All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 957: Come and go

"I'll do a review first. I lowered my vigilance yesterday because of private matters. I didn't realize the danger. If it weren't a scholar, the regiment of our independent regiment and the villagers of Zhaojiayu Village would suffer! As a military chief, this was originally I didn't do well in my work. I will review it with everyone! "Before Shen Long began to summarize, Li Yunlong got up and said something like this.

"Lao Li, to say a review, I should do this review more than you. Zhu Ziming followed me all the time. When Zhao Jiayu Village was chosen as the regiment, Zhao Ziming and I went through the village and found no traitors. However, as a result, Zhao Ziming became a traitor. As Zhao Ziming's direct superior, my responsibilities cannot be pushed away. "Li Yunlong's voice just fell, and Zhao Gang came out to do a review.

Obviously it was a big victory. At the post-war summary meeting, everyone stood up for a review. This is the reason why the Eighth Route Army can grow and develop. If it is put on the side of the national army, I am afraid that it will have begun Grab the work.

When it was Shen Long ’s turn to speak, he wondered whether he should also conduct a review in the same way as Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang? As a result, as soon as he revealed this meaning, Zhao Gang waved his hand and said, "Xiao Shen, let's go directly to the topic. Lao Li and I are the heads of the independent regiment. If something goes wrong, it is definitely our responsibility. You are only responsible for tactics. These things have nothing to do with you. "

"Yes." Shen Long responded, took out the statistical table and began to report the results of last night, "..... This battle completely wiped out 103 agents under the first Japanese Army Corps of Japan's first team of agents, Mr. Osamoto Yamamoto. First name, Zhong Zuo .... A total of 76 German-made submachine guns, 84 anti-shell guns, 10 light machine guns, and bombs ... "

"The Independence Regiment Special Company has sacrificed eight soldiers, and twenty-six soldiers were injured, including five seriously injured. Three soldiers may not be able to return to the team!"

"These soldiers must return to the team. Even if they can't fight on the battlefield to fight devils, it's absolutely okay to be an instructor. The military skills they master are our army's precious wealth!" Li Yunlong said solemnly, and then he felt emotion, "Our independent regiment It can be said that the exchanges made in one battle set a record. If we can exchange them with the little devils in the future, it will probably not be too far to drive the Japanese devils out of China completely. "

"The population of Japan is much smaller than that of China, and they have pulled the front line too long, not only fighting at home, but also fighting on multiple lines in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. This has led to their lack of military strength, and many soldiers have not undergone strict training. I was hurried to the battlefield; now the proportion of veterans with superb marksmanship and excellent tactical qualities in the Japanese army is also declining, and our Eighth Route Army is growing. I believe that as the war continues, our Eighth Route Army and the devil ’s The exchange ratio will definitely continue to decline! "Shen Long said firmly.

His nose was slightly sour when speaking, these words were light, but behind these words, there were countless soldiers who sacrificed. One inch of a mountain and one inch of blood was not just a lie. In order to protect this land that gave birth to Chinese civilization, Countless benevolent people gave their lives.

"Xiao Shen, it seems that you not only have profound tactical attainments, but also have a long-term vision in terms of strategy! You can say that the words you just learned are the essence of" On Protracted Warfare! "Zhao Gang praised, saying After he glanced at Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong nodded slightly to make it clear that both of them felt that it was a pity that such an excellent young man only served as company commander.

When he meets the right time, he should be put on a heavy burden. I believe that he will certainly cause more damage to the Japanese devil in his new post.

"German weapons are really good. I really do n’t know. Is n’t our standing chairman a German mechanic? With such a good weapon, why is it like a bear? The German weapons gave our independent regiments. The independent regiments have all wiped out a brigade! "Li Yunlong grumbled.

"Old Li, don't worry about this batch of weapons. Although the German weapons are good, the supply and maintenance are a problem, and the number is small. It can't work in the hands of ordinary soldiers. I think it still applies to the superiors. Let Xiao Shen and his special combination be used together. "Zhao Gang heard Li Yunlong's words.

"I mean that too!" Li Yunlong has no opinion on this, as long as things can stay in the independent regiment, who has the right to use him, and Shen Long does indeed have the most effect on these weapons.

"In this case, we need some special training. After all, our soldiers haven't used the German submachine gun before!" Shen Long was certainly happy to use better weapons.

"Come on, let's talk to us about the details of the battle last night. I didn't understand a few places!" Li Yunlong didn't feel embarrassed to ask his subordinates because he was the leader, he knew that the battlefield was the most ruthless In places, if you learn a little more now, the soldiers under your hands will be a little more safe, and you will cause more damage to the little devil.

"Yes, let me start to talk about the gains and losses of fighting with the agent team led by Yamamoto Iki. If you find any problems, you can always point out!" Shen Long began to tell the truth. He did not feel that his arrangement was perfect. ~ Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and other cadres of the independent regiment are all slain from the blood of the dead corpses. Their combat experience is extremely rich, and they can certainly help themselves to make up for the omissions.

The facts are also true. When it comes to specific tactics, everyone's words become more and more. Shen Long and they talk to each other and learn from each other. The post-war summary meeting was stunned for more than three hours, whether it was Shen Long, Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and Guan Dashan and Shen Quan all felt very rewarding.

Li Yunlong's understanding of special operations has become more profound, and he has begun to consider applying some of these tactics to the operations of ordinary soldiers.

Shen Long learned a lot of valuable experience, and knew a bit more about the Eighth Route Army and the little devil, and also decided to modify a few tactical details that are slightly ahead of the times. These tactics are undoubtedly good, but unfortunately they are not Too much in line with today's reality, Li Yunlong's adjustment plan they gave is more in line with the current situation.

"Okay, today's meeting will be here, do you have anything else?" Zhao Gang was ready to declare the meeting closed.

"Head of the regiment, political commissar, I have another thing." Shen Long said, "It's not rude to come and go, and Yamamoto has touched Zhao Jiayu, can't we say it?"

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