All Heavens: I haven’t been a human being since Storm Red

Chapter 25 A new era has begun (please read it later)

Six o'clock in the morning.

Under the coercion of public opinion and colleagues, Lake and others held an emergency press conference.

"We will move millions of citizens and supplies this morning to a safe area three hundred miles away from the coastline. Please don't worry too much." Lake went into battle in person, and the dark circles under his eyes showed that he also had not slept all night.

"Rich people are given priority, right? What about us ordinary citizens!" Immediately, reporters in the audience launched a sharp offensive.

"Don't worry, everyone is equal and there are absolutely no privileges!" Lake said categorically.

"What do you think about the monster wall? Do you need to give the whole world an explanation?" someone else asked.

Lake took a deep breath and resisted the urge to beat these reporters to death. "We are also investigating this matter, but we have initially found that it has an inseparable relationship with the Charles Group. We have found evidence that they embezzled public funds and passed off substandard goods." , as a member of the human race, we don’t want that to happen, but it has come to this, and I will do my best to make up for it.”

"Mr. Lake, what do you have to say about the behavior of the Fanatic Monster Faction?" Another reporter stood up, and next to him was a photographer carrying a large camera.

Lake's apology quickly turned into anger, "I will give the most severe punishment to those crazy people who commit evil crimes!"

"What should we do if the Fanatic Monster Faction sneaks into the scene?" the reporter continued to ask.

For a moment, the reception was silent, and everyone stared at the reporters and cameramen.

The atmosphere is indescribably weird~

Even the bodyguards couldn't help but touch their waists, preparing to draw their guns and kill Iai.

"Haha, don't be nervous, I'm just joking," the reporter grinned, but his face turned ferocious the next second, "Of course it's not a joke!"

I saw the finger of the photographer behind me press a button under the camera, the telephoto lens suddenly popped open, and billowing smoke spurted out along with the pungent smell of gunpowder.

A cannonball is fired!

That's not a camera, that's a thermal weapon disguised as a grenade launcher!

Reike was stunned in place. When he wanted to get down, it was already too late. The grenade was like the sickle of death, falling straight on his crotch.


This explosion marked the end of the hard-line wall faction, and the monster wall truly became a hellish joke that made fun of all human life.

As for the two instigators, their bodies were pierced by dozens of bullets in the moment after the cannon was fired. What made those present shudder was that they were still laughing maniacally and shouting "Long live the monster" before they died.

Incidents such as this have occurred one after another in recent days, and various countries have simultaneously announced that they have entered the highest wartime state.

But the turmoil intensified. Under the crazy fire of the fanatical monster faction, many netizens began to tell the truth offline and took to the streets to demand an explanation.

The situation became chaotic and uncontrollable, and internal conflicts gradually emerged.

As the man said that night, the world is going to be destroyed, so why are you sitting in the office and not liberating your nature for once? Do what everyone loves to do.

The economy is on the verge of collapse and money is worthless in the face of doomsday.

The only place that is still functioning normally and has no impact is the Shattered Dome.

The night Lake died.

An important conference call is taking place.

There were not many people, but Chu Xin was present.

"Today's human world needs a reassurance of sufficient weight. I can't think of any other way to appease them." said the other end of the phone.

"So, do we want to reveal Baofeng Chihong's identity?" Chen Sheng asked in shock.

Sterk seemed to have anticipated everything, "This is indeed the best way to allow people shrouded in darkness to find spiritual support again, because human beings are always trapped by faith."

"But..." Chen Sheng was afraid that Chu Xin wouldn't want to.

In fact, Chu Xin is also thinking that the current turbulent world is very unsafe and can easily lead to various accidents, which may affect him.

The tsunami is coming, and all ships on the sea cannot avoid it.

After thinking about it for a while, he spoke, "I informed the Council of Elders about the situation on Earth. They don't care about these things. Their only goal is to fight against the Pioneer Clan, as long as you guarantee that this decision will not affect each other's stable cooperation."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and secretly guessed that the planet Chu Xin came from must be very civilized and advanced, and that his ideological consciousness and vision were different.

The next day.

In an office without any decoration.

Steck put on a brand new military uniform, with several rows of dazzling medals on his chest.

He adjusted his collar and walked calmly in front of the camera. His eyes were piercing, and the murderous undercurrent seemed to penetrate the hearts of the audience through the screen.

Chen Sheng behind the camera made an OK gesture.

"Ahem, I am General Sterk, the commander of Broken Dome. Today I will announce a secret to the world, news that can change the future."

Manhattan, Times Square.

Countless screens, large and small, all share the same picture: "Humanity is facing an unprecedented crisis. On the road to fighting monsters, we are not alone..."

Tokyo under reconstruction, Shibuya Crossroads.

On the Sony big screen: "In August last year, reinforcements from the universe arrived, and he merged with the Storm Crimson Mecha in a special form..."

Chengdu, Chunxi Road.

Countless passers-by stopped and stared at the 3D naked-eye screen in shock: "Since then, Storm Red no longer needs a driver, because the alien alliance is controlling it to fight monsters and has given us a lot of precious information to help us. We survived disaster after disaster safely.”

The common room in the Shattered Dome.

"What I want to say is that we are not alone in the universe, and the flame of hope has never been extinguished. As long as there is one mecha hunter alive, monsters will never be able to occupy the earth." Sterk's eyes in the camera His firm and contagious speech was like the roar of an ancient bell on Mount Everest, directly touching people's hearts.

Alexis, Sasha, Chuck, Raleigh and all the staff jumped up from their seats, disbelief filling their cheeks.

Alexis trembled and pursed her lips, "He, he...fuck, so shameful!"

Because he remembered that night when he confided his heart to Chu Xin, and when he thought of being embarrassed in front of aliens, he wished he could reopen it on the spot.

Chuck's expression wasn't much better. After all, he was probably the first person in history to raise his middle finger to mean "friendly" to an alien friend.

At this moment, the photo titled "The Art of the Middle Finger" has been quietly included in several museums as one of the greatest objects in human history.

"Next, I'm going to hand the camera over to him," Sterk said.

The scene changed, and Chu Xin's oppressive chest and head appeared in front of all mankind.


In those huge "eyes", there is a bit of soul-stirring light, as if this is not a dead thing, but a mechanical giant containing life and soul!

Because Chu Xin did not restrain the breath of his soul, this was a very mysterious operation, just like slowly exhaling from the mouth.

Maybe this is the "spiritual coercion" mentioned in online articles?

At this moment, there was no need to say anything else, and the people who were in a state of collapse boiled over instantly.

A new era has begun.

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