All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 842: Magic university

"How many people are there in the entire magic world in England? There aren't even some large Muggle universities with a large number of students who graduate in one year. It's too difficult to rely on such a few people to promote the progress of magic!" Shen Long continued.

Hey, the teaching quality of Hogwarts is actually quite worrying. There are only a few graduates who can really come in handy every year, and they do n’t teach until high school graduation. Harry Potter graduated almost the same when they graduated. Seventeen or eighteen, is it equivalent to a human high school student?

No university education, no magic researchers, even the professors at Hogwarts, I feel that apart from a few people like Snape, few people will bother to study new magic, new potions, no wonder the magic world Since the Middle Ages, the Muggles have been thrown farther and farther away, haven't your education system been done well.

"So this situation must be changed. The magic world must have not only basic education institutions like Hogwarts, Dermstrand, and Booth Button, but also higher education institutions like human universities. Development; perhaps the magic world of a single country alone cannot complete such a huge job. "The population of more than 6,000 people in the magic world of England definitely cannot support a university.

However, there are also magic circles in the United States, France, and Eastern Europe. It is still hopeful that various countries join together to establish a university. It will bring together the elites of various countries to form a university, and then promote the progress of magic. Long is also good. He can feel that he can still enter and leave the world freely in the future. The magic world is powerful and can also improve his strength.

What does that have to do with sending international students to the human world? After all, Dumbledore was very old, and his brain could not be turned for a while, and he opened his mouth and wanted to ask questions, but he felt a little embarrassed, anyway, he was almost a hundred years old, and he had to ask a 14-year-old child?

"Human technology and wizard magic are not inseparable. If there is a good magician who can learn the most advanced technology of mankind, then find a way to integrate technology and magic, so that the magic world can master the power more and more, even When we were discovered by humans, we still have the power to protect ourselves! "Shen Long flickered.

He intends to turn this world into his own skill research and development base, and he will continue to provide himself with a variety of magical technical support to help him gain more powerful capabilities.

The combination of magic and technology is powerful. Let ’s use the firearms that are used by humans. The capacity of the magazines of human guns is limited. Changing the magazines in the battle will delay the time and affect the victory of the battle. What about curses? This is almost equivalent to having unlimited bullets.

Before the barrel is overheated or the rifling is flattened, it can be fired all the time, which will greatly enhance the continuity of firepower; and what will happen if the Lihuo mantra is fixed in the incendiary bomb? This is much more terrifying than any white phosphorus incendiary bomb; Shen Long easily came up with several ways to combine science and magic to increase combat effectiveness.

This is only for combat, and there is more to improve in life; in fact, the magic world has been ignorantly working hard in this regard, such as Hagrid ’s motorcycle, such as the Weasley family ’s. A magically modified car.

These are just accidental experiments that are generated because of personal interests. Without large-scale promotion and collective research, after this university is established, large-scale research can be carried out.

Dumbledore pondered for a long time before he raised his head and said to Shen Long, "Severus, I don't know if this is a good or bad thing for the magic world, but I can foresee that it will have a profound impact on the magic world. "

"I have to go back and think about it, and discuss it with a few old friends. Don't you disclose it to others for now?" Dumbledore stood up.

"Okay." Shen Long nodded and agreed, he felt that unless the magic world wanted to sit and wait for death, it would be a certain thing to set up a magic university.

It must be said that the bureaucracy of the magic world is still very serious. Although Shen Long ’s killing of Voldemort with human weapons shocked the entire magic world, they also really saw the power of science, but the discussion on whether to establish a magic university continued It took a whole year to see the preliminary results.

When Shen Long graduated from the fourth grade, Dumbledore finally told him the good news. After a year of long discussions, the International Federation of Magicians finally decided to establish the University of Magic.

This is not over yet. After deciding what to do, they started to blame where to put the school. The British magician naturally wanted to put the school in the UK. The US Department of Magic certainly hopes that the school will be built in the United States. And France and many Eastern European countries do not want to give up this good opportunity.

Everyone knows which country the university is placed in, and it will have a profound impact on which country. Therefore, for the problem of school location, the International Federation of Magical Arts has been involved for another year.

Fortunately, the magic world has mastered various magical technologies and abilities, which led them to finally find a suitable solution ~ ~ The International Federation of Magic finally decided to build a university that can move freely, and then take turns in each The country was stationed and placed in the UK for the first year, even next to Hogwarts College.

Then the second year is the United States, the third year is France, and the fourth year is in Northern Europe .... After all the Member States take turns, they will start the cycle again.

This plan sounds good, but what plan should be used to build this school, and how to raise the cost, the International Federation of Magicians began to blunder again.

Dumbledore was exhausted. He even felt that these things caused him more headaches than dealing with Voldemort. Poor old Deng had not had a few days of free time in recent years, and his energy was almost all on it.

Shen Long took this opportunity to brush up a sense of presence again. He donated a lot of money to the school that was about to be established. Lucius Malfoy also realized something and donated with Shen Long. With this Two huge sums of money, the school construction project can finally start.

In order to promote the exchange of magic schools in the world and lay a good foundation for the University of Magic, the long-suspended Triwizard Tournament was put on the agenda, but this time it was no longer Hogwarts, Booth Button and Demstrong. The exchange between the three schools, this game will be extended to magic schools around the world.

When the news of the game spread, the entire Hogwarts was in a state of excitement. Everyone knew that if anyone wins in this game, who will become the idol of the global magic world.



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