All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 11 4 Arrow Towers And 10 Turrets! Characteristics Of The Foggy World

Fortunately, the most indispensable thing in Lushan Mountain is water.

Otherwise, he would still have to worry about the water sources for his people.

Suddenly, Lu Yun sat up.

I selected a few selected pictures of arrow towers and turrets and uploaded them to the [Newbie Area Chat Channel]

"Huh, everyone is working hard. Please wake up to all the novice lords."

When Lu Yun thought of this, his mood suddenly improved a lot, and his fatigue became much lighter.

Sure enough, pretending makes people happy.

When someone saw a few more photos suddenly appearing in the regional chat channel, they clicked them out of curiosity.

Natural stone arrow towers are distributed on both sides of the road. There is a circle of crossbow muzzles above the tower, and the cold crossbows rotate slowly.

Another photo.

A row of thick iron cannon bodies were mounted on the high turret base, and the dark muzzles exuded a terrifying threat.

The messages in the group chat suddenly went silent for a moment, and then tens of thousands of messages flew up like a waterfall.

"B-level Excellent Arrow Tower?! It's only the second day that Big Brother has arrived!"

"C-level rare turret, with this thing, why are you afraid of abyssal species? One cannon at a time!"

"Which second-generation lord is this? He lives in games, is he a kryptonian from a big family?"

"If 10 forts were in my territory, I can't imagine what a lively, cheerful and happy little girl I would be."

"I have no future and just like to watch big guys show off their wealth."

[Tiangong] Lu Yun said: "I am new here, please give me some advice."

There was an uproar.

Everyone was shocked by the prefix territory [Tiangong] in front of Lu Yun’s name.

The chat area channels are all real-name.

The name is preceded by the name of one's own territory.

"It turns out to be the giant who broke the world construction record. I worship him from the front row."

"Our militiamen haven't even been trained yet, but the boss is already shooting arrows and setting up cannons."

"Boss, please take me!"

Immediately after that, I am new to swiping the screen, so please give me some advice.

The other second-generation lords have all noticed Lu Yun, the first lord who currently ranks among the best.

I secretly made up my mind to wait for the trading platform to open and exchange more resources with the big guys.

Lu Yun closed the [Qingcheng Mansion 88 Chat Area Channel].

Of course he didn't do this just to show off.

Appropriately brush up the reputation in front of you, and wait until the [Trading Platform] is opened later to facilitate business and sales.

Whatever you do, you have to have something to back it up.

People will believe you, and you will be comfortable when you are a seller.


Lu Yun was in a happy mood and lay on the bed to take a rest.

[Output of the Crossbow Office: Excellent Single Combat Crossbow (Breaking Crossbow)*20, Excellent Arrows*1000, Excellent Quiver*20]

Li Si led the craftsmen to work overtime to give Lu Yun a surprise.

【Breaking a crossbow】

Quality: D grade excellent

Attributes: Armor breaking +3, crossbow range is 300 steps (about 300 meters)

Introduction: A single person can pull it apart just by relying on his arm strength. With its existence, soldiers initially have long-range attack methods.

The crossbow with its own armor-piercing properties has considerable lethality, far beyond what ordinary bows and arrows can match.

Of course, it takes a long time to reload the arrow, which is a major shortcoming of the crossbow.

"This time, the chance of winning is 10% better."

Lu Yun looked at the panel prompts happily, lifted up the quilt, and pushed the door open.

outside the door.

Ten chivalrous warriors, wearing heavy Ming Guang Kai, holding Mo Dao that was about ten feet long.

Nearly a hundred soldiers behind him were wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, silent.

Just standing there gives people a sense of oppression.

"Set off!"

Lu Yun shouted.

"Got the order!"

A sonorous, powerful and uniform voice responded to Lu Yun.

Hundreds of people marched quickly for an hour, and they finally walked out of the territory.

On the distant horizon, heavy fog filled the air, and a dozen small green dots vaguely appeared in the darkness.

"The crossbowmen are ready, the swordsmen are holding the formation, and the others are ready to fight!"

Liu Changqing commanded loudly.

Behind him, 20 soldiers holding crossbows stood in a row, aiming ahead and ready.

Dozens of soldiers in chain mail were spread out, carrying torches.

Form a small circle to attract fog monsters.

In each small circular formation, there is a Mo Dao hand wearing bright light armor holding the formation, and the circular formations watch and help each other.

Hundreds of people pressed forward with an indomitable momentum.

The only quiet sound along the way was the crackling sound of burning torches.

at the same time.

The wandering humanoid evil spirits discovered this group of blood eaters, their noses twitched, and greedy fluids flowed from the corners of their mouths.

Pairs of green eyes lit up one after another in the mist!

There were more than a dozen humanoids in front and behind, crawling quickly, with muffled sounds gurgling in their throats.

"Throw the torch, the crossbowmen are ready to fire arrows!"

Dozens of soldiers all threw up the burning torches in their hands and rolled back on the spot. The bright firelight disappeared in a flash.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

The crossbowman saw clearly the evil spirit in the fog.

The running monsters finally came within the effective killing range of 300 meters.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

There was a uniform sound of firing crossbows, and countless arrows flashing with cold light impacted with huge force.

The scene changes.

Lu Yun stood on the stone city wall of the territory, using [Lord Panel Battle] to observe this encounter.

[Lord Name]: Lu Yun

Level: 7

Strength: 13

Constitution: 10

Spirit: 99

With his unpretentious personal appearance, he went to the battlefield, and the army was still focused on protecting him.

Fortunately, I might as well not go.

The most important thing is that the lord only has one life.

And it is bound to the territory mark.

The lord is dead.

The people of their own territory.

Will become a refugee again.

"It's over so quickly, good."

Lu Yun praised Liu Changqing's command on the battlefield.

He is not the "advantage is mine", the master of micro-control war.

Natural selection delegates authority to those with the ability to direct it.

Hundreds of well-trained soldiers, under the command of Liu Changqing, formed several circular formations to help each other and strangle the mutated tentacles.

"Stretch——" "Stretch——" "Stretch——"

The sound of an endless stream of crossbows being activated rang out.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Arrows with yellow talismans pierced the deformed form of the humanoid monster fiercely.

Every arrow fired would set off waves of monsters wailing and raining blood.

As pools of black pus and blood appeared.

In the battlefield situation, the hundreds of soldiers commanded by Liu Changqing achieved a complete victory.

After experiencing a victory, the pressure on Liu Changqing's shoulders was relieved a lot.

"Keep going, the destination is still 3 miles away."

He immediately moved in one direction, made a forward gesture and shouted.

The fog became more and more turbulent in the darkness, and there were unknown dangers hidden in the surging fog.

Without warning.

The direction of travel for hundreds of people changed and they embarked on an unknown direction.

"Does the mist still have this turning characteristic?"

Seeing this, Lu Yun pondered.

at this time.

Starlight fell on the heads of hundreds of soldiers. The starlight reflected the armor and exuded a dull golden light.

[When the stars shine: When you look up at the stars, your thoughts are racing in the other direction. When you are among the stars, you will never get lost! 】


Hundreds of soldiers broke free from the influence of the fog and turned around in the right direction.

Blessed by the [When the Stars Shine] buff.

Lu Yun was not worried at all that his army would get lost.

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