All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 248 In Tiangong County, Lu Yun Came To Change Defense.


The crape myrtle world passed the territory relocation order props.

Successfully arrived in the Loa sub-sector.

Lu Yun passed through the luck network spread throughout the world of Ziwei.

Looking out into the distance.

The thin interstellar airflow is diffused with dim and pale light, and the cold and huge clouds of interstellar dust linger in it, rotating slowly and solemnly.

"What a heavy and domineering national destiny."

Lu Yun raised his head and looked up at the sea of ​​stars.

Use the official position of [Star Guard] as the medium.

His spirit instantly connected with the spirit of heaven and earth in this starry sky.

The scene changes that caught Lu Yun's eyes again!

Under the boundless sea of ​​stars on the surface, deeper within the laws of heaven and earth, there is suspended a huge golden net that cannot be described in words.

It is like an invisible dragnet that surrounds the entire Chi Yao galaxy and covers every inch of the starry sky in the Roa Sub-star region.

This network is composed of countless tiny dragon energy nodes, each node flashes with dazzling golden light and emits powerful human dragon energy fluctuations.

They are scattered in every corner of the entire Qi Luck Law Network, and are connected together in an orderly manner, forming a complex and precise structure.

Each node is independent, but closely connected, communicating and transmitting information to each other through delicate beliefs.

It can be said that this [Daxia French Open] is the true manifestation of the power of the system master!

Even just an ordinary person without any extraordinary powers.

As long as he is awarded the official seal by the Lord of Longting.

You can immediately use the Qi Luck Dharma Network to gain the power of human dragon energy and offset the monks' hundreds of years of hard work.

"Furthermore, according to the title of officials at the border of the Great Xia Great Wall, the French Open has drawn a total of nine layers of boundaries of varying depths based on different levels of power."

"The higher you go, the stronger you get."

Lu Yun hurriedly closed his Dharma Eyes and stopped looking at this endless giant luck net.

Gain or loss.

In his hand was a military document given by the Daxia official, recognizing the status of the official title of Longting's orthodox [Star Guard].


Even a truly carefree god encounters this magical net of peak luck, which can be called the way to gather people.

If you are not careful, the immortal's cultivation will be cut off out of thin air, and they will fall into the mortal world with hatred.


The Ziwei Realm rushed out of the space rift almost domineeringly. Around the space rift, the gravitational fields of galaxies and stars began to become unbalanced.

As a result, the orbits of a small number of stars and planets are disrupted, and the spatial balance within the galaxy is disrupted.

[Warning: You have entered Tianli territory, and the opponent has launched orbital strikes and fleet cluster countermeasures. 】

"It seems like there's a lot of movement."

Lu Yun was very interested and looked at the encirclement of fleet groups surrounding tens of thousands of kilometers.

This fleet encirclement is not static, it changes with the movement of the crape myrtle world.

Hundreds of thousands of frigates adjust their positions and angles to ensure perfect coverage of their targets.

Frigates are relatively cheap to build.

Looking at the interstellar battlefield, it is a small fast strike warship.

the other side.

More and more battleships began to take off from the star base dock, gradually covering the vicinity of the Ziwei Realm encirclement.

Combining devastating firepower and powerful armor, each battleship is the main firepower platform in interstellar combat.

Lu Yun took his time and used his GM authority to temporarily access the other party's Civilization Lord channel.

Edited a message announcement and sent it.

[Dear Star Governor: During the Great Xia Yun Dynasty, the successors of this civilized lord assessment are here to take office! 】

See this.

The tense atmosphere of the war, which was about to break out, relaxed.

"The new civilized lord who takes over?"

Feizi's originally tense face gradually relaxed, and the wrinkles on his brow slowly disappeared, replaced by an expression of relief and peace of mind.

"Please show your official seal of succession and perform a simple Daxia official technique on the spot."

Although Feizi recognized Lu Yun's explanation from the bottom of his heart.

But err on the side of caution.

He must witness with his own eyes that the other party can cast the Great Xia Dragon Qi Magic Bin before he can truly believe in the other party.


It is said that there were lords under the evil god in the other four star regions who were able to influence the era channel of everyone's lord.

"The vigilance is not weak."

Lu Yun directly used the [Star Guard] official seal to connect to the nearest dragon energy node.

The node flashed on the spot.

[Reminder: In the Luo A sub-sector, Feizi, the lord stationed at the Iron-Blooded Great Wall, sends a defense change application. 】


Lu Yun walked out of the inner space of Ziwei Realm, and what appeared with him in the Star Sea were 400,000 God Blessed Star Soldiers!

Distant starry sky.

Hundreds of thousands of frigates receded like the tide.

The retreat speed of the garrison fleet gradually accelerated, leaving a long engine jump trace in the star sea.

Inside the space station.

Feizi enthusiastically invited Lu Yun to sit down, and dozens of robots beside him served tea and drinks.

Jiutian Interviewer and Black and White Wuchang stood behind Lu Yun, bowing their heads respectfully and waiting.

[Warning: The levels of the three divine heroes in front are respectively the middle stage of Jindan, the middle stage of Jindan, and the early stage of Nascent Soul. 】


This scene made Feizi swallow secretly, subconsciously feeling that his successor was very difficult to deal with.

Since the level of divine heroes increases so quickly.

It can only mean one thing.

The opponent's lord has just completed the newcomer assessment period, and his territory level is the same as him!

Only level 6 territories can activate the [Captain] function.

"Loa sub-sector, stationed as a star guard, Feizi."

"Nice to meet you."

Feizi collected his thoughts for a moment, put on a smile, immediately stretched out his hand, and introduced himself very earnestly.

"Tiangong County, change the defensive star, Lu Yun."

Lu Yun's expression was kind, and he also chose to reach out and hold it lightly.

"Lu...Lu Luyun?!"

Feizi stood up suddenly, as if his whole body was struck by electricity.

His eyes widened and his pupils dilated, revealing the great shock in his heart.

"Lu Yun."

"You... are you the one Lu Yun who gave up the three million Hongwu Heavenly Army..."

Feizi took a step back and raised his fingers in shock. He needed to leave some space to face the sudden news.

His steps staggered a bit.

But Feizi quickly stabilized his body, and his heartbeat accelerated, reverberating in his chest like a drum.


It shouldn't be such a coincidence.

"it's me."

Lu Yun admitted openly and did not take the next step, looking around at the developments in the space station.

The shadow of a famous tree.

This murderer massacred all the challenging lords in the Fuso Kingdom and made a crowd of people outside the city.

A peerless hunk who could not be lifted up by hundreds of millions of lords of his generation.

Why did he just meet him!

All the unreasonable situations that Feizi felt before were accompanied by the word Lu Yun.

I got a reasonable explanation immediately.

Although Feizi's heart is turbulent now, his thoughts are confused, and he is at a loss.

"Master Lu."

Feizi tried to stay calm and tried to swallow the indescribable emotion.

The tone of voice was changed to that of an adult with humility.

"Let me introduce to you the world of the Loa sub-sector and the garrison situation of the Great Wall after you and I changed our defenses."

"As well as the duties that the Star Guard must perform during its tenure."

Hearing this, Lu Yun nodded slightly.

"Sit down and talk."

"Try the wine in my territory to see if it suits your taste."

Lu Yun handed over several jars of narcissus wine.

Mr. Wang, who came with him, was very discerning in displaying all kinds of rare fruits and melons.

Appropriately demonstrating one's own strength is also a diplomatic deterrent.


Hearing this, Feizi slowly relaxed his body, sat back on the chair tremblingly, and began to talk.

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