All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 35 Plane Trading Hall, A New Development Idea

The territory is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Territory layout reference (AI painting)

The layout of the villages everywhere is disorganized and appears to be a fly in the ointment.

Along the way.

Lu Yunbian and Bai Gui consulted on business ideas while improving the architectural layout of the territory.

Bai Gui once served as an official in the Wei State and also built dams and water conservancy. He had considerable experience in architectural aesthetics.

And Bai Gui is indeed a professional.

After his guidance, Lu Yun rearranged the layout.

The territory is now viewed from a high altitude:

Along the riverside, villages with white walls and black tiles are dotted here and there, like a moving picture of pastoral mountain dwellings, emerging from the haze of mist and rain.

Brick by brick, they all reveal the gentleness and tranquility of the Jiangnan water town.

Especially the quiet trails to Lushan Mountain.

The gate in front of the mountain was hidden in the thick fog, and then the fog gradually dispersed, making it feel like the fairy gate was wide open.

"Mr. Bai, where can I place this statue to look good?"

Lu Yun asked, pointing to the wonder building of the Pixiu statue.

"Sir, please put it in front of the plane trading hall."

“Once it comes, it can cover the surrounding area without delaying the architectural effect of the spectacle.”

"Secondly, it can deter residents of other planes and curb their evil intentions."

Bai Guiyuan refers to the courtyard of a classical Chinese-style hall.

After a good conversation, Bai Gui also had a good understanding of the construction of the Tiangong territory.


A huge jade recumbent statue fell to the ground.

Its body is like a tiger and leopard, its head and tail are like a dragon, its color is both gold and jade, its shoulders have a pair of wings that cannot be spread out, and it has a horn on its head that is tilted back.

"The ancient Pixiu."

"One horn is called the "Tianlu Beast", and the two horns are called the "Evil Beast".

Bai Gui talked eloquently to the statue of Pi Xiu.

"It is said that Pixiu has a mouth but no anus. It can swallow everything without releasing it. It can take in food from all directions but cannot get out."

"It can attract wealth and collect treasures."

Bai Gui said as he walked into the plane trading hall.

[Pixiu Statue] (Mutations affected by building wood)

Belongs to: Wonder (only)

Level: Mythical level

Construction scope: three thousand miles in radius. (Dongtian spiritual vein bonus)

Architectural characteristics: [Attract wealth and bring in treasures] [Build in wealth]

1. Attract wealth and treasure: 1 ray of wealth is produced every day; 1-3 props are randomly dropped every month (no limit to the level)

2. Prosperous financial resources: The amount required to purchase materials is reduced by 15%, and the amount of materials sold can be adjusted 2-5 times (once a day)

3. No thefts will occur in the territory.

Blessed buildings: currently blessed buildings (Dragon Gate Inn, Plane Trading Hall, Restaurant, Jade Crown Hat Shop)

Introduction: The title of "Tianlu Beast" means blessing from heaven.

"The Cave Heaven Spiritual Vein in Mount Lushan can also bless the range effects of other wonders and buildings."

Lu Yun said in surprise.

[Dongtian Spiritual Vein]: Jianmu is growing and absorbing, and the monthly output of spiritual stones has been greatly reduced.

Mythical buildings take root in the territory, affecting the flora and fauna of the territory's environment, and constantly absorb the aura around them.

If it were another newcomer's territory, it might not be able to withstand the growth of building trees and the massive demand for resources.


In Lu Yun's territory, there is a [Lushan] Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

Under the influence of the authority of the Jiutian Envoy, Lushan Mountain continues to breed new cave-heaven spiritual veins.

Jianmu absorbs the spiritual veins of the cave to grow, which in turn affects the changes in the territory's buildings.

The two influence each other, creating a virtuous cycle.

"The growth of building trees affects the territory and causes changes."

"Indirectly leading to an increase in the strength of the territory."

"The ability to explore outside the territory is enhanced, and the upper limit of harvested resources is also increased."

"The only drawback."

Lu Yun frowned, then relaxed.

in this cycle system.

The growth rate of building wood continues to increase.

[Lushan], whose spiritual vein resources are constantly being intercepted, has no hope of returning to the level of [Dongling Zhentian].

For Lu Yun.

Is it a loss?

Not a loss at all.

It will take hundreds of thousands of years for Lushan to return to the level of [Dongling Zhentian].

The architectural transformation benefits that Jianmu can provide can be seen all the time.

Moreover, when Jianmu grows up, the benefits of giving back are far greater than the benefits of [Dongling Zhentian] giving back.

The authority of the mythical Jianmu is not much different from that of the Western World Tree.

Can Jianmu, who can connect the divine world and the mortal world, really not be able to connect to other small world planes?

not necessarily!

Jianmu's [Bridge Building] attribute and the [Plane Trading Hall] in front of you can give you a glimpse of it.

Figure out the joints.

Lu Yun had a bold idea in his mind.

Immediately afterwards.

He followed Bai Gui and entered the plane trading hall one after another.

The hall is connected with doors leading to different planes, and dozens of strange races appear one after another.

"Bai welcomes everyone to the Tiangong territory."

"This is a trading hall that spans the world of mist and connects thousands of planes."

Bai Gui greeted everyone present one by one.

Neither does he appear to be as well-rounded as a businessman.

However, it takes care of most people's emotions in an all-round way, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Great Lord, I am Baguan from the Chris Galaxy. I have brought the technological creation of our galaxy - the positioning watch."

"Great Lord, I am a demon from the Xianxia plane, and I have brought the creations of our demon world."

These people seemed to know the price to pay to enter this door.

They each took out the resources and creations of their respective planes and worlds, hoping to exchange their favorite treasures back.

Lu Yun took this opportunity to check the attributes of the [Plane Trading Hall].

【Plane Trading Hall】

Grade: SSS Immortal Grade

Level: Level 1


1. When each transaction is completed, a 5% transaction commission will be drawn from both parties (can be adjusted freely).

2. Record the plane information coordinates of the world for any guest who comes through the door.

3. The flow rates in different worlds are adjusted to be consistent from the beginning of the transaction; at the end of the transaction, the flow rate returns to normal.

4. During the transaction process, the plane trading hall guarantees "fairness", "openness" and "transparency".

5. You can formulate ten rules for the trading hall and incorporate them into the operation of the plane hall.

Ability: Connect billions of planes as one, and can bring guests who are tens of millions of planes apart into one place.

Upgrade: When a certain transaction amount is unlocked, the plane trading hall will be upgraded.

Introduction: Provides face-to-face negotiation and buying and selling for all major plane races.

"Record the guest's plane world information coordinates."

"Develop ten plane trading rules."

"Jianmu's [Bridge Building] ability leaves a fixed two-way transmission point."

"The ability to store experience in [Experience Storage Pool]."

"The system's ability to [repair buildings (buildings and props)]."

"The experience catch-up attribute of the title [Leader]."

Lu Yun's brain was running rapidly.

He seems to have a special idea that supports an interesting plan.

"Build an alliance of new lords?"


"The layout is smaller."

Lu Yun's eyes lit up and he suddenly became enlightened.

He can send people to use the "Bridge Building" property of Jianmu to develop the plane of the "guest" whose coordinates are recorded by the "Plane Trading Hall" in the foggy world.

I artificially create one by one, and copies of the plane appear, and then sell them to other new lords.

Lu Yun has thought of all the gimmicks.

A world of mist, endless copies of lost planes, and massive rewards are waiting for you.

"First sell the plane entry tickets at a high price."

"Earn high commissions from the guests, and then charge the new lords to explore other planes."

To make money, you have to make double.

When the new lord comes back from exploring the plane, Lu Yun will collect the plane information and deduct the commission fee for entering.

Isn’t this a free source of exploratory intelligence?

It also saves the time and cost of exploring other planes and facilitates Lu Yun’s next development of other planes.

"During this period, we can provide services for repairing buildings and props and weapons."

Lu Yun's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if he heard the voice of money.

In the process of exploring the plane.

There will always be a time when the props of the people under your control will be empty, right?

When the durability of the plane building is exhausted, will it be damaged?

At this moment.

Lu Yun provides repair services and earns the newcomer lord some money.


None of this affects Lu Yun's previous "Newcomer Lords Circle" plan.

A free source of plane information, as a special benefit for other new lords who join Lu Yun’s circle.

The large number of plane exploration copies created by Lu Yun became the key to Lu Yun's control of the "newcomer lord" circle and his position as the leader.

There is no conflict between the two.

They even complement each other and bind the "newcomer lord alliance circle" more deeply.


Do you also want to join the "Newcomer Lord Circle"?


Hand over money, hand over knowledge, hand over ability.

The more Lu Yun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

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