All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 52: Tooth Dolphin Meat, Prerequisites For Level 3 Lord’S Mansion

[Epic-level Hundred Craftsmen’s House*1 construction completed]

[The scientific research value of your territory increases by 80, and the current total scientific research value is 300. 】

The higher the scientific research value attribute, the speed of scientific and technological progress will increase accordingly.

Lu Yun watched as the white beam of light gradually disappeared, and the full view of the Hundred Craftsmen's Mansion came into view.

The lobby building has a front porch, the roof is made of black awnings, and the walls are made of green bricks, which has a good thermal insulation effect.

Lu Yun walked in.

The lobby is quite bright, with frame saws, flat pushers, wood planers, carving knives and other items placed on the surrounding wooden shelves.

In the center stands a jacquard loom.

"Greetings, my lord."

Zhang San rushed towards him.

"You can use the resources in the territory's warehouse as you wish."

"Let's plan with Li Si and Cui Chaoyang within three days."

"We must carefully process a batch of rune city bricks."

Lu Yun waved his hand.

Open the large warehouse permissions of [Dimensional Annex Space] to Baijiang Gongfu.

"Well, I will make arrangements now."

Zhang San took over the authority and saw the dazzling array of territory resource storage, and a flash of shock flashed through his heart.

Could it be that a war is about to begin?

Zhang San speculated.

"Upgrade the lord's mansion to level 3 immediately and unlock the era of civilization."

Lu Yun explained.

When informed about climate change.

Lu Yun knew he couldn’t wait any longer.

He cannot wait for National Times to be updated to a climate change version.

Drag to the days version with shorter days and longer nights.

The speed of resource extraction in the subsequent territories will inevitably slow down.

Originally, the underworld territory was unlocked in advance, but the development of the heavenly palace territory was slowed down.

Add to that extreme climate.

Wouldn't it cost him his life?

Half an hour later.

Inside the Longmen Inn.

The flow of people coming and going, and the traffickers and pawns brought huge profits to the inn.

"I've met my lord."

Du Qiuniang gave her Wanfu gift and said hello.

Lu Yun took Xiu Niang and Wang Xiaopang, and happened to catch up with Yi Li, Jessica, and Zoe for dinner.

On the other side, Bai Gui drank a small drink alone.

"Come up together."

Lu Yun simply took everyone with him to the private room on the second floor.

Ellie, Jessica and Zoe came to the territory for two days.

Entering the private room on the second floor of the inn for the first time.

Before that, the high cost of the private rooms on the second floor had dissuaded countless people.

Lu Yun sat boldly in the box on the second floor, overlooking the bustling street outside the window.

Soon, several people served the food.

This time it was not a temporary waiter to pay off a drinking debt, but a well-dressed waiter.

The food served was dolphin pigs raised in the territory.

"Excellent roasted suckling piglet."

"Sir, please use it slowly."

The waiter finished placing the dishes and stood aside respectfully.

Wang Xiaopang’s mouth was full of food:

“It’s so delicious, this piece of pork melts in your mouth.”

"Sister, you should try it too."

The embroiderer took the meat and put it in a bowl.

She doesn't like eating greasy food very much.

After taking a bite.

Xiu Niang ate it like a wolf. Food that can increase attributes is very precious.

[Tip: You eat spiritual meat that contains a hint of dolphin blood]

[Physique +2, spiritual power +4, soul +1. 】


The chopsticks in Bai Gui's hand fell on the table in shock.

Several people on the left and right looked at each other, nervous and at a loss.

"Tooth dolphin?"

Seeing the skyrocketing attributes, Bai Gui felt a little bit of pain in his heart.

What did he eat?

Contains a trace of tooth dolphin blood.

That's not a pig.

That is Dangkang in ancient legends.

In the previous life, I had to live with the Lucky Cat and the Golden Toad!

"Who ordered you to kill Dangkang?!"

Bai Gui stood up anxiously.

"Master Bai, these little pigs are in heat and they can't hold it in any longer."

"Your Majesty, with permission."

"Just killed a few of them and brought them up."

The waiter wiped away cold sweat and hurriedly explained.

Lu Yun ate the pork slowly and wiped his mouth.

Under the influence of Jianmu [Myth of Mountains and Seas], many piglets with Dangkang bloodline appeared within the territory.

At first, Lu Yun was extremely happy.

There are thousands of pigs in the back, all of whom have the extremely Weibo bloodline of Dangkang.

Lu Yun was numb.

There are so many pigs, and with the fertility effect of [cuckold], it is impossible to raise them all.

He can't treat them all as treasures.

Lu Yun simply ordered people to kill a few heads for a taste.

Following the trend, it became a rare final dish on the Longmen Inn table.

Bai Gui sat back depressedly, pulled back a bowl of rice, and ate the pork.

Traveling all over the country for so many years.

This is the first time Bai Gui has seen what a big dog owner is.

Put other high-level territories.

When Kang appears, he has to be begged by his grandfather and grandma and enshrined in the temple as an ancestor.

This is a well-deserved legendary beast, and its appearance heralds a great harvest in the world.

Who dares to eat such an auspicious beast?

"The waiter will take Bai Gui to the inn and animal farm later."

After Lu Yun finished eating, he left first.

The newcomer Lord Mansion wants to upgrade to level three.

[Prerequisite buildings required: wonder building*5; level 5 residential building*300; military type*3, commercial attribute building*4. 】

Commercial property construction and other requirements.

Lu Yun's Tiangong territory has long been satisfied.

There are only five wonder-type buildings that are blocking the development.

Counting Lushan Mountain, Pixiu Statue, and City God Temple.

There are only three wonders in the Tiangong territory, and there are still two wonders left.

"I'm just going to visit the plane trading hall."

The first is to see if any of the Star God's dependents show up.

The second is to see if we can collect the construction drawings of the wonder building.

On the way to the plane trading hall.

Lu Yun opened it.

The [Qingcheng Prefecture 88 District] newcomer channel has not been opened for a long time.

“I’m so excited that the trading platform will be launched soon.”

"Purchase a large amount of ore, wood, and military training blueprints."

"What should I do if the resource points are not refreshed?"

"I'm used to using resource points to spawn monsters and upgrade."

News about many new lords flashed through one by one.

Lu Yun glanced at it twice and lost interest.

The development gap between their territories is too big.

Currently in the regional channel.

The best developed lord has just gathered resources and been promoted to level 1 territory!

It's nearly two levels behind Lu Yun's territory.

Before the personal territory is promoted to level 4 lord's mansion.

The second generation of various lords cannot communicate with family and national forces to collectively allocate materials and interfere with the development process.

[Tiangong] Lu Yun: "Acquiring the construction drawings of the wonder building, please contact me privately if you are interested."

The chat on the newbie channel in Qingcheng District 88 was quiet for a minute.

"The boss shows up!"

Then densely packed screens followed.

Lu Yun ignored this group of living treasures.

Previously, he found it too annoying to add friend information, so he turned off the private message function for friends.

It doesn't take a while.

Lu Yun’s private message list exceeds the upper limit of 999+.

After focusing on filtering out words such as "drawings", "wonders" and "transactions".

There are still 2909 useful private messages left in the private message list.

“So many construction drawings of marvelous buildings.”

Lu Yun was surprised.

The new lord has accumulated a lot of good stuff.

"It seems that after three days, we can gain a lot."

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