All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Vol 7 Chapter 44: King Yu is alive, times have changed

In the Tianque Pass, the King of Xia, who was in full control of the eight cauldrons and stabilized the guarding formation, suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, but He Heng took away his cauldron and cut off the brand, which damaged his soul.

"Damn!" King Daxia was extremely angry. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to find He Heng, smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces, and regain his cauldron.

However, at the moment when he was injured, there was turmoil in the Tianqueguan Great Array, and Jun Ru, who was standing outside, discovered the flaw and finally made his sword!

The icy sword light originated from the void, with the ultimate will to destroy and kill, destroying everything, like the will of the sky, like a sword like a sword, invincible and incomparable!


The sword light fell on the Tianque Pass, and with a crisp sound, a thrilling crack appeared in this world's No. 1 majestic pass.

Seeing this crack, dozens of experts in the real world of Xuanmen shot at the same time, and the mana that destroyed the sky and the earth hit the Tianque Pass.


The sound of the explosion spread all over the land of Kyushu, along with the collapsed Xiongguan, the scattered smoke and dust, the dynasty that lasted for 100,000 years, seems to have come to the end!

The song of defeat has been played!

Jun Rushi was the first to walk into the Tianque Pass with an expressionless face, and a icy sword light slashed down. All the people who belonged to Daxia in it were all dead!


There was only King Daxia himself, and two courtiers beside him. The countless powerhouses gathered in Tianque Pass by Daxia, who had cultivated more than tens of thousands of Taoist realms, died cleanly in an instant.

This is the style of Jun Rushi, the style of Tianjian.

He is not a god, not a devil, not a saint, but a god! He is ruthless, like the sky.

If it was replaced by other Chunyang, he might disdain to kill those low-level monks, but Jun is different, he has no such disdain at all.

His existence means destruction and slaughter. This may be the ultimate point of kendo. After all, the sword itself is used to kill people.

After killing everyone at will, Jun Ru looked at the King of Xia coldly and remained silent.

King Daxia also looked at Jun Rushi, there was still blood on the corner of his mouth, his breath was a little sluggish, and all his subordinates were dead.

The 100,000-year foundation of Daxia is about to be buried in his hands!

He is unwilling, but powerless, he has tried his best, Dan's reality is too cruel!

At this moment, he still retains the demeanor of the past, and he does not look like a dead end. After all, he is a true immortal of pure yang, and his great power belongs to himself. He is different from the emperor who lost his country.

"This king, I haven't lost yet!" This was the first and last sentence he said.

Immediately, he was stabbed to death by Jun Rushi's sword, and the icy sword light passed through his eyebrows, shattering his soul and shattering his true spirit.

"I, never talk nonsense!" Looking at the only corpse of King Daxia, Jun Ru said calmly. He didn't want to know how many backhands Daxia King still had, and how much residual power Daxia still had. He only knew that he was here to kill him today, and it was enough to achieve this goal.

Other things don't matter!

"Your Majesty!" With a cry of pain, it was an elegant old man who came from the dust, looking at the corpse of King Daxia, and couldn't help crying.

"Thanks Daoyi!" Jun Ru called out the old man's name, his eyes were extremely cold, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes from beginning to end, but at this moment there was a hint of solemnity.

Xie Daoyi is a true immortal of pure Yang, but this is not enough to make Jun Ru be moved, because the pure Yang who died in his hands is stronger than Xie Daoyi... everywhere!

But Xie Daoyi is different, he is a saint! Confucianism has been the only saint since the Middle Ages.

What is a saint? This is difficult to explain, because it is different from cultivation, but a special state of mind.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, if it does not prove Daluo, it will never be eternal. And thinking is different, it exists in the heart of every living being, it is almost eternal.

Xie Daoyi's cultivation may not be in Jun Ruzhi's eyes, but his thoughts are enough to make Jun Ruzhi move.

But at the moment, Xie Daoyi didn't seem to have any intention of doing something with Junru. He didn't look at Junru from the beginning to the end, he just hugged King Xia's corpse and left alone.

If Junru didn't stop him, he wouldn't be afraid of Xie Daoyi, so why didn't he act?

Only he knows it!

At the moment when Jun Rushi beheaded King Daxia, Di Yi's figure once again appeared in the mysterious space that he had entered in the past.

The last time, it was here that he was beaten back by Wu Fangzi with the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi, and almost lost his life, but was rescued by the King of Daxia with Jiuding.

But now, King Daxia is dead, but he is not in a hurry at all. Instead, he came here again. What is he going to do?

Very simple, he wants to send out a person, a person who shocked the world, his name is... Yu!

That's right, it was King Yu who founded Daxia in the past and overwhelmed the first generation.

"Who would have thought that the dignified King Yu would be suppressed here by the Xuanmen for a whole 100,000 years? I wonder if you still have some strength in the past, but if you think about it, you still have the ability to stir up the situation in this world. Let the deity come to liberate you. After all, you are also... my father!" In calm words, he revealed a shocking secret, Di Yi was cautious, as if he had experienced the last failure, he had already found the best way, and he had never been discovered by anyone. Soon came the real core.

Then, he saw a golden figure trapped by countless chains and restrictions, and smiled lightly: "Long time no see, dear father!"

"Niezi, what are you going to do?" After a while, a majestic voice came from there, very cold.

"Of course I let my father go. After all, I'm a dutiful son. I can't bear to have you trapped here. A generation of arrogance has become a toothless tiger." Di said.

A cold snort came from inside: "Niezi, if it wasn't for you at the time, how could Xuanmen suppress me so easily, and you still dare to come here and pretend, aren't you afraid that I will tear you apart?"

"Father, after so many years, you still have this kind of temper. If you were willing to restrain yourself, why did you end up like this? One hundred thousand years have passed, do you think you are still the invincible King Yu? Now you , it's just an old dog lingering and lingering, how dare you shake your prestige in front of me!" With a sneer, Emperor Zhou exuded an incomparable divine light, shrouded in a golden figure.

"Do you feel it? My current cultivation level is not worse than yours at the time. It's just that I don't have the general trend of your era, but now you don't have that general trend. Even if you come out, it's only comparable to me. , even more worried that you have been trapped for 100,000 years, and all aspects have already fallen to the bottom, how can you still have the ability to fight me?" Di Yi sneered.

The figure inside was silent for a long time, before he snorted coldly: "If that's the case, why are you still here? I have lost value to you. Wouldn't it be better for me to fend for myself here, or are you here to humiliate me? of?"

Di Yi smiled lightly: "Father, don't say that, you are actually very valuable, don't underestimate yourself. This time I'm here to release you, I just hope you can help me, you know, Da Xia has already Dying?"

"One hundred thousand years have passed, and anything can happen. It's not unusual for my Daxia to die." The voice inside said with a touch of vicissitudes and sadness.

Isn't that the case with his life? God has taken away his 100,000 years of time, and it is so sad to let the invincible him disappear into the crowd!

Di Yi smiled lightly, his golden pupils flashing inexplicable light, and then said: "Father, don't pretend to be this way, I understand you, although you have been in prison for 100,000 years, but with your Talent and perseverance will never stop here, and now there are no restrictions that do not allow breaking through the realm of gods and demons, presumably as long as you can get out of trouble, it won't take long for you to surpass the peak of the past, set foot in the realm of gods and demons, and reproduce the former divine power."

"Now that you know, do you still have the courage to let me out?" There was a sneer inside.

Di Dao: "Why don't you dare?"

Saying that, he broke the seal.

Inside came an old but majestic figure. His face was very similar to Emperor Yi, but he was more burly.

He is King Yu!

King Yu stared at Di Yi: "Qi, you really dare to let me go."

"Qi, this name is really nostalgic. Who would have thought that the second generation king of Daxia and the second generation Jun Tianzhu of Jiuye would be the third generation Jun Tianzhu. Everyone in the world must be curious about the origin of the third generation Jun Tianzhu. , who would have thought that he is the second generation!" Di Yi smiled, looked at King Yu at the same time, and said calmly: "Father, no one knows you better than me, you are very arrogant and self-righteous, so in the past If I end up being besieged, even my son doesn't care about filial piety, so he plots against you, it's all your fault!"

"Hmph, you are only greedy for power and position, so you colluded with Xuanmen, but you didn't expect that after I was trapped here, Xuanmen immediately crossed the river and demolished the bridge, so that you could enjoy my treatment, so It was you who fled to death in an embarrassed manner, changed your identity, regained control of Jiuye, and became a shrunken tortoise for 100,000 years." King Yu sneered.

The emperor did not change his face and said: "That's better than you. At least I have been free these years, but the indomitable King Yu has become a bird in a cage."

King Yu glared at him.

"Okay, now is not the time for us to quarrel, let's go out and talk about it first." Di Yi said, and told King Yu some information.

King Yu's expression froze, he looked at Di Yi for a long time, and finally nodded: "I agree to your request!"

"That's good, let's work together happily." Di Yi smiled lightly and left the space with King Yu.

At the moment when King Yu got out of trouble, in a vast world, Wu Fangzi, the master of the three sects on the Xuanmen, sat cross-legged calmly and suddenly realized this. Just as he was about to get up, a young man appeared in the room. in front of him.

"Don't take action, let him go. It has been 100,000 years, and he is no longer worth being suppressed by us." The young man said lightly.

Wu Fangzi hesitated and said, "However, if Yu Ruo goes I'm afraid it will have a great impact on the world situation."

"A big influence? No, he no longer has this ability. One hundred thousand years ago, this monarch needed to look up to him, but 100,000 years later, he is just an ant in front of me! But after all, he is also an old friend from the past, This time, I will personally take action to see him off." The young man said slowly.

Wu Fangzi's face showed surprise: "It is natural that you are willing to take action yourself. With your current cultivation level in the gods and demons, killing him is just a snap of your fingers. It's a pity that the former generation of arrogance is now dead and no longer."

The young man said slowly: "How can there be an eternal protagonist in the world. In the past, Yu's luck was in the lead. He thought he was invincible and arrogant, so there was a hundred thousand years of suppression. Now that he is out again, the world is no longer his era. He was eliminated by the times, and I was willing to see him off in person because of the old love. Of course, the more important thing is that the Galan world is coming soon, and people are unstable. My Xuanmen needs to show a little strength to the world. Look, killing Yu is just an incident, our top priority is to rely on the upcoming changes."

"Disciple understands that since you are about to be born, the masters of the other two sects will surely follow, Datian, after all, belongs to our Xuanmen!" Wu Fangzi believed to himself.

PS: The big chapter is a plus!

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