All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 463: Taixiao Sea Of ​​Clouds, Immortals As Soil, Ten Palaces Of Yama (4K)


"I am late in escorting you, so please forgive me, Your Majesty."

Jiutian Interviewer, Li Zhixuan and other gods all handed over their hands.

At the same time, densely packed Tianyou Star Soldiers and Heavenly Soldiers Yuwei surrounded Lu Yun in the center on three levels outside.

Tu Bo, Dayi, Black and White Wuchang, General Xuehe, and the God of Day and Night suppressed their anger and brought up various magic weapons.

The war is about to break out.

[Congratulations, you are the "Deceitful Duck Immortal" in the early stage of the Murderous Immortal in Guoyun Town, Yushi Tiangong Territory. 】

[National luck reward*2.3 million. 】

[Currently, the country is filled with misfortune and calamity, and the development trend of the country has declined by 97%. 】

Lu Yun patted the dusty corner of his clothes and glanced at the floating light and shadow of [Duck Zun Guoguo].

I saw.

In the land of Zeguo developed in a certain basin, every family worships a duck fairy.

Along with the attack on Taixiao Yunhai, the Tricky Duck Fairy died in battle.

The duck immortal tablets worshiped by every family exploded on the spot!

"Duck Fairy... Lord Duck Fairy... has disappeared."

"Lord Duck Fairy!"

The first people in the country to be grieved were the gods in the temple and the large number of sect disciples who relied on the Duck Immortal for survival.

The cultivation system of Yazungui Country is different.

The disciples of the sect are actually relying on the Duck Immortal, the source of the domestic immortality, as a medium to cast spells.

Such as duck fairy transformation, duck feather skill, duck step and so on.

The duck fairy who is now in his prime has fallen.

All the monks and warlocks in Yazungui Country lost the source of their immortal realm and died on the spot.

See this.

Lu Yun has a deeper understanding of the strange and ever-changing practice system of the country on earth.

"It's just who told you."

"Those who can't even break through the Great Wall of Humanity in Daxia, can this Nantian Gate be easily entered?"

"Imperial order, Taixiao Yunhai, all laws are forbidden!"

Lu Yun looked indifferent, waving towards the Nantian Gate, and his clear drink spread throughout Taixiao Yunhai.


The yin and yang laws formed by the Heavenly Palace Codex and the Black Law of the Northern Emperor.

All of them are suspended in the sky above the sea of ​​clouds, circling and intertwining to form a network of luck that covers both Yin and Yang.

Compared with Daxia's Dragon Qi Law Ban.

These [Forbidden Laws] composed of the fortunes of immortals and gods from heaven and earth are billions of times more domineering!

"My realm, my realm can't even maintain the fairyland."

"No, Dragon Qi Law Ban?"

"No, it's the more tyrannical prohibition of all methods!"

Inside the evil business alliance camp.

Pseudo fairies, ghost fairies, and deceitful fairies in the fairy realm fell into the fairy realm one by one, and they were unable to use their magical powers and spells.

As for other killing warlocks in the Tribulation Stage, Mahayana Stage, and Fusion Stage, it is even more miserable.

in a blink.

Falling down three to two major realms.

"Your Majesty has an order..."

Maocai Jinwu took a deep breath.

"Kill without mercy!"

Ao Yin, Tu Bo, Madam Xuehe, Liu Changqing and other priests and immortals had cold eyes.

Rays of fairy light rose.

"Rumble, rumble..."

A murderous beast with deformation and pollution on its head and body.

He was directly hit to death by a yellow scarf warrior whose body size was hundreds of miles different from the front and back, and collapsed into the sea of ​​clouds with terrifying power.

"Everyone maintain formation."

"The mysterious bird of destiny descended and gave birth to Shang."

"The Chaoge Heavenly Army is not afraid of any enemy."

Hundreds of allied troops from the Wei Kingdom were frightened, but they forcibly cheered up and shouted the slogan that the black bird will never die and the Chaoge will never die.

"Where is the Golden Crow Heavenly Guard?"

Maocai Jinwu felt resentful in his heart.

As the dignified soldiers of the Heavenly Emperor, they did not immediately block the attack of the Duck Immortal.

What an insult!

Now, what is the concept of 30,000 Heavenly Guards with Golden Crow bloodline using all their strength to exert the magical power of the Great Sun?

Their speed and power are beyond the imagination of people in this world. The true fire of the sun burns everything.

It even ignited countless places in Taixiao Yunhai.

Just the aftermath of the real fire caused irreparable disaster to the evil business camp coalition forces.

The chirping of the Golden Crow is endless.

Since the recent period.

I don’t know how many times it has rained blood from the sky, the ghosts wailed, and the heaven and earth wept.

The successive deaths of strange immortals have long made the heavenly officials who recorded the stars in Chaoge feel numb.

The evil businessman seems to be standing on the cusp of a shocking change.

"Report, Your Majesty."

"The Yong Kingdom and the Wei Yi Kingdom... were completely destroyed, the land was lost, and all the people were displaced."

The older Tianguan fell to his knees and tremblingly reported to the demonic figure on the throne.

"Since the country is completely destroyed."

"Then swallow them!"

A strange dragon transformation phenomenon appeared on Di Xin's body, with black evil dragon scales covering his body.


The civil and military officials composed of foxes, rats, and mice in the city below were trembling under the lingering power of the evil dragon.

"Da Shang, Dashang!"

The people in Chaoge didn't know how serious it was.

All I know is that Dashang's territory is now unprecedentedly vast, and at the same time, temples dedicated to human kings have quietly appeared in various places.


Feizi, Qiao De and other lords were all numb.


Bright yellow light flashed across the sky from time to time.

From time to time, there are "rumbling" sounds and "streaming light" hitting the land of Shuilong Mountain.

I wonder if it’s because the force falling from the sea of ​​clouds is too strong.

Or is it because it is already the product of being banned from all laws.

The moment it fell to the ground.

They actually exploded all at once.

"Lord, the falling object thirty kilometers ahead seems to be an immortal..."

The troops responsible for detection reported loudly.

Xiao Kun was stunned when he heard this.

To the current level of development, Xiao Kun has grown into more than just a single unit such as the Golden Behemoth.

Come closer.

Only then did he realize that the existence inside the big pit was filled with strange, deformed, hazy and disordered stumps.

"They don't look like immortals... more like beasts."

Speaking of which.

The word "beast" caused the Iron-Blooded Lord camp to burst into laughter.

They, the lords who lick blood from the tip of their swords, are the most sensitive to the beasts spying on the Great Wall.

"Are these all the immortals who are rooted in the Martial Immortal Great Wall Star Territory and have fallen from the strange country on earth?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Kun's eyes.

Strange fairy like rain falling?

But how is this possible?

According to the dictation of Qiao De, the supreme commander of the Luohe Star Region, the underground country of Gui invaded the Great Wall of Humanity.

There are a total of 3,800.

Each of them is a strange country on the earth that holds hundreds of millions of armors, has a strange system, and is particularly prosperous in the law of killing.

I don’t know how many strange immortals have received the incense and worship of all people, and their Taoism has increased dramatically.

How long has it been?

Qiao De, Feizi and other iron-blooded lords rushed forward to check. He disappeared almost instantly on the top of the Dragon Peak.

Just one hour.

The detection-type units that were covered like a tide returned one after another, carrying strong fear and depression, even the epic-level units were no exception.

"It's really weird..."

Xiao Kun stood near what looked like a dead bird.

A feeling of oppression from a high-ranking person came to his face.

Immortals are different.

Even if you just take a glance at it, you will feel that there are all kinds of indescribable distortions in the soul, and each strange fairy is like a huge source of pollution.

Even such a strange fairy exuding unparalleled oppression had only a small wound on his body when he died.

Kill with one blow!

"It's a strange phoenix and a strange fairy. This is a strange phoenix and strange fairy..."

"On the Iron-blooded Great Wall, the strange phoenix and fairy who swallowed millions of Iron-blooded Guardsmen brothers... is now casually thrown into the sea of ​​clouds by God, and he cannot die anymore."

Feizi screamed and swallowed, the shock in his heart was unparalleled.

Xiao Kun was stunned.

Is this weird fairy so powerful?

Soon, as Feizi and Qiao De solemnly recounted, the eyes of other lords who had never seen the power of the strange fairy became wider and wider:

"Is the danger caused by the Fairy on the battlefield so terrifying?"

"More than that."

"There is still hope for the Great Wall Guards to pile up and replace the killing creatures below the immortal level."

"The strange immortals who reached the realm of human immortals back then were innately immune to all kinds of magic and Taoism. Only the dragon energy magic ban could control their arrogance."

"But... with the spread of evil thoughts and humanity, the power of the Dragon Qi Law has also weakened somewhat."

Feizi smiled bitterly.

Having been on the battlefield of the Great Wall for so many years, I naturally understand how lethal the strange immortals can be to low-level monks.

High lords who have not reached the level of the 8th Immortal Mansion should not even think about touching this field.

Immortals and mortals are separated by a natural chasm.

"According to the ghost laws of the underworld, you must retreat three hundred miles away."

Suddenly, around the body of the strange fairy, the silently guarding Riyu God appeared, and tens of thousands of Beiyin ghost officials beside him were mumbling words, as if they were using mysterious and unpredictable magical powers.

Channels of gloomy black flames rose out of thin air, and the area where the filth had continued to spread seemed to have been subjected to unpredictable means. First, the spread speed suddenly slowed down, and then gradually retreated.

"Where is Lux!"

Xiao Kun, Fei Zi and other lords only heard his voice.

Two hundred-foot-high yellow scarf warriors appeared out of thin air.

They looked at each other, each holding a giant axe-shaped magic weapon, and used both swords to accurately divide the corpse of the weird fairy.

at the same time.

Outside the vast Yinshi Fengdu City, there was a loud "bang" sound, divided into equal-sized and even bodies of strange immortals, and they hit the black gold and jade floor like meteorites.

The black and white statues of Wuchang and other gods stand on both sides of the Emperor's Hall in Fengdu.

His eyes were fierce and stern, and continued to emit a faint light, firmly suppressing the remaining evil nature.

Zhu Yin led the 猰貐 who followed step by step, skillfully handling the body of the strange fairy that fell from the sky and was purified by the Black Law of the North Emperor and the gods of the Yin Division.

Shovel after shovel, they were buried directly in the underworld.

Originally, if the buildings in the [Zhongyuan Ghost Festival] were to be reflected in the underworld territory, a large amount of materials and the power of incense would be needed.

Now the fallen immortal on the battlefield of Taixiao Yunhai.

All reduced to nourishment for the expansion of underworld buildings.

One million square kilometers, ten million square kilometers, one hundred million square kilometers...

The territories of the underworld worlds such as Ziwei Realm, Wuqu Realm, and Tianfu Realm also began to expand crazily after eating the bodies of the strange immortals!

A bright moon hangs high in the underworld.

In the vast and desolate land of the netherworld, buildings such as Wangxiang Terrace and the Ten Directions Hall of Hell appeared quietly.

The specifications of the underworld are further completed.

The first Yama Hall.

Specializing in the life and death of the human world, governing the good and bad fortune of the underworld, the death of good people, and guiding them to promotion; those who have failed to achieve half of their merits will be sent to the tenth hall for distribution, and will still be put into the world. Men will turn into women, and women will turn into men.

Those who have done more evil and have less good will be escorted to the high platform on the right side of the palace, which is called the Mirror of Evil, and they will be asked to look at them and see whether their hearts are good or bad in this world. They will then be condemned to the second palace and sent to prison to suffer.

"Take the prisoner Duan Hongfei."

The Tubo was wearing a royal robe, sitting high in the Yama Hall, and suddenly slapped the chopping board.

At this moment, with the return of the Ten Directions Hall of Yama, Tu Bo is now able to support the status of [Yam Luo Lord].

"The common people are not guilty and have a clear conscience."

Duan Hongfei's gloomy and ruthless chill went straight to his bones.

The terrifying coercive momentum of the ghosts and gods in the entire Yama Temple was superimposed, as if the ancient gods were pressing down on him.

"Ashamed or not."

"Go to the evil mirror and take a picture and you will know."

Tu Bo threw a law order on the ground, and a group of Beiyin ghost soldiers quickly suppressed Duan Hongfei.

Outside the hall, on the right side is the evil mirror stand.

Da Siming pushed the [Evil Mirror] with all his strength, and the extremely huge bronze mirror projected wisps of faint light.

For a moment, Duan Hongfei's pursuit of truth and his struggle along the way were clearly reflected on the bronze mirror.

"I really didn't expect that Duan Hongfei was bullied by the Mao people in his early years, so he harbored resentment."

"When he became an immortal, his first step was to refine these millions of people into Gu worms to achieve immortality."

"He is very thoughtful and extremely vicious."

Many Beiyin ghost officials shook their heads and sighed, this period of time really opened their eyes.

Among the hundreds of strange countries, there is not a single kind-hearted person.

It can be seen from this.

Evil thoughts and human nature are so harmful to people's ethics and morals, and their scope of harm is so wide.

the other side.

When Qiao De saw that all the fairies in the country on the ground were dead and injured, he suddenly came up with a bold idea.

"Everyone, now all the high-level fairy battlefields are being held back by the heavenly gods."

"Based on the number of immortals worshiped by the people of the Kingdom of Wei on the earth, there are about three to four in each Kingdom of Wei, and the paths of monks' cultivation are not similar."

"More than a few months have passed since the opening of the Nantianmen battlefield."

"It is now conservatively estimated that the few immortal gods left behind by the Gui Kingdom on the earth... will definitely not exceed the number of hands. It is even unknown whether they can maintain the country."

The other Iron-Blooded Lords quickly understood what Joad meant.

Kill him while he's sick.

"If we capture other treacherous countries on the ground, the benefits that the Iron-Blooded Lords and the Great Wall Guards will gain are beyond imagination."

As soon as this statement came out.

It immediately aroused the agreement of the surrounding lords.

Qiao De released his own deductive map, and first explored the nearby march route along Chentangguan, and soon found the nearest and weakest country on the ground.

The army of hundreds of billions of lords dispersed.

"If you encounter a living murderous monk along the way, you must kill him without mercy."

"Don't forget, you will drop merit coins when you kill them!"

When Feizi was about to break up the meeting, he added another sentence in the lord channel.

It was the right time for Lu Yun to create the copy.

The dropped items from the [Sandal Ningxiang-Nezha] copy were drawn out every ten according to the yin virtues and merits of heaven. Most of the benefits fell on Lu Yun and Nezha.

"Both support each other, right?"

"Let's see if your evil thoughts and humanistic counterattacks before death are more powerful, or if the Great God of Santan Haihui is better."

Lu Yun stood from God's perspective.

Watch as the army of iron-blooded lords and the alliance of evil merchants fight for each other.

On the surface, the competition between good thoughts and evil thoughts in humanity becomes fierce.


The evil businessman Chaoge spread heavy disasters, debts, and calamities in all directions, gradually affecting the giant lotus dharma body in Chentangguan.

“Good and evil are all in one thought.”

"Nezha, don't forget to keep kind thoughts..."

Lu Yun's murmur passed from the sea of ​​clouds to Nezha Temple.

It seems to resonate with the Nezha statue worshiped by all people.

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