All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 440 The Great Wall Of Concept Is Damaged! All Life Is In Ruins, And The Catastrophe Has Begu

Yanhuang realm.

Antarctic Great Wall Star Region.

"One, two, three, hit."

"In compliance with the decree of the Mother Goddess of the Abyss, I am here to completely break through the Great Wall of Humanity in Daxia."

As the abyss demons with different appearances used their magical powers, attacks fell on the Great Wall of Humanity again and again.

The [Great Sky Wall] formed by the magical powers of demons and the wishes of human beings squeezes and rubs against each other.

When the power of the laws of hundreds of demon gods in the Earthly Immortal Realm was released, it even caused the time and space near the Yanhuang Realm to be slightly distorted.

One after another, giant galaxies, like duckweed in the wind, were blown away not far from the original sea of ​​stars.

Then he got lost in the super space-time turbulence formed by the collision of hundreds of earthly immortals.

The sound of corroding laws of "Zila Zila" is endless.

One small world after another, natural disasters of Taoism occurred on the spot, turning into powder and dissipating.

Looking down at the abyss demon gods around the Yanhuang Realm, they are connected to the sky with their magic, and their outstretched hands are picking through the "dregs".

casually push aside some solid planetary worlds, and then throw them into the first level of Fuso Abyss to consolidate the foundation of the broken world.

"Master Demon God is here!"

"To take refuge in the True Realm of the Abyss is truly the most correct decision the Emperor has ever made!"

I saw a crowd of unkempt Fuso citizens, short in stature but strong and powerful.

"Wait until the day when Fuso rises again, when the python swallows the dragon."

"Long live the Emperor, long live the Daifuso Empire!"

Through the live broadcast of the Fuso Abyss Lords, the citizens watched the scene of world destruction in the distance with great excitement.

There is still a difference between immortals and mortals.

Not to mention the hundreds of earthly immortals who fit into the middle thousand worlds!

"It cannot be said that the desire to destroy the Yanhuang Realm will not die, and our desire to destroy them will not die!"

The leader of the country, Zhu Yuan, stared at the scene of destruction happening in front of him with a heavy tone.

The Yanhuang realm has experienced several great changes in human nature.

In the sea of ​​five stars in Daxia.

Those civilized worlds with billions of capitals.

Already under the early promotion of Tiangong Mansion, the humane revolution in the era of "Tao Fa Industry" has been completed ahead of schedule.

The century-old lord era.

The fate of the development of hundreds of millions of lords is deeply involved with the fate of the Yanhuang realm.


The fate of Yin and Yang in the great Xia Longting in the heyday of Guozuo still maintains the operation of the [Celestial Great Wall] regardless of the cost.

At this moment, the infinite incense of will power supports the super French net that connects the entire Yanhuang realm, and at the same time, it evenly spreads the magical power of the Abyss Demon God.

I saw ripples in the ever-ending sky of humanity, and then quickly calmed down.

This conceptual canopy Great Wall is composed of humane dragon energy.

Blatantly cutting off the boundary between the two worlds! !

"Noisy clown thing."

Zhu Yuan seemed a little impatient. He flipped his palm, picked up a long sword filled with golden light, and threw it into the air.

This long sword of humanity has images of mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars on the hilt, and its aura is majestic and sacred.

Rising in the wind.

With the luck of hundreds of millions of people, the sword actually expanded in diameter to the size of a vast world within a few breaths of time, and struck straight at the abyss demons who were crashing into the barrier.

The sword energy spread across thousands of miles in the year of Yao.

I saw that after the phantom of the golden sword killed several demon gods, its remaining power remained undiminished.

Following the causal connection between the Great Xia Dynasty and the Fuso Domain, the Fuso Abyss was once again torn apart and healed as before.

The sword energy of humanity is like a plow.

The Fuso Abyss is cut out of thin air into tens of millions of small spaces, folded layer by layer, and repeated over and over again.

The originally bright golden light gradually became dim.

"Chen Ke's revenge, let's collect some interest from you for the time being."

Zhu Yuan snorted coldly.

But at this moment, the perspective of all existences continued to rise, and the world below became smaller and smaller.

Chichi frosting sound -!

An illusory river of time and a gap in infinite dimensions exist inexplicably, and are separated from the time and space near the Yanhuang Realm.

I saw a pair of abyss-like eyes that seemed to see through the past, present, and future, appearing out of thin air on the sea of ​​stars.


Along with a loud noise, something seemed to hit a wall directly.

Small world vortex channels suddenly appeared inside and outside the Great Wall.

The golden sword of humanity was shattered in an instant.

at the same time.

The will of the era of national lords manifested, and they glared angrily. They could no longer bear it, and started fighting in an unknown time and space.

"The will of the finally couldn't bear it anymore."

Zhu Yuan groaned, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked pale.

"This time you have violated the National Era Will Agreement again. All Abyss Demon Gods are not allowed to enter or leave the True Realm of the Abyss."

"If you want to launch a plane war by relying solely on the abyss lords and their relatives, the abyss cannot defeat Daxia."

Zhu Yuan wiped away the blood, his eyes flashed with relief, surprise and madness, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

"Send the order to recall all the outer lords."

"Great Wall Watch Project 3.0 begins!"

The shadow of the purple and gold unicorn flickers, sitting in the hub of Yingtian Mansion.

At this moment, the Great Xia Luck Law Network spread across the sea of ​​​​stars is transmitting the orders of the king layer by layer.

The sky of the Great Wall of Humanity was breached, and the impact was far-reaching...

The sky full of stars became dim, the starlight was dim, and the world under half of the star field fell into deathly silence.

at this time.

Rounds of blood-red abyss moons faintly followed the Great Wall of Antarctica star field and crashed directly into the Yanhuang realm.

The size of the blood moon almost fills half of the Antarctic Great Wall star field.

Affected by the huge gravity, planetary worlds involuntarily escaped towards the Fuso Abyss.

"All soldiers are not allowed to look directly at the blood moon above their heads. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed."

"The blood moon crosses the sky, and disaster is about to occur."

Cao Wenzhao was silent for a moment as he watched the impact of the collision of opposing laws between the two worlds.

Another wave of strange phenomena appeared in the sky.

Meteors with dark red blood streaked across the star field one after another, seeming to bring uncertainty to billions of worlds.

"Hurry and tell His Majesty your decision."

Niu Rui and Yue Wuyan held their breaths and looked at each other, each showing expressions of shock, panic and uneasiness.

The two quickly spread the news back to the Tiangong territory.

The all-out plane war is coming sooner than everyone expected.

The war from the abyss attack ignited the entire Daxia Antarctic Great Wall star field at the fastest speed.

Under the Moon Spring Galaxy.

A total of 180 million planetary worlds are plunged into continuous war.

the other side.

Wuxian Great Wall Star Region.


The officials of the Heavenly Palace in the Xingshou Mansion simultaneously felt that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth suddenly became violent, and the cool night wind instantly blew out the candlelight in the room.

There were many commotions outside.

Lu Yun's eyes were filled with surprise, he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, turned around and spoke to the civil and military immortals present:

"Everyone must have seen the scene just now."

"The will of the abyss breaks the boundaries of the Great Wall of Humanity, and smoke breaks out inside and outside the Great Wall of Great Xia."

The immortal's spiritual communication is as fast as lightning.

After a while.

"The Yanhuang Realm has suffered a catastrophe, and the country's originally prosperous destiny has been swaying due to this impact... The development trend of the torrent of humanity has come to an abrupt end."

"I can't wait to lead the world straight into the Antarctic Great Wall Star Territory!"

"Following the general trend of humanity, we will soar upwards and lift up the Immortal City all over the sky, and be promoted to level 8 Immortal Mansion."

Dong Guo and Li Kui looked at each other and spoke first.

(ps: 1 Yao meter is equal to 105 million light years. Yao year here specifically refers to the speed of light traveling in Yao meter units for one year.)

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