All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 41 The Scarlet Siege Is Over! Don’T Fall Into Reincarnation And Interview Supernatural Power

The sky turned white and the darkness gradually faded.

Luxurious shadow defense towers stood at the weak points around the territory, constantly firing energy bolts.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The sound of several crossbow bolts hitting.

Picking up the scattered skeleton monsters.

There is a magical conversion pool in the high-level defense tower.

It can gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on its own and condense crossbow arrows.

Energy bolts fired through the shadow defense tower.

In the space of an hour.

The energy crossbow arrows will dissipate naturally!

Spiritual energy returns to heaven and earth.

[Eight Hundred Weak Waters] At the bottom of the river, there are layers of skeleton remains, strange bird broken wings, skeleton keels, reptile remains...

Countless monsters dropped weapons and piled up around the territory.

A large number of new people joined the territory.

Sweeping the battlefield one after another.

The dilapidated city wall.

The dragon's flames from the undead bone dragon were spat out and riddled with holes.

After all, the Rune City Wall could not withstand the scarlet erosion of the Undead Dragon Flame.

The rune circuits exploded one after another.

far away.

The surging scarlet blood mist melted like snow following the dim light.

"it's over."

Cui Chaoyang stood on the remaining bricks of the city wall, his expression confused and his voice hoarse.

He couldn't remember how many times he shouted heartbreakingly.

Cui Chaoyang only knew that of the hundreds of rune apprentices around him, there were only less than 20 left.

"We...we held on."

Countless people burst into tears, and familiar faces around them fell one after another.

The young man with a broken arm who saved Liu Changqing last time died in this battle to defend the city.

He once said.

When the territory stabilizes, I want to find a wife to go home to.


The energy shield provided by Rune City Wall failed to last until the second half of the night.

"we won."

The suppressed emotions of Ge Erdan, Liu Changqing and others were released and vented.

More than 13,000 sergeants fought bloody battles all night, until less than 3,000 people remained in the entire army.

What concept?

A fully formed two brigades are equipped with six regiments of soldiers.

At dawn.

Fight until there is only one group left.

From mountains of treasure chests.

Lu Yunkai issued a large number of orders to recruit civilians and soldiers.

But the newly summoned people.

It takes some time to get used to the military.

Times of crisis.

Lu Yun turned off Jianmu's [Bridge Building] magical power several times in a row.

This leaves time for the army to adjust.

They could barely hold on until the follow-up troops could catch up with the battle.

Wait until the undead boss monster appears.

Li Zhixuan raised the Nine Yuan Sword, and with one sword strike, the light was cold for hundreds of meters, killing the monster boss instantly!

Clearing hundreds of thousands of crazy mobs is troublesome.

A weak boss is very easy to kill.

The king of hell is aggressive and the imp is difficult to deal with.

A grand and crazy monster siege came to an end.

At the foot of Wulaofeng Mountain.

Old Uncle Wang was hunched over.

Rows of solemn sergeants stood beside him, stretching as far as the eye could see without an end.

There were stacks of immortal tablets for heroes and martyrs on the stage, neatly hung under the nameless stone tablet by Lu Yun himself.

"Go well, colleagues. We will die fighting for our territory."

"Even if the body dies in this world, the heroic spirit will not fall into reincarnation."

Lu Yun’s solemn and solemn promise.

He decides who will be given the next myth.

It is extracted from the myth of the underworld system.

No matter what, we must ensure that the heroic spirit will live forever.

The breeze blows.

The sound of clattering wooden signs sounded.

The names of tens of thousands of heroes float in the wind.

[Congratulations to the distinguished lord. Your territory has fought back, the monsters of the Crimson Mist. 】

Lu Yun looked at the battlefield filled with mourners in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The assessment period for newcomers is so cruel.

The more distant Iron-blooded Great Wall on the border of Daxia is full of blood.

This is a real cruel and bloody world of survival war.

[Congratulations, the level of your unit [Myth☆Heavenly General] Li Zhixuan has been raised to level 47, and various attributes have been improved. 】

[Congratulations, your unit [Legendary☆Heavenly Soldier] Li Yi level has been upgraded to level 34, and various attributes have been improved. 】

Nearly 10,000 system prompts.

Lu Yun focused on marking the screening prompts, and blocked other trivial matters first.

After this battle.

Although the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards were killed and injured, their collective level improved very quickly.

at the same time.

Lu Yun discovered that through the territorial defense war, many problems in the development of the territory were exposed.

At present, the individual combat capabilities of territorial soldiers are too weak!

If the troops summoned by the lord take the special elite route.

Then the troops trained in the territory follow the ordinary army route.

Li Zhixuan chose to give up his life.

Forcibly use the command skill of [East China Sea Kui Niu] to increase the combat effectiveness of the ordinary army in the entire territory.

It cannot make up for the fatal shortcomings exposed by the army trained by the people of the territory.

These soldiers were recruited by the initial people and trained the day after tomorrow.

The attack and defense methods are too simple.

They lack the attack and protection methods similar to martial arts, immortality cultivation, magic and other civilizations.

The development of the military, which is cultivated by the people, lacks a complete system for cultivating individual strength.

Tianbing Yuwei and the others are unable to provide immortal cultivation techniques.


The heavenly soldiers and feather guards come from the [Celestial Way] in the six paths of reincarnation. They are different from ordinary heavenly soldiers who enter the heaven through the way of world ascension.

Heels are different from ordinary people.

Tianbing Yuwei followed the ancient method of training the gods to return to the void and practicing the combination of the void and the Tao, and could not provide much help to the people of the territory.

"We must choose a development path that is suitable for our people."

Lu Yun pondered.

With good luck this time, we encountered a physical skeleton monster in the territory guard battle.

But next time the fog monster attacks?

Next time the fog monster attacks, how will your army deal with it?

Another similar question.

Jianmu's [Eight Hundred Weak Water] has one main guardian.

Lushan's [Galaxy Nine Heavens] has one main attack.

In addition, Lu Yun purchased a large number of advanced defense towers and advanced forts.

The territorial defense seems to be impeccable.


Once the territory falls into the special situation of being besieged, Lu Yun lacks the combat capability to take the initiative.

At present, the Tianbing Yuwei branch is compared with the ordinary army.

The quantity is rare.

Only suitable for sharp knife chisel formation.

Therefore, the number of violent troops in the territory's people's army must be put on the agenda.

The dark night gradually faded.

In the distant sky, a bright beam of light lit up, then moved from far to near.

The sky is filled with rays of light.

The Nine-Tian Interviewer used the mythical authority of [Interview Power] and [Psychic Resonance].

He was entrusted by Lu Yun and had just returned from investigating from afar.

"Your Majesty."

"The source of the scarlet mist has not been traced back to the source for the time being."

The nine-day interview made a hesitant report.

The authority from [Psychic Induction] was traced back to the source of the fog, and the result of the investigation was nothing.

"The impact of the scarlet blood mist on living creatures."

"Weichen found out the results."

The Jiutian interviewer bowed and strictly followed the ancient etiquette.

He truly deserves to be the top scout.

I got a clue in such a short time.

Lu Yun secretly admired it in his heart.

"Wei Chen, trace the source of the scarlet mist, and its trajectory has drifted away in the past ten years."

"I discovered that this kind of fog has always been wandering."

"Appearing near the territory is most likely a coincidence."

The Nine-Day Interviewer replied hesitantly.

The world of mist has buried countless worlds, and he doesn't dare to guarantee it.

Lu Yun was not in a hurry to refute.

"Under the influence of the scarlet blood mist, the mist creatures have an extraordinary desire for flesh and blood."

"The most intuitive impact."

"When the mist creatures face the people of the territory, their excitement and movement speed will increase."

The Jiutian interviewer summarized and reported the exploration information.

Hearing this, Lu Yun was shocked.

Fortunately, undead monsters attacked the city.

If you switch to a zombie monster, the excitement and movement speed will increase.

Lu Yun said nothing and let them cross the Ruoshui River.

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