All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 23 In The Thunder, The Power Of The General Is Revealed! Drop Skill Book!

Entrance to the territory.

Why is it so quiet around here?

Liu Changqing suddenly raised his head and looked somewhere.

The soldiers behind him looked there in horror, opened their mouths, but no sound came out.

A broad, dark figure appeared from far to near.

One foot, ten feet, one hundred feet... until the sun covers the sky! !

Looking up at the sky, the hazy body of the giant creature awakens the fear deep in the human heart.

It seems at this time.

All sounds have disappeared, leaving only the chaotic footsteps of the monster.

The sound of heartbeats from far to near overwhelmed everything else!

Liu Changqing hasn't reacted yet.

A strong force came from behind, pushing him to the other side.

The muscles on the faces of the surrounding soldiers became tighter and tighter, with expressions of fear, panic, and despair appearing alternately.

A black thread appeared without warning!

" careful."

The young man with a broken arm pushed down Liu Changqing.

the other arm.

It exploded with a bang, splattering bright red plasma!

The fallen Liu Changqing's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene!

He struggled to get up.

However, the pressure of higher beings is like an insurmountable chasm!

Suddenly, Liu Changqing felt blessed in his soul.

"The territory is now in danger."

"Please come back, since Liu Changqing!"

Liu Changqing remembered Tang Modao's introduction and immediately shouted.

He was inexplicably lifted up by a force, and his blood rushed straight to his heart.

In a daze, Liu Changqing seemed to be relying on the light of the sword.

I saw an ancient general holding a Mo Dao, standing on the high city with continuous beacon fire, shouting loudly, and seemed to have courage beyond all men.

"The territory is now in danger, please start from **"

Hundreds of voices sounded in unison.


The pressure of higher beings disappeared and they were able to move.


After seeing the behemoth side clearly, everyone seemed to have been poured a basin of ice water on their heads, and their bodies couldn't help but start to tremble slightly.

at this time.

Six red gold figures passed across the sky.

Li Zhixuan was clad in heavy armor, riding on a galloping Pegasus, holding a red flame spear.

Gusts of gloomy wind came.

Li Zhixuan's shirt rustled in the wind, and he also rolled up the tassels on the heads of the five figures in the queue behind him.

[Human Immortal Bloodline] is exempt from the pressure here.

[Person of Righteous God] is exempt from the pressure here.

When Tenhyohaemon passed by.

The soldiers in the queue on the ground all raised their swords and saluted them.

"Monsters...monsters are attacking the city!"

The people from the territory who kept coming, holding swords and weapons, joined the army tremblingly.

"One person dies, a name is left in the family tree, and the ancestors are honored!"

Some people shouted loudly.

The lord personally promised that immortality plaques would be set up for the war dead, and the descendants of meritorious deeds would enjoy various privileges.

They are all people who are willing to pay blood for their own survival to defend their lives.

On the distant horizon.

Every black silk thread falls, harvesting a life like a monster weed.

The ferocious beast howled and ran for its life frantically.

The overwhelming ferocious beasts, carrying a large number of unknown monsters, are rushing towards the territory.

"The whole army forms an array!"

Liu Changqing struggled to leave the young man with the broken arm. Before he could say anything, he shouted loudly.

"Got the order!"

Li Zhixuan's commanding talent [entire army formation] instantly blessed them.

The fully charged magic turret shines with dazzling light.

Countless monsters were turned into powder under the power of cannonballs!

The two arrow towers on the northwest side and the other two arrow towers on the southwest side all fired out rounds of arrow rain.


The sound of arrows piercing the void is endless.

The attacks of thousands of people, carrying real damage, cleared away the mobs that had bypassed the attack range of the defense tower.

Under the superposition of the two buff effects of the whole army, [Thunder and Violence] and [Victory].

An additional 10 points of natural punishment damage fill the screen, floating like white real damage.

A large number of mobs performed a health bar disappearing technique.

The situation on the battlefield has not deteriorated beyond control.

Everything is under Lu Yun's control.

Li Zhixuan glanced at the ground with his peripheral vision.

There was a clear understanding in my heart, no wonder so many people are willing to follow the footsteps of adults regardless of life and death.

He no longer paid attention to the situation on the ground.

Li Zhixuan held a spear and led the five people behind him to form a heavenly military formation.

The red light of the spear was like a sharp blade, stabbing hard at the huge Weird.

[The personality of the righteous god is being determined! 】

[The judgment is successful, causing a maximum damage of 20% of the current monster's health in total! 】

A shrill scream of pain echoed all around.

Dense black threads surged crazily, harvesting lives one after another, trying to make up for the lost lives.

[Weird: Stitched Corpse]

Quality: C grade rare

Level: Level 35

Rules: Each thread symbolizing death accurately harvests lifespan and piles it onto one's body.

Introduction: The original spinning ball was infected by unknown fog rules, and was born into a strange death.

"Life restored?"

Li Zhixuan looked at the stitched corpse that was shot through with surprise.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhixuan moved his spear.

Arcs of electricity filled the sky, and rolling thunder sounded.

With the radiance of the spear, and the Thunderous Way of Punishment wrapped in the thunder of the Lord of Thunder, no matter how powerful the weirdness is, it cannot withstand it.

Shot after shot.

Li Zhixuan almost effortlessly stabbed the strangely stitched corpse to death.

That is to say, the level of Tianbing Yuwei is now low.


At their peak, they participated in the encirclement and suppression of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals of the Great Sage Qitian.

One look is enough to destroy this monster craze sweeping thousands of miles.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards rushed towards the Wulaofeng battlefield non-stop.

On the battlefield where the two sides fought fiercely.

Lu Yun relied on the domineering dragon spirit he had cultivated through the Yulong Dao Sutra. He held the mutated Tang Mo knife in his hand and slashed continuously, leaving afterimages.

The sword energy rose into the sky.

A series of extremely domineering sword energy, followed closely by the virtual shadow of the real dragon!

No matter how ferocious the monsters along the way were, they were all crushed to ashes by Lu Yun's level 49!


The settlement of elite monsters this time is as follows.

[Elite Monster Settlement]:

Enemy: Stitched Corpse

Battle result: great victory!

Basic reward: 5w energy

Additional reward: Skill Book [Wen Tao].

"Did you drop a skill book?"

Lu Yun's eyes moved, and a book with the fragrance of ink suddenly appeared in his hand.


Type: Skill book

Level: Level 10

Quality: B-level excellence

Attributes: Wisdom +10, Command +20

Introduction: One of the Seven Books of the Martial Arts, the Wen Tao Chapter, good military literacy will help you dominate the battlefield.

"A military skill book."

Lu Yun nodded slightly.

In this era of universal lordship.

A general who leads an army must have high requirements for military literacy.

So Lu Yun planned to give this skill book to Liu Changqing.

As for Li Zhixuan, his luxury attribute panel has no use for this at all.

In several small battles, Liu Changqing, who was quite talented in command, led his troops to fight with ease.


If the territory engages in large-scale group operations in the future, Liu Changqing wants to continue to keep up with the territory.

The old people in the territory can only keep learning and making progress.

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