All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2838: So many secret edicts?

Shen Long's voice made the entire palace become noisy, and all the eunuchs and maids who heard it were crazy. With such a big incident, I don't know how many people want to be buried!

"The murderers, Hangzhou Fang Yan, Fang Ci, Jinan Xia Lagerstroemia, have nothing to do with anyone else! If you want revenge, come to Jiangning to find me!" Shen Longliang identified his identity, and then jumped onto the roof with the Ziwei and Xiaoyan. Under the watchful eyes of the **** maids and Ouchi guards, a few jumped out of the palace.

Seeing that the assassin was gone, the eunuchs had to inform the queen, the empress dowager and others. They were a little clever, and quickly found a way to inform Qianlong’s sons that since the old emperor is dead, the new emperor should succeed. Sell ​​well, then the future is bright! It's just that now I don't know who is the real successor, so I can only get confused.

   "The emperor, the emperor!" After a while, Mother Rong greeted the queen. Seeing Qianlong's miserable appearance, not only did the empress Nara's grief come from it, she cried out.

After crying and fainting three times in a row, someone reminded the queen that it was not the time to cry. Since the emperor had died, he had to deal with the most important matters quickly. Mother Rong also quickly whispered in the Queen’s ear. , "Queen, hurry up and call the twelfth elder brother over, if it is late, it will be too late!"

Empress Nala had two sons and a daughter. The youngest son, the thirteenth son of Aixinjueluo-Yongjing, was born on December 21st in the 20th year of Qianlong and died on July 24th in the 22nd year of Qianlong; the daughter is Qianlong The fifth daughter of Emperor Qianlong was born on June 23rd in the 18th year of Qianlong and died on April 22nd in the 20th year of Qianlong.

   Now there is only a single seedling left by the eldest son, the twelfth son Aixinjueluo-Yonghuang. Born on April 25th in the seventeenth year of Qianlong, he is only seven years old this year and has not yet left the palace;

   "But...but..." Na Lashi was also impulsive after hearing this. Does the mother-in-law don't want her child to be the emperor? This is not just a matter of wealth, as a prince, but also the son of a queen, if someone else becomes the emperor, will he have a good end? But the secret reserve establishment system established by Yongzheng made Nala Shi hesitate.

Perhaps after having had enough of the suffering of the Jiulong seizure, Yongzheng, after he succeeded to the throne, summoned the princes and ministers in the Xi Nuan Pavilion of the Qianqing Palace and announced, "Today, my sons are still young, and we must be careful about the establishment of the reserve. It was held, but I had to plan for it. Today, Zhen Zhen wrote and sealed the matter personally, hid it in a box, and placed it in the middle of the Qing Palace. After the plaque of Emperor Shizuzhang’s “Zhengda Guangming”, it is the highest point in the palace. To be prepared for fear, the ministers should know it."

Emperor Yongzheng ordered all the kings and ministers to discuss this approach, and none of the kings and ministers had any objections. The Emperor Yongzheng then ordered all the ministers to retreat, leaving only the prime minister’s affairs, the minister of the prime minister’s affairs, to collect the sealed brocade in person behind the "Zhengda Guangming" plaque. Qianlong was After the death of Yongzheng, he successfully enthroned with the secret edict extracted from the plaque of "Zhengda Guangming" by the officials.

After Qianlong ascended the throne, he naturally followed this practice, so he also hid the secret edict behind the upright and bright plaque. Nara Shi knew about this. If he called Yong Cong over, the secret edict was not his name in the end. Did it hurt him?

   While hesitating, there was another footstep outside, and someone announced loudly, "The Empress Dowager Chongqing is here!" It seemed that someone had already notified Qianlong's birth mother, Niu Colu, and Nara and others hurriedly greeted him at the door.

Niu Colu’s is 67 this year, but his bones are still strong. In the original history, this man died at the age of eighty-four, but now he has been hit so hard, it’s hard to say how long he can live. .

"It's this time now, and you still pay attention to what you are doing!" The old lady got out of the sedan chair, and her tears came out at that time. With the support of the **** maid, she walked tremblingly to Qianlong and looked at his death. , "Good my son, why did you leave Eniang and leave, how do you let Eniang live!"

   cried for a while, Niu Co-lu's suppressed his heartache, and turned to ask Nara's, "What are you going to do next?"

   "My child is now in a state of confusion and pain, and I ask the Queen Mother to be the master!" What else can Lashi say? Could it be that she wanted to bring her son over to the throne? Niu Colu's can only be arranged.

"You feel distressed, don't I feel distressed? But now it's not the time when our wife is crying and crying. The emperor has died, but the country cannot be ruled for a day, so immediately summon the princes and officials in Beijing to enter the palace and go' Take out the secret edict behind the plaque and help Li the new emperor ascend the throne!" She doesn't care who is the emperor, anyway, it is her grandson, she deserves no less honor.

  Nara's is different. If the children of other concubines become the emperor, her status in the palace will plummet in the future, but she is always reluctant in her heart and can only be handled by Niu Colu.

Niu Co-Lu first called the Ouchi guard leader, and after a severe rebuke, he made him commit crimes and meritorious service. The emperor was killed in the palace, and the guard leader knew that he was definitely over. Now that there is a chance of atonement, he must grasp it~www So he sent his guards to guard the gate of the palace to death. Except for the handwritten will of the Queen Mother, no one recognized his orders.

The empress dowager sent eunuchs and guards to summon all the important princes into the palace overnight. After entering the palace in a hurry, these people saw Qianlong lying on the dragon bed without breathing, and cried again. Niu Colu and Nara also cried. Then started crying.

   After crying for a while, Niu Co-lu said, "Well, in the future, there will be times when you will do your filial piety to the emperor, but for now, we still need to take out the secret edict and do all the things that should be done!"

So everyone came to the Palace of the Qing Dynasty again. The **** took the ladder and climbed the last time under the eyes of countless people. He stretched out his hand and took out a box from behind the "Upright and Bright" plaque. Just about to open it, the **** suddenly changed his face. "Qibi...Qibi empress dowager, there is more than one box behind this plaque, have all... been taken out?"

"Huh?" Now, both the queen and the princes and the princes are panicked. Behind this upright plaque, there is always only one copy of the secret edict of the prince. Even if the emperor is changed on the way, the new secret edict will replace the old one. Will there be multiple boxes?

   "All... take them out!" The empress dowager never expected such a thing to happen, but since the **** had already said it, she could only take them out and open them one by one.

   "You must remember the order and paste the serial number when you take it out!" A minister reminded, the queen mother nodded and told the **** to do the same.

   Then these people stretched their necks very long, as if a lot of ducks were pinched by invisible hands and lifted up, watching the **** take out one box after another.

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