Castle suddenly became chaotic. They hadn’t experienced the war for a long time. Suddenly such an unexpected visitor came, and Osaka was also panicked. What's the matter, what is this ship for?

Shen Long deliberately painted this ship black. Since he wants to force Japan to obey him, it is interesting to get a black ship. I don’t know if the Japanese will treat General Perry in a few years. Statue yourself in Nagasaki? Sure will? It is estimated that at that time I was not only the general who pushed Japan to abandon the switch to lock the country, but also their direct ruler, so how can there be few statues to record their great achievements!

The battleship slowly approached the port. Several Japanese-specific house ships approached cautiously and began to inquire about Shen Long’s origin. After hearing this, Shen Long laughed and told them directly, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to do business. This is a cargo ship, um, a cargo ship!"

   "The shogunate strictly ordered that you cannot enter Hong Kong without a seal!" The other party replied tremblingly, wanting Shen Long to leave.

   But how is this possible, I have come all the way, how can I not do business with me? I also hope to use your specialty copper and saltpeter to make weapons! Shen Long asked an emissary to come to the ship, then looked at him and said coldly, "What if I have to enter the port for trading?"

   The messenger's face turned pale, but he still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. He felt that Shen Long was just a ship and could make a lot of noise, so he refused Shen Long's proposal again.

"Okay, then you go back. I'll have a meal first. If no one comes to do business with me before the meal, it means you are going to war with me!" Shen Long waved his hand to let him roll back, and then began to enjoy lunch.

After the messenger went back, he rowed his boat back to the shore desperately, hurriedly and finally told the Osaka government before Shen Long fired the Osaka government hastily ordered strict guards not to allow the black ship to approach the port .

It is a pity that Shen Long had no plans to fight them personally. After eating and drinking, he commanded the battleship to open the porthole, revealing a black hole cannon. Osaka pursued it from a distance to see from the shore, his face was green, this Why are there so many cannons on a ship? There are no twenty cannons in Osaka, okay?

Compared with the end of Ming Dynasty, the level of firearms in the Manchus was regressed. Compared with the end of the Warring States period, the level of firearms in Japan was actually regressing. At least at that time, many families such as Oda, Date, Tachibana had their own. The iron artillery team, and developed different tactics according to their own situation.

   And now, Shen Long saw through the binoculars, those samurai on the shore still have katana in their hands? Expecting this thing to play against themselves, then they might think too much.

"Clean up the battleships in the port first." Shen Long gave an order, and the artillery began to roar. The battleships used by the Tokugawa shogunate to guard Nagasaki Port were destroyed by name. There was no way to cause any harassment to Shen Long, or even escape. I couldn't do it. Seeing the Tokugawa family's fortune disappeared in this way, Osaka was almost dizzy.

  In a short while, the shogunate warships in the big harbor were swept away, and Shen Long picked up a few prisoners and asked them to take a boat back to report, "This time, are you doing business?"

When he got to the shore, he spread the news to Osaka to obey. Osaka obeys the people around him and persuades him, “This matter definitely cannot be agreed. Although the black ship is powerful, it can’t get on the shore. We ignore him and he will definitely go on his own after a few days. Up!"

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